Pirates of Silicon Valley

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Pirates of Silicon Valley

By Nikolay Chikin
Julia Uchanina
The Pirates
Business Strategy
The importance for our classes

ü The film shows the stories of foundations and development of two huge
international corporations Apple and Microsoft, so it is useful to know them when
studying international business
ü Understanding of contest between giant corporations for innovations both on local
and international levels. It is more important for them than advertising or gaining
new markets, because innovations of high quality are going to be popular among
customers everywhere in recent years.
The value for the business

ü It is important to understand that the opportunity to reach such success as

Microsoft or Apple exists only if you create something innovative, something that
had not existed before. It can be a new way of leading business or a new invention
for making people’s lives better.
ü Healthy competition is important for developing business because it makes the
company not stagnate and create new products.
What we should take and learn

ü I think we have to learn the need for constant aspiration for developments
of everything we do and use, because when we get out of the pre-set
features, we capture innovation and success.

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