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Circular Arrangements

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Circular Arrangements

Table of Contents

Content Page
Questions 1
Solutions 19

Let’s get started…

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Circular Arrangements

S.1-6) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
Eight international delegates - Matthew, Spencer, Carmen, Juniper, Hamilton,
Lancaster, Davenport and Franklin are seated around a circular table at a
conference, facing the centre of the table. Each of them is from a different nation
from among Germany, France, Indonesia, Ireland, Spain, Australia, Canada and
Brazil. They are fluent in one of three languages from English, Latin and Greek,
such that at least two of them are fluent in each language.
Hamilton is seated third on the left of Juniper, and the two of them are the only
ones who are fluent in English. Matthew is from Canada and is fluent in Latin.
Hamilton is seated on the immediate left of Matthew. Lancaster is from Ireland
and is fluent in Greek. Franklin is fluent in the same language as Davenport, who is
seated third on the left of Lancaster and fourth on the right of Spencer. Juniper is
from Germany and is seated opposite Carmen. The delegates from both Brazil and
Indonesia are fluent in Latin. Davenport is from Australia and Franklin is from
Spain. Spencer is from Indonesia and is fluent in Latin.

Q.1) Who amongst the following does not speak fluent Latin?
a) Carmen
b) Spencer
c) Franklin
d) Matthew
e) None of these

Q.2) Which nation does Hamilton belong to?

a) Germany
b) Indonesia
c) Brazil
d) France
e) None of these

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Circular Arrangements

Q.3) Which of the following combinations is incorrect?

a) Franklin – Spain – Greek
b) Hamilton – Canada – English
c) Carmen – Brazil – Latin
d) Juniper – Germany – English
e) All the above are correct

Q.4) Which amongst the following persons are seated immediately next to each
other and are both fluent in Greek?
a) Lancaster, Franklin
b) Lancaster, Spencer
c) Lancaster, Davenport
d) Franklin, Davenport
e) None of these

Q.5) Four of the below five are similar in a certain manner and thus form a
group. Which of these does not belong to that group?
a) Carmen, Hamilton
b) Lancaster, Spencer
c) Juniper, Franklin
d) Matthew, Davenport
e) Matthew, Carmen

Q.6) Four of the below five are similar in a certain manner and thus form a
group. Which of these does not belong to that group?
a) Juniper, Hamilton
b) Lancaster, Davenport
c) Franklin, Lancaster
d) Carmen, Matthew
e) Davenport, Spencer

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Circular Arrangements

S.7-13) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
Eight statues are placed around a Disney-themed fountain, namely Grumpy,
Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Sleepy and Snowy, facing the centre. Each of
them is made from a different material from among Marble, Mahogany, Bronze,
Clay, Ivory, Jade, Cedar and Granite, not necessarily in the given order.
Grumpy is seated third on the right of the Granite statue, and exactly two statues
are located between the Granite statue and Snowy. The Ivory and Mahogany
statues are present immediately next to each other. Neither Grumpy nor Snowy is
made of either Ivory or Mahogany. The Ivory statue is not located immediately
next to the Granite statue. Bashful is located second on the right of the Marble
statue but is not immediately next to Snowy. The Marble statue is located
immediately next to both the Jade and Cedar statues. The Cedar statue is located
third on the right of Dopey, which is not made of Ivory. Doc is on the immediate
right of the Bronze statue, which is not that of Grumpy. Sneezy is not immediately
next to Grumpy, and Sleepy is not immediately next to the Marble statue.

Q.7) Which amongst the following is located third on the left of Bashful?
a) Marble statue
b) Sleepy
c) Grumpy
d) Cedar statue
e) Dopey

Q.8) Four of the below five are similar in a certain manner and thus form a
group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
a) Sneezy-Bronze
b) Sleepy-Clay
c) Happy-Marble
d) Grumpy-Cedar
e) Dopey-Granite

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Circular Arrangements

Q.9) Which of the following is the Clay statue?

a) Grumpy
b) Doc
c) Snowy
d) Sleepy
e) Happy

Q.10) Which of the following statements is true based on the given

a) The Jade statue is located immediately next to the Ivory statue
b) Sleepy is located second on the right of Happy
c) The Jade and the Mahogany statues are located immediately next to each other
d) The Bronze statue is located on the immediate left of the Granite statue
e) The Jade statue is located second on the left of Happy

Q.11) What material is the statue of Dopey made of?

a) Bronze
b) Marble
c) Mahogany
d) Ivory
e) Cedar

Q.12) Which of the below statues is present exactly between the Granite statue
and Snowy?
a) Snowy and the Bronze statue
b) Dopey and Sleepy
c) The Bronze statue and Doc
d) Sneezy and Doc
e) Bashful and the Jade statue

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Circular Arrangements

Q.13) Which of the following is the Jade statue?

a) Doc
b) Sneezy
c) Sleepy
d) Snowy
e) Grumpy

S.14-18) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
Eight chess players - Stacy, Mandy, Rick, Jack, Frank, Lily, Orion and Derek are
seated along a circular ring shaped desk such that each person on the inner side of
the desk is seated facing a person on the outer side of the desk forming two circles
in the process. Frank, Lily, Orion and Derek are seated on the outer side of the
circular desk facing the centre and the remaining four players are seated along the
inner side of the circular desk facing away from the centre. Each of them is from a
different place from among - Texas, Chicago, Detroit, Nashville, Austin, Boston,
Orlando and Philadelphia, not necessarily in the given order.
Jack is not from Chicago or Austin, and is seated facing Orion, who is not from
Boston or Philadelphia. The player from Orlando is facing the player from Texas.
Stacy is from Nashville and is seated facing the player seated immediately next to
the player from Detroit. Derek is seated second on the right of Orion. The players
from Austin and Texas are not seated along the same circle. The player from
Boston is seated on the immediate left of Derek. Lily is from Detroit and is not
facing Stacy. The players from Boston and Philadelphia are seated immediately
next to each other, with one of them facing Mandy, who is from Chicago. The
players from Orlando and Nashville are seated along the same circle but are
separated by at least one person.

Q.14) Where is Frank from?

a) Texas
b) Philadelphia
c) Boston
d) Nashville
e) None of these
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Circular Arrangements

Q.15) Who amongst the following is from Austin?

a) Stacy
b) Rick
c) Lily
d) Orion
e) None of these

Q.16) Who is Lily facing?

a) The player from Austin
b) The player from Boston
c) The player from Nashville
d) The player from Orlando
e) None of these

Q.17) ‘Stacy’ is linked to ‘Nashville’ in a certain manner, and ‘Jack’ is linked to

‘Orlando’ in the same manner. Similarly, which of the following is Mandy linked
a) Chicago
b) Philadelphia
c) Detroit
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these

Q.18) Four of the below five are similar in a certain manner and thus form a
group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
a) Detroit
b) Austin
c) Philadelphia
d) Boston
e) None of these

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Circular Arrangements

S.19-23) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
Eight friends - Jaya, Visakha, Girija, Raksha, Prasuna, Malvika, Sheetal and Nisha
are seated around a circular table such that half of them are facing the centre and
the remaining half are facing away from the centre. Each of them has their nails
painted in a different colour from among Green, Purple, Orange, Pink, Blue, Red,
Yellow and Black, not necessarily in the given order.
Prasuna has Green coloured nails and is seated facing the centre. Both the people
seated immediately next to Prasuna are facing away from the centre and have
Orange or Pink coloured nails. Raksha is seated facing the centre, but both the
people seated immediately next to her are not seated facing away from the
centre. Malvika is seated third on the right of Prasuna and third on the left of Girija
but has Blue coloured nails and is facing away from the centre of the table. The
person with Orange nails is seated opposite Malvika. Visakha is seated facing away
from the centre and does not have Purple coloured nails, but the one with Purple
coloured is not seated immediately next to Malvika and is facing away from the
centre. Jaya is seated second on the left of Girija and does not have either Yellow
or Black coloured nails. The person with Yellow coloured nails is seated between
Nisha and Malvika.

Q.19) Who among the following is seated second on the right of Visakha?
a) Nisha
b) Raksha
c) Girija
d) Malvika
e) None of these

Q.20) What is the nail colour of the lone person seated between Prasuna and
a) Orange
b) Blue
c) Red
d) Green
e) Pink
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Circular Arrangements

Q.21) Who among the following has Red coloured nails?

a) Prasuna
b) Malvika
c) Jaya
d) Nisha
e) Girija

Q.22) How many people are seated between Raksha and Prasuna, when counted
from Raksha’s right?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Two
d) Five
e) None of these

Q.23) Which of the below combinations is correct?

a) Girija – Facing the centre – Blue
b) Sheetal – Facing away from the centre – Pink
c) Malvika – Facing the centre – Green
d) Jaya – Facing the centre – Red
e) None of these

S.24-28) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
Eight family members - P, N, S, T, R, V, W and Y are seated for a family dinner
around a circular table facing the centre. Each of them has a different profession
from Artist, Dentist, Soldier, Banker, Judge, Underwriter, Carpenter and Lawyer,
not necessarily in the given order. There are three male siblings, two female
children, one female grandchild and one male grandchild among them, as well as
two married couples. Each of them likes a different book genre from among
Fantasy, Romance, Humour, Thriller, Mystery, Horror and Biography, with both P
and Y being females and liking the same book genre.

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Circular Arrangements

W is an Artist who is the head of the family and is seated immediately next to both
Y and T. W is seated third on the right of V, who is the female grandchild among
them. V is seated on the immediate right of her grandmother. R is seated second
on the right of W, who is R’s father. Also, R is a Judge who likes Biographies. W’s
daughter is the only person seated exactly between P and R. She is also an
Underwriter who likes Mysteries. Y is a Soldier and N is a Banker. Y is seated on the
immediate right of their son, and their spouse is a Dentist. S is an Underwriter who
is seated on the immediate left of her mother. The Soldier is the wife of T, who
likes Horror and whose mother likes Thrillers. The Banker is seated second on the
right of P, who is seated immediately next to the Underwriter and Carpenter. The
Carpenter does not like Fantasy, and the Artist does not like either Humour or

Q.24) What is the profession of the lone person seated between V and S?
a) Dentist
b) Banker
c) Artist
d) Soldier
e) Lawyer

Q.25) Who is the Carpenter among the following?

a) V
b) T
c) S
d) P
e) None of these

Q.26) Who among the following likes the Fantasy genre?

a) V
b) W
c) P
d) N
e) None of these
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Circular Arrangements

Q.27) What is the profession of the person who likes Thrillers?

a) Lawyer
b) Banker
c) Soldier
d) Both Lawyer and Soldier
e) Carpenter

Q.28) Which of the following combinations is definitely correct?

a) N – Banker – Humour
b) R – Lawyer – Biography
c) T – Dentist – Horror
d) S – Underwriter – Horror
e) None of these

S.29-33) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
Eight friends - Vamsi, Shaan, Arnav, Lekha, Prerna, Jyoti, Devaki and Mukesh are
seated around a campfire in a circular manner, facing the fire at the centre. They
are each having a different drink from among Fanta, Pepsi, Mirinda, Red Bull,
Mountain Dew, Sprite, Coca Cola and Limca, and are working in different firms
from among Infosys, HCL, Oracle and IBM, such that exactly two of them are
working at each of these firms. Except for those from HCL, no two persons from
the same firm are seated immediately next to each other.
The person drinking Red Bull is seated on the immediate left of the person drinking
Limca. Prerna is not drinking either Limca or Mirinda. Mukesh is drinking Sprite
and is working in Oracle, and is seated on the immediate left of Shaan, who is
working at HCL and is not drinking Mirinda. Jyoti is drinking Mountain Dew and
working at HCL and is seated opposite Devaki. Vamsi is drinking Pepsi and is the
only one seated between the person drinking Coca Cola and Devaki, who is
drinking Red Bull. The people working at Infosys are seated directly opposite each
other. Lekha is not the one drinking Limca. Each person working at IBM is seated
immediately next to a person working at Infosys.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.29) What is Arnav drinking?

a) Limca
b) Mirinda
c) Fanta
d) Pepsi
e) None of these

Q.30) Who among the following is drinking Fanta?

a) Shaan
b) Lekha
c) Arnav
d) Prerna
e) None of these

Q.31) Who among the following are seated immediately next to the person
drinking Mountain Dew?
a) Shaan and Mukesh
b) Prerna and Lekha
c) Lekha and Mukesh
d) Mukesh and Arnav
e) None of these

Q.32) Who among the following are working at Infosys?

a) Arnav and Mukesh
b) Prerna and Vamsi
c) Lekha and Arnav
d) Vamsi and Jyoti
e) None of these

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Circular Arrangements

Q.33) Who is seated opposite to the person drinking Sprite?

a) The person drinking Red Bull
b) The person drinking Coca Cola
c) The person drinking Pepsi
d) The person drinking Mirinda
e) None of these

S.34-38) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
Eight persons - Anshul, Nirmal, Varna, Moksh, Harini, Farah, Rashi and Seema are
seated around a circular table with half of them facing the centre and the other
half facing away from the centre. They like different cuisines from among
Albanian, Persian, German, Mexican, Spanish, Danish, Korean and Brazilian, not
necessarily in the given order.
Anshul is seated opposite to the person who likes Brazilian food. Moksh is seated
third on the right of the person who likes Danish food, who is seated between
Nirmal and the person who likes German food. Varna is seated third on the right of
Rashi and likes Korean food. Seema is seated on the immediate left of the person
who likes Spanish food. The person who likes Brazilian food is seated immediately
next to Moksh. Anshul does not like Danish food and Rashi does not like Brazilian
food. Anshul is seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately
next to Moksh. Either Anshul or Rashi likes Spanish food. Both Nirmal and Moksh
are seated facing the same direction. The person who likes German food is seated
second on the right of the person who likes Persian food. Both Moksh and Seema
do not like Persian food and are facing opposite directions, while Rashi is seated
facing away from the centre. The person who likes Mexican food is facing the
direction opposite to the one that Varna is facing. Only a maximum of two persons
who are seated adjacently are facing the same direction.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.34) Who among the following is seated facing away from the centre?
a) Varna
b) Harini
c) Anshul
d) Seema
e) Farah

Q.35) Who among the following likes Danish food?

a) Anshul
b) Seema
c) Farah
d) Harini
e) None of these

Q.36) Who is seated third on the right of the person who likes Korean food?
a) The person who likes German food
b) The person who likes Persian food
c) The person who likes Brazilian food
d) The person who likes Danish food
e) None of these

Q.37) Which cuisine does the lone person who is seated between Seema and
Rashi like?
a) German
b) Mexican
c) Spanish
d) Korean
e) Albanian

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Circular Arrangements

Q.38) Which of the following combinations is correct?

a) Moksh – Facing the centre – Albanian
b) Seema – Facing away from the centre – German
c) Farah – Facing away from the centre – Brazilian
d) Varna – Facing the centre – Mexican
e) Nirmal – Facing away from the centre – Persian

S.39-45) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
During a medical camp, eight doctors, namely Jai, Kush, Loki, Mansi, Neeti, Anita,
Pari and Charu, and eight patients, namely Roshan, Sashi, Tarak, Umesh, Varun,
Wasim, Sakshi and Yuvi are seated along a ring shaped table which resembles two
concentric circles, such that eight of them are seated on the inner side of the table
facing away from the centre and the remaining ones are seated on the outer edge
facing the centre. Each person on the outer circle is seated facing one other person
on the inner circle and vice versa. It is also known that the doctors are given
different numbered tokens from 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 and the patients
are given tokens from among 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Each patient is assigned to a
specific doctor and accordingly, they are seated facing each other. No two patients
or doctors are seated immediately next to each other. The above information is
not necessarily in the given order.
The person with token 80 is not facing the centre. Neither Sashi nor Umesh is
Loki’s patient, who has the lowest token number among the patients. Exactly three
people are seated between Tarak’s doctor and Kush, whose token is 40. Jai is the
doctor assigned to the patient with token 3. Neeti’s token number is higher than
that of Charu, whose token is 10, and there is only one other person whose token
number is higher than that of Neeti. Mansi is not facing the centre and Loki’s token
number has only one other multiple among the given token numbers, which is not
the highest among the tokens. Neeti is the doctor for Sakshi, whose token is 6 and
Neeti is seated on the immediate left of Pari’s patient. Tarak is the patient of Anita,
whose token is 60 and Tarak is seated on the immediate right of Varun’s doctor.
Umesh has a token number lower than that of Sashi and the difference between
their token numbers is 2.

