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Explanation of wording in this Code

I Words denoting the different degrees of strictness are explained as follows in order that
they can be distinguished from each other during the implementation of this code:
(I ) Words denoting a very strict or a mandatory requirement:
"Must" is used for affrnnation;
"Must not" is used for negation.
Q) Words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions:
"Shall" is used for affrrmation;
"Shall not" is used for negation.
(3) Words denoting a permission of slight choice or an indication of the first choice
when conditions allow:
"Should" is used for affirmation;
"Should not" is used for negation.

2 "May" is used to indicate that there are choices and it is allowable to do so under a
certain condition.

"Be in accordance with" or "be in compliance With" are used in the text of this Code
for those items that name the related standards or codes as a must requirement to implement
this code.

National Standard ofthe People's Republic of China

Code for acceptance of constructional quality

of concrete structures

;8,'Fft r_45thttrtEiftr
GB 50204-2002

Explanation of Articles

4 Template iterniedworks.......... ....'..-.75

4.1 Generalregulations ......"...'..75

4.2 lnstallation of template '.."'..'.75

4.3 Formr,vork disassembly ..........77

Reinforcing bar itemied works .......... ...... 78

5. I regulations..
General .............' 78

5.2 Ra'uv material................... '......78

5.3 Processing of the reinforcing bar..... """"" 80

5.4 Reinforcement connection................. """" 80

5.5 Installation of reinforcement............... """'81

Prestressing force itemied works .......... .'."""""" 83

6.1 General stipLrlations ..............' 83

6.2 Raw materia1................... .'......'.....'..." .'.....84

6.3 installation...............
Fabrication and .......'.85

6.4 Stretching and releasing """"' 87

6.5 GroLrting and anchorage sealing.... ."""""" 89

Concrete itemied works........... ......'.' 91

7.1 General stipulations ..."""""" 91

'7.2 Raw materia1.................. ......"92

7.3 Design of mixing proportion... ......"-........'.93

7.4 Concrete construction .."........93

Cast-in-sitr.r concrete structure itemied works .......... .....'..'....'.. 95

8. I stipr-rlations
Ceneml ."......'....' 95

8.2 VisLral quality ......'......."""""' 95

8.3 Size deviation..............,... """'96

Assernbly stntcture itemized works.......... """""'97
9.1 General stipulations """"""""97
g.2 Prefabricated members """""'91
g.3 structures
Pet'formance inspection of """"' 98
g.4 Construction of assernbly concrete strLlctLlres..... ......""'99
l0 Sub-section works of concrete structtlres ........'...." """"""" 101
10.I Inspection of the structure entity....... ""' 101
10.2 Acceptance of subpartitioned project of concrete structlue .................." 102
AppendixA Record of qr-rality acceptance inspection..'. """""' 104
Appenclix B The rninimum overlapped length of the longitudinally stressed reinforcement................ 105
Appendix C The test method for structure perfonnance of the prefabricated component ....'.............'. 106
Appendix D Strerrgth inspection for the specimen maintained in same conditions applied by the

Appenclix E Inspection for the reinforcement protection layer of the strttctttre entity...........'.-...........'..110

1.0.1 The purpose of compiling this code is to unify and strengthen the acceptance of
constructional quality of concrete structure, so as to ensure the quality of the construction.
The design, application and maintenance of the concrete structure are not included in this

1.0.2 This code is applicable for concrete structure engineering of industrial and civil
houses and common structures, including cast-in-situ concrete structure and prefabricated
concrete structure. The concrete structure referred in this code includes plain concrete
structure, reinforced concrete structure and prestressed concrete structure and its scope is in
consonance with that of the acruai nationai stanciard ((The criterion of concrete structure
design) cB 50010

The main content of this code is edited on the basis of the chapter 5 of ((The inspection
and qualihcation standard for quality of construction engineering) GBJ301-88, ((The
inspection and qualification standard for quality of the prefabricated concrete components)
GBJ 321-90 and (( The code of construction and acceptance for concrete structure
engineering) GB 50204-92.

1.0.3 This code is the minimum requirement for the quality of the concrete structure
engineering construction and shall be observed strictly.' So the requirement of the
engineering quality in the contract (such as quality requirement, etc.) and the engineering
technical document (such as design document, enterprise standard, construction technical
proposal, etc.) shall not be lower than that stipulated in this code.

When the requirement of the contract and design document is higher than that
stipulated in this code, the stipulations in the contract and design document shall be adopted
during the acceptance inspection.

1.0.4 The national standard ((The unified standard for the acceptance inspection of the
construction quality of building engineering) GB 50300-2001 has stipulated a unified guide
line for compiling of the acceptance codes for construction quality of different professional
engineering construction in house building. This code has been compiled according to the
principles stipulated by the standard and it is applicable for the acceptance inspection of the
sub-partitioned project of "concrete structure" in the partitioned project of " the agent
strLtcture" of that standard. During executing of this code, the relative stipulations in the
standard shall also be observed.

1.0.5 The construction quality of the concrete structure engineering shall meet the
requirements stipulated in the actual national standard ((The criterion of concrete structure
design) GB 50010 and the design document of construction project.

The acceptance inspection of the construction quality features of a strong

comprehensibility and a broad involvement.
It refers not only to the content of the raw
as cement, iron bars, etc.) but also
to the content of semi finished.4fugles
f:llt:1t9::n as structure parts, presressed anchorage
articles anc
i:lri.:::1T- Iry.n devices, etc.), It is related
;t .rDPggtJ
well' so' in case it has been stipulated in this code,
the code shall be observed; in case it

not stipulated in this code, the rerative is

actual standards shall be observed.

2 Terms

8 terms quoted in the relative chapters of this code have been given in this chapter.
Because that this code shall be applied in package with the national standard ((The unified
standard for the acceptance inspection of the construction quality of building engineering)
GB 50300-2007, the terms used in the standard relative to this code shall not be listed.
The relative terms in national standards ((The standard of designterms and symbols of
building structure)GB/T 50083-97 and((The basic terms and general symbols of engineering
structure design) GBJ 132-90, etc., were mainly consulted during compiling the terms of
this code.

The meaning of the terms of this code is given in point of view of the acceptance
inspection of the construction quality of concrete structure engineering, but the meaning is
not always the definition of the corresponding term. Meantime, the recommended
corresponding English terms are given. The English terms are not always the universal
standard terms and they may be used for indication only.


Basis stipulations

3.0.1 This article has regulated the requirements on the quality control system and quality
guarantee system ofthe construction site and construction projects ofthe concrete structure
according to the relative stipulations in the national standard ((The unified standard for the
acceptance inspection of the construction quality of building engineering) GB 50300-2001.
The construction units shall pllrsue a total-course quality control on production and
qualification control. The con'esponding construction technical standards, sound quality
control system as well as a system of construction quality control and quality inspection
shall be available for quality control of the construction site; for specific construction
projects, the approved plan of construction organization design and construction technology
shall be available. The above-mentioned requirements shall be effectively carried out in
the course of construction.

The plan of construction organization design and construction technology shall be

approved according to the procedure and unambiguous stipulations and corresponding
measures shall be regulated for content referring to safety of structure and human body.

3.0.2 Classification shall be conducted according to different construction methods and

structures and the specific titles of the sub-partitioned project of "concrete structure" have
been listed. Before the acceptance inspection of the sub-partitioned project. the
determination of the itemied works that should be inspected for acceptance shall be made
according to the specific construction method and the structure classification.

In the system of the acceptance inspection for construction quality of building

engineering, the sub-partitioned project of "concrete structure" is divided into 6 itemied
works: template. iron bar, prestressing forces, concrete, cast-in-situ concrete structure and
prefabricated concrete structure.

The concept of "structure joint" in this code is a generic term for expanded joint,
settlement joint and earthquake-proof joint, etc., which are established between adjacent
buildings or between adjacent parts of a building in case the expansion and shrinkage
caused by ternperature variation, sinking of the groundsill or impact due to earthquake
should occur.

The inspecting batch serves as the basic unit to be inspected for acceptance of the
project quality. The division of the inspecting batch shall follow the principles as listed

1 The quality within an inspecting batch shall be uniform and sampling shall
conform to the principle of randomicity and facticity;

2 The principle of procedure control shall be caried out and the control shall br
arranged according to the construction procedure, so as to be in convenience for qualit

inspection for acceptance and for division of inspecting batch according to the requirement
of the quality control of key procedures.

3.0.3 During the acceptance inspection of the sub-partitioned project, besides that
containing subentries shall be qualified, the testimony inspection and the inspection for
structllre entity shall also be proceeded for material, specimen, construction procedure and
the important structure locations that rnay relate to structure safety, so as to ensure the safety
of the concrete stmcture. The testirnony inspection against construction procedure means
the construction procedure inspection proceeded at site during construction by all parties
that involve in the acceptance inspection. The content of the.testimony inspection related
to the construction procedure has been definitely stipulated in this code, such as the test for
the actual prestressing force when the prestressed bars are strained. In the content of the
acceptance inspection of the sub-partitioned projects stipulated in this code, the testimony
inspection and the inspection for structure entity shall be proceeded in the corresponding
period of the acceptance inspection of inspecting batches or itemied works,

3.0.4 During acceptance inspection of itemied works, besides that the containing
inspecting batches shall be qualified. an complete record of acceptance inspection for
quality shall also be available.

3.0.5 The content of the acceptance inspection of the inspecting batch includes practicality
inspection and data inspection proceeded according to stipulated sampling plan. The
content of data inspection and the way of practicality inspection are given in this article.

