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Abelardo C.

BAPS 4-1 Irreg
POSC106 European Comparative

The Role of Europe to International Relations and to International Security

The role of Europe to International Relations and International Security are concrete manifested
through the emergence of changes and challenges in International Politics as well or most-commonly
known as world politics. Through its research, seminars, and scholarly publications, it seeks to integrate
theoretical and conceptual insights from a wide range of perspectives in international relations, the
social sciences, history, and international law, with politically relevant empirical analysis. This research
area contributes to the theoretical and political debates on European and international affairs, and the
implications of a multi-centered, multi-actor world for contemporary international relations. It engages
with key areas of European affairs and addresses some of the big questions confronting Europe and the
EU in the decades ahead. 1 These researchers are seemingly declared relevant in the world politics as it
guides governments, states, nations, and so-on and so-fourth, for constant development and change.
Europe as well has this very particular organization which is focused on crisis management within the
limits of jurisdictions called European Union (EU). This EU is committed to crisis response, as this has
come as a result of the many challenges that have emerged, particularly in a post-Cold War context,
where old and new problems have surfaced in a changed political context, prompting a more active
response from the EU. The end of the Cold War and the two decades that followed brought to the
international agenda new outlooks in terms of the challenges and opportunities ahead, which assumed
a clear intra-state and transnational dimension. International terrorism, illicit trafficking and organised
crime along with multifaceted challenges to the state’s ruling authorities, civil warfare and intra- and
inter-state violence are some examples of the multi-dimensional nature of threats to international
security and stability. Growing interdependence and the dismantling of old barriers have allowed for
regime transition and the recognition of new states in what became the post-Soviet space, along with
the expression of freedoms hitherto constrained under communist rule. 2

Since then, the conception of European Union was internalized by other International Regions
which was as well resulted into the foundation of the International Organizations such as World Health
Organization, World Bank, etc.3 The role of Europe in world politics is clearly manifested with massive
flow of influence. No country can such dare to challenge the totality of Europe in terms of security and
the show of military forces as an indication of unlawful aggression. While it plays a very important role
in diplomacy, stability, and most of all security, at the end of World War II, huge swaths of Europe and
Asia had been reduced to ruins. Borders were redrawn and homecomings, expulsions, and burials were
under way. But the massive efforts to rebuild had just begun. When the war began in the late 1930s, the
world's population was approximately 2 billion. In less than a decade, the war between the Axis the
Allied powers had resulted in 80 million deaths -- killing off about 4 percent of the whole world. Allied
forces now became occupiers, taking control of Germany, Japan, and much of the territory they had
formerly ruled. Efforts were made to permanently dismantle the war-making abilities of those nations,
as factories were destroyed and former leadership was removed or prosecuted. War crimes trials took
place in Europe and Asia, leading to many executions and prison sentences. Millions of Germans and

Japanese were forcibly expelled from territories they called home. Allied occupations and United
Nations decisions led to many long-lasting problems in the future, including the tensions that created
East and West Germany, and divergent plans on the Korean Peninsula that led to the creation of North
and South Korea and -- the Korean War in 1950. 4

In that case, Europe was still in play as United Nations considers Europe great ally. The influence
that began even before World War II extends up until modernity. Between May 23 and May 26, 2019,
twenty-seven European countries (twenty-eight, if the United Kingdom does not manage to leave the
European Union by then) with a combined population of nearly 450 million will hold elections for the
European Parliament. Political parties critical of the EU are certain to make large gains, winning up to a
third of the Parliament’s seats according to some estimates. Since 2014, nationalists and populists have
increased their influence across the continent amidst political aftershocks from the global economic and
euro zone crises, spikes in migration flows and terrorism, the Brexit referendum, and Donald Trump’s
election. Political forces hostile to the European Union now sit in government in Budapest, Warsaw,
Rome, and Vienna, and have increased their political representation in Berlin and Paris. A triumph of
Euro skeptics at the European elections could profoundly restrict European policy-making in matters of
trade, sanctions, or migration, as illustrated in a recent report by the European Council on Foreign
Relations.5 Thus, unlimited imaginations for the overwhelming influence that extends to border to
border which had an impact to world politics is the role of Europe to International Relations and to
International Security.


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