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Circular Arrangements

Mansi is not the doctor assigned to Umesh. Sashi is not seated immediately next to
Loki. Roshan is Pari’s patient and is seated facing the centre. Roshan’s token
number is a multiple of 5. Exactly one person is seated between Wasim’s doctor
and Charu, whose patient is Varun, whose token number is a perfect cube. There
are three people seated between Neeti’s patient and Wasim, whose token number
is half that of Sakshi. Sashi’s token number is a fifth of that of their doctor.

Q.39) Who among the following doctors have the highest and lowest token
numbers respectively?
a) Charu and Neeti
b) Jai and Pari
c) Pari and Charu
d) Charu and Kush
e) Cannot be determined

Q.40) Four of the below five are similar in a certain manner and thus form a
group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
a) Roshan
b) Sashi
c) Yuvi
d) Tarak
e) Umesh

Q.41) What is the sum of the token numbers of Wasim’s doctor and Anita’s
a) 36
b) 75
c) 57
d) 63
e) Cannot be determined

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Circular Arrangements

Q.42) Who among the following represent the patients of Mansi and Kush
a) Umesh and Sashi
b) Yuvi and Sashi
c) Sakshi and Yuvi
d) Sashi and Umesh
e) None of the above

Q.43) Who among the following are seated immediately next to the one whose
token is 4?
a) The ones whose tokens are 30 and 50
b) The ones whose tokens are 20 and 70
c) The ones whose tokens are 10 and 50
d) The ones whose tokens are 70 and 80
e) None of the above

Q.44) What is the token number of the patient of the person seated on the
immediate left of Tarak?
a) 8
b) 6
c) 7
d) 4
e) None of these

Q.45) What is the token number of the person seated opposite Neeti?
a) 80
b) 8
c) 70
d) 6
e) None of these

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Circular Arrangements

S.46-50) Read the below information and answer the questions that follow.
Nine people - Bunty, Disha, Kunal, Shyam, Biju, Ramya, Leena, Yasi and Nazia, are
seated around a circular table, some facing the centre and some facing away from
the centre. They have different hair colours from among Auburn, Chestnut,
Caramel, Ombre and Burgundy, such that only a maximum of 2 persons have the
same hair colour. The above information is not necessarily in the given order.
Kunal and Leena are the only two people who are seated together, who have the
same hair colour as well. They are seated facing opposite directions to each other.
The Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of Disha, but it is not Kunal or
Ramya. Bunty is seated second on the left of Ramya, who has Chestnut coloured
hair. The Auburn haired person is seated immediately next to both Yasi and Biju,
but neither of them is seated next to either Kunal or Leena. Bunty, Nazia and Yasi
are seated facing the same direction as Biju. Nazia is seated third on the right of
Shyam, who has Ombre coloured hair and is seated facing away from the centre.
Biju is seated second on the left of Kunal and has Chestnut coloured hair. The
Chestnut haired persons are seated facing the centre, and Bunty has neither
Caramel nor Ombre coloured hair.

Q.46) Who is seated second on the right of Disha?

a) Yasi
b) Leena
c) Kunal
d) Nazia
e) Biju

Q.47) Who among the following have Auburn coloured hair?

a) Leena and Bunty
b) Yasi and Disha
c) Shyam and Nazia
d) Biju and Kunal
e) Bunty and Nazia

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Circular Arrangements

Q.48) What is the colour of Yasi’s hair?

a) Caramel
b) Auburn
c) Chestnut
d) Ombre
e) Burgundy

Q.49) How many people are seated facing away from the centre?
a) Four
b) Three
c) Six
d) Two
e) Three

Q.50) Which of the following combinations is correct?

a) Yasi – Facing away from the centre – Caramel
b) Biju – Facing the centre – Auburn
c) Bunty – Facing the centre – Chestnut
d) Kunal – Facing away from the centre – Burgundy
e) None of these

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Circular Arrangements

Q.1) Answer- C
As per the given information, we can get the below combinations.
Hamilton – English
Juniper – Germany – English
Matthew – Canada – Latin
Lancaster – Ireland – Greek
Brazil – Latin
Spencer – Indonesia – Latin
Davenport – Australia
Franklin – Spain
Since it is given that Franklin is fluent in the same language as Davenport, and each
language is spoken by at least two people, we can conclude that they are both
fluent in Greek, since Lancaster is the only one specified to be fluent in Greek. This
leaves only one other person, Carmen, who will have to be from Brazil, and only
one other nation that is not assigned, which means Hamilton is from France. Now
that we have all the combinations, the arrangement can be easily mapped out.
Given that Hamilton is seated third on the left of Juniper and on the immediate left
of Matthew. Carmen is seated opposite to Juniper, which means they are
separated by three people, so Carmen is seated on the immediate left of Hamilton.
Given that Davenport is seated third on the left of Lancaster, this would be on the
immediate left of Juniper and Davenport is also fourth on the right of Spencer,
which means Spencer is on the immediate left of Carmen. We are left with one
vacant position and one person, so Franklin is on the immediate right of Juniper.
The final arrangement is as follows

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Circular Arrangements

Franklin does not speak fluent Latin.

Q.2) Answer- D
As per the given information, we can get the below combinations.
Hamilton – English
Juniper – Germany – English
Matthew – Canada – Latin
Lancaster – Ireland – Greek
Brazil – Latin
Spencer – Indonesia – Latin
Davenport – Australia
Franklin – Spain
Since it is given that Franklin is fluent in the same language as Davenport, and each
language is spoken by at least two people, we can conclude that they are both
fluent in Greek, since Lancaster is the only one specified to be fluent in Greek. This
leaves only one other person, Carmen, who will have to be from Brazil, and only
one other nation that is not assigned, which means Hamilton is from France. Now
that we have all the combinations, the arrangement can be easily mapped out.
Given that Hamilton is seated third on the left of Juniper and on the immediate left
of Matthew. Carmen is seated opposite to Juniper, which means they are
separated by three people, so Carmen is seated on the immediate left of Hamilton.

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Circular Arrangements

Given that Davenport is seated third on the left of Lancaster, this would be on the
immediate left of Juniper and Davenport is also fourth on the right of Spencer,
which means Spencer is on the immediate left of Carmen. We are left with one
vacant position and one person, so Franklin is on the immediate right of Juniper.
The final arrangement is as follows

Hamilton belongs to France.

Q.3) Answer- B
As per the given information, we can get the below combinations.
Hamilton – English
Juniper – Germany – English
Matthew – Canada – Latin
Lancaster – Ireland – Greek
Brazil – Latin
Spencer – Indonesia – Latin
Davenport – Australia
Franklin – Spain
Since it is given that Franklin is fluent in the same language as Davenport, and each
language is spoken by at least two people, we can conclude that they are both
fluent in Greek, since Lancaster is the only one specified to be fluent in Greek. This
leaves only one other person, Carmen, who will have to be from Brazil, and only
one other nation that is not assigned, which means Hamilton is from France.

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Circular Arrangements

Now that we have all the combinations, the arrangement can be easily mapped
out. Given that Hamilton is seated third on the left of Juniper and on the
immediate left of Matthew. Carmen is seated opposite to Juniper, which means
they are separated by three people, so Carmen is seated on the immediate left of
Hamilton. Given that Davenport is seated third on the left of Lancaster, this would
be on the immediate left of Juniper and Davenport is also fourth on the right of
Spencer, which means Spencer is on the immediate left of Carmen. We are left
with one vacant position and one person, so Franklin is on the immediate right of
The final arrangement is as follows

Hamilton-Canada-English is incorrect since Hamilton is from France.

Q.4) Answer- A
As per the given information, we can get the below combinations.
Hamilton – English
Juniper – Germany – English
Matthew – Canada – Latin
Lancaster – Ireland – Greek
Brazil – Latin
Spencer – Indonesia – Latin
Davenport – Australia
Franklin – Spain

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Circular Arrangements

Since it is given that Franklin is fluent in the same language as Davenport, and each
language is spoken by at least two people, we can conclude that they are both
fluent in Greek, since Lancaster is the only one specified to be fluent in Greek. This
leaves only one other person, Carmen, who will have to be from Brazil, and only
one other nation that is not assigned, which means Hamilton is from France. Now
that we have all the combinations, the arrangement can be easily mapped out.
Given that Hamilton is seated third on the left of Juniper and on the immediate left
of Matthew. Carmen is seated opposite to Juniper, which means they are
separated by three people, so Carmen is seated on the immediate left of Hamilton.
Given that Davenport is seated third on the left of Lancaster, this would be on the
immediate left of Juniper and Davenport is also fourth on the right of Spencer,
which means Spencer is on the immediate left of Carmen. We are left with one
vacant position and one person, so Franklin is on the immediate right of Juniper.
The final arrangement is as follows

Lancaster and Franklin are seated immediately next to each other and are both
fluent in Greek.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.5) Answer- E
As per the given information, we can get the below combinations.
Hamilton – English
Juniper – Germany – English
Matthew – Canada – Latin
Lancaster – Ireland – Greek
Brazil – Latin
Spencer – Indonesia – Latin
Davenport – Australia
Franklin – Spain
Since it is given that Franklin is fluent in the same language as Davenport, and each
language is spoken by at least two people, we can conclude that they are both
fluent in Greek, since Lancaster is the only one specified to be fluent in Greek. This
leaves only one other person, Carmen, who will have to be from Brazil, and only
one other nation that is not assigned, which means Hamilton is from France. Now
that we have all the combinations, the arrangement can be easily mapped out.
Given that Hamilton is seated third on the left of Juniper and on the immediate left
of Matthew. Carmen is seated opposite to Juniper, which means they are
separated by three people, so Carmen is seated on the immediate left of Hamilton.
Given that Davenport is seated third on the left of Lancaster, this would be on the
immediate left of Juniper and Davenport is also fourth on the right of Spencer,
which means Spencer is on the immediate left of Carmen. We are left with one
vacant position and one person, so Franklin is on the immediate right of Juniper.
The final arrangement is as follows

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Circular Arrangements

Except for Matthew and Carmen, other pairs are seated immediately next to each

Q.6) Answer- E
As per the given information, we can get the below combinations.
Hamilton – English
Juniper – Germany – English
Matthew – Canada – Latin
Lancaster – Ireland – Greek
Brazil – Latin
Spencer – Indonesia – Latin
Davenport – Australia
Franklin – Spain
Since it is given that Franklin is fluent in the same language as Davenport, and each
language is spoken by at least two people, we can conclude that they are both
fluent in Greek, since Lancaster is the only one specified to be fluent in Greek. This
leaves only one other person, Carmen, who will have to be from Brazil, and only
one other nation that is not assigned, which means Hamilton is from France. Now
that we have all the combinations, the arrangement can be easily mapped out.
Given that Hamilton is seated third on the left of Juniper and on the immediate left
of Matthew. Carmen is seated opposite to Juniper, which means they are
separated by three people, so Carmen is seated on the immediate left of Hamilton.

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Circular Arrangements

Given that Davenport is seated third on the left of Lancaster, this would be on the
immediate left of Juniper and Davenport is also fourth on the right of Spencer,
which means Spencer is on the immediate left of Carmen. We are left with one
vacant position and one person, so Franklin is on the immediate right of Juniper.
The final arrangement is as follows

Except for Davenport and Spencer, other pairs are fluent in the same language.

Q.7) Answer- D
As per the given information, the Marble state is present between the Jade and
Cedar statues. So, the Jade, Marble and Cedar statues are in a straight line. The
Ivory and Mahogany statues are adjacent to each other. Two statues are located
between the Granite statue and Snowy, and Grumpy is third on the right of the
Granite statue, so Snowy must be third on the left of the Granite statue.
Bashful is located second on the right of the Marble statue but is not immediately
next to Snowy. So, the below partial orders of statues can be obtained.
i. Ivory, Mahogany
ii. Snowy, -, -, Granite, -, -, Grumpy
iii. Jade/Cedar, Marble, Cedar/Jade, Bashful
Since it is also specified that neither Grumpy nor Snowy is made of either Ivory or
Mahogany, the two statues on either the left or right of the Granite one should be
the Ivory and Mahogany ones.

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Circular Arrangements

Since Bashful is not immediately next to Snowy, based on the above order, we can
say that Bashful is either the second or third statue on the right of Snowy. And the
two statues on the right of the Granite one are the Ivory and Mahogany ones.
Since it is given that the Ivory statue is not immediately next to the Granite one,
the statue on the right of the Granite one is the Mahogany statue and the second
one on the right of the Granite one is the Ivory one. This gives the below partial

Since Grumpy is not the Bronze statue, the Bronze statue can be either the one on
Grumpy’s right or the one on the left of the Ivory statue, depending on the
position of Bashful. But since Doc is on the immediate right of the Bronze statue,
the Bronze statue has to be the one on the right of the Granite statue, which has
to be that of Doc. Now, we have only one option for Bashful, which has to be the
Bronze statue. Now, Snowy is the Marble statue and Grumpy has to be the
remaining Clay statue. Given that the Cedar statue is located third on the right of
Dopey, this is only possible if the Cedar statue is on the right of Grumpy, which
means that Dopey is the Mahogany statue. This leaves the Jade statue to be the
one on Snowy’s right. Sneezy is not immediately next to Grumpy, so Sneezy has to
be the Jade statue. Since Sleepy is not immediately next to the Marble statue, the
Ivory statue has to be Sleepy, which leaves Happy to be the Cedar statue.
The final arrangement is as follows

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Circular Arrangements

The Cedar statue is located third on the left of Bashful.

