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Assignment Three

Client Interview Script

Zainab Agoro

Social Worker (In Progress)

Andrew Young School of Policy Studies

Georgia State University

Scripted Conversation Skill used Explain why you used skill

(SW=social worker, C=client)

Clients name: Floyd brown Location would be the Lounge because my client is a
28yr old male, former lounge area of my former athlete who is already
professional basketball player agency. feeling out of his element. I feel
who has suffered a career Greeted with a such a laid-back environment
debilitating injury. Floyd has handshake and a warm will help him feel more
since suffered depression as well smile. Sitting across comfortable and at ease to
as developed dependency on from me, I follow up speak.
opioids initially used for pain with an open question.
treatment after surgery. I chose warm friendly body
language, and offered a
SW: Good Morning Mr. Brown, beverage as an ice breaker and
so glad you were able to come Phatic communication mood setting. A kind, inviting
meet me today. Please, have a Nonverbals. Eye contact, atmosphere will set a familiar
seat and make yourself nods, and open mouth tone that he may have been used
comfortable. Is it okay if I call smile to during his former profession.
you Floyd? Awesome! I know it's
quite early in the day, would you Positive nonverbal gestures to
care for some water, juice, or tea? show I am pleased to be there
and giving my undivided
C: Hi, yea it's cool. I'm here I attention.
guess, not sure how to be
comfortable though. But, if you
say so. Oh, yea i'll have some
juice, thanks.

SW: Great, I understand. Now Client/worker I did this to get on a name basis.
let’s get started, shall we? My relationship established. Allow the client to understand
name is Mrs. Clay and my job is personal introduction my role, understand why I am
to help you get through some of and SW role there and establish some
the challenges you've been establishment. expectations going forward.
facing, and ultimately get back on
your feet. I heard about
basketballers being tall, but you
almost made me break my neck
there trying to look up at you.

C: Bahahaha I get that alot, but I

guess I'm just used to people Humor and laughter To loosen up the atmosphere
either staring at me, or and make the client open and
approaching me with, are you a comfortable as we begin the
basketball player? interview process.

SW: That’s to be expected. So, as In dealing with a client

I said earlier, I am here right now Clarification. suffering depression, it is
just for you. This is a safe space, confidentiality. Defining important to reiterate my role
everything we talk about stays positive client/worker and establish the beginning of a
between us, and I want you to relationship. positive client/worker
know that you can take your time relationship. Let the client know
while we work through some what he says is safe and
things together. confidential.

C: Cool.

SW: Now I’m going to use your Further client/worker Make the client understand in
background as an example to relationship terms he can relate to the way
explain the roles we both have establishment. Clarifying our sessions will develop.
here. As you are well aware in the purpose of the Clarify the issues and what the
your profession, you are a player interview. Followed with next steps for resolve. Clarify
and you have a coach. We are more open questions, worker expectations and open
kind of the same in that I am purpose of interview and the floor for the client to see our
something like a coach, you the
player, and we are a team. Our expectations. Setting relationship as a two street in
main objective is to get you boundaries which he can also ask questions.
feeling yourself, happy, and
stable. Work on any addictions
and stabilize your professional
work field. This is a two way
street, I need you to be as open
and honest with your feelings on
how we progress, and if at any
point you are not satisfied with
our journey please feel free to say
that. My main expectation for
you is to show up and be present.
Be open and willing. Is all this
okay with you? Do you have any
questions for me?

C: So, can I call you coach Humor, opening up I respond with light laughter
“smiling” and a nod.

SW: Ha-ha, if that will make you Acceptance This is to help the client feel
feel more comfortable, we can try he’s listened to and considered,
it out for our first few meetings. but also establishing boundaries

C: Cool, I can work with that. So Client should feel open to ask
how long are these sessions, Client clarification questions and know exactly
meetings gonna last and do I get what, who, why, when details
to speak to you outside of here? pertaining to the interview
SW: That’s a good question
Floyd, we are to meet twice a
week for an hour for a month. Clarification. Response I have a straight face,
After one month, we will professional demeanor, clasped
evaluate where we are and decide hands and friendly smile.
the next step to take.

