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Histoy cH- Hov,hen


nd Where

QMkot is ho problen with the pesidicahon of ivdin

wstory tot 7owes will ohrs? Ago the statetne
problems wrik_periodisotian qjven by bher histow
Aveiet Hedieval and. Mdan.

AM Jowmes ill Divided dian histoxy mib Hree

pe3ds-Hindu-murli and BHa.tus

s diiulk d referany_posod of uistory as

Hind p Mucli beca ust a vasiety f t
cKisful siutovcmusly A Hese peods.

Kis olss ot juskified to diyidethe istoy on 4e

fostioukos fme buy doinghss we k to

iqnore He rehqion o ue Common people

bThs Kind of peziodicahtn Wa bosu e a

kom the West whecre tae mOder pas od
Siquaes smodara developmertr ke quo
dove lopmeat,akonal spit Aerd equ
The Modern Period M wdia was ot asso uia

g2Wha did the Batks presevve oPhcral doctmert

Aus 2. The Bxifsh bieseved te iuyetau i a

dumuts becalue these served Aeods

wAE interested and wba thoy wishea o


.Accodnato tue byittsh waig wa mYE

iwpostavit hon Syeakina as le douner
in Arekiyes and museMs be udibsd.
can stz

Hlkene ver equned,

Thest can also Seve as an imbAMattgr pron

au deestoM DT acto taken cae 0n SG

They preserved tne docmerts to mavtain a

pAmaneuet record bui dauments

83 How Nill he Mfpruatieu hucTNans geT fpom oa

Mewspopets e difere nt ka tha foune m pokce

3he polie veharts Weo vey kustwo

and e diaetoML t inoNuoAOM PuGUshr d

In nenspapers because tho pouce ere Mer

a_puppet DF the colo hial qovern ment

They WAote the tlhuMgu qoveknansd ssvour

Iafosatou_Powd in NeNShapese În vaied kasecd t

osceidents incdentg ak_have boppened awss h
Coluutyy Whe reas the police teposts ave línuted
and localized.

Honeyet omettimes te tewS þapes a e Ldt quste

all the reasons bekänd an incidnt aud he
biasd as_per tte undkasq ofa postes Náile ia
olice Recoaas Ne could Jtus. See eydnces
au ade at auc utbiosed Kehoat s.
ilty dr vie r ad dvde tae i ereT


Aus 4lo demertate te aitfersce ee erinas

luck beLomt MpAe

I eflect Gur ideas abest ds pat. T sew

osA CL_peitd to tHue uexr

Ttis an oktuat b caphare chaautaisres

Dt _paiod aud it (eutal eakwes

5Whydd Survas become a ComM Þsadice unt

colial oduiuistaton iu imdia ( iwha pe
of Suseys were condudd by wlnua ainistats

The pracfice o SuNcuingbe cave Loune

practie under dhe coloial oduirth
because the bahsk believed Hhat a cowt

b be KHDwn beo it outd
could ke efelvly adrinthetea

by the casly uinehedh e cenhury dateld w

ere bei Cayied ous Malp Cyar

reveue surveus were Covducteod m vilae:
Ordes to Knew the Hpoqa, te quali
Soi, I(ota, jauna, CAopaq jatteri c

Cer Suneys Such as brtanuca suneus arar

Suveu 20pleqcal Sure , r s v s ana

anlkopologqical suens were ako caisua gnM

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