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Duration: 20 mins.

Now that you’re done reading, let’s check what you have learned and
understood from the story. Please read and answer the questions carefully in the
space provided. You may write in full sentences or bullet points.

1. What similarities do you see between yourself and [write name of student]? Give a concrete
example based on the letter he/she wrote.
The similarities I have saw between myself and Marie is that we both have determine and
goal-minded in which I goal is to get that degree, to be graduate, to pass all the subjects
in nursing field and also to get that term RN which is acronym of Registered Nurse.
These are our similarities that I saw to the both of us. In that way, we are so determined
to get that kind of goals. We both seek all the opportunities that we can take in.

2. What’s your biggest takeaway from his/her experience?

It is not biggest but a little takeaway from her experience because she experience any
activities in school such as youth organization specifically in the environmental and
social involvement. But in my experience, it is not the same she had on. I actually a
campus journalist in my previous school in High School. I joined broadcasting
specifically in Filipino Area.

3. Of the experiences you read from the life stories, which one was most inspiring? What will
you do
in your life starting today because of this inspiration? (Be as specific as possible.)
The most inspiring stories, I have read is to have that kind of attitude like being Goal-
Digger and Determined-person. In that way, it would give inspiration ways that people
can do it also. Like, doing it wholeheartedly without hesitant and confusion of what to do.
Starting today, I will do as the same what I have read in her life stories because of this it
would inspire me to do so, like what she do in her life. Being goal digger and determine-
person, it would give you success in life without worrying about your future.

Duration: 25 mins.
Think about how you can be a good role model for younger students. Draw a picture or doodle
of something you can do and briefly explain it in the space below.

I am a role model in my own, in which I can connect what I have experience and share to
them my skills and knowledge. I am a role model, just like being a good citizen were no
one can be a leader but all of us can express what they have thought. Through this, I will
able to connect with them not just being role model but also being their coach with their
problems that they need to have an advice. I am also a role model, in which I can be able
to reconcile all what I have thoughts in my surroundings and also I will listen on what
thoughts they would share to me.


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