SW: Floyd, why don't you tell me Open question. Establish a casual relationship.
a little bit about yourself and your Get to know client, and how
recovery process after your client sees himself and
surgery. interprets (current issue)

C: Umm, well not much to say. All nonverbal As the client begins to speak I
Played ball all my life, I used to communication. Silence adjust myself in the seat and
play professional basketball lean forward towards him to
going on 8yrs. I was closer to my show I am ready to listen
family until I started traveling for attentively. I give full eye
work and stuff. Anyway, I got contact and nod from time to
injured in a game and I guess it time to show I am still
was pretty bad because the following his story.
doctors said they had to operate Silence
on my leg straight away. After
the surgery I went into rehab to
get back on track, and back on
the court. The pain didn't go
away though. After about a year Verbal communication Light verbal I see, and hmm’s,
and a half in rehab, the doctors and okay’s to continue showing
told me they didn't think I’d ever my undivided attention.
be able to play again because the
ligament I severed couldn't be
salvaged. They said my legs were
strong enough for me to function
normally and do light activity, but
not to withstand the rigorous
activity of professional

SW: I see. That sounds like a Empathy, probing Empathy is used here to let the
very intense couple of years you questions. client see that the SW
went through. It’s quite understands and cares about his
unfortunate you had to endure experiences. Helps establish
that trauma and pain. I must emotional trust. Probing
commend your efforts and questions to gain more
resilience. You said your doctors information about the cause for
told you that you wouldn't be able depression
to play professionally again. Can
you tell me a little bit more about

C: Yea I mean it was just that,

they said that’s it for me. I didn't
really understand or maybe I
didn't want to understand. How
can you just up and tell someone
they ain't playing no more?
Anyway, it's whatever. I saw my Silence Give the client time to express
coach and agent later and they himself
were already sending me on my
way home with a “sorry not
worry” package.
SW: Sorry not sorry package? Reflecting back To make sure what he is saying
What’s that? is matching what I believe he is
saying. Avoid misinterpretation.

C: That’s their way of saying we Client Accenting.SW I shake my head in

can't use you no more, and you've nonverbal disagreement.
been cut. Go home and good communication
luck. They don't care, I'm just
another jersey to them and my
jersey don't fit anymore so they
let me go.

SW: I understand now, how did Probing question. To find out state of mind of
this make you feel, being another Identifying feelings. client regarding (depression)
“jersey” that was discarded?

C: SHIT! How you think it made

me feel? I was f**** pissed off. I
put my all on that court and just
like that it's over? Don't nobody Client amplification
call me today to check on me, see followed by emphasis
how I'm doing. So, don't nobody
care obviously. I don't even care

SW: I care Floyd, and together

we will help you to get back on Empathy. Identifying Client needs some reassurance
your feet. I just need you to try client strength. Support of support and encouragement
and focus on getting better and system
the rest will work itself out.

C: Hmph! You really think you

gonna be able to help me? Yes/No question I smile.

SW: I'm going to try my best

Floyd. Just a few more things I say this to reinforce I am there
before we round up. I recall you Reassurance. Time to help. Also inform client that
saying the pain didn’t go away. check, probing question. meeting is coming to an end,
How have you been managing gain more insight into drug use
this pain?

C: I take the pills.

SW: Okay, so your prescription is Closed question Need a straightforward answer

still active? about the drug usage.
C: uhm, I get the pills.

SW: How many pills are you Closed question, form of To learn how bad the addiction
taking a day? scaling question is and if the client will be open
(numerical figure) and honest about usage..

C: I dunno, a few. I need them to

take away the pain.

SW: Okay. We’re going to look Paraphrasing, solution, Light solutions for first
for other positive ways to heal the open question interview to inform the client
pain you're experiencing, and that we will be tackling this
make you less dependent on issue. Will dive deeper into the
medication. How does this problems in the next coming
sound? meetings

C: That’s cool.

SW: Okay Floyd, we are almost To signify the meeting is

at the end of our session. So far, coming to an end and prepare
we've been able to discuss your Proxemic shift/posture the client for the conclusion.
background, the nature of your change. Summary, Remind the client on all that
injury and how recovery has scheduling. was discussed in the interview.
made you feel. We touched on Schedule client for next
your pain coping mechanisms interview.
and established a mutual desire to
find solutions moving forward. In
our next session which will be
this Friday, I want you to think
about what you want to do for
work and the kind of lifestyle you
foresee for yourself.

SW: Floyd, I want you to take a Miracle question For client motivation, strength
second and imagine a world building, and positivity.
where everything works almost
perfectly. What would that world
look like for you?

