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Department of Education

Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Santa Cruz South


Day 4- August 25, 2022

I. Objective
To regulate emotions and find solutions to challenges
II. Topic
Let’s Dance
“I have the capacity to regulate my emotions and find solutions to challenges.”

III. Reference
Psychosocial Support Activity Pack

Materials- A playlist for a dance party. Make sure that the music is child-friendly
and wholesome (i.e. no profanity, etc.)

IV. Procedure
A. Classroom Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
Good afternoon, children.
3. Check-in
How are you today?
Use the emoticon chart. Ask who is feeling each emotion in class. All
emotions are welcome.
4. Energy Check
Warm-up Song
5. Set Guidelines
Recall of health and safety protocols and classroom rules.

B. Presentation/Motivation
Do you like to dance, children? Let us energize ourselves this time.

C. Teaching and Modelling

Ask the class to start in a circle. Circle is helpful in letting everyone be seen -
there is no leader. It also helps with providing a “dance space”.

D. Psychosocial Support Learning Activities

“Let’s Dance”
1. Start with a warm-up - explore different parts of the body (feet to knees, to hips, to
back, to shoulders, to arms, to head, to the whole body).
 You may ask each person in the class to give a warm up exercise, any
body part that they want to wake up and the rest of the class follows.
2. Ask the learner to walk around in a circle -- taking turns leading the class
 Do not force learners to lead if they are shy. You might want to lead with
them or pick up any small movement they give (i.e. marching, walking,
any movement of the arms).
3. Ask two learners to go to the center of the circle and move (you can call them
randomly, maybe even do triad or groups of four) - learners outside the circle can
mirror those in the center or they can move any way they want.
4. Explore big movement, small movements, fast or slow.
5. Ask the learners to move and then freeze when the music stops. Change your pose
when I say “change”. You can have a theme (i.e. animals, feelings, shapes, letters
 Ex: “When the music stops, freeze. When I say ‘change,’ pose like you’re
a lion. Change!” -- learners show their lion pose.
6. Close with the theme that the class has, going back into a circle. Slowing down
movements, acknowledging each person in the circle.

E. Application
What other activities do you do at home to regulate your stress?

F. Synthesis/Generalization
Our energy and how we regulate our bodies affects others. Our stress can
become their stress. It’s important for us to pay attention to how our bodies
feel. When we pay attention to ourselves and our bodies, we are able to be
present to others in an honest and supportive way.

G. Closing
At home, move and dance together with your family to release stress
and regulate your emotions.

Prepared by:
Master Teacher 1

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