3.0.5 The qualification conditions for the quality of the inspecting batch are given in This
article: The mainly controlled and general items shall all be qualihed and with complete
data. When the acceptance inspection of an inspecting batch is qualified, at the mean time
of the formation of acceptance document, a symbol of qualification shall be formed, so as to
be in convenience of the construction site management and shall be used as a condition of
the subsequent working procedure. The qualification of the quality of the inspecting batch
depends on the inspection result of the mainly controlled item and general items. The
mainly controlled item is an inspection item that possesses decisive influence to the basic
quality of the inspecting batch and the result of this kind of item is authorized of veto.
Because the mainly controlled item plays and important role to the project quality, the
requirement to it is necessary to be strict.

For general items applying digital inspection, the qualified point ratio was 70%o and
above before, ihe recluirement has been eievated in this code. Normally the ratio shall be
80% and above and among the allowable unqualified point ratio under 20oh, the existence
of serious defect is not permitted. For a small amount of general items that applying
digital inspection in this code, the required qualified point ratio shall be 90%o and above and
there shall exist no serious defect at mean time and this has been specifically stipulated in
the relative chapters of this code. According to the stipulations in ((The unified standard
for the acceptance inspection of the construction quality of building engineering) GB

50300-2001, the effective sarnpling plans that have been tested in plactice shall be selected
in the quality acceptance inspection of the inspecting batch. Basically. the plan in the
original code for the digital test of the general items has been applied in this code. This
sort of digital sampling plan is subject to further improvement according to the need of
quality acceptance inspection and sampling inspection theories.

3.0.7 This article has regulated the qr"rality acceptance record and the procedure and
organization of construction quality acceptance inspection for the inspecting batch, iteilied
works and the sub-partitioned project of concrete structure. Among which, the inspection
seqr.lence of the inspecting batch shall be: self-inspection of the production groups,
connecting inspection; the professional inspection and qualification of ihe quality inspection
department of the coiistruction unit; lhe a-cceptance inspection of inspecting batch organized
by supervising unit (of the construction unit). During construction, when the quality of a
working procedure is not inspected and confirmed by the supervising unit (of the
construction unit)- the subsequent procedure shall not be proceeded, so as not to lead to
accumulation of quality defect and to form more losses.

According to the relative regulations and promises of the engineering contract, for the
inspection items that play an important role to the project quality or on which different
opinions exist, all involved parties shall participate in the testimony inspection, so as to
ensure the control of the quality of the key part in the construction procedure.

4 Template itemied works

Template itemied works is a generic term for a series of technical work of design,
assembly and dismounting of the template and its support as well as the finished
Because the template can be applied continuously and circularly, the inspecting
contained in the ternplate subentry shall be determined according to the quantity of the
ternplate installed and dismounted.

4.i Generai reguiations

4.1.1 This article has given the basic requirement to the template and its support and this
is an itern that plays an important role on the safety of template and its support and the
formation quality of the concrete structure. The perennial practice of engineering shows
that these requirements are necessary for the construction quality of the concrete structure.
This article is compellent and shall be executed strictly.

4.1.2 During laying of concrete, under the action of gravity of concrete, lateral pressure
and construction load, deformation, displacement, even collapse of the template and its
support occurs at whiles. To avoid accidents and ensure pioject quality and construction
safety. the requirement of observation and maintenance of the template and its support as
weli as the necessary treatment when accident occurs has been given.
4.1.3 The sequence of dismounting the template and its support and the corresponding
construction safety measures are very important to prevent serious engineering accident
from occurring, so, a sound consideration in setting down the construction technical plan is
necessary. The design required stress system of concrete structure might be not formed
when the template and its support are dismounted, so temporary support shall be established
when necessary. Dismounting of lately laid zone template and its top support is easy to be
neglected and the structure defect may be formed thereby, so special attention shall be paid
here. This article is compellent and shall be executed strictly.

4.2 Installation of template

4.2.1 During installation of the template and its support for cast-in situ multi-floor
buildings and structures, crutches of the support on upper and lower floors shall be aligned
accurately, so as to be in convenience of transmission of the gravity of concrete and the
construction load and this is an effective measure that ensures the safety and quality of the

In this code, for items that should be checked with total number according to the
regulation, normally visual inspection shall be applied. Br-rt for locations where it is
difficult to make a judgment through visual inspection, measuration shall be applied.
4.2.2 The pollution of isolationagent in places where reinforcing steel bars joint with
concrete may form obvious disadvantageous effect to the stress performance of concrete
structure, so this shall be avoided.

4.2.3 No leakage of mortar.shall be ensured at joint of templates made of any kind of

material. Water moistening to wooden template is propitious to a close joint without
mortar leakage, but it also leads to expansion. so the connecting seam formed in wooden
ternplate installation shall not be too tight. The contact surface between the internal part of
template and concrete shall be made clean to avoid the defect of slag, etc. Requirement on
the template used in projects of plain concrete and architectural concrete has been given in
this article, so as to suit to the development of construction technology of the concrete

4.2.4 The requirement of a smooth and flat terrace aud carcass is given in this article, so
as to ensure the formation quality of prefabricated concrete structures.

4.2.5 The effect of self-weight for cast-in-situ concrete pillar and plate with biggish span
shall be taken into consideration and a proper arching shall be favorable to ensure the shape
and size of the structure. Attention shall be paid during executing of this article that the
arching height in this article does not include designed arching value and only the drooping
of the template itself under load has been considered. So smaller values shall be taken for
steel template and larger values shall be taken for wooden template.

In this code, for all items regulated to be sampling checked, sampling inspection shall
be made at important positions and places where it should be diffrcult make judgment
through observation on the basis of total number observation. Usually the method of
"double control" shall be applied to the quantity of the sampling check, i.e., besides the
sampling pro rata, the minimum quantity to be inspected shall be stipulated.

4.2.6 For the exposed length of pre-embedded devices, only positive deviation shall be
permitted and no negative deviation shall be allowable; the internal size of prearranged
hoies is peimitted to be larger, not smaller. In the table of permissible deviation, all those
impermissible deviations shall be shown as "0".

In this code, besides that the methods given in the articles may be applied to inspect
the size deviation, other methods and the corresponding testing devices may also be applied.

4.2.7 - 4.2.8 The quantity to be inspected, the permissible deviations and testing methods
for the installation size of cast-in-situ concrete structure template and prefabricated concrete
structure template are given in these articles. It must also be pointed out that for according
to the stipulation of article 3.0.7 generic items, no oversized deviations that would influence
the structure safety and application functions among the unqualified inspection points
within the scope of 20%o shall be permitted to exist. For certain items in the structures
with special requirement, when special standard stipulations or design requirements exist,
the corresponding requirements shall also be met.

is very important to ensure the structure quality. and the

Because the template
unqualified template may easily turn to qualified product through repairing, so the
unqualified template is permitted to be repaired and put into application after qualification.
The construction unit shall carry out a periodical and nonscheduled inspection to templates
that have been continuously and circulally used according to the feedback information of
the template quality from quality inspection of the structural units.

4.3 Formworkdisassembly

4.3.1 Because of too early dismounting of templates, the insufficient strenglh of concrete
leads to deposit and deformation, missing of edges and corners, cracking, even collapse at
whiles. To ensure the safety and application perforrnance of the structure, the requirement
on the strength of concrete when templates are being dismounted have been given.
Usually the strength is shown by the strength of the concrete test piece maintained under the
same conditions. Considering that the cantalever components are more easily to initiate
accident due to the insufficient concrete strength, stricter requirement shall be put on the
concrete strength when dismounting the template of cantalever components.

4.3.2 For construction of post tensioning type prestressing force, the time and sequence
of disrnounting the ternplate and its support shall be detennined in the construction
technical scheme beforehand accordin,e to the characteristic and need of the mode of
construction. When there is no specific stipulations in the construction technical scheme,
the stipulations in this code shall be observed.

4.3.3 Because of different mode of construction, the methods of dismounting of lately

laid zone template and its top support are also different, all of them shall be able to ensure
the safety and quality of the structure. Because the safety and quality problems occur
easily in the lately laid zone, the specific stipulations shall be given in the construction
technical scheme.

4.3.4 During dismounting of templates, the insuffrcient strength of concrete may cause
missing edge and corner and surface damage of the structure components, and this shall be

4.3.5 During dismounting of templates, the ternplate with biggish weight may smash the
floor slab or the concentrated stack of templates and supports may lead to cracking of floor
slab or other components, this shall be prevented from occurring.

5 Reinforcing bar itemied works
The reinforcement itemied works is a generic term of a series of technical procedure
such as the reception inspection, processing, connection and installation of the reinforcing
bars as well as the finished entity. The inspecting batch contained in the reinforcement
itemied works shall be determined according to the need of the construction procedure and
acceptance inspection.

5.1 Generalregulations

5.1.1 In the course of construction, when design required species, grade or spec of the
reinforcing bars are not available, bar substitution may be proceeded. To ensure that no
deviation shall occur upon the comprehension of the design intension, the document of
design change shall be managed when reinforcing bar substitution is needed, so as to ensure
the requirement of original structure design shall be met and it shall be made clear that the
design unit shall take charge of the bar substitution. This article is compellent and shall be
executed strictly.

5.1.2 The hidden reinforcing bar project represents the synthetic quality of the
reinforcement itemied 'uvorks and the purpose of making acceptance inspection before
laying of concrete is to ensure the design requirement on the processing, connection and
installation of steel bars under tress shall be met and these bars shall function properly in the

5.2 Raw material

5.2.1 The reinforcing bar is of extreme importance to the loading ability of the concrete
structure components and the requirement on its quality shall be strict. The ordinary
reinforcing bar shall be in accordance with the requirement of the actual national standard
((The hot rolled, ribbed steel bar used in reinforced concrete) GB 1499, ((The hot rolled
s;nccth ancl- round steel bar used in reinforced concrete) GB 13013 and ((the afterheat
disposed steel bar used in reinforced concrete) GB 13014. On reception of the reinforcing
bars, the product certificate and ex-works inspection report shall be checked and sampling
inspection shall be made according to the stipulation. This article is cornpellent and sliall
be executed strictly.

