LESSON 5 - Per Unit of Utility, Transformer, and Cable

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Summary of Base Values

Utility Source Per Unit calculation

The transformer high voltage side is connected to the 13.8 kV
system. As per IEC 60076-5:2010, the short circuit apparent power
(MVA) is 500 MVA (European practice) shown in Table 1.
A typical value of X/R = 12 from ANSI Standard C37.010.
Table 1 Short Circuit Apparent Power of the System

a. Utility Per Unit Data - 3Φ

Given: MVAsc = 500, X/R = 12

MVAbase 100
Z pu = = =0.2 pu
MVAC sc 500

R pu=Z pu cos ¿

X pu =Z pu sin ¿

Transformer Per Unit calculation

The transformer size is 2000 kVA. As per ANSI C-37.010.
From Table 3, the minimum short-circuit impedance percentage for
the above transformer size is 5.75 % and the X/R ratio as per Cast
Coil Type is 7, refer to Table 2.

Table 2 ANSI Standard C-37.010 X/R Ratio Table 8B

Table 3 ANSI Standard C-37.010 X/R Ratio Table 13

( )( )
MVA new kV old
Z pu−new =Z pu−old
MVA old kV new

Z pu−new =0.0575 ( )( )
0.4 2
=2.875 pu

R pu=Z pu cos ¿

X pu =Z pu sin ¿

Cable Per Unit calculation
Cable (C1)
Size : 70 mm2, 15kV, Cu/XLPE/SWA
Length : 6 m @ 1 conductor per phase

R = 0.3420 Ω/km
RT = (0.3420 Ω/km)(0.006km) / 1 = 0.002052 Ω
Rpu = RT / Zb = 0.002052 Ω / 1.9044 Ω = 0.00108 pu
X = 0.13 Ω/km
XT = (0.13 Ω/km)(0.006km) / 1 = 0.00078 Ω
Xpu = XT / Zb = 0.00078 Ω / 1.9044 Ω = 0.00041 pu

Motors First Cycle (Momentary) Calculation

Apply the recommended multiplying factors per IEEE Std.
141-1993, Tables 3.37, for every system component especially for
the group of induction motors rated less than 50hp and more than
50hp but not above 250hp.

Table 3.37 First Cycle Sub-Transient Multiplying Factors

Informational Note: IEEE Std.141-1993Section, p.131-131

X pu− M 1=( 1.2 x 0.1667 ) ( 100 MVA

0.072 MVA )( )
0.4 2
=277.833 pu

For X/R = 2.88

Rpu-M1 = 277.833 / 2.88
R pu− M 1 =96.4699 pu


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