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Number of Human Cell = Trillions

Size= one fifth of a smallest Dot, if you plot
it in paper
How to visualize a Cell?????________
Critical to normal body temperature
Cell also called Basic Unit of LIFE
Variety Cell Types
● Nerve cell
● Muscle Cell
● Bone Cell
● Blood Cell
Functional Characteristics of a Cell
● Cell Metabolism and energy use
● Synthesis of Molecules such as??
● Communication -- using??
● Reproduction and Inheritance
To keep balance in
our Body == Above
structures Function
Parts & Functions
About the Disease
● Light microscope
● Electron microscope
● Scanning microscope
● Transmission electron microscope
3 basic structure of a cell
Plasma membrane
A Nucleus

Movement Through Plasma Membrane
Look at table 3.3 chapter 3 seeleys 10

Cells group together to form a ??

Four primary tissue types

● Epithelial tissue
● Connective tissue
● Muscle tissue
● Nervous tissue
Classifications of epithelial tissue
What happen in Tissue Damage
End.. TIU 2020

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