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Far Eastern University 1st Semester 2022-2023

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Formative Assessment 1

Support Module: Module 1

Assessment Title: Fundamentals of Civic and Government Center Planning and Design (Individual Activity)

Release Date: Week 1

Submission Date: Week 4
Duration of Activity: 3 Weeks

• Students should be able to develop and improve their research skills and problem analysis.
• Impart the importance of research in arriving at a design solution.

1. For Part 1: Desk Case Study
a. This part is desk research. Do scour library and online sources on civic and government center
architecture and design. Look for local and international references for your case studies,
minimum of three different projects and at least one local study to ground your research within
the local context and political landscape. You can use these topics as guide to efficiently
analyze and infer from the materials you will get:
i. Project definition and function
ii. Spatial patterns and Circulation
iii. Design considerations
iv. Material specifications
v. Space requirements
vi. Site selection and criteria
vii. Legal considerations
viii. Detailed plans and drawings, if available

2. For Part 2: User Analysis

a. Provide evidence, statistical data and other supporting documents that would help you design
your main structure, which is the government center.
i. Who are your users? How many will your project cater? Describe your users. You
may refer to Taytay’s organizational chart as reference.
ii. Identify the activities / routines of your users. You may refer to Taytay’s citizen’s
charter for a step-by-step process of the routine specifically for the public.
iii. You can create a diagram for this.
iv. What are the considerations for your government center?
v. How will the project adapt to the post pandemic approach?
b. Student also has the option to present these findings graphically (see example next page)

ARC1407: Architectural Design 7

Far Eastern University 1st Semester 2022-2023
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

3. See appendices for this research paper format. Use A4 size paper in portrait orientation.
4. Properly cite sources. Use the latest APA format.
5. Refer to the attached rubric for the criteria for grading.

Submission Format:

File Format: PDF

Size: A4. See annex for specific guidelines on research paper format.
Mode of Submission: CANVAS or Hardcopy Submission (depends on agreement with course adviser)

ARC1407: Architectural Design 7

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