Q.8) Answer- E
As per the given information, the Marble state is present between the Jade and
Cedar statues. So, the Jade, Marble and Cedar statues are in a straight line. The
Ivory and Mahogany statues are adjacent to each other. Two statues are located
between the Granite statue and Snowy, and Grumpy is third on the right of the
Granite statue, so Snowy must be third on the left of the Granite statue. Bashful is
located second on the right of the Marble statue but is not immediately next to
Snowy. So, the below partial orders of statues can be obtained.
i. Ivory, Mahogany
ii. Snowy, -, -, Granite, -, -, Grumpy
iii. Jade/Cedar, Marble, Cedar/Jade, Bashful
Since it is also specified that neither Grumpy nor Snowy is made of either Ivory or
Mahogany, the two statues on either the left or right of the Granite one should be
the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since Bashful is not immediately next to Snowy,
based on the above order, we can say that Bashful is either the second or third
statue on the right of Snowy. And the two statues on the right of the Granite one
are the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since it is given that the Ivory statue is not
immediately next to the Granite one, the statue on the right of the Granite one is
the Mahogany statue and the second one on the right of the Granite one is the
Ivory one.

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Circular Arrangements

This gives the below partial arrangement.

Since Grumpy is not the Bronze statue, the Bronze statue can be either the one on
Grumpy’s right or the one on the left of the Ivory statue, depending on the
position of Bashful. But since Doc is on the immediate right of the Bronze statue,
the Bronze statue has to be the one on the right of the Granite statue, which has
to be that of Doc. Now, we have only one option for Bashful, which has to be the
Bronze statue. Now, Snowy is the Marble statue and Grumpy has to be the
remaining Clay statue.
Given that the Cedar statue is located third on the right of Dopey, this is only
possible if the Cedar statue is on the right of Grumpy, which means that Dopey is
the Mahogany statue. This leaves the Jade statue to be the one on Snowy’s right.
Sneezy is not immediately next to Grumpy, so Sneezy has to be the Jade statue.
Since Sleepy is not immediately next to the Marble statue, the Ivory statue has to
be Sleepy, which leaves Happy to be the Cedar statue.
The final arrangement is as follows

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Circular Arrangements

Except for Dopey-Granite, all other pairs include the name of the statue and the
material of the statue on the right of it.

Q.9) Answer- A
As per the given information, the Marble state is present between the Jade and
Cedar statues. So, the Jade, Marble and Cedar statues are in a straight line. The
Ivory and Mahogany statues are adjacent to each other. Two statues are located
between the Granite statue and Snowy, and Grumpy is third on the right of the
Granite statue, so Snowy must be third on the left of the Granite statue. Bashful is
located second on the right of the Marble statue but is not immediately next to
Snowy. So, the below partial orders of statues can be obtained.
i. Ivory, Mahogany
ii. Snowy, -, -, Granite, -, -, Grumpy
iii. Jade/Cedar, Marble, Cedar/Jade, Bashful
Since it is also specified that neither Grumpy nor Snowy is made of either Ivory or
Mahogany, the two statues on either the left or right of the Granite one should be
the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since Bashful is not immediately next to Snowy,
based on the above order, we can say that Bashful is either the second or third
statue on the right of Snowy. And the two statues on the right of the Granite one
are the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since it is given that the Ivory statue is not
immediately next to the Granite one, the statue on the right of the Granite one is
the Mahogany statue and the second one on the right of the Granite one is the
Ivory one. This gives the below partial arrangement.

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Circular Arrangements

Since Grumpy is not the Bronze statue, the Bronze statue can be either the one on
Grumpy’s right or the one on the left of the Ivory statue, depending on the
position of Bashful.
But since Doc is on the immediate right of the Bronze statue, the Bronze statue
has to be the one on the right of the Granite statue, which has to be that of Doc.
Now, we have only one option for Bashful, which has to be the Bronze statue.
Now, Snowy is the Marble statue and Grumpy has to be the remaining Clay statue.
Given that the Cedar statue is located third on the right of Dopey, this is only
possible if the Cedar statue is on the right of Grumpy, which means that Dopey is
the Mahogany statue. This leaves the Jade statue to be the one on Snowy’s right.
Sneezy is not immediately next to Grumpy, so Sneezy has to be the Jade statue.
Since Sleepy is not immediately next to the Marble statue, the Ivory statue has to
be Sleepy, which leaves Happy to be the Cedar statue.
The final arrangement is as follows

Grumpy is the Clay statue.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.10) Answer- D
As per the given information, the Marble state is present between the Jade and
Cedar statues. So, the Jade, Marble and Cedar statues are in a straight line. The
Ivory and Mahogany statues are adjacent to each other. Two statues are located
between the Granite statue and Snowy, and Grumpy is third on the right of the
Granite statue, so Snowy must be third on the left of the Granite statue. Bashful is
located second on the right of the Marble statue but is not immediately next to
Snowy. So, the below partial orders of statues can be obtained.
i. Ivory, Mahogany
ii. Snowy, -, -, Granite, -, -, Grumpy
iii. Jade/Cedar, Marble, Cedar/Jade, Bashful
Since it is also specified that neither Grumpy nor Snowy is made of either Ivory or
Mahogany, the two statues on either the left or right of the Granite one should be
the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since Bashful is not immediately next to Snowy,
based on the above order, we can say that Bashful is either the second or third
statue on the right of Snowy. And the two statues on the right of the Granite one
are the Ivory and Mahogany ones.

Since it is given that the Ivory statue is not immediately next to the Granite one,
the statue on the right of the Granite one is the Mahogany statue and the second
one on the right of the Granite one is the Ivory one. This gives the below partial

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Circular Arrangements

Since Grumpy is not the Bronze statue, the Bronze statue can be either the one on
Grumpy’s right or the one on the left of the Ivory statue, depending on the
position of Bashful. But since Doc is on the immediate right of the Bronze statue,
the Bronze statue has to be the one on the right of the Granite statue, which has
to be that of Doc. Now, we have only one option for Bashful, which has to be the
Bronze statue. Now, Snowy is the Marble statue and Grumpy has to be the
remaining Clay statue. Given that the Cedar statue is located third on the right of
Dopey, this is only possible if the Cedar statue is on the right of Grumpy, which
means that Dopey is the Mahogany statue. This leaves the Jade statue to be the
one on Snowy’s right. Sneezy is not immediately next to Grumpy, so Sneezy has to
be the Jade statue. Since Sleepy is not immediately next to the Marble statue, the
Ivory statue has to be Sleepy, which leaves Happy to be the Cedar statue.
The final arrangement is as follows

The Bronze statue is located on the immediate left of the Granite statue.

Q.11) Answer- C
As per the given information, the Marble state is present between the Jade and
Cedar statues. So, the Jade, Marble and Cedar statues are in a straight line. The
Ivory and Mahogany statues are adjacent to each other. Two statues are located
between the Granite statue and Snowy, and Grumpy is third on the right of the
Granite statue, so Snowy must be third on the left of the Granite statue. Bashful is
located second on the right of the Marble statue but is not immediately next to

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Circular Arrangements

So, the below partial orders of statues can be obtained.

i. Ivory, Mahogany
ii. Snowy, -, -, Granite, -, -, Grumpy
iii. Jade/Cedar, Marble, Cedar/Jade, Bashful
Since it is also specified that neither Grumpy nor Snowy is made of either Ivory or
Mahogany, the two statues on either the left or right of the Granite one should be
the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since Bashful is not immediately next to Snowy,
based on the above order, we can say that Bashful is either the second or third
statue on the right of Snowy. And the two statues on the right of the Granite one
are the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since it is given that the Ivory statue is not
immediately next to the Granite one, the statue on the right of the Granite one is
the Mahogany statue and the second one on the right of the Granite one is the
Ivory one. This gives the below partial arrangement.

Since Grumpy is not the Bronze statue, the Bronze statue can be either the one on
Grumpy’s right or the one on the left of the Ivory statue, depending on the
position of Bashful. But since Doc is on the immediate right of the Bronze statue,
the Bronze statue has to be the one on the right of the Granite statue, which has
to be that of Doc. Now, we have only one option for Bashful, which has to be the
Bronze statue. Now, Snowy is the Marble statue and Grumpy has to be the
remaining Clay statue. Given that the Cedar statue is located third on the right of
Dopey, this is only possible if the Cedar statue is on the right of Grumpy, which
means that Dopey is the Mahogany statue. This leaves the Jade statue to be the
one on Snowy’s right. Sneezy is not immediately next to Grumpy, so Sneezy has to
be the Jade statue. Since Sleepy is not immediately next to the Marble statue, the
Ivory statue has to be Sleepy, which leaves Happy to be the Cedar statue.
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Circular Arrangements

The final arrangement is as follows

Dopey is made of Mahogany.

Q.12) Answer- E
As per the given information, the Marble state is present between the Jade and
Cedar statues. So, the Jade, Marble and Cedar statues are in a straight line. The
Ivory and Mahogany statues are adjacent to each other. Two statues are located
between the Granite statue and Snowy, and Grumpy is third on the right of the
Granite statue, so Snowy must be third on the left of the Granite statue.
Bashful is located second on the right of the Marble statue but is not immediately
next to Snowy. So, the below partial orders of statues can be obtained.
i. Ivory, Mahogany
ii. Snowy, -, -, Granite, -, -, Grumpy
iii. Jade/Cedar, Marble, Cedar/Jade, Bashful
Since it is also specified that neither Grumpy nor Snowy is made of either Ivory or
Mahogany, the two statues on either the left or right of the Granite one should be
the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since Bashful is not immediately next to Snowy,
based on the above order, we can say that Bashful is either the second or third
statue on the right of Snowy. And the two statues on the right of the Granite one
are the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since it is given that the Ivory statue is not
immediately next to the Granite one, the statue on the right of the Granite one is
the Mahogany statue and the second one on the right of the Granite one is the
Ivory one. This gives the below partial arrangement.

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Circular Arrangements

Since Grumpy is not the Bronze statue, the Bronze statue can be either the one on
Grumpy’s right or the one on the left of the Ivory statue, depending on the
position of Bashful. But since Doc is on the immediate right of the Bronze statue,
the Bronze statue has to be the one on the right of the Granite statue, which has
to be that of Doc. Now, we have only one option for Bashful, which has to be the
Bronze statue. Now, Snowy is the Marble statue and Grumpy has to be the
remaining Clay statue. Given that the Cedar statue is located third on the right of
Dopey, this is only possible if the Cedar statue is on the right of Grumpy, which
means that Dopey is the Mahogany statue. This leaves the Jade statue to be the
one on Snowy’s right. Sneezy is not immediately next to Grumpy, so Sneezy has to
be the Jade statue. Since Sleepy is not immediately next to the Marble statue, the
Ivory statue has to be Sleepy, which leaves Happy to be the Cedar statue.
The final arrangement is as follows

Bashful and the Jade statue are present exactly between the Granite statue and

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Circular Arrangements

Q.13) Answer- B
As per the given information, the Marble state is present between the Jade and
Cedar statues. So, the Jade, Marble and Cedar statues are in a straight line. The
Ivory and Mahogany statues are adjacent to each other. Two statues are located
between the Granite statue and Snowy, and Grumpy is third on the right of the
Granite statue, so Snowy must be third on the left of the Granite statue. Bashful is
located second on the right of the Marble statue but is not immediately next to
Snowy. So, the below partial orders of statues can be obtained.
i. Ivory, Mahogany
ii. Snowy, -, -, Granite, -, -, Grumpy
iii. Jade/Cedar, Marble, Cedar/Jade, Bashful
Since it is also specified that neither Grumpy nor Snowy is made of either Ivory or
Mahogany, the two statues on either the left or right of the Granite one should be
the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since Bashful is not immediately next to Snowy,
based on the above order, we can say that Bashful is either the second or third
statue on the right of Snowy. And the two statues on the right of the Granite one
are the Ivory and Mahogany ones. Since it is given that the Ivory statue is not
immediately next to the Granite one, the statue on the right of the Granite one is
the Mahogany statue and the second one on the right of the Granite one is the
Ivory one. This gives the below partial arrangement.

Since Grumpy is not the Bronze statue, the Bronze statue can be either the one on
Grumpy’s right or the one on the left of the Ivory statue, depending on the
position of Bashful. But since Doc is on the immediate right of the Bronze statue,
the Bronze statue has to be the one on the right of the Granite statue, which has
to be that of Doc.
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Circular Arrangements

Now, we have only one option for Bashful, which has to be the Bronze statue.
Now, Snowy is the Marble statue and Grumpy has to be the remaining Clay statue.
Given that the Cedar statue is located third on the right of Dopey, this is only
possible if the Cedar statue is on the right of Grumpy, which means that Dopey is
the Mahogany statue. This leaves the Jade statue to be the one on Snowy’s right.
Sneezy is not immediately next to Grumpy, so Sneezy has to be the Jade statue.
Since Sleepy is not immediately next to the Marble statue, the Ivory statue has to
be Sleepy, which leaves Happy to be the Cedar statue.
The final arrangement is as follows

Sneezy is the Jade statue.

Q.14) Answer- C
As per the given information,
Outer desk – facing towards the centre – Frank, Lily, Orion, Derek
Inner desk – facing away from the centre – Stacy, Mandy, Rick, Jack
Derek is seated second on the right of Orion, and both are along the outer circle.
The Boston player is on Derek’s left. Since it is given that Lily is from Detroit and
seated along the outer circle, we can say that Lily is seated on Derek’s right, and
the player on Derek’s left is Frank. Given that Stacy is from Nashville and is seated
facing the player seated immediately next to the player from Detroit, and also that
Lily is not facing Stacy. So, Stacy must be facing either Derek or Orion. Given that
the players from Orlando and Nashville are separated by at least one player, they
have to be facing Derek and Orion.

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Circular Arrangements

The players from Austin and Texas are not seated along the same circle, and since
we know that the Texas player is along the outer circle since they are facing the
Nashville player, we can say that the Austin player is along the inner circle. The
players from Boston and Philadelphia are seated immediately next to each other,
so either Orion or Derek is from Philadelphia. Also, one of them is facing Mandy,
who is from Chicago. Since we know that The Orlando and Nashville players are
facing Derek and Orion, Mandy has to be facing Frank. Based on the information
so far, the partial arrangement is as below.

The player facing Lily has to be from Austin, since that is the only inner player who
is not assigned a city. Jack is not from Chicago or Austin, and we know that Stacy is
from Nashville. So, Jack has to be from Orlando and he is seated facing Orion. Also,
Orion is not from Boston or Philadelphia, so Orion has to be from Texas and Derek
is from Philadelphia. Since we now know that Jack is facing Orion, we can say that
Stacy is facing Derek. The remaining person, Rick, must be from Austin.
The final arrangement is as follows

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Circular Arrangements

Frank is from Boston.

Q.15) Answer- B
As per the given information,
Outer desk – facing towards the centre – Frank, Lily, Orion, Derek
Inner desk – facing away from the centre – Stacy, Mandy, Rick, Jack
Derek is seated second on the right of Orion, and both are along the outer circle.
The Boston player is on Derek’s left. Since it is given that Lily is from Detroit and
seated along the outer circle, we can say that Lily is seated on Derek’s right, and
the player on Derek’s left is Frank. Given that Stacy is from Nashville and is seated
facing the player seated immediately next to the player from Detroit, and also that
Lily is not facing Stacy. So, Stacy must be facing either Derek or Orion. Given that
the players from Orlando and Nashville are separated by at least one player, they
have to be facing Derek and Orion. The players from Austin and Texas are not
seated along the same circle, and since we know that the Texas player is along the
outer circle since they are facing the Nashville player, we can say that the Austin
player is along the inner circle. The players from Boston and Philadelphia are
seated immediately next to each other, so either Orion or Derek is from
Philadelphia. Also, one of them is facing Mandy, who is from Chicago.

