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ROUGH WORK ELI-49865-4 2 oO Sets GYRE ti Paden ted “Stocked here ite Gly Por eet eswAGe sae Gey whey che Sete www. 1, CuluralRightsare proposed by : (A) Locke (B) WillKymlica (C) Kant (D) Bentham 2. Which one ofthe following is suggested by the conceptof Universal Citizenship”? (A) Single citizenship in the world (B) Identical rights forall persons (C) Identical rights forall citizens (D) Common rights forall 3. Positive Liberty is advocated by : (A) 1S.Mill (B) Isaiah Bertin (C) Locke (D) TH.Green 4, Oneofthe following is correct with regard to all thoughts of social contract (A) Belief in innate rights (B) Principle of separation of powers (C) Formation of public authority with social consent {D) Erasing distinction between law and liberty 5. (C) Locke 6, The German ideology (A) Lenin (C) Marx andEngels Fi 8 9. (A) Schumpeter (B) Robert Dahl (C) DBR. Ambedkar (D) Rousseau 10, Oneofthe following principless rejected by Fascism: (A) Organic Solidarity (B) Rights and Liberties (C) Racial Superiority (D) Personal loyalty to leader EL-49865-4, 3 [Turn over oO Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: 14. www. In Marxist thought the concept of hegemony is associated with : (A) Gramsci (B) Marx (C) Mao (D) Lain . The Central Idea of ‘paverty of philosophy” written by Marx is (A) Method . (B) Analysisofpolitics (C) Dictatorship of proletariat (D) Critique of Utopion Socialism |. The subordination of individual to the Stateis an essential feature of (A) Socialist doctrine (B) Feudaldoctrine (C) Conservative doctrine (D) Fascist doctrine “Government and ll fom of instiionalsed authority isa constrainton individual liberty” cooing to (A) Anoychisn (B) Liberalism (C) Individualism (D) Socialism .. World System analysis is acritique ofboth modemisation theory and : (A) Realist theory 16. What is anegative liber B. ‘Absence of extemal hindrances 1. 18, 19. 20. “State is viewed as an embodiment of the collective consciousness of the people cultures” was said by: (A) Hobbes (B) Rousseau (©) Badin (D) Hegel 21. Plural votingtothe higher educated citizens was advocated by : (A) J.Bentham (B) JS.Milt (C) M.Rousseau (D) Green ELJ-49865-A, 4 Oo Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. 22. The book ‘Social Contract’ was authored by : (A) Thomas Hobbes (B) JJ. Rousseau (C) John Locke (D) 1S.Mill 23. “State comes into existence forthe sake of life and it continues for the sake of good life’, was stated by: (A) Plato (B) Aristotle (C) Green (D) Bentham 24. The committee that was constituted to study the feasibility of Right to Information was: (A) Shourie committee (8) Chavan committee (C) Goswamicommitice (D) Vohracommitice 25, ‘The abolition of post of Governor of a State was recommended by (A) SarkariaCommission (B) Second Administrative Reforms Commission (C) The Governor's Conference (D) RajamannarCommittee 26. Whodeclared ‘Swaraj is: (A) Gandhi (C) Vivekananda 27. The Muslim League pa (A) 1939 28. 2. 30, The principle of communal representation in India was first introduced by = (A) The Indian Councils Act 1861 (B) The Indian Councils Act 1892 (C) The Indian Councils Act 1909 (D) The Goverment oflndiaAct 1919 31. The Constituent Assembly of India wasset up according to the proposals of : (A) The Cripps Mission (B) The Cabinet Plan (C) The RajajiPlan (D) The Mountbatten plan EL-49865-4, 5 [Turn over oO Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. 32. The Constituent Assembly of India borrowed the concept of independent judiciary from : (A) The Constitution of USSR (B) The Constitution of (C) The Constitution of USA (D) The Govt. of India Act 1935 33, The Constitution of India is Parliamentary because ; (A) There isan elected President {B) ThereisaCouncil of Ministers (C) There isa Parliament (D) The Executive is responsible to Legislature 3M. The Constitution of India isrepublican because: (A) Ttprovides foran elected Parliament (B) Itcontains Fundamental Rights (C) ltprovides for Adult Franchise (D) Ithas nohereditary element 35. Oneof the following snotincluded in Fundamental Rights embodied in the Constitution of India (A) Righttooquality {B) Rightto freedom (C) Righttoadequatemeans of livelihood (D) Right against exploitation (C) Itprovides fora bicameral Legislature at the centre (D) Itprovides fora Parliamentary System of Government 39, Who among the following thinkers is not arealist ? (4) Benham (B) Morgenthau ic) Thucydides (D) Hobbes EL-49865-A fo 5 Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. 