Because of the existence of the difference on the amount of works, transportation

conditions and the use level of different steel bars, it is hard to make a unified stipulation to
the reception inspection quantity for different reinforcing bars. During actual inspections'
if the reception inspection quantity for different reinforcing bars is specifically stipulated in

the relative standard, these stipulations shall be observed; if only the ex-works inspection
quantity is regulated in the relative standard, the reception inspection quantity shall be
determined according to the following situations:

I When once accepted quantity is larger than that of the ex-works inspection batch of
the product, the product shall be divided into several ex-works batches, then the sampling
scheme of the ex-woks inspection shall be adopted;

2 When once accepted quantity is not larger than that of the ex-works inspection
batch of the product, the product shall be deemed as one batch, then the sampling scheme of
the ex-woks inspection shall be adopted;

3 The continuorlsly accepted steel ba-rs of the same production batch may be disposed
with as once accepted bars if reliable evidence is available.

With regard of the inspection mode in this article, the product certificate and the
ex-works inspection report are evidentiary material of the product quality and normally the
rnain performance indexes of the product shall be listed; when user put forward special
requirement, certain special inspection data shall also be listed. Sometimes. the product
certificate and the ex-works inspection repofi may be cornbined. The reception recheck
report is the result of the reception sampling inspection and it shall be served as evidence
according to which the judgment whether the material is applicable in the project shall be

In this code, when the reception inspection quantity and method are involved, the
interpretation and execution shall be based on the above description, with exception of those
r.vith definite stipulations.

5.2.2 According to the stipulations in the actual national standard ((The criterion of
concrete structure design) GB 50010, the actually measured values of the longitudinal
stressed bars in the frarne structure designed as grade I and grade 2 of quake resistant
grades shall meet the requirement of this article. The purpose is that when plastic hinge
occurs at certain part of the structure under earthquake actions, the steel bars shall be with
sufficient deformation ability. This article is compellent and shall be executed strictly.

5.2.3 During construction of the reinforcement itemied works, when abnormal

performance of the steel bar has been found, the application of the bar shall be stopped and
special inspection shall be proceeded against the steel bars in the same batch.

5.2.4 To strengthen the control the visual quality of the steel bars, the visual inspection
shall be proceeded on the reception of bars and before they are put to application. The
bent bar shall not be used as the stressed bar after straightening. There shall be no granular
or flake shaped old rust on the surface of the bars, so as not to decrease the strength and
anchoring performance of the steel bar. This article is also applicable in the inspection of
semi-finished product of steel bar that has not been used long time after processing and the
requirement of the visual quality to it may be not met.

5.3 Processing of the reinforcing bar

5.3.1 - 5.3.2 Requirements have been given separately in these articles against the
bending hook. and folding of the ordinary steel bars of different grades as well as the inner
diameter of the bending arc, folding angle, and the length of straight part after bending of
the hooped reinforcement. The shape and size of the bending hook and folding of the
stressed bar are very important to ensure the combined stress of the bar and concrete.' A
proper anangement of the hoped reinforcement according to the different requirement on
the stress property of the component is favorable to ensure the bearing power of the
concrete component and it is especially important for the column with higher ratio of
reinforcement, distorted pillar and the structure component with requirement of earthquake

For items regulated to be sampling inspected, the sampling inspection shall be

proceeded at important locations and the place where judgment is hard make through
observation on a basis of total number observation. The method of "double control" shall
be applied for the quantity of the sampling inspection. This is in consonance with the
description in Article 4.2.5 of this code.

5.3.3 The steel bar supplieci in coil shape shall be straightened before application.
Mechanical straightening ways shall be applied with priority, so as to effectively control the
quality of the straightened steel bar: the method of cold drawing may also be applied, but
the elongation ratio of cold drawing shall be controlled, thus to prevent the mechanical
performance of steel bar from being influenced.

5.3.4 The requirement of processed shape and size of the steel bar is given in this article.
Among which, the internal net size of the hooped bar is a newly added item. This item is
irnportant to ensure the stress property of the stressed bar and the hooped bar itself.

5.4 Reinforcement connection

5.4.1 The basic requirement on the mode of connection of longitudinal stressed bar is
given in this article. This is necessary to ensure the stress transrnission of the bar and the
stress property of the structure component. At present, multi modes of the bar connection
are available and the application of them shall be according to the design requirement.

5.4.2 In recent years, the mechanical connection of reinforcement and welding technique
have experienced a quick developrnent. There are specific stipulations for the application

and qualitv acceptance inspection. etc. for thern in the actual national standard ((The
universal technical regulations of the mechanical connection of reinforcement) JGJ 107 and
((Regulations for reinforcement welding and acceptance) JGJ 18. These standards shall
be observed during the acceptance inspection. For mechanical connection and r',relding of
reinforcement. besides that the type and process inspection shall be proceeded according to
the relative regulations. samples shall be taken from the structure to make the mechanical
performance test.

5.4.3 The connection fittings of the stressed reinforcement shall be installed where stress
is rather small. More than one connection within one stress area on the same piece of steel
bar shall be irnproper and this is to ensure the bearing and force transmission performance
of the reinforcement. The regulaiion for the distance between the connector and the
begiming point of the bending of the bar is also given in this article.

5.4.4 The requirement on the visual quality of the mechanical connection fittings and
welding connectors at the construction site is given in this article. Usually method of
visual inspection shall be applied for items to be checked with total number, but
measuration may be adopted at locations where it is hard to make judgment through

5.4.5 The application scope of the mechanical connection and welding of the stressed
reinforcement, definition of the connection section and the limitation of percentage of the
area ofjoint are given in this article.

5.4.6 To ensure the force transmission performance of the bound overlapped joint of the
stressed reinforcement, the requirement on the definition of the connection section of the
overlapped joint of stressed reinforcement, the limitation of percentage of the area ofjoint
as well as the mininium overlapping length are given in this article. The methods of
determining the minimum overlapping length of the stressed reinforcement under different
conditions are given in Annex B of the code.

5.4.7 The hooped reinforecement in the overlapping area is of extreme importance for
restraining the concrete in force transmission area and ensuring the force transmission of the
overlapped reinforcement. According to stipulations in the actual national standard ((The
criterion of concrete structure design) GB 50010, the structural requirement on the diameter
and spacing of the hooped reinforcement within the scope of the overlapping length are

5.5 Installation of reinforcement

5.5.1 The species, grade, spec and quantity of the stressed reinforcement exercise fatal
influence of the stress property of the structure component, so it must conform to the design

reqlurement. This articre is
compellent and shall be
executed strictry.

ent installation position is stipulated

reinforcement on the upper part
of the

Prestressing force itemied works

The prestressing force itemied works is a generic term of a series of technical

procedure from the reception inspection of the prestressing bar, the anchorage device,
clamps and connectors and other materials, the setup of the post tensioning type prearrange
pipes or the arrangement of prestressing bars, the stretching, restoring and grouting of the
prestressing bars, till the anchor sealing protection. as well as the fini'shed entity. Because
the process of prestressing construction is complicated with a strong professional
particularity and higher requirement on the quality, so inspection items contained in the
prestressing force itemied works are much in number, and the regulations about them are
specific. The acceptance inspection of the prestressing force itemied works may be
conducted separately or together with that of the concrete structure according to the specific

6.1 General stipulations

6.1.1 the post tensioning type prestressing construction is a task with a strong professional
parlicularity and high tech content as well as a strict requirement on the operation, so it shall
be undertaken by the construction unit construction qualification specially on the
prestressing construction approved by the authority concerned. Before the construction of
prestressing concrete structure, a prestressing construction plan shall be prepared by the
professional construction unit according to design drawings. When the depth of the design
drawing is not sufficient to meet the construction conditions, the drawing shall be perfected
by tlie construction unit and actualized after approval of the design unit.

6.1.2 The requirement of verification and calibration for prestressing stretching equipment
is given in this article.The stretching equipment fiack. oil pump and pressure gauge, etc.,)
shall be calibrated as a package, thus to determine the curve of relationship between the
reading of the pressure gauge and the output of the jack. This curve is corresponding to a

specific package of stretching equipment, so, it must be applied in package with the
ecluipment afrer packaged caiibration. The relationship between reading of the pressure
gauge and the output of the jack are different and it depends on whether the r,vork state of
the jack is positive or negative. So, the moving direction of the piston of the jack shall be
in consonant with the actual work state of stretching during calibration.

6.1.3 The hidden prestressing force project represents the synthetic quality of the
prestressing force iternied works and the purpose of making acceptance inspection before
laying of concrete is to ensure that the installation of prestressing reinforcement shall
conform to the design requirement and the reinforcement shall function properly in the

concrete structure. Specific regulations concerning the content of the acceptance
inspection of hidden prestressing folce project are given in this article.

6.2 Raw material

6.2.1 Typic prestressing reinforcement are steel wire, stranded wire, heat-treated steel bar.
etc., and their quality shall conform to requirement of the corresponding actual national
standard ((Steel wire used in prestressing concrete) GB/T 5223, ((stranded wire used in
prestressing concrete) GB/T 5224 and (Heat-treated steel bar used in prestressing concrete)
GB 4463. The prestressing reinforcement is the most important raw material. On the
reception of the reinforcement the inspection batch shall be determined according to
reception batch and the sampling inspection plan of the product and the reception recheck
shall be proceeded. Because the content and form of the ex-works inspection report of the
prestressing reinforcement supplied by manufacturers are quite different, so, in order to
unify and make clear the relative content, the manufacturers shall supply the product
certif,rcate as well as ex-woks inspection report covering the main performance of the
prestressing reinforcement, both documents may also be supplied in combination. The main
mechanical performance test may be the only content of the reception recheck. In this code,
when the reception inspection quantity and method are involved, the interpretation and
execution shall be based on the descriptions inArticle 5.2.1 of this code, with exception of
those with definite stipulations. This article is compellent and shall be executed strictly.