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Circular Arrangements

Since we know that The Orlando and Nashville players are facing Derek and Orion,
Mandy has to be facing Frank. Based on the information so far, the partial
arrangement is as below.

The player facing Lily has to be from Austin, since that is the only inner player who
is not assigned a city. Jack is not from Chicago or Austin, and we know that Stacy is
from Nashville. So, Jack has to be from Orlando and he is seated facing Orion. Also,
Orion is not from Boston or Philadelphia, so Orion has to be from Texas and Derek
is from Philadelphia. Since we now know that Jack is facing Orion, we can say that
Stacy is facing Derek. The remaining person, Rick, must be from Austin.
The final arrangement is as follows

Rick is from Austin.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.16) Answer- A
As per the given information,
Outer desk – facing towards the centre – Frank, Lily, Orion, Derek
Inner desk – facing away from the centre – Stacy, Mandy, Rick, Jack
Derek is seated second on the right of Orion, and both are along the outer circle.
The Boston player is on Derek’s left. Since it is given that Lily is from Detroit and
seated along the outer circle, we can say that Lily is seated on Derek’s right, and
the player on Derek’s left is Frank. Given that Stacy is from Nashville and is seated
facing the player seated immediately next to the player from Detroit, and also that
Lily is not facing Stacy. So, Stacy must be facing either Derek or Orion. Given that
the players from Orlando and Nashville are separated by at least one player, they
have to be facing Derek and Orion. The players from Austin and Texas are not
seated along the same circle, and since we know that the Texas player is along the
outer circle since they are facing the Nashville player, we can say that the Austin
player is along the inner circle. The players from Boston and Philadelphia are
seated immediately next to each other, so either Orion or Derek is from
Philadelphia. Also, one of them is facing Mandy, who is from Chicago. Since we
know that The Orlando and Nashville players are facing Derek and Orion, Mandy
has to be facing Frank. Based on the information so far, the partial arrangement is
as below.

The player facing Lily has to be from Austin, since that is the only inner player who
is not assigned a city.

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Circular Arrangements

Jack is not from Chicago or Austin, and we know that Stacy is from Nashville. So,
Jack has to be from Orlando and he is seated facing Orion. Also, Orion is not from
Boston or Philadelphia, so Orion has to be from Texas and Derek is from
Philadelphia. Since we now know that Jack is facing Orion, we can say that Stacy is
facing Derek. The remaining person, Rick, must be from Austin.
The final arrangement is as follows

Lily is facing the player from Austin.

Q.17) Answer- A
As per the given information,
Outer desk – facing towards the centre – Frank, Lily, Orion, Derek
Inner desk – facing away from the centre – Stacy, Mandy, Rick, Jack
Derek is seated second on the right of Orion, and both are along the outer circle.
The Boston player is on Derek’s left. Since it is given that Lily is from Detroit and
seated along the outer circle, we can say that Lily is seated on Derek’s right, and
the player on Derek’s left is Frank. Given that Stacy is from Nashville and is seated
facing the player seated immediately next to the player from Detroit, and also that
Lily is not facing Stacy. So, Stacy must be facing either Derek or Orion. Given that
the players from Orlando and Nashville are separated by at least one player, they
have to be facing Derek and Orion.

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Circular Arrangements

The players from Austin and Texas are not seated along the same circle, and since
we know that the Texas player is along the outer circle since they are facing the
Nashville player, we can say that the Austin player is along the inner circle. The
players from Boston and Philadelphia are seated immediately next to each other,
so either Orion or Derek is from Philadelphia. Also, one of them is facing Mandy,
who is from Chicago. Since we know that The Orlando and Nashville players are
facing Derek and Orion, Mandy has to be facing Frank. Based on the information
so far, the partial arrangement is as below.

The player facing Lily has to be from Austin, since that is the only inner player who
is not assigned a city. Jack is not from Chicago or Austin, and we know that Stacy is
from Nashville. So, Jack has to be from Orlando and he is seated facing Orion. Also,
Orion is not from Boston or Philadelphia, so Orion has to be from Texas and Derek
is from Philadelphia. Since we now know that Jack is facing Orion, we can say that
Stacy is facing Derek. The remaining person, Rick, must be from Austin.
The final arrangement is as follows

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Circular Arrangements

Each person is linked to the place where they are from. So, Mandy is linked to

Q.18) Answer- B
As per the given information,
Outer desk – facing towards the centre – Frank, Lily, Orion, Derek
Inner desk – facing away from the centre – Stacy, Mandy, Rick, Jack
Derek is seated second on the right of Orion, and both are along the outer circle.
The Boston player is on Derek’s left. Since it is given that Lily is from Detroit and
seated along the outer circle, we can say that Lily is seated on Derek’s right, and
the player on Derek’s left is Frank. Given that Stacy is from Nashville and is seated
facing the player seated immediately next to the player from Detroit, and also that
Lily is not facing Stacy. So, Stacy must be facing either Derek or Orion. Given that
the players from Orlando and Nashville are separated by at least one player, they
have to be facing Derek and Orion. The players from Austin and Texas are not
seated along the same circle, and since we know that the Texas player is along the
outer circle since they are facing the Nashville player, we can say that the Austin
player is along the inner circle. The players from Boston and Philadelphia are
seated immediately next to each other, so either Orion or Derek is from
Philadelphia. Also, one of them is facing Mandy, who is from Chicago.

Andheri | Borivali | Powai | Thane | Charni Road | Vile Parle | Mira Road | Online | 8999118999 45
Circular Arrangements

Since we know that The Orlando and Nashville players are facing Derek and Orion,
Mandy has to be facing Frank. Based on the information so far, the partial
arrangement is as below.

The player facing Lily has to be from Austin, since that is the only inner player who
is not assigned a city. Jack is not from Chicago or Austin, and we know that Stacy is
from Nashville. So, Jack has to be from Orlando and he is seated facing Orion. Also,
Orion is not from Boston or Philadelphia, so Orion has to be from Texas and Derek
is from Philadelphia. Since we now know that Jack is facing Orion, we can say that
Stacy is facing Derek. The remaining person, Rick, must be from Austin.
The final arrangement is as follows

Except for Austin, all others are places where the players in the outer circle are

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Circular Arrangements

Q.19) Answer- A
As per the given information, we know the below for sure.
Prasuna – Green – towards centre
Raksha – towards centre
Malvika – Blue – away from centre
Visakha – away from centre
Purple – away from centre
Malvika is seated third on the right of Prasuna, who is facing the centre, and third
on the left of Girija, so Girija is clearly facing towards the centre. Jaya is seated
second on the left of Girija, which has to be just next to Malvika. The person with
Orange nails is seated opposite Malvika, so this has to be on the left of Prasuna.
The people on either side of Prasuna are facing away from the centre and have
Orange or Pink coloured nails. Since we know that the one on the left has Orange
nails, the one on the right must have Pink nails. Given that the one with Purple
coloured is not seated immediately next to Malvika and is facing away from the
centre. This has to be the one on the left of Girija. With the information so far, the
partial arrangement is as below.

Since we know that only half of them are facing towards the centre and the other
half are facing away from the centre, the people on either side of Malvika have to
be facing towards the centre. Since Raksha is known to be seated facing the
centre, the person on Malvika’s right has to be Raksha. The person with Yellow
coloured nails is seated between Nisha and Malvika.

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Circular Arrangements

Since we know that Jaya does not have Yellow coloured nails, Raksha should be
the one with the Yellow nails, and Nisha is the one with the Pink nails. Jaya does
not have Black nails, so that leaves Girija to have the Black coloured nails, and Jaya
is left to have the Red nails. Visakha does not have Purple nails, so she must be
having Orange nails, which leaves Sheetal to have the Purple nails.
The final arrangement is as follows

Nisha is seated second on the left of Visakha.

Q.20) Answer- E
As per the given information, we know the below for sure.
Prasuna – Green – towards centre
Raksha – towards centre
Malvika – Blue – away from centre
Visakha – away from centre
Purple – away from centre
Malvika is seated third on the right of Prasuna, who is facing the centre, and third
on the left of Girija, so Girija is clearly facing towards the centre. Jaya is seated
second on the left of Girija, which has to be just next to Malvika. The person with
Orange nails is seated opposite Malvika, so this has to be on the left of Prasuna.
The people on either side of Prasuna are facing away from the centre and have
Orange or Pink coloured nails. Since we know that the one on the left has Orange
nails, the one on the right must have Pink nails.

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Circular Arrangements

Given that the one with Purple coloured is not seated immediately next to Malvika
and is facing away from the centre. This has to be the one on the left of Girija.
With the information so far, the partial arrangement is as below.

Since we know that only half of them are facing towards the centre and the other
half are facing away from the centre, the people on either side of Malvika have to
be facing towards the centre. Since Raksha is known to be seated facing the
centre, the person on Malvika’s right has to be Raksha. The person with Yellow
coloured nails is seated between Nisha and Malvika. Since we know that Jaya does
not have Yellow coloured nails, Raksha should be the one with the Yellow nails,
and Nisha is the one with the Pink nails. Jaya does not have Black nails, so that
leaves Girija to have the Black coloured nails, and Jaya is left to have the Red nails.
Visakha does not have Purple nails, so she must be having Orange nails, which
leaves Sheetal to have the Purple nails.
The final arrangement is as follows

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Circular Arrangements

The person between Prasuna and Raksha has Pink coloured nails.

Q.21) Answer- C
As per the given information, we know the below for sure.
Prasuna – Green – towards centre
Raksha – towards centre
Malvika – Blue – away from centre
Visakha – away from centre
Purple – away from centre
Malvika is seated third on the right of Prasuna, who is facing the centre, and third
on the left of Girija, so Girija is clearly facing towards the centre. Jaya is seated
second on the left of Girija, which has to be just next to Malvika. The person with
Orange nails is seated opposite Malvika, so this has to be on the left of Prasuna.
The people on either side of Prasuna are facing away from the centre and have
Orange or Pink coloured nails. Since we know that the one on the left has Orange
nails, the one on the right must have Pink nails. Given that the one with Purple
coloured is not seated immediately next to Malvika and is facing away from the
centre. This has to be the one on the left of Girija. With the information so far, the
partial arrangement is as below.

Since we know that only half of them are facing towards the centre and the other
half are facing away from the centre, the people on either side of Malvika have to
be facing towards the centre.

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Circular Arrangements

Since Raksha is known to be seated facing the centre, the person on Malvika’s
right has to be Raksha. The person with Yellow coloured nails is seated between
Nisha and Malvika. Since we know that Jaya does not have Yellow coloured nails,
Raksha should be the one with the Yellow nails, and Nisha is the one with the Pink
nails. Jaya does not have Black nails, so that leaves Girija to have the Black
coloured nails, and Jaya is left to have the Red nails. Visakha does not have Purple
nails, so she must be having Orange nails, which leaves Sheetal to have the Purple
The final arrangement is as follows

Jaya has Red coloured nails.

Q.22) Answer- D
As per the given information, we know the below for sure.
Prasuna – Green – towards centre
Raksha – towards centre
Malvika – Blue – away from centre
Visakha – away from centre
Purple – away from centre
Malvika is seated third on the right of Prasuna, who is facing the centre, and third
on the left of Girija, so Girija is clearly facing towards the centre. Jaya is seated
second on the left of Girija, which has to be just next to Malvika. The person with
Orange nails is seated opposite Malvika, so this has to be on the left of Prasuna.

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Circular Arrangements

The people on either side of Prasuna are facing away from the centre and have
Orange or Pink coloured nails. Since we know that the one on the left has Orange
nails, the one on the right must have Pink nails. Given that the one with Purple
coloured is not seated immediately next to Malvika and is facing away from the
centre. This has to be the one on the left of Girija. With the information so far, the
partial arrangement is as below.

Since we know that only half of them are facing towards the centre and the other
half are facing away from the centre, the people on either side of Malvika have to
be facing towards the centre. Since Raksha is known to be seated facing the
centre, the person on Malvika’s right has to be Raksha. The person with Yellow
coloured nails is seated between Nisha and Malvika. Since we know that Jaya does
not have Yellow coloured nails, Raksha should be the one with the Yellow nails,
and Nisha is the one with the Pink nails. Jaya does not have Black nails, so that
leaves Girija to have the Black coloured nails, and Jaya is left to have the Red nails.
Visakha does not have Purple nails, so she must be having Orange nails, which
leaves Sheetal to have the Purple nails.
The final arrangement is as follows

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Circular Arrangements

There are five people seated between Raksha and Prasuna, when counted from
Raksha’s right.

Q.23) Answer- D
As per the given information, we know the below for sure.
Prasuna – Green – towards centre
Raksha – towards centre
Malvika – Blue – away from centre
Visakha – away from centre
Purple – away from centre
Malvika is seated third on the right of Prasuna, who is facing the centre, and third
on the left of Girija, so Girija is clearly facing towards the centre. Jaya is seated
second on the left of Girija, which has to be just next to Malvika. The person with
Orange nails is seated opposite Malvika, so this has to be on the left of Prasuna.
The people on either side of Prasuna are facing away from the centre and have
Orange or Pink coloured nails. Since we know that the one on the left has Orange
nails, the one on the right must have Pink nails. Given that the one with Purple
coloured is not seated immediately next to Malvika and is facing away from the
centre. This has to be the one on the left of Girija. With the information so far, the
partial arrangement is as below.

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Circular Arrangements

Since we know that only half of them are facing towards the centre and the other
half are facing away from the centre, the people on either side of Malvika have to
be facing towards the centre. Since Raksha is known to be seated facing the
centre, the person on Malvika’s right has to be Raksha. The person with Yellow
coloured nails is seated between Nisha and Malvika. Since we know that Jaya does
not have Yellow coloured nails, Raksha should be the one with the Yellow nails,
and Nisha is the one with the Pink nails. Jaya does not have Black nails, so that
leaves Girija to have the Black coloured nails, and Jaya is left to have the Red nails.
Visakha does not have Purple nails, so she must be having Orange nails, which
leaves Sheetal to have the Purple nails.
The final arrangement is as follows

Jaya-Facing the centre-Red is the correct combination among the given options.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.24) Answer- E
As per the given information, the combinations are as follows
W – Artist
V – Female grandchild
R – Judge – Biography
S – Underwriter – Mystery – Female child
Y – Soldier
N – Banker
T – Horror
W is seated between Y and T, and third on the right of V. R is on the right of W.
W’s daughter is the only person seated exactly between P and R, so P has to be
second on the right of R, since W is second on the left of R. S, the Underwriter, is
on the right of R, and S is seated on the left of her mother, which means P is the
mother of S. The Soldier, Y, is the wife of T, which means T is the Dentist. P is
seated immediately next to the Underwriter and Carpenter, so V must be the
Carpenter. This leaves P to be the Lawyer. The Banker is seated second on the
right of P, so that must be N. Y is seated on the immediate right of their son, which
means either N or W must be Y’s son. Since W is the head of the family, N must be
Y’s son. So, Y is seated on the immediate right of N. Which leaves T to be seated on
W’s right. The partial arrangement so far is as follows.

