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MYP personal project assessment criteria

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

States a learning goal. States a learning goal and States a learning goal and States a learning goal and explains
outlines the connection between describes the connection the connection between personal
personal interest(s) and between personal interest(s) interest(s) and that goal.
that goal. and that goal.
States their intended States their intended product and States their intended product States their intended product and
Objective A:
product. presents basic success criteria for and presents multiple presents multiple appropriate,
Planning the product. appropriate success criteria for detailed success
the product. criteria for the product.
Presents a plan that is Presents a plan for achieving the Presents a detailed plan for Presents a detailed plan for
superficial or that is not product and some of its achieving the product and most achieving the product and all of its
focused on a product. associated success criteria. of its associated success criteria. associated success criteria.
States which ATL skill(s) Outlines which ATL skill(s) Describes how the ATL skill(s) Explains how the ATL skill(s)
was/were applied to help was/were applied to help achieve was/were applied to help was/were applied to help achieve
achieve their learning their learning goal, with achieve their learning goal, their learning goal, supported with
goal. superficial examples or evidence with reference to examples or detailed examples or evidence.
Objective B: evidence
Applying Skills States which ATL skill(s) Outlines which ATL skill(s) Describes how the ATL skill(s) Explains how the ATL skill(s)
was/were applied to help was/were applied to help achieve was/were applied to help was/were applied to help achieve
achieve their product. their product, with superficial achieve their product, with their product, supported with
examples or evidence. reference to examples or detailed examples or evidence.
States the impact of the Outlines the impact of the Describes the impact of the Explains the impact of the project
project on themselves or project on themselves or their project on themselves or their on themselves or their learning
their learning. learning learning.
Objective C:
States whether the States whether the product was Evaluates the product based on Evaluates the product based on
Reflecting product was achieved. achieved, partially supported the success criteria, partially the success criteria, fully
with evidence or examples. supported with evidence or supported with specific evidence
examples. or detailed examples.

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