6.2.2 The coating and wrapping quality of prestressing reinforcement without cementation
is rery important as an ensurance for the corrosion resistance of the prestressing
reinforcement and the exact establishment of prestressing force. The content of the coating
and wrapping quality inspection are mainly the use level of the grease in the coating and
wrapping layer, thickness of the sheath and the appearance. When inspectors are with
engineering experience and the quality is confirmed reliable by observation, the visual
observation shall be enough for the quality inspection.

6.2.3 At present, there are many anchorage device manufacturers at home. That forms
different packaged products. The structure size and form of them are also not all alike.
To ensure the rcalization of the design intention, the anchorage device, clamps and
connectors shall be applied according to the regulations and their performance and
application shall be separately in accordance with the stipulations in the national standard
((The anchorage device, clamps and connectors used in prestressing reinforcement) GB/T
14370 and ((Application technique criterion of the anchorage device, clamps and
connectors used in prestressing reinforcement) JGJ 85. The main content of the reception
inspection of the anchorage device, clamps and connectors shall be the static test of the
anchorage device, clamps and connectors; the material and machine tooled size shall be
checked against the indexes listed in the ex-works inspection report and that shall be


6.2.4 Normall,v plain grout shall be applied in the grouting of porous channel. Because
the bleeding rate of ordinary portland cement is small, so it is regulated that the grout made
frorn portland cement shall be applied. To mix additives into the grout may improve the
performance, such as density, bleeding rate, expansion rate, initial hardening time and
strength of the grout. But the prestressing reinforcement is sentive to the stress corrosion,
so the cherrical compositions harmful to the prestressing reinforcement shall not be
contained in the cement and the additives.

For generic project for which the quantity of cement and additive applied in the
grouting of porous channel is not much, the reception recheck of the performance of cement
and additive ma)/ be olrerleaped if the user can provide the inspection report of recently
applied cement and additive of same brand and type.

6.2.5 Improper storage may lead to rust or pollution, etc. to the prestressing reinforcement
after reception, so visual quality inspection shall be proceeded before application. For
cemented prestressing reinforcement, the inspection can be proceeded according to the
relative standards, for prestressing reinforcement without cementation, if dislepair occurs
with the sheath. not only the sealing shall be impaired. the friction loss of prestressing
reinforcement shall also be increased, so this shall be disposed properly according to
different situations.
6.2.6 Rust or pollution, etc. may occur with the anchorage device, clamps and connectors
due to long time storage after reception and the application performance may be influenced
therefore, so the visual inspection shall be conducted again before application.

6.2.7 - 6.2.8 At present, prearranged channel of metal serpentine pipe is applied by most
projects of post tensioning type prestressing reinforcement. The rigidity and impermeability
of the metal serpentine pipe are very important quality indexes. But the experiment for
thern is rather cornplicated. So, both tests may be overleaped if the user can provide the
inspection report of recently applied metal serpentine pipe of same brand and type or the
user is with reliable engineering experience. Because defects such as score margin,
deformation, rust and pollution, etc., may occur with the metal serpentine pipe due to
transportation and storage. so visual inspection shall be proceeded before application.

6.3 Fabrication and installation

6.3.1 The species, grade, spec and quantity

of prestressing reinforcement are of extreme
importance to the anti-cracking performance and loading ability of the structure component
of prestressing reinforcement, so they must conform to the design requirement. This
article is cornpellent and shall be executed strictly.

6.3.2 During pretensioning type prestressing construction, oily isolation agents may

pollute the prestressing reinforcement and influence seriously of its cementation
performeance. they may also contaminate the surface of concrete and decrease the quality of
fitrnent engineering, so, the situation shall be avoided.
6.3.3 If hurt by electric spark, the prestressing reinforcement would be easily bloken
during stretching operation and this shall be avoided. During construction, the prestressing
reinforcement shall not be used as one pole of electric welding and the prestressing
reinforcement already hurl by electric spark shall be replaced.
6.3.4 Normally toothless saw or mechanic cutting machine is used to cut the prestressing
reinforcement. When electric arc is used to cut the prestressing reinforcement, the electric
ard may damage the high strength steel wire and stranded wire and make the prestressing
reinforcement broken, so the application of electric a-rc cutting shall be forbidden. The
stipulation against the extreme difference (the difference between the maximum value and
the minimum value) of the baiting length of different steel wire in the same bundle is only
applicable in case heading anchorage device is used on both ends of the steel wire bundle
and the purpose is to ensure that the prestress put to each wire of the same bundle shall be
equal and uniform. In this chapter, for items regulated to be sampling inspected, on the
basis of total nurnber observation, the important parts and locations hard to make judgment
by observation shall be sampling inspected.
6.3.5 The manufacture quality of anchorage device at the end of the prestressing
reinforcement is very important for a reliable establishment of the prestressing force. The
reqttirement on the manufacture quality of squeezing anchor, coining anchor and heading
anchor is given in this article. The purpose of the requireinent on the manufacture quality
of heading anchor is to test the possibility of stamping of the steel wire, so the inspection
shall be according to the batch quantity of the receipted steel wire.
6.3.6 During concrete laying. the infirm positioning tends to cause displacement of
prearranged channel and decrease the function of the establishment of prestressing force.
To ensure the formation quality of the channel, besides that the design requirement shall be
met, the relative regulations for the installation quality of the prearranged channel made in
this article shall also be met. The requirement for the spacing and position of the grouting
hole and bleeding pipe of the prearranged channel of the post tensioning type prestressing
concrete structure is to ensure the quality of grouting.
6.3.1 The bundle shape of the prestressing reinforcement directly affects the effect of the
establishment of the prestressing force as well as the loading ability and anti-cracking
performance of the structure components, so the permissible deviation of the vertical
position of the reference point of bundle shape shall be endoweci with higher requirement,
In this article, the permissible deviation of the vertical position of the reference point of
bundle shape has been set according to the section height, so the actual control shall be

trlore convenient.
6.3.8 Normally, the prestressing reinforcement without cementation is arranged in bundles
in actual engineering, so as to facilitate the construction control, but the quantity and spread

geometry shall ensure that the concrete would be able to wrap and cover the prestressing
reinforcement. Besides this, the phenomena such as overlapped backing plate,
disen-eaging of the backing plate from anchorage device often occur with embeddecl
squeezing anchorage device in practice, so, the relative stipulations are given in this article.

6.3.9 During post stressing construction, when the prestressing reinforcement is put into
the channel before concrete laying, the stretching of prestressing reinforcement shall be
proceeded after clamping, concrete laying and maintenance, till the strength of concrete
reaches design requirement. in this period, water may penetrate into the channel during
concrete laying and the maintenance water or rain water may also enter the channel through
the belled mouth. If this period is too long, the corrosion of the prestressing reinforcement
mav occur. so necessary anti-corrosion measures shall be taken according to the specific
situation of the project.

6.4 Stretching and releasing

6.4.1 Too early application of prestressing force to the concrete would cause biggish
contract and creep prestressing force loss and the concrete may be impaired by local
overpressure meanwhile. The concrete strength during stretching and releasing of the
prestressin,e reinforcement stipulated in this article is determined according to the actual
national standard ((The criterion of concrete structure design) GB 50010. If specihc
requirement concerning this is given in design, the design requirement shall be observed.

6.4.2 lhe stretching of the prestressing reinforcement shall make the pre applied force put
to each prestressing reinforcement equal and uniform. This mainly means that the
stretching of the prestressing reinforcement with cementation shall be restrained and each
piece of the prestressing reinforcement shall be strained synchronistically under even stress
and the prestressing reinforcement without cementation and the flat anchorage prestressing
reinforcement are usually stretched piece by piece. The stretching sequence, straining
force and the design calculated elongation ratio of the prestressing reinforcement shall be
deterrnined by design and shall be observed in construction. During actual construction.
the method of ultra-stretching may be applied, so as to counteract part of the stress loss.
But the maximum value of stretching stress shall not exceed the stipulated value in the
actual national standard ((The criterion of concrete structure design) GB 50010. In
construction with post-tensioning method. the plestressing reinforcement in the pillar or
slab shall be strained piece by piece or bundle by bundle. The elastic compression of the
concrete the structure component caused by the prestressing reinforcement strained later
shall lead to prestressing force loss of the prestressing reinforcement strained before. This
influence is related to the factors such as section of the pillar or slab, the amount of bars in
the prestressing reinforcement as well as the length of the bundle. etc. Normally, this
influence may be neglected if it is small. If the influence is biggish, the stretching force
may be increased of certain value uniformly. Normally. method of stretching force control
shall be applied in actual stretching, but, in order to ensure the stretching quality, the actual
elongation value shall also be verified. The relative perrnissible deviation of r6yo is given
on the basis of engineering practice and that shall be in favor of the ensllrance of the
stretching quality.
6,4.3 After bolting of the stretched prestressing reinforcement, the value of prestressing
folce actually established is related to the measuring time. The longer is the interval
betr,veen twice measuration, the larger will the prestressing force loss be. So, the test value
shall be determined by design via calculation.
The value of prestressing force actually established after stretching of the prestressing
reinforcement exercises strong effect on the stress perfonnance of the structure and shall be
ensured. The stress value after bolting of the stretched prestressing reinforcement may be
determined directly by stress tester in pretensioning type construction; the actual stress
value of the prestressing reinforcement in post stressing construction is diffrcult to test, so
test by pre applied force may be substituted by testimony stretching. The testimony
stretching means the stretching witnessed by supewising engineer or the representative of
the construction unit at site.
6.4.4 Because the rupture or slip-off of the prestressing reinforcement will seriously
influence the stress performance of the structure component, so measures shall be taken to
avoid this during the application of prestress. The phenomenon of rupture or slip-offis not
perrnissible to occllr with the prestressing reinforcement of pretensioning type prestressing
components. If rupture or slip-off appears before concrete laying, the conesponding
prestressing reinforcement shall be replaced. The number of occurring of rupture or
slip-off with the prestressing reinforcement in the components of post tensioning type
prestressing structure shall not exceed the number stipulated in this article. This article is
compellent and shall be executed strictly.
6.4.5 ln actual engineering, biggish fluctuation of shrinkage ratio may occur due to the
influences of different factors such as the kind of anchorage device, process of stretching
and anchoring as well as speed of stretching and this may lead to biggish deviation of the
actually established prestressing value. So, the shrinkage ratio of the prestressing
reinforcement at the stretching end shall be controlled in the stage of anchoring. When the
shrinkage ratio of the prestressing reinforcement at the stretching end is specifically
required b;, design, the design requirement shall be observed.
6.4.6 Measures shall be taken to minimize the deviation between the position of
prestressing reinforcement after stretching and its designed position. The maximum
permissible deviation value is stipulated in this article.