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Circular Arrangements

Since V is seated on the right of her grandmother, and W is the head of the family,
W and P are the grandparents and one of the married couples. As given, R is their
son, and their daughter is seated between P and R, which is S. Y and T are the
other married couple and N is their son. Since we know that there is a male
grandchild as well, this must be N. There are three male siblings, which includes, N,
who is V’s brother, and R, who is the brother of S. The only other male sibling
possible is for T to be the brother of S. The two female children would be V, who is
the daughter of Y and T, and S, who is the daughter of P and W. Since it is given
that T’s mother likes Thrillers, P must like Thrillers. Given that P and Y like the
same genre, which means that Y also likes Thrillers. The Artist does not like either
Humour or Romance, so W must like Fantasy. This leaves the Carpenter and
Banker to like either Humour or Romance.
The final arrangement is as follows

The family members are related as follows

The Lawyer is seated between V and S.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.25) Answer- A
As per the given information, the combinations are as follows
W – Artist
V – Female grandchild
R – Judge – Biography
S – Underwriter – Mystery – Female child
Y – Soldier
N – Banker
T – Horror
W is seated between Y and T, and third on the right of V. R is on the right of W.
W’s daughter is the only person seated exactly between P and R, so P has to be
second on the right of R, since W is second on the left of R. S, the Underwriter, is
on the right of R, and S is seated on the left of her mother, which means P is the
mother of S. The Soldier, Y, is the wife of T, which means T is the Dentist. P is
seated immediately next to the Underwriter and Carpenter, so V must be the
Carpenter. This leaves P to be the Lawyer. The Banker is seated second on the
right of P, so that must be N. Y is seated on the immediate right of their son, which
means either N or W must be Y’s son. Since W is the head of the family, N must be
Y’s son. So, Y is seated on the immediate right of N. Which leaves T to be seated on
W’s right. The partial arrangement so far is as follows.

Andheri | Borivali | Powai | Thane | Charni Road | Vile Parle | Mira Road | Online | 8999118999 57
Circular Arrangements

Since V is seated on the right of her grandmother, and W is the head of the family,
W and P are the grandparents and one of the married couples. As given, R is their
son, and their daughter is seated between P and R, which is S. Y and T are the
other married couple and N is their son. Since we know that there is a male
grandchild as well, this must be N. There are three male siblings, which includes, N,
who is V’s brother, and R, who is the brother of S. The only other male sibling
possible is for T to be the brother of S. The two female children would be V, who is
the daughter of Y and T, and S, who is the daughter of P and W.
Since it is given that T’s mother likes Thrillers, P must like Thrillers. Given that P
and Y like the same genre, which means that Y also likes Thrillers. The Artist does
not like either Humour or Romance, so W must like Fantasy. This leaves the
Carpenter and Banker to like either Humour or Romance.
The final arrangement is as follows

The family members are related as follows

V is the Carpenter.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.26) Answer- B
As per the given information, the combinations are as follows
W – Artist
V – Female grandchild
R – Judge – Biography
S – Underwriter – Mystery – Female child
Y – Soldier
N – Banker
T – Horror
W is seated between Y and T, and third on the right of V. R is on the right of W.
W’s daughter is the only person seated exactly between P and R, so P has to be
second on the right of R, since W is second on the left of R. S, the Underwriter, is
on the right of R, and S is seated on the left of her mother, which means P is the
mother of S. The Soldier, Y, is the wife of T, which means T is the Dentist. P is
seated immediately next to the Underwriter and Carpenter, so V must be the
Carpenter. This leaves P to be the Lawyer. The Banker is seated second on the
right of P, so that must be N. Y is seated on the immediate right of their son, which
means either N or W must be Y’s son. Since W is the head of the family, N must be
Y’s son. So, Y is seated on the immediate right of N. Which leaves T to be seated on
W’s right. The partial arrangement so far is as follows.

Andheri | Borivali | Powai | Thane | Charni Road | Vile Parle | Mira Road | Online | 8999118999 59
Circular Arrangements

Since V is seated on the right of her grandmother, and W is the head of the family,
W and P are the grandparents and one of the married couples. As given, R is their
son, and their daughter is seated between P and R, which is S. Y and T are the
other married couple and N is their son. Since we know that there is a male
grandchild as well, this must be N. There are three male siblings, which includes, N,
who is V’s brother, and R, who is the brother of S. The only other male sibling
possible is for T to be the brother of S. The two female children would be V, who is
the daughter of Y and T, and S, who is the daughter of P and W. Since it is given
that T’s mother likes Thrillers, P must like Thrillers. Given that P and Y like the
same genre, which means that Y also likes Thrillers. The Artist does not like either
Humour or Romance, so W must like Fantasy. This leaves the Carpenter and
Banker to like either Humour or Romance.
The final arrangement is as follows

The family members are related as follows

W likes Fantasy.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.27) Answer- D
As per the given information, the combinations are as follows
W – Artist
V – Female grandchild
R – Judge – Biography
S – Underwriter – Mystery – Female child
Y – Soldier
N – Banker
T – Horror
W is seated between Y and T, and third on the right of V. R is on the right of W.
W’s daughter is the only person seated exactly between P and R, so P has to be
second on the right of R, since W is second on the left of R. S, the Underwriter, is
on the right of R, and S is seated on the left of her mother, which means P is the
mother of S. The Soldier, Y, is the wife of T, which means T is the Dentist. P is
seated immediately next to the Underwriter and Carpenter, so V must be the
Carpenter. This leaves P to be the Lawyer. The Banker is seated second on the
right of P, so that must be N. Y is seated on the immediate right of their son, which
means either N or W must be Y’s son. Since W is the head of the family, N must be
Y’s son. So, Y is seated on the immediate right of N. Which leaves T to be seated on
W’s right. The partial arrangement so far is as follows.

Andheri | Borivali | Powai | Thane | Charni Road | Vile Parle | Mira Road | Online | 8999118999 61
Circular Arrangements

Since V is seated on the right of her grandmother, and W is the head of the family,
W and P are the grandparents and one of the married couples. As given, R is their
son, and their daughter is seated between P and R, which is S. Y and T are the
other married couple and N is their son. Since we know that there is a male
grandchild as well, this must be N. There are three male siblings, which includes, N,
who is V’s brother, and R, who is the brother of S. The only other male sibling
possible is for T to be the brother of S. The two female children would be V, who is
the daughter of Y and T, and S, who is the daughter of P and W. Since it is given
that T’s mother likes Thrillers, P must like Thrillers. Given that P and Y like the
same genre, which means that Y also likes Thrillers. The Artist does not like either
Humour or Romance, so W must like Fantasy. This leaves the Carpenter and
Banker to like either Humour or Romance.
The final arrangement is as follows

The family members are related as follows

Both the Lawyer and Soldier like Thrillers.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.28) Answer- C
As per the given information, the combinations are as follows
W – Artist
V – Female grandchild
R – Judge – Biography
S – Underwriter – Mystery – Female child
Y – Soldier
N – Banker
T – Horror
W is seated between Y and T, and third on the right of V. R is on the right of W.
W’s daughter is the only person seated exactly between P and R, so P has to be
second on the right of R, since W is second on the left of R. S, the Underwriter, is
on the right of R, and S is seated on the left of her mother, which means P is the
mother of S. The Soldier, Y, is the wife of T, which means T is the Dentist. P is
seated immediately next to the Underwriter and Carpenter, so V must be the
Carpenter. This leaves P to be the Lawyer. The Banker is seated second on the
right of P, so that must be N. Y is seated on the immediate right of their son, which
means either N or W must be Y’s son. Since W is the head of the family, N must be
Y’s son. So, Y is seated on the immediate right of N. Which leaves T to be seated on
W’s right. The partial arrangement so far is as follows.

Andheri | Borivali | Powai | Thane | Charni Road | Vile Parle | Mira Road | Online | 8999118999 63
Circular Arrangements

Since V is seated on the right of her grandmother, and W is the head of the family,
W and P are the grandparents and one of the married couples. As given, R is their
son, and their daughter is seated between P and R, which is S. Y and T are the
other married couple and N is their son. Since we know that there is a male
grandchild as well, this must be N. There are three male siblings, which includes, N,
who is V’s brother, and R, who is the brother of S. The only other male sibling
possible is for T to be the brother of S. The two female children would be V, who is
the daughter of Y and T, and S, who is the daughter of P and W. Since it is given
that T’s mother likes Thrillers, P must like Thrillers. Given that P and Y like the
same genre, which means that Y also likes Thrillers. The Artist does not like either
Humour or Romance, so W must like Fantasy. This leaves the Carpenter and
Banker to like either Humour or Romance.
The final arrangement is as follows

The family members are related as follows

T-Dentist-Horror is definitely correct.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.29) Answer- A
As per the given information, we have the below pairs
Mukesh – Sprite – Oracle
Shaan – HCL
Jyoti – Mountain Dew – HCL
Vamsi – Pepsi
Devaki – Red Bull
Mukesh is on Shaan’s left. Since both Jyoti and Shaan are working at HCL and we
know that the ones from HCL are seated together, Jyoti must be seated on Shaan’s
right. Devaki is seated opposite Jyoti and has to be second on the left of Mukesh.
Vamsi is seated between the person drinking Coca Cola and Devaki. So, clearly
Vamsi is on Devaki’s left since we know that Mukesh is drinking Sprite. The people
working at Infosys are seated directly opposite each other, which is only possible if
one of them is on the left of Mukesh and the other is on the right of Jyoti. With the
information thus far, the partial arrangement is as follows.

The person drinking Red Bull is seated on the immediate left of the person drinking
Limca, so the person on Devaki’s left must be drinking Limca. Since no two people
from the same company can be seated together except for HCL, the person from
Oracle apart from Mukesh has to be Vamsi, and the remaining two people on
either side of Vamsi have to be from IBM. Neither Prerna nor Lekha are drinking
Limca, so that has to be Arnav. Since Shaan is not drinking Mirinda, the person on
Jyoti’s right has to be drinking Mirinda. This leaves Shaan to be drinking Fanta.

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Circular Arrangements

Since Prerna is not drinking Mirinda, she must be the one on Vamsi’s left who is
drinking Coca Cola. This leaves Lekha to be the one on Jyoti’s right, who is drinking
The final arrangement is as follows

Arnav is drinking Limca.

Q.30) Answer- A
As per the given information, we have the below pairs
Mukesh – Sprite – Oracle
Shaan – HCL
Jyoti – Mountain Dew – HCL
Vamsi – Pepsi
Devaki – Red Bull
Mukesh is on Shaan’s left. Since both Jyoti and Shaan are working at HCL and we
know that the ones from HCL are seated together, Jyoti must be seated on Shaan’s
right. Devaki is seated opposite Jyoti and has to be second on the left of Mukesh.
Vamsi is seated between the person drinking Coca Cola and Devaki. So, clearly
Vamsi is on Devaki’s left since we know that Mukesh is drinking Sprite. The people
working at Infosys are seated directly opposite each other, which is only possible if
one of them is on the left of Mukesh and the other is on the right of Jyoti. With the
information thus far, the partial arrangement is as follows.

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Circular Arrangements

The person drinking Red Bull is seated on the immediate left of the person drinking
Limca, so the person on Devaki’s left must be drinking Limca. Since no two people
from the same company can be seated together except for HCL, the person from
Oracle apart from Mukesh has to be Vamsi, and the remaining two people on
either side of Vamsi have to be from IBM. Neither Prerna nor Lekha are drinking
Limca, so that has to be Arnav. Since Shaan is not drinking Mirinda, the person on
Jyoti’s right has to be drinking Mirinda. This leaves Shaan to be drinking Fanta.
Since Prerna is not drinking Mirinda, she must be the one on Vamsi’s left who is
drinking Coca Cola. This leaves Lekha to be the one on Jyoti’s right, who is drinking
The final arrangement is as follows

Shaan is drinking Fanta.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.31) Answer- E
As per the given information, we have the below pairs
Mukesh – Sprite – Oracle
Shaan – HCL
Jyoti – Mountain Dew – HCL
Vamsi – Pepsi
Devaki – Red Bull
Mukesh is on Shaan’s left. Since both Jyoti and Shaan are working at HCL and we
know that the ones from HCL are seated together, Jyoti must be seated on Shaan’s
right. Devaki is seated opposite Jyoti and has to be second on the left of Mukesh.
Vamsi is seated between the person drinking Coca Cola and Devaki. So, clearly
Vamsi is on Devaki’s left since we know that Mukesh is drinking Sprite. The people
working at Infosys are seated directly opposite each other, which is only possible if
one of them is on the left of Mukesh and the other is on the right of Jyoti. With the
information thus far, the partial arrangement is as follows.

The person drinking Red Bull is seated on the immediate left of the person drinking
Limca, so the person on Devaki’s left must be drinking Limca. Since no two people
from the same company can be seated together except for HCL, the person from
Oracle apart from Mukesh has to be Vamsi, and the remaining two people on
either side of Vamsi have to be from IBM. Neither Prerna nor Lekha are drinking
Limca, so that has to be Arnav. Since Shaan is not drinking Mirinda, the person on
Jyoti’s right has to be drinking Mirinda. This leaves Shaan to be drinking Fanta.

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Circular Arrangements

Since Prerna is not drinking Mirinda, she must be the one on Vamsi’s left who is
drinking Coca Cola. This leaves Lekha to be the one on Jyoti’s right, who is drinking
The final arrangement is as follows

Shaan and Lekha are seated immediately next to the person drinking Mountain

Q.32) Answer- C
As per the given information, we have the below pairs
Mukesh – Sprite – Oracle
Shaan – HCL
Jyoti – Mountain Dew – HCL
Vamsi – Pepsi
Devaki – Red Bull
Mukesh is on Shaan’s left. Since both Jyoti and Shaan are working at HCL and we
know that the ones from HCL are seated together, Jyoti must be seated on Shaan’s
right. Devaki is seated opposite Jyoti and has to be second on the left of Mukesh.
Vamsi is seated between the person drinking Coca Cola and Devaki. So, clearly
Vamsi is on Devaki’s left since we know that Mukesh is drinking Sprite. The people
working at Infosys are seated directly opposite each other, which is only possible if
one of them is on the left of Mukesh and the other is on the right of Jyoti. With the
information thus far, the partial arrangement is as follows.
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Circular Arrangements

The person drinking Red Bull is seated on the immediate left of the person drinking
Limca, so the person on Devaki’s left must be drinking Limca. Since no two people
from the same company can be seated together except for HCL, the person from
Oracle apart from Mukesh has to be Vamsi, and the remaining two people on
either side of Vamsi have to be from IBM. Neither Prerna nor Lekha are drinking
Limca, so that has to be Arnav. Since Shaan is not drinking Mirinda, the person on
Jyoti’s right has to be drinking Mirinda. This leaves Shaan to be drinking Fanta.
Since Prerna is not drinking Mirinda, she must be the one on Vamsi’s left who is
drinking Coca Cola. This leaves Lekha to be the one on Jyoti’s right, who is drinking
The final arrangement is as follows

Lekha and Arnav are working at Infosys.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.33) Answer- B
As per the given information, we have the below pairs
Mukesh – Sprite – Oracle
Shaan – HCL
Jyoti – Mountain Dew – HCL
Vamsi – Pepsi
Devaki – Red Bull
Mukesh is on Shaan’s left. Since both Jyoti and Shaan are working at HCL and we
know that the ones from HCL are seated together, Jyoti must be seated on Shaan’s
right. Devaki is seated opposite Jyoti and has to be second on the left of Mukesh.
Vamsi is seated between the person drinking Coca Cola and Devaki. So, clearly
Vamsi is on Devaki’s left since we know that Mukesh is drinking Sprite. The people
working at Infosys are seated directly opposite each other, which is only possible if
one of them is on the left of Mukesh and the other is on the right of Jyoti. With the
information thus far, the partial arrangement is as follows.