C: My body would be whole, and Nonverbal Warm smiling to show what the
I'd still be playing basketball. communication client said is pleasing to the
That’s it, perfect world! listener.
SW: I like that, I know that may Post interview Used to help client realize that
not be possible to achieve but I conversation. he is not the problem, and that
am confident if you work hard Externalizing questions. the problem is fixable.
and stay positive, you’ll find Encouragement
yourself living a full and happy
life. Floyd, this concludes our
meeting, do you have any
questions for me or anything
you'd like to talk about?

C: Nope. I think I’m a little tired

now, haven't spoken that much in silence
a long time. I’ll wait until our
next meeting. Thanks coach

SW: You did great! Thank you Termination. I stand up to nonverbally

for coming in to see me. Don’t Conclusion, reminder signify the end of the interview.
forget our next meeting is Friday Extend my hand for a
13th, at 10am. If you need to handshake and offer my contact
reach me for anything here is my details. Client knows now that
card. Take care and bye for now. while our interview is over, I
am still reachable outside of
meeting times if need be.

Part II: Written Appraisal

Question 1: Overall, how comfortable do you feel about interviewing a client for the first
time? Why? Overall, I feel 100% comfortable about interviewing a client for the first time. I feel
this way not because I think I am an expert in the interviewing process, but because I believe just
like having a child for the first time, you can never be 100% prepared but you have to trust
yourself. What I do know is I have certain tools in place that are needed and will help me get
through the process. For instance, I am ready to listen and assimilate information being told to
me. I understand the nature of boundaries in the social work sphere. I have armed myself with
the necessary tools through class learning, and life to be responsible for conducting an interview.
At the end of the day, everything has its starting point and I know I will only improve in my skill
with more time and practice. Therefore, I am comfortable with the idea of interviewing.

Question 2: What two specific skills you learned in the class do you feel most confident
about demonstrating? Why? Two skills that I have learned in class that I feel most confident
about demonstrating in class would be, use of nonverbal communication, and listening.
Nonverbal communication because I now understand that it is more important than verbal
communication. I was aware of my nonverbal communication style before, but now I am
completely aware of how to use it in a social work setting with a client. Listening because while
I like to think I am a good listener, I've learned in class there are more effective ways of listening
so that you get more essential, important information out of your client.

Question 3: What two specific skills you learned in the class do you feel least confident
about demonstrating? Why? I don't feel least confident about much because I came into class
with a purpose to build on the skills I already possessed while learning new ones. I feel confident
that this has been achieved and I can move forward demonstrating any of these said skills.

Question 4: What two interviewing skills do you think you demonstrated the most growth
in developing throughout our class? Why did you need to grow these skills? How did you
grow for each? Two skills I think I demonstrated the most growth in developing throughout
class are, nonverbal communication skills and listening skills. Nonverbal skills are extremely
essential in the field of social work. It is very easy to be unaware of the message and feedback
you’re giving a person based off of nonverbal reaction. If the nonverbal communication is
distracting, or negative, this can impact the communication between social worker and client
with a negative outcome. I grew by paying more attention to my body language and learning to
be more deliberate with certain things like eye contact, smiling, posture etc. The second skill I
was able to grow by watching journals and videos from my classmates. In order to really
understand what each person was saying and communicating I had to listen attentively. I needed
this particular skill to grow because being an active listener is key to learning anything in life. If
I want to be an effective social worker I must be able to listen attentively to what I'm being told.
Be able to fill in the blanks and read between lines. I grew this by watching more classmate
videos, sometimes a couple of times over and answering assignment questions based on what I

Question 5: Identify and describe two areas related to interviewing clients who are diverse
and different from you that you learned and improved in your communication skills over
the course of the semester. For each, describe how you would ethically and appropriately
adjust how you would communicate/interview with the client.
Interviewing clients who may identify within the LGBTQ community such as gender
classification and dealing with homeless persons. For both clients I would adjust ethically and
appropriately adjust my communication by applying empathetic understanding, addressing them
with the pronoun they go by. Being sure not to judge their lifestyle whether verbally or
nonverbally. I would be sure to ask questions that only relate to the issue at hand therefore,
avoiding unnecessary communication that could lead elsewhere. In dealing with homeless
individuals I would encourage and communicate in a straightforward manner. However, I would
avoid making promises that I have no control over. I would also make sure to prioritize
addressing important needs before anything else such as clothing, shelter, and food.

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