6.5 Grouting and anchorage sealing

6.5"1 After stretching, the prestressing reinforcement , being in a state of high stress, is
very sensitive to corrosion. So. the grouting of channel shall be proceeded as early as
possible. Grouting is a kind of permanent protective measure for the restressing
reinforcement, so the grout rnust be saturated, compact and the prestressing reinforcernent
shall be fully wrapped by it. The inspection of the grouting quality shall be focused on site
observation inspection and non-'destructive test or punching inspection shall be proceeded
when necessary.

6.5.2 The close down protection shall be proceeded according to design requirement and
shall be specifically stipulated in the construction technical plan. Mostly, the anchorage
device of post tensioning type prestressing reinforcement is located on the end surface of
the structure, so it often tends to be impacted by foreign matters or invaded by rein water;
besides this, after stretching and anchoring of the prestressing reinforcement, the anchoring
device and the prestressing reinforcement are in a state of high stress. So, in order to
ensure the anchorage device exposed outside the structure to be able to work properly and
permanently without being darnaged or corroded due to foreign matter impact or invasion of
rain water, effective measures shall be taken to prevent the anchorage device from being
corroded or mechanically damaged.

6.5.3 The surplus prestressing reinforcement outside the anchorage is mostly cut off with
toothless saw or mechanical cutting machine. In actual construction, oxyacetylene flame
may also be applied to cut offthe surplus prestressing reinforcement. But considering that
the heat effect of cutting may spread to the location of the anchorage device, so, in order to
ensure the normal function of the anchorage device, measures shall be takento decrease the
temperature of the anchorage device. Taking the normal work of the anchorage device and
the possible heat effect into the consideration" the length of the part of the prestressing
reinforcement exposed outside has been regulated in this article. The position of cutting
shall not be too close to the anchorage device, meanwhile it shall not affect installation of
structure components.

6.5.4 The limit value of the water cement ratio of the cement paste for grouting is given
in this article and its purpose is to decrease the bleeding rate as much as possible to reach a
grouting effect of saturation and compact while the necessary density of the cement paste
has been maintained. The bleeding out of the water in cement paste often causes the
forming of cavity in the channel and therefore leads to corrosion of the prestressing
reinforcement. Normally around 2Yoof bleeding water may be absorbed by cement paste,
so the bleeding ratio shall be controlled as regulated in this article. If reliable engineering
experience is available, the performance test report of bygone project of the cement paste
with same mixing proportion may also be pror,'ided.

6.5.5 For quality of grouting, the compactness shall be of the most importance, because
compact grout provides reliable anti-corrosion protection. Meanwhile, the cementation
force between grout and prestressing reinforcement is also a premise of the joint work of
prestressing reinforcement and concrete. Considering the actual application strength of
prestressing reinforcement at present and taking relative stipulations abroad for reference,
the stipulation has been given in this article that the compressive strength of the test piece of
grout with standard size shall not be less than 30MPa.

7 Concrete itemied works
The concrete itemied works is a generic term of a series of technical procedure from
the reception inspection of the raw material such as cement, sand, stone, water, additive and
mineral mixed stuff, design of concrete mixing proportion, weighing, mixing, transportation,
laying, maintenance, test piece manufacture, till the concrete reaches intended strength as
well as the finished entity. The inspection batch contained in the concrete iternied works
may be determined according to the requirement of construction procedure and acceptance

7.1 Generalstipulations

7.1.1 The qualification of concrete strength shall conform to the stipulations of the actual
national standard((The standard of inspection and qualification of the concrete strength)GBJ
I07. But it must be pointed out that the increasing of the strength of the concrete mixed
with mineral mixing stuff is rather slow and 2Bd may be irnproper to be taken as acceptance
age, therefore the proper acceptance age may be determined according to the stipulations in
the actual national standard ((Technical criterion of fly ash concrete application) GBJ 146
and ((Technical criterion of application of fly ash concrete in concrete and mortar) JGJ 28.
7.1.2 The test method for the strength of concrete test piece shall conform to the
stipulations of the standard of mechanical performance test method for ordinary concrete.
The size of the concrete test piece shall be determined according to the maximum grain
diarneter of the aggregate. When non-standard sized test piece is applied, its compressive
strength shall be multiplied by the corresponding size conversion coefficient.
7.1.3 Because the maintenance test piece of same conditions is of the same raw material,
mixing proportion and maintenance conditions as the structure concrete, it may effectively
represent the actual quality of the structure concrete. In construction, the form stripping,
ex-basin, ex-works, hoisting, stretching and releasing of the structure component and the
temporary concrete strength during construction period to be determined according to the
strength of the test piece maintained in same conditions shall be an effective way.
7.1.4 When strength of the concrete test piece is assessed as unqualified, the concrete
strength of the structure may be presumed with methods such as resilience method,
ultrasonic resilience synthetic method, boring method and post installation drawing method
according to the relative actual national standards. It must be pointed out that the
presumed strength acquired via test may be used as a basis. according to which the
judgment shall be made if certain structure needs to be disposed or not.
7.1.5 When outdoor mean temperature is stably lower than 5"C for continuously 5 days.
measures for construction in wintry season shall be taken for the concrete itemied works
and the specific requirement shall conform to the relative stipulations in the actual national
standard ((Wintry season construction specification in architectural engineering) JGJ 104.

7.2 Raw material

7.2.1 On the reception of cement, its species and grade shall be inspected according to the
product cerlificate and the cement shall be stored in sequence so as to avoid stuff mixing or
misauange of batches. The strength and invariability are important performance indexes
of the cement, so they shall be rechecked on reception and the quality shall conform to the
requirement of the actual national standard ((Portland cement, ordinary Portland cement)
GB 175, ((Scoria Portland cement, pozzolana character Portland cement and flyash Portland
cement)GB 1344, andKComplex Portland cement)GB 12958. Cement is an important part
of concrete and the mixing of chloride in it may result in rust of the reinforcement in the
concrete structure, so it must be controlled rigorously. This article is compellent and shall
be executed strictly.
7.2.2 There are many kinds of concrete additives and they are all with corresponding
quality standards. During application, the quality and the applied technique of the
additives shall conform to the stipulations of the actual national standard (( Concrete
additives)GB 8076,(Application technical specifications of concrete additives)GBJ 50119,
((Concrete accelerator)> JC 472, ((Concrete pumping agent) JC 473, ((Water-proofing agent
for concrete) JC 474, K,qnti freezer for concrete) JC 475, and ((Bulking agent for concrete)
JC 47 6. If chloride is contained in the additive, the reinforcement in the concrete structure
shall also get rusted, so this must be strictly controlled. In this chapter, except those with
explicit regulations, the quantity of receipted raw material to be inspected and methods of
inspection shall be interpreted and conducted according to the descriptions in Article 5.2.1
of this code. This article is compellent and shall be executed strictly.
7.2.3 The rust of reinforcement anC alkaline aggregate may occur as a result of too high
total content of chloride and alkaline in concrete and the stress performance and durability
of the structure component may also be affected seriously. For this, explicit regulations
have been stipulated in the actual national standard ((The code for concrete structure
design) GB 50010 and shall be observed.
7.2.4 The rnixing stuff of concrete are mainly pulverized fuel ash, granular slag powder
from blast furnace, zeolite powder, silicon ash and complex mixing stuff, etc. and some of
them are without any standard of product quality. Corresponding quality requirement shall
be piovideC for different mixing stuff and the amount of mixing shall be determined via
experirnent. In engineering applications, the stipulations in the actual national standard
(The technical criterion of fly ash concrete application) GBJ 146, ((Tecirnical regulations
for application of fly ash in concrete and mortar)JGJ 28, and((Granular furnace slag powder
applied in cement and concrete) GB/T 18046 shall also be observed.
7.2.5 The sand and stone used in common concrete shall separately conform to the quality
requirement of ((The quality standard and inspection method of sand used in common
concrete) JGJ 52and ((The quality standard and inspectionmethod of gravel orpebble used

in common concrete) JGJ 53. The items, batches and methods of the inspection shall be
disposed according to the regulations in these standards.
7.2.6 Considering the tendency of utilizing industrial disposal water, besides the drinking
water, other water sources may also be adopted, but their quality shall conform to the
requirement in the actual national standard ((Standard of mixing water for concrete) JGJ 63.