The person drinking Red Bull is seated on the immediate left of the person drinking
Limca, so the person on Devaki’s left must be drinking Limca. Since no two people
from the same company can be seated together except for HCL, the person from
Oracle apart from Mukesh has to be Vamsi, and the remaining two people on
either side of Vamsi have to be from IBM. Neither Prerna nor Lekha are drinking
Limca, so that has to be Arnav. Since Shaan is not drinking Mirinda, the person on
Jyoti’s right has to be drinking Mirinda. This leaves Shaan to be drinking Fanta.

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Circular Arrangements

Since Prerna is not drinking Mirinda, she must be the one on Vamsi’s left who is
drinking Coca Cola. This leaves Lekha to be the one on Jyoti’s right, who is drinking
The final arrangement is as follows

The person drinking Coca Cola is seated opposite to the person drinking Sprite.

Q.34) Answer- A
As per the given information, we have the below combinations
Varna – Korean
Rashi – away from the centre
Considering Anshul is seated opposite to the person who likes Brazilian food. Given
that Moksh is seated next to the one who likes Brazilian food. Moksh is seated
third on the right of the person who likes Danish food, which cannot be Anshul. So,
if Anshul is facing away from the centre, then Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul, and third on the right of Anshul if Anshul were facing towards the centre.
Case 1: If Anshul is facing away from the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left
of Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing away from the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
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Circular Arrangements

Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s right should be facing towards the centre. The
person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who likes
German food. If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who likes
German food on Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing the centre, and must
like Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does not like
Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and Nirmal must
be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes Korean food.
So, Rashi has to be the one who likes Brazilian food, with Varna being third on her
right. Both Nirmal and Moksh should be facing towards the centre. Seema is
seated on the immediate left of the person who likes Spanish food, which can only
be Moksh in the arrangement, but it is given that it should be either Anshul or
Rashi. So, this case is invalid.

Case 2: If Anshul is facing towards the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing towards the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s left should be facing away from the centre. The
person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who likes
German food.

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Circular Arrangements

If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who likes German food on
Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing away from the centre, and must like
Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does not like
Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and Nirmal must
be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes Korean food.
Since Rashi is seated away from the centre, she has to be the one who likes
German food, and Varna is seated third on her right. Anshul must like Spanish
food, since Rashi does not. Seema is seated on the immediate left of the person
who likes Spanish food, so Seema is on Anshul’s left. Since Seems does not like
Persian food, Nirmal must like Persian food, since the one who likes German food
is second on their right. So, Nirmal must be facing away from the centre, and so is
Moksh. This leaves Farah to like the Brazilian food, and she must be facing towards
the centre. Since Moksh and Seema are facing opposite directions, Seema is facing
the centre, so Varna must be facing away from the centre. Given that the person
who likes Mexican food is facing the direction opposite to the one that Varna is
facing, Seema must like Mexican, which leaves Moksh to like Albanian food.
The final arrangement is as follows

Varna is seated facing away from the centre.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.35) Answer- D
As per the given information, we have the below combinations
Varna – Korean
Rashi – away from the centre
Considering Anshul is seated opposite to the person who likes Brazilian food. Given
that Moksh is seated next to the one who likes Brazilian food. Moksh is seated
third on the right of the person who likes Danish food, which cannot be Anshul. So,
if Anshul is facing away from the centre, then Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul, and third on the right of Anshul if Anshul were facing towards the centre.
Case 1: If Anshul is facing away from the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left
of Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing away from the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s right should be facing towards the centre. The
person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who likes
German food. If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who likes
German food on Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing the centre, and must
like Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does not like
Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and Nirmal must
be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes Korean food.
So, Rashi has to be the one who likes Brazilian food, with Varna being third on her
right. Both Nirmal and Moksh should be facing towards the centre. Seema is
seated on the immediate left of the person who likes Spanish food, which can only
be Moksh in the arrangement, but it is given that it should be either Anshul or
Rashi. So, this case is invalid.

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Circular Arrangements

Case 2: If Anshul is facing towards the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing towards the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s left should be facing away from the centre. The
person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who likes
German food. If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who likes
German food on Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing away from the centre,
and must like Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does
not like Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and
Nirmal must be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes
Korean food. Since Rashi is seated away from the centre, she has to be the one
who likes German food, and Varna is seated third on her right. Anshul must like
Spanish food, since Rashi does not. Seema is seated on the immediate left of the
person who likes Spanish food, so Seema is on Anshul’s left. Since Seems does not
like Persian food, Nirmal must like Persian food, since the one who likes German
food is second on their right. So, Nirmal must be facing away from the centre, and
so is Moksh. This leaves Farah to like the Brazilian food, and she must be facing
towards the centre. Since Moksh and Seema are facing opposite directions, Seema
is facing the centre, so Varna must be facing away from the centre.

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Circular Arrangements

Given that the person who likes Mexican food is facing the direction opposite to
the one that Varna is facing, Seema must like Mexican, which leaves Moksh to like
Albanian food.
The final arrangement is as follows

Harini likes Danish food.

Q.36) Answer- B
As per the given information, we have the below combinations
Varna – Korean
Rashi – away from the centre
Considering Anshul is seated opposite to the person who likes Brazilian food. Given
that Moksh is seated next to the one who likes Brazilian food. Moksh is seated
third on the right of the person who likes Danish food, which cannot be Anshul. So,
if Anshul is facing away from the centre, then Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul, and third on the right of Anshul if Anshul were facing towards the centre.
Case 1: If Anshul is facing away from the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left
of Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing away from the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s right should be facing towards the centre.

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Circular Arrangements

The person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who
likes German food. If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who
likes German food on Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing the centre, and
must like Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does not
like Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and Nirmal
must be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes Korean
food. So, Rashi has to be the one who likes Brazilian food, with Varna being third
on her right. Both Nirmal and Moksh should be facing towards the centre. Seema
is seated on the immediate left of the person who likes Spanish food, which can
only be Moksh in the arrangement, but it is given that it should be either Anshul or
Rashi. So, this case is invalid.

Case 2: If Anshul is facing towards the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing towards the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s left should be facing away from the centre. The
person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who likes
German food.

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Circular Arrangements

If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who likes German food on
Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing away from the centre, and must like
Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does not like
Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and Nirmal must
be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes Korean food.
Since Rashi is seated away from the centre, she has to be the one who likes
German food, and Varna is seated third on her right. Anshul must like Spanish
food, since Rashi does not. Seema is seated on the immediate left of the person
who likes Spanish food, so Seema is on Anshul’s left. Since Seems does not like
Persian food, Nirmal must like Persian food, since the one who likes German food
is second on their right. So, Nirmal must be facing away from the centre, and so is
Moksh. This leaves Farah to like the Brazilian food, and she must be facing towards
the centre. Since Moksh and Seema are facing opposite directions, Seema is facing
the centre, so Varna must be facing away from the centre. Given that the person
who likes Mexican food is facing the direction opposite to the one that Varna is
facing, Seema must like Mexican, which leaves Moksh to like Albanian food.
The final arrangement is as follows

The person who likes Persian food is seated third on the right of the person who
likes Korean food.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.37) Answer- C
As per the given information, we have the below combinations
Varna – Korean
Rashi – away from the centre
Considering Anshul is seated opposite to the person who likes Brazilian food. Given
that Moksh is seated next to the one who likes Brazilian food. Moksh is seated
third on the right of the person who likes Danish food, which cannot be Anshul. So,
if Anshul is facing away from the centre, then Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul, and third on the right of Anshul if Anshul were facing towards the centre.
Case 1: If Anshul is facing away from the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left
of Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing away from the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s right should be facing towards the centre. The
person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who likes
German food. If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who likes
German food on Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing the centre, and must
like Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does not like
Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and Nirmal must
be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes Korean food.
So, Rashi has to be the one who likes Brazilian food, with Varna being third on her
right. Both Nirmal and Moksh should be facing towards the centre. Seema is
seated on the immediate left of the person who likes Spanish food, which can only
be Moksh in the arrangement, but it is given that it should be either Anshul or
Rashi. So, this case is invalid.

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Circular Arrangements

Case 2: If Anshul is facing towards the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing towards the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s left should be facing away from the centre. The
person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who likes
German food. If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who likes
German food on Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing away from the centre,
and must like Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does
not like Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and
Nirmal must be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes
Korean food. Since Rashi is seated away from the centre, she has to be the one
who likes German food, and Varna is seated third on her right. Anshul must like
Spanish food, since Rashi does not. Seema is seated on the immediate left of the
person who likes Spanish food, so Seema is on Anshul’s left. Since Seems does not
like Persian food, Nirmal must like Persian food, since the one who likes German
food is second on their right. So, Nirmal must be facing away from the centre, and
so is Moksh. This leaves Farah to like the Brazilian food, and she must be facing
towards the centre. Since Moksh and Seema are facing opposite directions, Seema
is facing the centre, so Varna must be facing away from the centre.

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Circular Arrangements

Given that the person who likes Mexican food is facing the direction opposite to
the one that Varna is facing, Seema must like Mexican, which leaves Moksh to like
Albanian food.
The final arrangement is as follows

The lone person who is seated between Seema and Rashi likes Spanish food.

Q.38) Answer- E
As per the given information, we have the below combinations
Varna – Korean
Rashi – away from the centre
Considering Anshul is seated opposite to the person who likes Brazilian food. Given
that Moksh is seated next to the one who likes Brazilian food. Moksh is seated
third on the right of the person who likes Danish food, which cannot be Anshul. So,
if Anshul is facing away from the centre, then Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul, and third on the right of Anshul if Anshul were facing towards the centre.
Case 1: If Anshul is facing away from the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left
of Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing away from the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s right should be facing towards the centre.

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Circular Arrangements

The person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who
likes German food. If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who
likes German food on Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing the centre, and
must like Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does not
like Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and Nirmal
must be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes Korean
food. So, Rashi has to be the one who likes Brazilian food, with Varna being third
on her right. Both Nirmal and Moksh should be facing towards the centre. Seema
is seated on the immediate left of the person who likes Spanish food, which can
only be Moksh in the arrangement, but it is given that it should be either Anshul or
Rashi. So, this case is invalid.

Case 2: If Anshul is facing towards the centre, Moksh has to be third on the left of
Anshul and the one who likes Brazilian food is fourth on the left of Anshul. Since
Moksh is seated third on the right of the one who likes Danish food, that person
has to be second on the right of Anshul and facing towards the centre. Anshul is
seated second on the left of Harini, who is not seated immediately next to Moksh,
so Harini must be the one who likes Danish food, who is seated second on Anshul’s
right. Since only a maximum of two adjacent people can be seated facing the same
direction, the person on Anshul’s left should be facing away from the centre. The
person who likes Danish food is seated between Nirmal and the person who likes
German food.

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Circular Arrangements

If we consider Nirmal to be on Harini’s left and the one who likes German food on
Harini’s right, then Moksh must be facing away from the centre, and must like
Persian food, which is not possible since it is given that Moksh does not like
Persian food. So, the one on Harini’s left must like German food, and Nirmal must
be on her right. Varna is seated third on the right of Rashi and likes Korean food.
Since Rashi is seated away from the centre, she has to be the one who likes
German food, and Varna is seated third on her right. Anshul must like Spanish
food, since Rashi does not. Seema is seated on the immediate left of the person
who likes Spanish food, so Seema is on Anshul’s left. Since Seems does not like
Persian food, Nirmal must like Persian food, since the one who likes German food
is second on their right. So, Nirmal must be facing away from the centre, and so is
Moksh. This leaves Farah to like the Brazilian food, and she must be facing towards
the centre. Since Moksh and Seema are facing opposite directions, Seema is facing
the centre, so Varna must be facing away from the centre. Given that the person
who likes Mexican food is facing the direction opposite to the one that Varna is
facing, Seema must like Mexican, which leaves Moksh to like Albanian food.
The final arrangement is as follows

The correct combination is Nirmal-Facing away from the centre-Persian.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.39) Answer- C
As per the given information, we have the below details
Doctors – Jai, Kush, Loki, Mansi, Neeti, Anita, Pari, Charu
Doctor tokens – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Patients – Roshan, Sashi, Tarak, Umesh, Varun, Wasim, Sakshi, Yuvi
Patient tokens – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Kush – 40
80 – inner circle
Mansi – inner circle
Charu – 10
Sakshi – 6
Anita – 60
Roshan – outer circle
There is only one person whose token number is higher than that of Neeti, so
Neeti’s token number must be 70. Loki's token number has only one other
multiple among the given token numbers, which is not the highest among the
tokens, which means Loki’s token must be 30, since it has only one other multiple
among the tokens, 60, which is not the highest among them. Since Roshan is a
patient with a token number being a multiple of 5, it can only be 5. Varun’s token
number must be 8, since the only other cube is 1, which is assigned to Loki’s
patient. Wasim’s token number is half of Sakshi’s, so it has to be 3. Sashi’s token
number can be one of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Since 6 and 8 are already assigned to Sakshi and
Varun, and Charu, whose token is five times of 2, is not the doctor for Sashi, so
Sashi’s token must be 4. So, Sashi’s doctor’s token must be 20. Exactly three
people are seated between Tarak's doctor, Anita, and Kush. Tarak is on the
immediate right of Varun’s doctor, who is Charu. Exactly one person is seated
between Wasim's doctor and Charu. The token number of Umesh is lower than
that of Sashi with a difference of 2, so it must be 2. Tarak and Yuvi must have
either token 1 or 7, since all others are assigned to other patients. Since Loki’s
patient has a token of 1, and Anita’s patient is Tarak, Tarak’s token must be 7 and
Yuvi’s token must be 1. Below is the partial arrangement based on the information
so far.

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Circular Arrangements

Pari and Mansi are the other two doctors in the inner circle. Mansi is not the
doctor assigned to Umesh, so Mansi’s patient must be Sashi, and Umesh must be
Kush’s patient. Pari is in the inner circle, so the one with token 80 is Pari, which
means Jai’s token number is 50.
Case 1: If Pari is second on the left of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the right of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, this case in invalid.

Case 2: If Pari is second on the right of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the left of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, Loki has to be on the immediate right of Roshan. This
leaves Wasim on the left of Kush, and Jai is seated opposite to her.

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Circular Arrangements

The doctor-patient combinations are as follows.

