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Write SMART goals for each of the listed objectives for students with social/emotional and Speech and
Language Impairments.

Social/Emotional-Focused Goal
By the end of the 1st quarter, Sheila will not exceed 5
Objective #1 Respond
skipped class out of 10 during attendance checking
appropriately to peer pressure.
using self-instruction training, due to peer pressure.

Marky will identify and manage his frustration, anger,

Objective #2 Constructively deal or stress using self-regulation on a daily basis to avoid
with situations that may lead to engaging in an unexpected behavior which may lead
conflict. to conflicts, on 3 out of 5 opportunities through
observations and documentation after 4 weeks.

After 4 weeks of documentation and observation on a

daily basis using behavioral checklist, Roy will be able
Objective #3 Identify appropriate to control/reduce his negative reaction and impulsive
ways of dealing with conflict. behavior by 60% from 30% frequency to avoid

By the end of the 2nd quarter, AJ will recognize and

Objective #4 Name types of apply the acceptable and unacceptable types of
behaviors and language that are behavior and language through self-monitoring
acceptable and unacceptable. checklist by 70% accuracy.

By giving clear instructions and visual supports, Rhea

will maintain her desk and laboratory table neat by
Objective #5 Keep the work area practicing CLAYGO – Clean As You Go in 3 weeks. She
neat. will successfully perform 80% accuracy using self-
reinforcement as compared to teacher’s reliable
Objective #6 Walk away /seek help Stephen, will be able to cope his emotions and handle
in physical confrontations or set- stressful situations (walking away or seeking help in
physical confrontations or set-up), by engaging in the
30-minute classroom activity or situation in a calm
and positive manner with one prompt on 4/5
occasions after 2 weeks.
Through self-monitoring checklist, Kim will be able to
Objective #7 Leave provocative
refrain from any provocative situations/ physical
situations (name calling, teasing,
aggression across all campus by the end of the
pushing) to avoid involvement in
semester with 80% accuracy as compared to teacher
the situation.
ratings of behavior.
Scarlet will acquire two new social skills per quarter
to a level of 60% accuracy including initiating
Objective #8 Approach another
conversations with peers and adults, participating in
person for explanation-when
turn taking during structured activities and
perceived-to be unjustly criticized
recognizing positive social interactions through
cooperative learning through teacher’s observation.
With the use of behavior checklist, Cindy will reduce
Objective #9 Sit in the assigned roaming around and transferring seats with 80%
seat. accuracy based on teacher’s observation at the end of
the 1st quarter.
 John will use the self-monitoring technique to refrain
Objective #10 Work quietly in the from talking and shouting at his classmates with an
classroom. accurate average of 60% from 30% at the end of the
2nd quarter.

Language and Communication-Focused Goal

Give a picture of an object associate with personal
Objective# 1 accurately sign YES or hygiene or self-grooming, Lyndie will identify and
NO when asked yes/no questions demonstrate with the sign “YES” or “NO” response
without prompts. when asked with 90% accuracy, in 4/5 opportunities
at the end of the 2nd quarter.
Objective#2 Reply and use the
appropriate calendar or date During quarterly oral presentation, Mike can identify and
concept when asked a "when?" answer the exact day, date and month using our calendar
question, dates with 90% accuracy.
Objective# 3 Increase the ability to
communicate accommodations Zee employs self-monitoring to understand his/her
needed in classes as well as explain hearing loss and its effects in communication by 60%
impact of deaf-blindness to from 40% rating by the end of the 1st quarter to develop
teachers. accommodations and strategies in addressing social skills.

Objective# 4 Increase reading skills When assessing Mary’s fluency and comprehension rate
in the area of phonics, word during quarterly reading comprehension test, she will be
recognition and passage able to read out loud the 4th grade passage with 85%
comprehension. accuracy and a rate of 70 words per minute and will be
able to score 90% accuracy on word vocabulary.

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