Lesson Plan in Psychosocial Support Activity Grade 6

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Department of Education

Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Santa Cruz South


Day 1- August 22, 2022

I. Objective
Reflect on an animal that makes them feel safe to reflect on the concept of safety

II. Topic
Safe Animal Activity
“I am able to acknowledge and express my feelings.”

III. Reference
Psychosocial Support Activity pack, pp. 22-24

Materials- bond paper, crayons, pencil

IV. Procedure
A. Classroom Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
Good afternoon, children.
3. Check-in
How are you today?
Use the emoticon chart. Ask who is feeling each emotion in class. All
emotions are welcome.
4. Energy Check
Warm-up Song
5. Set Guidelines
Recall of health and safety protocols and classroom rules.

B. Presentation/Motivation
Do you have a pet at home/ what is it? can you imitate the sound it makes? Do
you take good care of your pet animal? How? Why?

C. Teaching and Modelling

Animals need to be taken care of. They need to feel safe from harm. Just like
animals, we need to be safe, also.
Safety is important. When we feel unsafe in our environment, we have
to run to safety (in case of physical safety) and find an adult. In case of
unsafety emotionally or in our bodies, we need to tell an adult that we can trust
(at home or in school) when we do not feel safe in our bodies.

D. Psychosocial Support Learning Activities

“Safe Animal Activity”
1. Ask the learners to take a sheet of paper, either loose paper you provide or
their notebook.
2. Ask the learners to draw the animal that makes them feel safe, and give it a
3. Then ask the learners to draw a habitat for their safe animals-where will
the animal live? They can be as creative as they’d like (i.e. fish living in a
house, a horse living in the ocean, etc.)
4. Once everyone has finished, ask if anyone would like to share their
artwork with the class.
5. Let them tell their story. Depending on the size of your class, give each
learner about 2-3 minutes for their story.

Prompt: Tell us the story of your animal. What is his/her name? where
does he/she live?
Ask the learner what the animal is, the contents of the safe place. Add
additional questions as appropriate. Thank the learner for sharing.

E. Application
Suppose you are being bullied by some of your classmates in school. What
will you do?

F. Synthesis/Generalization
Today, I learned about the importance of safety. Whenever I feel unsafe, I will
run to safety and find an adult whom I can tell my problems/concerns.

G. Closing
Pretend that you are in a forest, and you are all animals. Ask one learner to
begin making the sound of his/ her animal, and then everyone copies this
sound (e.g. barking like a dog, and acting like one-with one or two paws up),
and after the whole class has done this about 10-15 seconds, the next learner
can lead the class in the sound of his/her animal with a corresponding action.

Prepared by:
Master Teacher 1

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