Charu(10) – Varun(8)
Anita(60) – Tarak(7)
Neeti(70) – Sakshi(6)
Loki(30) – Yuvi(1)
Jai(50) – Wasim(3)
Pari(80) – Roshan(5)
Mansi(20) – Sashi(4)
Kush(40) – Umesh(2)
The final arrangement is as follows

Pari and Charu have the highest and lowest token numbers respectively.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.40) Answer- C
As per the given information, we have the below details
Doctors – Jai, Kush, Loki, Mansi, Neeti, Anita, Pari, Charu
Doctor tokens – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Patients – Roshan, Sashi, Tarak, Umesh, Varun, Wasim, Sakshi, Yuvi
Patient tokens – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Kush – 40
80 – inner circle
Mansi – inner circle
Charu – 10
Sakshi – 6
Anita – 60
Roshan – outer circle
There is only one person whose token number is higher than that of Neeti, so
Neeti’s token number must be 70. Loki's token number has only one other
multiple among the given token numbers, which is not the highest among the
tokens, which means Loki’s token must be 30, since it has only one other multiple
among the tokens, 60, which is not the highest among them. Since Roshan is a
patient with a token number being a multiple of 5, it can only be 5.
Varun’s token number must be 8, since the only other cube is 1, which is assigned
to Loki’s patient. Wasim’s token number is half of Sakshi’s, so it has to be 3. Sashi’s
token number can be one of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Since 6 and 8 are already assigned to
Sakshi and Varun, and Charu, whose token is five times of 2, is not the doctor for
Sashi, so Sashi’s token must be 4. So, Sashi’s doctor’s token must be 20. Exactly
three people are seated between Tarak's doctor, Anita, and Kush. Tarak is on the
immediate right of Varun’s doctor, who is Charu. Exactly one person is seated
between Wasim's doctor and Charu. The token number of Umesh is lower than
that of Sashi with a difference of 2, so it must be 2. Tarak and Yuvi must have
either token 1 or 7, since all others are assigned to other patients. Since Loki’s
patient has a token of 1, and Anita’s patient is Tarak, Tarak’s token must be 7 and
Yuvi’s token must be 1. Below is the partial arrangement based on the information
so far.

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Circular Arrangements

Pari and Mansi are the other two doctors in the inner circle. Mansi is not the
doctor assigned to Umesh, so Mansi’s patient must be Sashi, and Umesh must be
Kush’s patient. Pari is in the inner circle, so the one with token 80 is Pari, which
means Jai’s token number is 50.
Case 1: If Pari is second on the left of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the right of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, this case in invalid.

Case 2: If Pari is second on the right of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the left of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, Loki has to be on the immediate right of Roshan. This
leaves Wasim on the left of Kush, and Jai is seated opposite to her.
The doctor-patient combinations are as follows.
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Circular Arrangements

Charu(10) – Varun(8)
Anita(60) – Tarak(7)
Neeti(70) – Sakshi(6)
Loki(30) – Yuvi(1)
Jai(50) – Wasim(3)
Pari(80) – Roshan(5)
Mansi(20) – Sashi(4)
Kush(40) – Umesh(2)
The final arrangement is as follows

Yuvi is the only one who is not along the outside circle.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.41) Answer- C
As per the given information, we have the below details
Doctors – Jai, Kush, Loki, Mansi, Neeti, Anita, Pari, Charu
Doctor tokens – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Patients – Roshan, Sashi, Tarak, Umesh, Varun, Wasim, Sakshi, Yuvi
Patient tokens – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Kush – 40
80 – inner circle
Mansi – inner circle
Charu – 10
Sakshi – 6
Anita – 60
Roshan – outer circle
There is only one person whose token number is higher than that of Neeti, so
Neeti’s token number must be 70. Loki's token number has only one other
multiple among the given token numbers, which is not the highest among the
tokens, which means Loki’s token must be 30, since it has only one other multiple
among the tokens, 60, which is not the highest among them. Since Roshan is a
patient with a token number being a multiple of 5, it can only be 5. Varun’s token
number must be 8, since the only other cube is 1, which is assigned to Loki’s
patient. Wasim’s token number is half of Sakshi’s, so it has to be 3. Sashi’s token
number can be one of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Since 6 and 8 are already assigned to Sakshi and
Varun, and Charu, whose token is five times of 2, is not the doctor for Sashi, so
Sashi’s token must be 4. So, Sashi’s doctor’s token must be 20. Exactly three
people are seated between Tarak's doctor, Anita, and Kush. Tarak is on the
immediate right of Varun’s doctor, who is Charu. Exactly one person is seated
between Wasim's doctor and Charu. The token number of Umesh is lower than
that of Sashi with a difference of 2, so it must be 2. Tarak and Yuvi must have
either token 1 or 7, since all others are assigned to other patients. Since Loki’s
patient has a token of 1, and Anita’s patient is Tarak, Tarak’s token must be 7 and
Yuvi’s token must be 1. Below is the partial arrangement based on the information
so far.

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Circular Arrangements

Pari and Mansi are the other two doctors in the inner circle. Mansi is not the
doctor assigned to Umesh, so Mansi’s patient must be Sashi, and Umesh must be
Kush’s patient. Pari is in the inner circle, so the one with token 80 is Pari, which
means Jai’s token number is 50.
Case 1: If Pari is second on the left of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the right of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, this case in invalid.

Case 2: If Pari is second on the right of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the left of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, Loki has to be on the immediate right of Roshan. This
leaves Wasim on the left of Kush, and Jai is seated opposite to her.

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Circular Arrangements

The doctor-patient combinations are as follows.

Charu(10) – Varun(8)
Anita(60) – Tarak(7)
Neeti(70) – Sakshi(6)
Loki(30) – Yuvi(1)
Jai(50) – Wasim(3)
Pari(80) – Roshan(5)
Mansi(20) – Sashi(4)
Kush(40) – Umesh(2)
The final arrangement is as follows

The sum of the token numbers of Wasim’s doctor and Anita’s patient is 50 + 7 =

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Circular Arrangements

Q.42) Answer- D
As per the given information, we have the below details
Doctors – Jai, Kush, Loki, Mansi, Neeti, Anita, Pari, Charu
Doctor tokens – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Patients – Roshan, Sashi, Tarak, Umesh, Varun, Wasim, Sakshi, Yuvi
Patient tokens – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Kush – 40
80 – inner circle
Mansi – inner circle
Charu – 10
Sakshi – 6
Anita – 60
Roshan – outer circle
There is only one person whose token number is higher than that of Neeti, so
Neeti’s token number must be 70. Loki's token number has only one other
multiple among the given token numbers, which is not the highest among the
tokens, which means Loki’s token must be 30, since it has only one other multiple
among the tokens, 60, which is not the highest among them. Since Roshan is a
patient with a token number being a multiple of 5, it can only be 5. Varun’s token
number must be 8, since the only other cube is 1, which is assigned to Loki’s
patient. Wasim’s token number is half of Sakshi’s, so it has to be 3. Sashi’s token
number can be one of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Since 6 and 8 are already assigned to Sakshi and
Varun, and Charu, whose token is five times of 2, is not the doctor for Sashi, so
Sashi’s token must be 4. So, Sashi’s doctor’s token must be 20. Exactly three
people are seated between Tarak's doctor, Anita, and Kush. Tarak is on the
immediate right of Varun’s doctor, who is Charu. Exactly one person is seated
between Wasim's doctor and Charu. The token number of Umesh is lower than
that of Sashi with a difference of 2, so it must be 2. Tarak and Yuvi must have
either token 1 or 7, since all others are assigned to other patients. Since Loki’s
patient has a token of 1, and Anita’s patient is Tarak, Tarak’s token must be 7 and
Yuvi’s token must be 1. Below is the partial arrangement based on the information
so far.

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Circular Arrangements

Pari and Mansi are the other two doctors in the inner circle. Mansi is not the
doctor assigned to Umesh, so Mansi’s patient must be Sashi, and Umesh must be
Kush’s patient. Pari is in the inner circle, so the one with token 80 is Pari, which
means Jai’s token number is 50.
Case 1: If Pari is second on the left of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the right of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, this case in invalid.

Case 2: If Pari is second on the right of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the left of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, Loki has to be on the immediate right of Roshan. This
leaves Wasim on the left of Kush, and Jai is seated opposite to her.

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Circular Arrangements

The doctor-patient combinations are as follows.

Charu(10) – Varun(8)
Anita(60) – Tarak(7)
Neeti(70) – Sakshi(6)
Loki(30) – Yuvi(1)
Jai(50) – Wasim(3)
Pari(80) – Roshan(5)
Mansi(20) – Sashi(4)
Kush(40) – Umesh(2)
The final arrangement is as follows

Sashi and Umesh are the patients of Mansi and Kush respectively.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.43) Answer- C
As per the given information, we have the below details
Doctors – Jai, Kush, Loki, Mansi, Neeti, Anita, Pari, Charu
Doctor tokens – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Patients – Roshan, Sashi, Tarak, Umesh, Varun, Wasim, Sakshi, Yuvi
Patient tokens – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Kush – 40
80 – inner circle
Mansi – inner circle
Charu – 10
Sakshi – 6
Anita – 60
Roshan – outer circle
There is only one person whose token number is higher than that of Neeti, so
Neeti’s token number must be 70. Loki's token number has only one other
multiple among the given token numbers, which is not the highest among the
tokens, which means Loki’s token must be 30, since it has only one other multiple
among the tokens, 60, which is not the highest among them. Since Roshan is a
patient with a token number being a multiple of 5, it can only be 5. Varun’s token
number must be 8, since the only other cube is 1, which is assigned to Loki’s
patient. Wasim’s token number is half of Sakshi’s, so it has to be 3. Sashi’s token
number can be one of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Since 6 and 8 are already assigned to Sakshi and
Varun, and Charu, whose token is five times of 2, is not the doctor for Sashi, so
Sashi’s token must be 4. So, Sashi’s doctor’s token must be 20. Exactly three
people are seated between Tarak's doctor, Anita, and Kush. Tarak is on the
immediate right of Varun’s doctor, who is Charu. Exactly one person is seated
between Wasim's doctor and Charu. The token number of Umesh is lower than
that of Sashi with a difference of 2, so it must be 2. Tarak and Yuvi must have
either token 1 or 7, since all others are assigned to other patients. Since Loki’s
patient has a token of 1, and Anita’s patient is Tarak, Tarak’s token must be 7 and
Yuvi’s token must be 1. Below is the partial arrangement based on the information
so far.

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Circular Arrangements

Pari and Mansi are the other two doctors in the inner circle. Mansi is not the
doctor assigned to Umesh, so Mansi’s patient must be Sashi, and Umesh must be
Kush’s patient. Pari is in the inner circle, so the one with token 80 is Pari, which
means Jai’s token number is 50.
Case 1: If Pari is second on the left of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the right of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, this case in invalid.

Case 2: If Pari is second on the right of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the left of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, Loki has to be on the immediate right of Roshan. This
leaves Wasim on the left of Kush, and Jai is seated opposite to her.

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Circular Arrangements

The doctor-patient combinations are as follows.

Charu(10) – Varun(8)
Anita(60) – Tarak(7)
Neeti(70) – Sakshi(6)
Loki(30) – Yuvi(1)
Jai(50) – Wasim(3)
Pari(80) – Roshan(5)
Mansi(20) – Sashi(4)
Kush(40) – Umesh(2)
The final arrangement is as follows

The ones whose tokens are 10 and 50 are seated immediately next to the one
whose token is 4.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.44) Answer- A
As per the given information, we have the below details
Doctors – Jai, Kush, Loki, Mansi, Neeti, Anita, Pari, Charu
Doctor tokens – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Patients – Roshan, Sashi, Tarak, Umesh, Varun, Wasim, Sakshi, Yuvi
Patient tokens – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Kush – 40
80 – inner circle
Mansi – inner circle
Charu – 10
Sakshi – 6
Anita – 60
Roshan – outer circle
There is only one person whose token number is higher than that of Neeti, so
Neeti’s token number must be 70. Loki's token number has only one other
multiple among the given token numbers, which is not the highest among the
tokens, which means Loki’s token must be 30, since it has only one other multiple
among the tokens, 60, which is not the highest among them. Since Roshan is a
patient with a token number being a multiple of 5, it can only be 5. Varun’s token
number must be 8, since the only other cube is 1, which is assigned to Loki’s
patient. Wasim’s token number is half of Sakshi’s, so it has to be 3. Sashi’s token
number can be one of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Since 6 and 8 are already assigned to Sakshi and
Varun, and Charu, whose token is five times of 2, is not the doctor for Sashi, so
Sashi’s token must be 4. So, Sashi’s doctor’s token must be 20. Exactly three
people are seated between Tarak's doctor, Anita, and Kush. Tarak is on the
immediate right of Varun’s doctor, who is Charu. Exactly one person is seated
between Wasim's doctor and Charu. The token number of Umesh is lower than
that of Sashi with a difference of 2, so it must be 2. Tarak and Yuvi must have
either token 1 or 7, since all others are assigned to other patients. Since Loki’s
patient has a token of 1, and Anita’s patient is Tarak, Tarak’s token must be 7 and
Yuvi’s token must be 1. Below is the partial arrangement based on the information
so far.

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Circular Arrangements

Pari and Mansi are the other two doctors in the inner circle. Mansi is not the
doctor assigned to Umesh, so Mansi’s patient must be Sashi, and Umesh must be
Kush’s patient. Pari is in the inner circle, so the one with token 80 is Pari, which
means Jai’s token number is 50.
Case 1: If Pari is second on the left of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the right of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, this case in invalid.

Case 2: If Pari is second on the right of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the left of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, Loki has to be on the immediate right of Roshan. This
leaves Wasim on the left of Kush, and Jai is seated opposite to her.

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Circular Arrangements

The doctor-patient combinations are as follows.

Charu(10) – Varun(8)
Anita(60) – Tarak(7)
Neeti(70) – Sakshi(6)
Loki(30) – Yuvi(1)
Jai(50) – Wasim(3)
Pari(80) – Roshan(5)
Mansi(20) – Sashi(4)
Kush(40) – Umesh(2)
The final arrangement is as follows

The token number of the patient of the person seated on the immediate left of
Tarak is 8.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.45) Answer- D
As per the given information, we have the below details
Doctors – Jai, Kush, Loki, Mansi, Neeti, Anita, Pari, Charu
Doctor tokens – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Patients – Roshan, Sashi, Tarak, Umesh, Varun, Wasim, Sakshi, Yuvi
Patient tokens – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Kush – 40
80 – inner circle
Mansi – inner circle
Charu – 10
Sakshi – 6
Anita – 60
Roshan – outer circle
There is only one person whose token number is higher than that of Neeti, so
Neeti’s token number must be 70. Loki's token number has only one other
multiple among the given token numbers, which is not the highest among the
tokens, which means Loki’s token must be 30, since it has only one other multiple
among the tokens, 60, which is not the highest among them. Since Roshan is a
patient with a token number being a multiple of 5, it can only be 5. Varun’s token
number must be 8, since the only other cube is 1, which is assigned to Loki’s
patient. Wasim’s token number is half of Sakshi’s, so it has to be 3. Sashi’s token
number can be one of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Since 6 and 8 are already assigned to Sakshi and
Varun, and Charu, whose token is five times of 2, is not the doctor for Sashi, so
Sashi’s token must be 4. So, Sashi’s doctor’s token must be 20. Exactly three
people are seated between Tarak's doctor, Anita, and Kush. Tarak is on the
immediate right of Varun’s doctor, who is Charu. Exactly one person is seated
between Wasim's doctor and Charu. The token number of Umesh is lower than
that of Sashi with a difference of 2, so it must be 2. Tarak and Yuvi must have
either token 1 or 7, since all others are assigned to other patients. Since Loki’s
patient has a token of 1, and Anita’s patient is Tarak, Tarak’s token must be 7 and
Yuvi’s token must be 1. Below is the partial arrangement based on the information
so far.