40. Which of the following is not a feature of a Secular State? (A) Ttrecognises all religions (B) Ttextendsreligious freedom tits citizens. (C) Tis not guided by any religion inits policies (D) [treats allcitizensequal before law irrespective of religious faith 41. The “Servants of India Society’ was formed by : (A) MG Ranade (B) GK. Gokhale (C) SN. Benarjee (D) Dada Bhai Naoroji 42. ‘Nationalism isthe religion that comes from god" was said by : (A) BG Tilak (B) Vivekananda (C) Dayananda Saraswati (D) Aurobindo Ghosh 43. ‘Give blood and I will give you freedom’ was said by (A) Sardar Patel (B) Subas Chandra Bose (C) Chandrashekhar Azad (D) Bhagat Singh 44. Under which Act federation (A) 1909 Act (C) 1935 Act 48. Which Article gives special position or status tothe State of Jammu and Kashmir’? (a) 170 (B) 270 (C) 370 (D) 371 49, Secular Staten India means 4A) State isanti religion (B) Stateis based on religion (C) Stateis neutral in religion (D) State isimeligious EL-49865-4, i [Turn over oO Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. 50. Universal adult franchise was granted by : (A) Actof 1919 {B) Actof 1935 (C) ByPartiament (B) By Indian Constitution 51. The emergency provisions of the Constitution have been modelled on the pattem of : (A) AmericanConstitution (B) Chinese Constitution (C) Russian Constinution (D) Weimar Constitution 82. The Preamble and Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution have been based on : (A) Russian Constitution (B) German Constitution (C) AmericanConstitution (D) SwissConstitution 53. The concurrent list in Indian Constitution is based on: (A) South African Constitution (B) Australian Constitution (C)_ Russian Constitution (D) Chinese Constitution 54. The word “Union” in the First Article of the Indian Constitution hasbeen borrowed from : (A) American Constitution (B) Chinese Constitution (C) Japanese Constitution 55. The ‘Objective Resolu (A) Dr. Rajendra Pra (C) Jawaharlal Nehru 56. The demand for Const (A) BGTikkk (C) MN.Roy 57. The words ‘pmced (A) American (C) Chines 58, Fundamental Duties (A) 24% (C) 42" 59. Which Article described six freedoms? (A) 4 (By 15 (C) 16 D) 19 60, By which amendment ‘Right to Property" has been omitted ? (A) 24» (B) 31e (C) 4 @) 4a* ELJ-49865-A, as Oo Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. 61. “Directive principles are postdated cheque”. Who said this? (A) Jawaharlal Nehru (B) K-T.Shah (C) Dr.Rajendra Prasad (D) Dr. BR.Ambedkar 62. Parliament got the power to amend the Fundamental Rights by the amendment: (A) 24 (By 25 (C) 26 (D) 42 63. Which writis issued by Supreme Court against the wrongful imprisonment ? (A) Mandamus (B) Habeas Corpus (C) Quo Warranto (D) Prohibition 64. ‘The Chief Justice who heard and decided the famous Golak Nath case was : (A) Justice H.R. Khanna (B) Justice Subba Rao (C) Justice PN. Bhagwati (D) Justice R.S. Pathak 65. Theenforcementof Directive Principles dependon : (A) People (B)_ Judiciary (C) Opposition Party Ruling Party 66, Equality before Law or Eg has been modelled on the Constitution of : (A) Great Britain 67. 69. The President of Indi (A) Fundamental ct (B) Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles (C)_ Directive Principles only 70. Which Directive Principle is nearer to Gandhiji's philosophy ? (A) Equal pay for Equal work (B) Separation of Executive from Judiciary (C) Strengthening of Gram Panchayats (D) Equal Justice and Free Legal Aid EL-49865-4, 9 [Turn over oO Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: Th. www. Which is not the Directive Principle of State policy ? (A) Participation of workers in management of Industries (B) Organisationof agriculture and animal husbandry (C) Uniform civil onde forall citizens (D) Abolition of Untouchability ‘Who administers the oath of the office wo the President ? (A) Vice President of India (B) Prime Minister of India (C) Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India (D) Speaker of Lok Sabha. 73. Theresolution for the impeachment of President of India must be supported by : i. (A) 13Members (B) 1/4 Members (C) 12Members (D) 50Members “The emergency powers of the President are modelled on the Constitution of : (A) USSR. (By) USA (C) Germany (D) South Africa 75. "The President.can declare financial emergency according to-the Article: 74, (A) 352 (C) 360 Incase the office of Pre President? 1 (A) Speaker of the Lok| (©) AtomeyGeneral |) 79. The election of Vice President of India isdone by : (A) President and Prime Minister (B) Members of Lok Sabha (C) Members of Rajya Sabha {(D) Members of Parliament ina jointsitting 80, Which ofthe following statements is wrong ? (A) Indian President has veto power (B) Indian President is like the British King (C) IndianPresidentisaconstitutionalhead — (D) Indian President is part of Parliament ELJ-49865-A, Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. 