7.3 Design of mixing proportion

7.3.1 The mixing proportion shall be designed according to the actually applied raw
material and the experirrent and. trial mixing shali be proceeded according to standards such
of performance of mixing stuff for common concrete, thus to meet the
as test rnethod
requirement on the strength, durability and slump constant. The mixing proportion
acquired via experience is not permissible to be applied and the principle of economy and
rationality shall be observed.
7,3.2 In actual production, open authentication for the concrete mixing proportion used for
the first tirne shall be proceeded and, at least. one set of 28d standard maintenance specimen
shall be preserved, so as to verify the consistency between the actual quality of the concrete
and that required by design. fhe construction unit shall attend to accumulate relative data
and this shall be in favor of improving the level of mixing proportion design.
7.3.3 ln concrete production, the actual water content in sand and stone may be different
with the figure during design stage of missing proportion, so it has been regulated that the
actual water content shall be measured and the use level of material shall be adjusted

7.4 Concrete construction

7.4.1 The requirement of sampling and preservation of specimen is regulated in this article
against different concrete capacity, in order to inspect the concrete strength of structure
component. This article is compellent and shall be executed strictly.
It should be pointed out that for number of preservation set of the specimen maintained
in the same conditions, besides the part used in determining the concrete strength of
structure component dr-rring construction, the part used for inspection of the concrete
strength of the structure entity shall also be taken inlo consideration according to
stipulations in Chapter l0 and Appendix D of this code.

7.4.2 Because the diversity of r.vatertight concrete (caused by construction) with same
mixing proportion is not biggish, so it is regulated that the concrete structure with
requirement of watertight shall be sampled not less than once according to same project and
same mixing proportion. Because there are many factors that may influence the test result,

more sets of specirnens shall be preserved when necessary. The watertight experiment
shall conform to the stipulations in actual national standard ((The experiment of long term
and durability performance of common concrete) GBJ 82.

7.4,3 The requirement for tneasuring deviation of concrete raw material is given in this
article. The different weighing apparatus shall be calibrated periodically to keep the exact
measurement. The water content in aggregate shall be measured periodically and when
conspicuous variation occurs with the water content due to construction under rein or other
reasons, the frequency of measurement shall be increased, to the effect that the use level of
water and aggregate may be adjusted in time and shall conform to the requirement of
designed mixing proporiion.

7,4.4 The pre hardening time of concrete is related to factors such as cement species,
hardening conditions. the species and quantity of the additives to be mixed in, etc., and shall
be determined via experiment. When the environment temperature of the construction is
rather high, the influence of the environment temperature to the pre hardening time shall be
taken into consideration. The purpose of the stipulation that the laying of concrete shall be
proceeded continuously and that the laying of upper layer shall be finished before the pre
hardening of the bottom layer is to prevent the already pre hardened concrete from being
disturbed and quality defects may occur thereby. When pre hardening of the bottom layer
is caused by power failure or other accidents, the disposal of concrete connection shall be
proceeded according to the construction technical plan before resuming of the concrete
laying and the ner,v and old concrete shall be cemented closely, thus to ensure the integrity
of the concrete structure.
7.4.5 The construction joint of concrete shall not be set at discretion, its location shall be
determined beforehand in the construction technical plan. The determination of the
location of construction joint shall follow such a principle that the construction joint shall
be set up at a place where it subjects less cutting forces and where in favor of construction.
In principle. the construction joint shall not be preserved on equipment foundations that are
subject to dynamic functions, if it is necessary do so, the preservation shall conform to
design requirement and shall be proceeded according to the construction technical plan.

7.4.6 The lately laid zone of concrete plays an important role in preventing formation of
cracks due to thermal shrinkage of concrete structure. The arrangement of location of the
late laid zone of concrete shall conform to design requirement. The laying time and
disposal method of the lately laid zone concrete shall be determined beforehand in the
constructi on technicai plan.

7.4.7 The maintenance conditions exercises important influences to the growing of the
concrete strength. During construction, reasonable construction technical plan shali be
made and effective maintenance measures shall be taken according to specific situations
such as raw material, mixing proportion, location to be laid and season of construction, etc',
so as to ensure the normal increasing of the concrete strength.

8 Cast-in-situ concrete structure itemied works
The cast-in-situ concrete structure itemied works is a generic term of a series of
technical procedure such as visual quality and geometrical size inspection of concrete
structure entity after removal of templates on the basis of the four itemied works of template,
reinforcement. pre stress and concrete. The cast-in-situ concrete structure iternied works
may be divided into inspection batches according to building floors, structure joints or
construction sections.

8.1 Generalstipulations

8.1.f The inspection of the cast-in-situ concrete structure itemied works shall be
proceeded in the way of inspecting defects and making lirnitation to the character and
quantity of the defects. The general principles for determining serious and generic defects
of the visual quality of the cast-in-situ concrete structures are given in this article. The
quantity limitation for different kinds of defect may be specifically regulated according to
locally actual situations. When severity of defect exceeds that of generic defect as
regulated in this article, it can be disposed as serious defect. In specific cases, the degree
of influence of visual quality defect against the performance hnd application function of the
stmcture shall be determined jointly by supervising unit, construction unit and otherparties.
For plain concrete r,vith important decorating effect, considering that the decorating effect is
its main function, so the defect on its shape and appearance shall be determined as serious
8.1.2 After fonnwork disassernbly of cast-in-situ concrete structure, construction unit
shalljonity with supervisory unit (project undertaking unit) in time inspect visual quality
and size deviation of concrete structure and record them. Any defect must be treated in time
and acceptance inspection shall be made again.

8.2 Visual quality

8.2.1 Usually. the serious defect of visual quality may affect the structure performance.
application function or durability. For the serious defect already occurred, the construction
unit shall sr"rbmit a technical disposal plan and after confirmation of the plan by supervising
(construction) unit and the disposal of the defect, the acceptance inspection shall be
resumed. This article is compellent and shall be executed strictly.
8.2.2 Normally, the generic defect of visual quality will not affect the structure
performance or application function, but it should be a hindrance to the sight. So, the
generic defect already occurred shall be disposed in time and the acceptance inspection

shall be resumed.

8.3 Size deviation

8.3.1 Too large size deviation may affect the stress performance and application function
of the structure cornponent and it may also affect the installation and application of the
equipment on its foundation. During acceptance inspection, the extension of influence of
size deviation to structure performance, the installation and application functions shall be
determined jointly by supervising unit and construction unit and"other parties and the
construction unit shall submit a technical disposal plan according to the specific situation of
the size deviation and after confirmation of the plan by supervising (construction) unit and
the disposal of the defect, the acceptance inspection shall be resumed. This article is
compellent and shall be executed strictly.

8.3.2 The permissible deviation and test method of the size of the cast-in-situ and
equipment foundation are given in this article. In actual application, besides the
stipulations for size deviation in this article shall be observed, the requirement of design and
equipment installation shall also be met. The method in Table 8.3.2-1 and Table 8.3.2-2
may be applied as the test method for size deviation, other methods and their corresponding
testing device may also be adopted.

9 Assembly structure itemized works
The assernbly concrete strllctllre iternied works is a generic term of a series of technical
procedure such as quality inspection for prefabricated component product. stmctllre
performance test and the installation of prefabricated component and the finished structure
entity on the basis of the four itemied works of template, reinforcement, pre stress and
concrete. The prefabricated component as referred in this chapter includes the components
manufactured in the factory of prefabricated parts and that manufactured at site. The
prefabricated concrete structure iternied works may be divided into inspection batches
according to building floors, structure joints or construction sections.

9.1 Generalstipulations

9.1.1 The structure performance of the prefabricated concrete structure mainly depends on
the structure performance and connection quality of the prefabricated component. So, The
structure performance inspection of the prefabricated cornponent shall be proceeded
according to Article 9.2 and Annex C of this code and only qualified prefabricated
component shall be applied in projects. This article is compellent and shall be executed

9.1.2 The connection quality between the prefabricated bottom component and the lately
laid concrete layer exercises important influence on the stress performance of the
superimposed structure and the superimposed surface shall be disposed according to the
design requirement.

9.1.3 After assembly construction of the prefabricated component, the quality requirement
with respect of visual quality and size deviation, etc. of the formed prefabricated concrete
structure shall be same as that of the cast-in situ concrete structure and the acceptance
inspection shall be proceeded in accordance with the relative stipulations in Chapter 8 of
this code.

9.2 Prefabricated members

9.2.1 The requirement for spec. location and quantity of the embedded part, protruding
and prearranged hole of the component symbol and components are given in this article and
these requirements are necessary for the ex-works of component, emergency treatment and
the acceptance inspection of the component.

9.2.2 - 9.2.4 Finished manufacturing of the prefabricated component, the construction

unit shall conduct inspection to the visual quality and size deviation of the component and
make records. Any defect shall be disposed in time according to the technical disposal
plan and the acceptance inspection shall be resumed.

9.2.5 The permissible deviation and test method for the size of prefabricated component
are given in this article. For prefabricated component with a complicated shape, the
permissible deviation may be deterrnined by consulting the figures in Table 9.2.5. The test
method for the size deviation may apply that in Table 9.2.5 or other methods with their
corresponding test devices.

9.3 Performance inspection of structures

9.3.1 The regulations for the inspection batch, inspection quaniity as well as content and
method of inspection of the structure of prefabricated component are given in this article
and it has been specifically pointed out that the test parameters and test indexes shall meet
the requirement of the standard drawing or design. The conditions for simplification or
exemption of the structure performance test are also given in this article.

9.3.2 The requirement for inspection of the loading ability of the prefabricated component
is given in this article. For the selection of the reinforcement of the concrete structure
according to the design criterion of the concrete structure. considering that the prestressing
component equipped with steel wire, stranded wire and heat-treated reinforcement is of
satisfactory tensility. so when the maximum crack on the stiessed main reinforcement of
this kind of component is with a width allowable to reach 1.5mm or with its flexibility
reaches 1/50 of its span, the loading ability testing coeffrcient shall be permissible to be
adjusted to 1.35. Because of the adjustment of the subentry coeffrcient of the concrete
material on the basis of the design criterion of concrete structure, the design value of the
concrete strength is decreased, so the perrrrissible values of loading abiliti' testing
coefficient relative to the concrete destruction are all increased of 0.05.