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Circular Arrangements

Pari and Mansi are the other two doctors in the inner circle. Mansi is not the
doctor assigned to Umesh, so Mansi’s patient must be Sashi, and Umesh must be
Kush’s patient. Pari is in the inner circle, so the one with token 80 is Pari, which
means Jai’s token number is 50.
Case 1: If Pari is second on the left of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the right of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, this case in invalid.

Case 2: If Pari is second on the right of Kush, Neeti has to be on the left of Roshan.
Mansi is seated second on the left of Kush. Given that Sashi is not seated
immediately next to Loki, Loki has to be on the immediate right of Roshan. This
leaves Wasim on the left of Kush, and Jai is seated opposite to her.

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Circular Arrangements

The doctor-patient combinations are as follows.

Charu(10) – Varun(8)
Anita(60) – Tarak(7)
Neeti(70) – Sakshi(6)
Loki(30) – Yuvi(1)
Jai(50) – Wasim(3)
Pari(80) – Roshan(5)
Mansi(20) – Sashi(4)
Kush(40) – Umesh(2)
The final arrangement is as follows

The token number of the person seated opposite Neeti is 6.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.46) Answer- B
As per the given information, we have the following combinations
Ramya – Chestnut – towards the centre
Shyam – Ombre – away from the centre
Biju – Chestnut – towards the centre
There is an Auburn haired person seated next to both Yasi and Biju, so that person
must be seated between them. Kunal and Leena are seated together and have the
same hair colour, so no one else can have that hair colour, which means it must be
either Caramel or Burgundy. The Auburn haired person is seated immediately next
to both Yasi and Biju, but neither of them is seated next to either Kunal or Leena.
Neither Yasi nor Biju has Auburn hair since they are seated adjacent to an Auburn
haired person. Bunty is seated second on the left of Ramya. The Chestnut haired
persons are facing the centre, with Bunty, Nazia and Yasi facing the same direction
as Biju. So, they are all facing the centre. Since Bunty does not have Chestnut,
Caramel or Ombre coloured hair, he must be having Auburn or Burgundy hair.
Case 1: If Kunal is facing towards the centre, then Leena must be on his left and
facing away from the centre, since she cannot be next to Biju. The Auburn haired
person has to be on Biju’s left and Yasi is second on Biju’s left. Since Bunty is
seated second on Ramya’s left, with Ramya facing the centre, this is only possible
if Ramya is on Yasi’s left. The Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of
Disha, but it is not Kunal or Ramya and cannot be Leena either. This means Kunal
and Leena must have Burgundy hair. This leaves Bunty to have Auburn hair. Nazia
is seated third on the right of Shyam, who has Ombre coloured hair and is seated
facing away from the centre. This is not possible with the current scenario, so this
case is invalid.

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Circular Arrangements

Case 2: If Kunal is facing away from the centre, then he must be second on Biju’s
left and Leena must be on Kunal’s right, facing the centre, since she cannot be next
to Biju. The Auburn haired person has to be on Biju’s right and Yasi is second on
Biju’s right. Ramya has Chestnut hair and is seated facing the centre, and Bunty is
seated second on her left. Ramya can either be on Yasi’s right or Leena’s left. But if
she is on Yasi’s right, Disha’s position cannot be possible based on the given
conditions. So, Ramya has to be on Leena’s left. So, Bunty is on Yasi’s right. The
Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of Disha, but it is not Kunal or
Ramya. So, Disha has to be on Biju’s left facing away from the centre, which means
Yasi is the Caramel haired person. We can now say that Kunal and Leena have
Burgundy hair. Since we have two people with Burgundy hair, Bunty must have
Auburn hair. This leaves Shyam to be on Ramya’s left and the Auburn haired
person on Biju’s right is Nazia. Finally, Disha may have either Caramel or Ombre
coloured hair. The final arrangement is as follows

Leena is seated second on the right of Disha.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.47) Answer- E
As per the given information, we have the following combinations
Ramya – Chestnut – towards the centre
Shyam – Ombre – away from the centre
Biju – Chestnut – towards the centre
There is an Auburn haired person seated next to both Yasi and Biju, so that person
must be seated between them. Kunal and Leena are seated together and have the
same hair colour, so no one else can have that hair colour, which means it must be
either Caramel or Burgundy. The Auburn haired person is seated immediately next
to both Yasi and Biju, but neither of them is seated next to either Kunal or Leena.
Neither Yasi nor Biju has Auburn hair since they are seated adjacent to an Auburn
haired person. Bunty is seated second on the left of Ramya. The Chestnut haired
persons are facing the centre, with Bunty, Nazia and Yasi facing the same direction
as Biju. So, they are all facing the centre. Since Bunty does not have Chestnut,
Caramel or Ombre coloured hair, he must be having Auburn or Burgundy hair.
Case 1: If Kunal is facing towards the centre, then Leena must be on his left and
facing away from the centre, since she cannot be next to Biju. The Auburn haired
person has to be on Biju’s left and Yasi is second on Biju’s left. Since Bunty is
seated second on Ramya’s left, with Ramya facing the centre, this is only possible
if Ramya is on Yasi’s left. The Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of
Disha, but it is not Kunal or Ramya and cannot be Leena either. This means Kunal
and Leena must have Burgundy hair. This leaves Bunty to have Auburn hair. Nazia
is seated third on the right of Shyam, who has Ombre coloured hair and is seated
facing away from the centre. This is not possible with the current scenario, so this
case is invalid.

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Circular Arrangements

Case 2: If Kunal is facing away from the centre, then he must be second on Biju’s
left and Leena must be on Kunal’s right, facing the centre, since she cannot be next
to Biju. The Auburn haired person has to be on Biju’s right and Yasi is second on
Biju’s right. Ramya has Chestnut hair and is seated facing the centre, and Bunty is
seated second on her left. Ramya can either be on Yasi’s right or Leena’s left. But if
she is on Yasi’s right, Disha’s position cannot be possible based on the given
conditions. So, Ramya has to be on Leena’s left. So, Bunty is on Yasi’s right. The
Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of Disha, but it is not Kunal or
Ramya. So, Disha has to be on Biju’s left facing away from the centre, which means
Yasi is the Caramel haired person. We can now say that Kunal and Leena have
Burgundy hair. Since we have two people with Burgundy hair, Bunty must have
Auburn hair. This leaves Shyam to be on Ramya’s left and the Auburn haired
person on Biju’s right is Nazia. Finally, Disha may have either Caramel or Ombre
coloured hair. The final arrangement is as follows

Bunty and Nazia have Auburn coloured hair.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.48) Answer- A
As per the given information, we have the following combinations
Ramya – Chestnut – towards the centre
Shyam – Ombre – away from the centre
Biju – Chestnut – towards the centre
There is an Auburn haired person seated next to both Yasi and Biju, so that person
must be seated between them. Kunal and Leena are seated together and have the
same hair colour, so no one else can have that hair colour, which means it must be
either Caramel or Burgundy. The Auburn haired person is seated immediately next
to both Yasi and Biju, but neither of them is seated next to either Kunal or Leena.
Neither Yasi nor Biju has Auburn hair since they are seated adjacent to an Auburn
haired person. Bunty is seated second on the left of Ramya. The Chestnut haired
persons are facing the centre, with Bunty, Nazia and Yasi facing the same direction
as Biju. So, they are all facing the centre. Since Bunty does not have Chestnut,
Caramel or Ombre coloured hair, he must be having Auburn or Burgundy hair.
Case 1: If Kunal is facing towards the centre, then Leena must be on his left and
facing away from the centre, since she cannot be next to Biju. The Auburn haired
person has to be on Biju’s left and Yasi is second on Biju’s left. Since Bunty is
seated second on Ramya’s left, with Ramya facing the centre, this is only possible
if Ramya is on Yasi’s left. The Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of
Disha, but it is not Kunal or Ramya and cannot be Leena either. This means Kunal
and Leena must have Burgundy hair. This leaves Bunty to have Auburn hair. Nazia
is seated third on the right of Shyam, who has Ombre coloured hair and is seated
facing away from the centre. This is not possible with the current scenario, so this
case is invalid.

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Circular Arrangements

Case 2: If Kunal is facing away from the centre, then he must be second on Biju’s
left and Leena must be on Kunal’s right, facing the centre, since she cannot be next
to Biju. The Auburn haired person has to be on Biju’s right and Yasi is second on
Biju’s right. Ramya has Chestnut hair and is seated facing the centre, and Bunty is
seated second on her left. Ramya can either be on Yasi’s right or Leena’s left. But if
she is on Yasi’s right, Disha’s position cannot be possible based on the given
conditions. So, Ramya has to be on Leena’s left. So, Bunty is on Yasi’s right. The
Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of Disha, but it is not Kunal or
Ramya. So, Disha has to be on Biju’s left facing away from the centre, which means
Yasi is the Caramel haired person. We can now say that Kunal and Leena have
Burgundy hair. Since we have two people with Burgundy hair, Bunty must have
Auburn hair. This leaves Shyam to be on Ramya’s left and the Auburn haired
person on Biju’s right is Nazia. Finally, Disha may have either Caramel or Ombre
coloured hair. The final arrangement is as follows

Yasi has Caramel coloured hair.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.49) Answer- B
As per the given information, we have the following combinations
Ramya – Chestnut – towards the centre
Shyam – Ombre – away from the centre
Biju – Chestnut – towards the centre
There is an Auburn haired person seated next to both Yasi and Biju, so that person
must be seated between them. Kunal and Leena are seated together and have the
same hair colour, so no one else can have that hair colour, which means it must be
either Caramel or Burgundy. The Auburn haired person is seated immediately next
to both Yasi and Biju, but neither of them is seated next to either Kunal or Leena.
Neither Yasi nor Biju has Auburn hair since they are seated adjacent to an Auburn
haired person. Bunty is seated second on the left of Ramya. The Chestnut haired
persons are facing the centre, with Bunty, Nazia and Yasi facing the same direction
as Biju. So, they are all facing the centre. Since Bunty does not have Chestnut,
Caramel or Ombre coloured hair, he must be having Auburn or Burgundy hair.
Case 1: If Kunal is facing towards the centre, then Leena must be on his left and
facing away from the centre, since she cannot be next to Biju. The Auburn haired
person has to be on Biju’s left and Yasi is second on Biju’s left. Since Bunty is
seated second on Ramya’s left, with Ramya facing the centre, this is only possible
if Ramya is on Yasi’s left. The Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of
Disha, but it is not Kunal or Ramya and cannot be Leena either. This means Kunal
and Leena must have Burgundy hair. This leaves Bunty to have Auburn hair. Nazia
is seated third on the right of Shyam, who has Ombre coloured hair and is seated
facing away from the centre. This is not possible with the current scenario, so this
case is invalid.

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Circular Arrangements

Case 2: If Kunal is facing away from the centre, then he must be second on Biju’s
left and Leena must be on Kunal’s right, facing the centre, since she cannot be next
to Biju. The Auburn haired person has to be on Biju’s right and Yasi is second on
Biju’s right. Ramya has Chestnut hair and is seated facing the centre, and Bunty is
seated second on her left. Ramya can either be on Yasi’s right or Leena’s left. But if
she is on Yasi’s right, Disha’s position cannot be possible based on the given
conditions. So, Ramya has to be on Leena’s left. So, Bunty is on Yasi’s right. The
Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of Disha, but it is not Kunal or
Ramya. So, Disha has to be on Biju’s left facing away from the centre, which means
Yasi is the Caramel haired person. We can now say that Kunal and Leena have
Burgundy hair. Since we have two people with Burgundy hair, Bunty must have
Auburn hair. This leaves Shyam to be on Ramya’s left and the Auburn haired
person on Biju’s right is Nazia. Finally, Disha may have either Caramel or Ombre
coloured hair. The final arrangement is as follows

Three people are seated facing away from the centre.

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Circular Arrangements

Q.50) Answer- D
As per the given information, we have the following combinations
Ramya – Chestnut – towards the centre
Shyam – Ombre – away from the centre
Biju – Chestnut – towards the centre
There is an Auburn haired person seated next to both Yasi and Biju, so that person
must be seated between them. Kunal and Leena are seated together and have the
same hair colour, so no one else can have that hair colour, which means it must be
either Caramel or Burgundy. The Auburn haired person is seated immediately next
to both Yasi and Biju, but neither of them is seated next to either Kunal or Leena.
Neither Yasi nor Biju has Auburn hair since they are seated adjacent to an Auburn
haired person. Bunty is seated second on the left of Ramya. The Chestnut haired
persons are facing the centre, with Bunty, Nazia and Yasi facing the same direction
as Biju. So, they are all facing the centre. Since Bunty does not have Chestnut,
Caramel or Ombre coloured hair, he must be having Auburn or Burgundy hair.
Case 1: If Kunal is facing towards the centre, then Leena must be on his left and
facing away from the centre, since she cannot be next to Biju. The Auburn haired
person has to be on Biju’s left and Yasi is second on Biju’s left. Since Bunty is
seated second on Ramya’s left, with Ramya facing the centre, this is only possible
if Ramya is on Yasi’s left. The Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of
Disha, but it is not Kunal or Ramya and cannot be Leena either. This means Kunal
and Leena must have Burgundy hair. This leaves Bunty to have Auburn hair. Nazia
is seated third on the right of Shyam, who has Ombre coloured hair and is seated
facing away from the centre. This is not possible with the current scenario, so this
case is invalid.

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Circular Arrangements

Case 2: If Kunal is facing away from the centre, then he must be second on Biju’s
left and Leena must be on Kunal’s right, facing the centre, since she cannot be next
to Biju. The Auburn haired person has to be on Biju’s right and Yasi is second on
Biju’s right. Ramya has Chestnut hair and is seated facing the centre, and Bunty is
seated second on her left. Ramya can either be on Yasi’s right or Leena’s left. But if
she is on Yasi’s right, Disha’s position cannot be possible based on the given
conditions. So, Ramya has to be on Leena’s left. So, Bunty is on Yasi’s right. The
Caramel haired person is seated third on the left of Disha, but it is not Kunal or
Ramya. So, Disha has to be on Biju’s left facing away from the centre, which means
Yasi is the Caramel haired person. We can now say that Kunal and Leena have
Burgundy hair. Since we have two people with Burgundy hair, Bunty must have
Auburn hair. This leaves Shyam to be on Ramya’s left and the Auburn haired
person on Biju’s right is Nazia. Finally, Disha may have either Caramel or Ombre
coloured hair. The final arrangement is as follows

Kunal-Facing away from the centre-Burgundy is the only correct combination.

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