81. Indian Parliament consist of : (A) Lok Sabhaand Rajya Sabha (B) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Council of Ministers (C) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and President (D) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Prime Minister 82. How many members can table the ‘No Confidence Motion’ against the Council of Ministers in ‘Lok Sabha? A) 30 (By 50 (C) 60 (D) 40 83. Who finally decides the disqualification of the Member of the Parliament? (A) Chief Justice ofthe Supreme Court (B) Chief Election Commissioner {C) Attomey General of India (D) President of ladia. 84, Theduration of the ondinance issued by President is (A) Twomonths (B) Sixmonths from the date of issue (C) Sixweeks from the date of. {D) Indefiniteperiod 85. The joint sitting of Par (A) Presidentof India 89, Lowering ofthe age of the voters is done by Constitutional amendment: (A) 5 (B) 62" ©) 6 (D) 70" EL-49865-4, u [Turn over oO Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. 90, ‘The 59° amendment ofthe Constitution is concerned with: (A) Emergency powers of the President (B) Lowering of the age of the voters (C) Financial Emergency (D) Disqualification of membersof Rajya Sabha 91. The powers ofthe Supreme Court can beenlarged by : (A) Cabinet, (B) Parliament (C) President (D) PrimeMinister 92. ‘The number of the judges of Supreme Court is: (A) 1B (By 22 (C) 25 (D) 31 93. ‘The President of India seeks the advice of Supreme Court on important matters ofthe state : (A) President mustacoept it {B) President can accept or reject it (C) President must consult Prime Ministeron it (D)_ President must consult Vice President 94, The Judge of Supreme Court can be removed after the resolution in the Parliament by the President : (A) Temust be passed b 98, Which ofthe followingis a concurrent subject ? (A) Education (B) Health (C) Police (D) Agriculture 99. The Interstate Councils are established by the Central government : (A) Tosettle disputes between States (B) Todistribute the income (C) Tocooperate in planning {(D) None of the above ELJ-49865-A, 12 oO Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. 100.Sarkaria Commission was appointed in the regime of : (A) Indira Gandhi (B) Rajiv Gandhi (C) PN. Narasimha Rao (D) Deve Gowda 101. Fordifferent States special grants are decided by : (A) President (B) Prime Minister (C) Partiament (D) Planning Commission 102. In which Federation theres no provision for concurrent list ? (A) India (B) Australia (C) USA (D) Canada 103. The source of authority in Medieval Europe was : (A) Pope (B) King AC) Religion (D) God 104.Population Control and Family Planning’ is inchided in the list : (A) Union List (B) State List (C) Concurrent List List 105. The three lists dividing p ‘and the Union are described in the schedule ; (A) Vth (C) IXth 106, The Constitution of Indi (A) AUnion of State) 107, Article 356deals (A) National (C) State: 108, Residuary powers in (A) State! a (C) Supreme Cou 109, A money bill originates only in: (A) Councilof States (B) House of the People (C) Parliament (D) Office of President 110, Which of the followings a pressure group ? (A) TADA (B) CPL «©) aITUC (D) BIP ELI-49865-4 a (Tw B rm over Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. IL. Policy of mixed economy refersto: (A) Feudalismand capitalism (B) Private sectorand public sector (C) Stateintervention {D) Statecontrol 112, Procedure of amendment to the constitution is given in (A) Amticle 370 (B) Anicle 368 (C) Article 366 (D) Article 358 113, Grass motsdemocracy isrelated to: (A) Regional Politics (B) Tribal Politics (C) Panchayati Raj System (D) Women Polities 114, Telangana Rashtra Samiti isa sub regional party of : (A) Tamil Nadu (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) Kamataka (D) Odisha 11S. Anew All India Service is created by : (A) Resolution from Rajya Sabha {B) Resolution from Lok Sabha (C) Withthe initiative of President. pproval af Vice President 116, When the Senate of the or atrial for impeachment of the US President, the 117. The concept of Mor fA) 1 Kant (C) Bentham 119. The chief exponent of the legal theory of sovereignty is (A) Austin (B) Bodin (C) Rousseau (D) Locke 120, Politics ‘as authoritative allocation of value" was stated by (A) David Easton, (B) HaroldLaswell (C) Charles Merriam (D) Almond ELJ-49865-A, i Oo Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete: www. ROUGH WORK Sets GYRE ti Paden ted “Stocked here ite Gly Por eet eswAGe sae Gey whey che Sete www. ROUGH WORK ELS-49865-A 4175 16 oO Sets GYRE ti Paden ted “Stocked here ite Gly Por eet eswAGe sae Gey whey che Sete

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