During load test. the permissible value of the test coefficient corresponding to the first
reached symbol shall be taken for inspection.

9.3.3 The requirement for inspection of the flexibility of the prefabricated component is
given in this article. The flexibility test formulae (9.3.3-1) serves as the application
requirement as regulated according to the design criterion of concrete structure and formula
(9.3.3-3) ser"'es as the reouirement of flexibility determined according to the actual
reinforcing situation of the component.

9.3.4 The requirement for anti-cracking inspection of the prefabricaied prestress

component is given in this article. The calculation formulae of the test indexes are
determined on the basis of the stress theory of the prestressed concrete component and
following the prirrciple that certain allowance of inspection shall be arranged.
9.3.5 The requirement for crack width inspection of the prefabricated component is given
in this article. The maxirnum permissible values of crack width on the component are

stiptrlated as 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4mm in the design criterion of concrete structure. During
component inspection, it rnay be taken into consideration to converse the relationship
between standald load and the quasi-permanent load into the permissible inspection value of
the maximum crack width.

9.3.6 The conditions for a qualified acceptance inspection of the test result of the structure
performance of prefabricated component is given in this article. Considering the actual
situation of China, the incleasing of sampling number of the structure performance
inspection is still difficult. In order to increase the inspection efficiency, a plan of duplex
sampling inspection has been adopted by all the three indexes of the structure petformance
inspection. Limited by the measuring accuracy, duplex sarnpling inspection for the crack
width inspection is no longel reqtiired.

If certain actually measured value of the component does not meet the requirement of
the corresponding inspection indexes during first inspection, but it can meet the index
requirement during second inspection, the secondary sampling inspection shall be
permissible to be proceeded.

The conditions of the secondary sampling inspection of the loading ability and
anti-crack test are adjusted in this revision. The original figure is 0.95 times test
coefficient and this has been changed into the permissible value of the test coefficient minus
0.05. In this way, the inspection shall get in step with the loading program as written in
Annex C and the loading program shall be clarified and simplified.

It should be pointed out that for each specimen to be tested, all results of the three
items of the inspection must be acquired and the test shall not be broken off with the rest
iterns still rernaining untested only because certain test item has met the requirement of the
secondary sampling inspection, so as not to form misjudgment.

9.4 Construction of assembly concrete structures

9.4,1 When prefabricated component enters the construction site of prefabricated concrete
structure as a product, its qualification certificates shall be checked batch by batch, so as to
ensure its visual quality, size deviation and structure performance shall conform to the

9.4.2 Tire reinforcement connection between preiabricated component and the structure
exercises important influence on the stress performance of the prefabricated concrete
structure. The requirement for the connection quality is given in this arlicle.
g.4.3 Acornplete stress system is still not formed during construction of the prefabricated
concrete structure. The precautions of the construction in the period when connected
concrete has not reached required strength are given in this article.
g.4.4 The crack or defects of the prefabricated component often occur under non-designed

to imploper supporl of placement or during transportation, so the support of the

state due
component shall be in accordance with the requirement of the standard drawing or design
during actual operations.

9.4.5 To ensure the exact emplacement during installation of the prefabricated component,
necessary control symbols shall be made on the prefabricated concrete structure and the
corresponding installation location before hoisting.

9.4.6 During hoisting of the prefabricated component, too small angle of the rope may
result in crack or other defects under non-design state. The precautions during hoisting of
the prefabricated component are stipulated in this article.

9.4.7 Necessary temporary fixing measures shall be taken after installation emplacement
of the prefabricated component, otherwise emergencies such as tipping and displacement
would be easy to occur.
9.4.8 Requirement for the fitling material of the connection and edge joint of the
prefabricated concrete structure as well as their laying and maintenance are given in this


l0 Sub-section works of concrete structures

10.1 Inspection of the structure entity

10.1.1 According to the principle stipulated by the national standard (The unified
standard for the acceptance inspection of the construction quality of building engineering)
GB 50300-2007, the structure entity inspection shall be proceeded before the acceptance
inspection of the sub-partitioned project.of concrete structure. The scope of the entity
inspection shall be lirnited to the important parts of the structure component that are
concerned in safety such as pillar, 'wall and bearn, etc. The structure entity inspection shall
take form of testimony sampling by all involved parties, so as to ensure the fairness of the
inspection result.
The inspection against the structure entity is not a recheck before the acceptance
inspection of the sub-partitioned project but shall be a verification test on the basis of a
qualified acceptance inspection of the corresponding itemied works and a process control
that has ensured the quality. The purpose of the this inspection is to strengthen the
acceptance inspection of the construction quality of concrete structure and to form a real
representation of the quality indexes such as concrete strength and the position of the
stressed reinforcement, in order to ensLlre the safety of structure.
10.1.2 Taken into consideration of the present test means and a well control of the
inspection process control, the structure entity inspection shall be proceeded for two items,
the concrete strength and thickness of the reinforcement protection layer. Other inspection
iterns and their corresponding test methods, quantity to be tested and qualification
conditions may be deterrnined according to contract if these are agreed in the contract, but
the requirernent for them shall not be lower than what stipulated in this code. When there
exist special stipulations, inspection for other items may also be proceeded, but this must be
written into the contract correspondingly.
10.1.3 - 10.1.4 Experimental of
research and project investigation show that the strength
the specimens with same composition and same maintenance conditions as the concrete of
the structure entity may be applied as a reference in testing the strength of the concrete of
the structure entity. Generic method is given in this code, utilizing the strength of the
specimen rnaintained in same condition, to make judgment if the strength of the concrete of
the structure entity is qualified or not. The determination of the strength of the specimen
rraintained in same condition shall still be in accordance with the actual national standard
((The standard of inspection and qualification of the concrete strength) GBJ 107. The
concrete strength inspection mentioned here shall be proceeded not only for the cast-in-situ
concrete structure, but also for the part of cast-in -situ of the prefabricated concrete
10.1.5 The thickness of the concrete protective layer of the reinforcement is related to
performances such as loading ability, durability and firefighting performance, etc. So,

besides that the size deviation inspection shall be proceeded during construction, the
thickness of the concrete protective layer of the reinforcement in the structure entity shall
also be inspected. The inspection of the thickness of the concrete protective layer of the
reinforcement shall be proceeded according to the stipulations in Annex E of this code.
The inspection is airning not only at cast-in-situ concrete structure, but also at prefabricated
concrete strllcture.
10.1.6 Along with the development of testing technology, there are already a lot of
rnethods that may be applied in testing concrete strength and the thickness of the concrete
protective layer of the reinforcement. In actual application, methods such as resilience
method, ultrasonic resilience synthetic method, boring method and post installation drawing
method according to the relative actual national standards rnay be applied in testing the
concrete strength. Non-destructive testing method may be applied with priority, so as to
decrease the workload of test and, when necessary, local destructive test may be adopted as
an auxiliary method. When local destructive test is finished, repairing shall be proceeded in
time, so as not to influence the structure property and application performance.
The inspection of the structure property of the entity shall be proceeded according to
the actual situation and the contract regulations, when necessary.

10,2 Acceptance of sub-partitioned project of concrete structure

10.2,1 The main documents and records that shall be provided in the acceptance
inspection of the sub-partitioned project of concrete structure are listed in this article. The
documents and records have reflected the quality control achievement that are carried out
throughout the total construction process, beginning from the basic inspection batch and
have realized the essential principle of process control. They are important evidences that
ensure the quality of consiruction.
rc.2.2 The qualification conditions of the quality of the sub-partitioned project of concrete
structure are given according to the stipulations in the national standard ((The unified
standard for the acceptance inspection of the construction quality of building engineering)
GB 50300-2001. Among which, the acceptance inspection of visual quality shall be
proceeded according to the stipulations relative to the visual quality of the concrete
structure in chapter 8 and chapter 9 of this code.
10.2.3 The disposal measures when construction quality does not meet the requirement
given according to the stipulations in the national standard ((The unihed standard for the

acceptance inspection of the construction quality of building engineering) GB 50300-2001'

These different disposal measllres of acceptance inspection is io suit the present
development level of the economy and technology of China and to avoid unnecessary
economic loss and waste of resource under the precondition that the structure safety and
basic application function must be ensured.
10.2.4 The requirement of filing of the acceptance inspection document is given in this
article. This is not only to realize the responsibility within the service life of design but also

to provide etTective evidence when it is necessary to proceed maintenance. repair, test and
fortification or to change application functions.

Appendix A Record of quality acceptance inspection

A.0.1 The acceptance inspection record for the quality of the inspection batch shall be
filled by a professional quality inspector of the construction project and the supervising
engineer (professional technical principal of the project from construction unit) shall
organize professional quality inspectors of the project to make the acceptance inspection.

The record table of acceptance inspection for the quality of the inspection batch given
ip this article may also serve as a record table for self inspection and qualification of the
construction unit.

,A..0.2 The supervising engineer (professional technical principal of the project from
construction unit) shall organize professional technical principals of the project to make the
acceptance inspection for quality of each itemied works.

The quality acceptance inspection of the itemied works shall be proceeded on a basis
of a qualified acceptance inspection of the inspection batch. Normally, the two inspections
are with same or similar characteristics and the only difference lies in the quantity of the
batch. So, the record of quality acceptance inspection of the itemied works is a summary
of each acceptance inspection record for the quality of the inspection batch.

A.0.3 The chief supervising engineer (professional principal of the project from
construction unit) shall organize construction projection.managers and the conceming
project principals from reconnaissance and design units to make the acceptance inspection
for quality of the sub-partitioned project of coircrete structule .

