Praying For Life Partner

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Points For Life Partner

Today we will be dealing with prayer points for a life partner. One of the most
tasking tasks a man and woman often go through at one stage of their lives is
picking life partner. The devil usually waits in that corridor to make people fall.
It is essential that before anyone chooses a life partner, such an individual must
involve the creator for guidance and revelation about that spouse.

It would interest you to know that the scripture says he that finds a wife find a
good thing and obtain favor from God. A man must search first before he can
find a woman. The devil knows this and understands this, too, so most times, he
lurks around until when we are about to select a life partner, then the devil starts
giving us options. But, when we are thoroughly grounded in the word of God,
and we have some strategic prayer points for a life partner like this one, it will
clear our part and help us make the right decision.

The problem many people suffer in time of selecting is that their feelings and
emotions are ruling them that they fail to listen to the speakings of the spirit. The
spirit of God always communicates with a man, but it takes spiritual sensitivity
to decode what the spirit is saying per time. Selecting a life partner is one of the
most critical decisions we will make in life because it is a decision that will
either cause us pain or joy forever. In essence, it is important to get it right. The
scripture has given us some tips on how to select, but we still need prayers to
make that partner conform to the standard of God.

If you are at the edge of making that critical decision for your life, ensure you
study some of these prayer points for a life partner to help you make the right
decision. These prayer points will give us a spiritual sensitivity to understand
what the spirit is saying about that partner.

Prayer Points:

Lord Jesus, I have read of several people in the Bible who missed their chances
of becoming your own forever because they choose the wrong life partner.
Samson was a typical example, he married the wrong woman, and his destiny
suffered the most significant blow of it. King Solomon married a woman from a
corrupt clan, and the anger of God was released upon him. Lord of mercy, I pray
that you will help me select a man and woman after your own, a woman that you
have designed for me, a man or woman who will run in the same ministry that
you have called me into, a life partner that will not be the cause of my downfall,
Lord I ask that you will send them my way in the name of Jesus.

Father Lord, I pray for that man or woman that you have destined for me, I ask
that you will give them the grace to run according to your will and purpose for
their lives in the name of Jesus. I come against every form of distraction that
may want to hinder them from becoming who you God wants them to become. I
destroy such disturbances in their way in the name of Jesus.

Father Lord, I pray that you will help both of us to run according to your purpose
for your lives in the name of Jesus. I destroy that our union will not be the
architect of our fall apart from you, Lord, in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, forever is too long a journey to spend with a toxic partner. I pray that
you will assist me during my selection process. I pray for a partner after your
own heart, a man or woman that will help me in achieving my goals and
reaching all my potentials in life, I pray that you will give them to me in the
name of Jesus.

I pray that in the name of Jesus, you will grant my partner a spiritual foresight to
be able to run in accordance with your will for their life. I pray that you will help
them stand firmly in you before and after we meet. And even after we settle in as
husband and wife, the grace not to be weary of their faith in Christ Jesus, I pray
that you will give it to them in the name of Jesus.

I ask that as the bible as said that the expectations of the righteous should not be
cut off, I pray that his or her expectations will not be cut off in the name of Jesus.
From not, I pray that they will begin to run in the grace and favor of God
Almighty. I come against every power of frustration in their way, every power
that may want to frustrate their efforts with failure, I destroy such a scheme in
the name of Jesus.

For it has been written declare a thing, and it shall be established saith the Lord
of host, I decree that my life partner shall be great in the name of Jesus. The
scripture, the earnest expectations of the creation awaits the manifestations of the
sons of God. I decree by the power in the name of Jesus that my life partner and
I begin to manifest in the right proportion that God wants us to operate in the
name of Jesus.

I pray for the protection of God Almighty upon the life of my life partner. I pray
that you will protect him/ her by your power in the name of Jesus. For the
scripture says I will go before you and level up exalted places, I pray that ever
mountain in front of my husband/wife is made low in the name of Jesus. Every
rough part is made straight by the power in the name of Jesus. And every
crooked way is made smooth by the power in the name of Jesus.

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