Because the templates are no longer in the structure during the acceptance inspection
for quality of the sub-partitioned project, besides this, the inspections for items such as
visgal quality ancl size deviation of the structure entity have already reflected the quality of
the template, so it shall be permissible for the template itemied works not to be involved
into the acceptance inspection of the sub-partitioned project of concrete structure.

Appendix n The minimum overlapped length of the longitudinally

stressed reinforcement

8.0.1 - B.0.3 According to the stipulations in the actual national standard(The criterion of
concrete structure design) GB 50010, the minimum overlapped length of the longitudinally
stressed reinforcement to be bound shall be determined via calculation according to the
indexes such as the strength, shape and diameter of the steel bar as well as the concrete
strength and shall be amended according to the area percentage of the overlapped joint of
the steel bar. For the convenience of construction and acceptance inspection, the method
of determining the minimum overlapped length of the longitudinally stressed reinforcement
and the lower limit value of tire ovei'lapped length of the stressed reinforcement are given

8.0.4 The method of determining the minimum overlapped length of the longitudinally
stressed reinforcement and the lower limit value of the overlapped length of the stressed
reinforcement are given in this article.

Appendix C The test method for structure performance of the

prefabricated component

C.0.1 Considering the effect of low temperature to the concrete performance, It is

explicitly regulated that the component shall be tested in a temperature above 0C. The
ex-basin component after steam maintenance can not be tested immediately because the
concrete property is still unstable, so the test shall be proceeded after the component is

cooled to normal temperature.

C.0,2 For components under biggish concentrated force of the reaction force from their
support, to avoid the possible local destruction by subiected pressure, suffrcient estimations
shall be rnade for the maximum load value that may be reached in the test and checking
computations shall also be conducted for local pressure loading ability according to the
design criterion of the concrete structure. The reinforcing structure of the prefabricated
component at places subject to local pressure shall be strengthened to ensure safety.

C.0.3 The general requirement of the load arrangement and the principle of equivalent
arrangement of load are given in this article.

C.0.4 When tests of the assembled loading (including even load, concentrated load.
horizontal load and vertical load, etc.) in different forms is being proceeded, each load shall
be increased even load, so as to meet the design requirement.

C.0.5 When test is proceeded in the extreme state of normal application, the loading
value of each grade shall not be larger than 20%o or 70/6 of standard value of loading; when
load is approaching anti-crack loading test value, the loading value of each grade shall not
be larger than 5o/o of standard value of loading. When load has reached anti-crack loading
test value, the loading value of each grade shail not be larger than 5Yo of standard value of
loading. This measure has brought more flexibility to the loading grade design and made
it suitable for influences brought by index adjustment and a synchronous loading test with
double sampling inspection can be realized.

C.0.6 In order to reflect the plasticity character of concrete material, the load keeping
time after loading has been regulated.

C.0.7 The determining rnethod of the testing value of load in the bearing power test is
cxplicitli,' stipulated in this article. Here the phrase "when regulated load keeping tirne is
finished" means the period of tirne beginning from the end of load keeping time of certain
glade till the fulfillment of the loading of the next grade.

C.0.8 In the formula (C.0.8-l), a0ois the testing value of the flexibility on the rniddle
part of the component which is under action of extra testing load. During determining of
this value, the involving in of the flexibility caused by self-weight of the component and the
weight of loading equipment shall be avoided. In forrnula (C.0.8-3), M6 and a06 are
corresponding values produced by extra testing load on the grade before the cracking gtade

will during calculation. At this time, it
and the value determining shall not be proceeded at
shall be proximately deemed that the flexibility shall change linearly along with the
increasing of load.

C.0.9 The amendment of the testing value of the flexibility is stipulated in this article.
During loading of the equivalent concentrated force. although the main internal forces on
the controlled section are of same value, differences are still existed on deformation and
other internal value, so the variation caused by different forms of loading shall be taken into

C.0.10 The requirement for. observation of the cracks on the prefabricated component and
determining method of the testing value of the cracking load are given in this article.

C.0.11 During loading tesi of coinponents, reliable measures shall be taken to ensure the
safety ofthe testing personnel and apparatus. The safety precautions for the test are given
in this article.

C.0.12 The principles of the test report of the structure performance inspection are
trueness, exactness and integrality. The specific requirements for the test report are given
in this article and they shall be observed.


,1r.. i;i,-
Appendix D Strength inspection for the specimen maintained in same

conditions applied by the structure entity

D.0.1 The inspection of structure entity as regulated in this article shall be proceeded by
testing the strength of specimens maintained in same conditions (hereinafter abbreviated as
SMSC). This is determined according to experimental research and project investigations.

The way of preservation and sampling quantity of the SMSC applied in the test of
structure entity are regulated in this article according to the effect on the structure property
result. The testimony lampling of the SMSC shall be
and the representativity of the test
proceeded at mould entry of the concrete laying by all parties. The preservation quantity
of the SMSC in same grade of strength should not be less than 10 groups, thus to constitute
the basic condition of concrete strength qualif,rcation in a way of statistics. The
preservation quantity shall not be less than 3 groups, so as to ensure a sufficient
representativity when the concrete strength is qualified with statistical method.

D.0.2 This article has regulated that the strength test of SMSC shall be proceeded when
the equivalent maintenance age has been reached and the principle of determining the age of
SMSC applied in the test of structure entity is also given in this article. The principle runs
of the SMSC is reached, the strength of
as follows: when the equivalent maintenance age
the SMSC shall be same as that of the specimen of an age of 28 days maintained under
standard conditions.

When compositions and maintenance conditions of the SMSC are same as that of the
structure concrete, the strength of the structure concrete may be properly reflected.
Because the temperature and humidity maintained under the same condition differs from
that under standard conditions, so the equivalent maintenance age does not equal to 28 days
and tlre specific age may be determined via experiment and research.

D.0.3 The experiment and research shows that under normal conditions, when
maintenance temperature accumulated daily reaches 600C ' D, because this reflects the
increasing influence of the maintenance temperature on the concrete strength, a proper
corresponding relationship exists between the strength of SMSC and that of the specimen of
an age of 28d under standard maintenance conditions. When temperature is not higher
than 0"C, the increasing of the concrete strength shall not be taken into consideration and
the rela-tive maintenance time shall not be included into the equivalent maintenance age.
When the rnaintenance age is less than l4d, the concrete strength is still in its increasing
period and when the maintenance age is over 60d, the concrete strength increases slo'rly, so
the scope of equivalent maintenance age shall be taken as 14d - 60d.
Normally, the concrete strength of the structure entity is lower than the concrete
strength under standard maintenance conditions and this is mainly because of the difference
between the maintenance conditions of SMSC and the standard maintenance conditions,


including the difference of temperature, humidity, etc. During the test for SMSC, the
representative value of the strength of specimens in the same group shall be multiplied by
LlO(deduction coeffrcient), then qualification shall be proceeded according to the actual
national standald(The standard of inspection and qualification of the conctete strength)GBJ
107 .The deduction coefficient 1.10 is determined considering the disadvantage factors
such as the actual concrete structure and the possible water losing of the SMSC and via
experimental research and project investigation. The deduction coeffrcient may be
appropriately adjusted according to the result of local experimental statistics in different
areas but it must be done carefully if the coeffrcient is to be increased.

D.0.4 Under condition of 'wintry construction or due to necessity, of shortening

maintenance period, manual heating may be conducted to the structure components. For
this, the preservation mode and sampling quantity of SMSC shall be determined according
to the stipulations in Article D.0.1 of this annex and its equivalent maintenance age may be
determined jointly by supervising, construction and other parties according to the actual
maintenance conditions and local practical experience (including results of experimental
research) and according to stipulations in D.0.2 of this annex.

Appendix E Inspection for the reinforcement protection layer of the

structure entity

E.0.l-E.0.2 The scope for inspection of the reinforcement protection layer of the structure
entity is mainly the structure and parts on which the location of the reinforcement may
conspicuously influence the lcading ability and dulability of the structuie component, such
as the vertically stressed reinforcement of beam, slab and the like components. Because
the displacement of the reinforcement on upper part of the cantalever component may
seriously decrease the loading ability of structure component, more attention must be paid
to inspection of the protection layer of stressed reinforcement of the cantalever structure.
"The representative locations" means the locations where the thickness of protective
layer of the reinforcement may conspicuously influence the loading ability and durability of
component. Inspection is difficult for reinforcement concentrated locations, s'uch as nodes
of pillar and beam, etc. and these locations shall be kept away from being sampled for the
inspection of reinforcement.

For slab like components, the sampling inspection shall be proceeded according to the
representative natural space. For slabs with large spatial structure, the surface to be
inspected shall be divided with vertical and horizontal axial lines firstly, then the sampling
inspection shall be proceeded.

E.0.3 The test for the thickness of protective layer may be proceeded by measuring with
professional testing apparatus or by determining via locally boring and grooving according
to specific situations, but, in later case, repairing shall be conducted in time.

E.0.4 Considering the disadvantaged factors such as construction disturbance, the

permissible cieviation for rhe inspection of ti-'e protective layer thick-ness of reinforcement of
the structure entity has been adjusted properly on the basis of the permissible deviation of
the reinforcernent installation.

E.0.5 It is explicitly regulated in this article that the qualification ratio oi the inspection of
the protective layer thickness of reinforcement of the structure entity shall be not lower than
90%. Considering that during actual project, biggisli deviation of the protective layer
thickness of reinforcement may occur at certain locations as well as the casualness of the
sampling inspection, it is allowable that when the qualification ratio of once tested result is
Ior,ver than 90Yo, but not lower than 80oh, sampiing may be carried out again and judgment
shall be made according to the test result of the summation of the twice samplings. The
lirnitation has also been made for the maximum deviation vaiue of the disqualification poilt
of the sarnpling inspection in this article.


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