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Introduction Part 2


1- 27 Nakshatras
2- 12 Rashis
3- 9 planets
4- 12 Houses
●Nakshatra or constellation
Nakshatra are star signs forming Indian astrology. When the moon
travels through the sky, it is believed to pass the 27 sections or ‘lunar
houses’, with each house containing a dominant star or constellation.
These 27 lunar houses are known as nakshatra in Indian astrology, with
each lunar house getting its name from a dominant star or constellation
in that house.(1 raasi has 9 nakshatra padas)

●Rashi or Zodiac Signs

Space in which planets revolve around the Sun is divided into 12 parts
by taking Sun in the centre. One part is termed as a Zodiac Sign (or
'Rashi' in Hindi) in Vedic Astrology. We all know that one revolution
constitutes 360° & this way its twelvth part (i.e. 'Rashi') would
constitute 360°/12=30°.

● Graha or planets
In every ancient civilization heavenly bodies were looked upon as gods
and there are hundreds of mythological stories concerning planets. The
Vedic Astrology recognizes nine heavenly bodies as planets, Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Sun, Moon and
Moon's nodes Rahu and Ketu are also treated as planets in astrology.
Vedic Astrology does not take Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in account.
However, ancient text of Vedic astrology mentioned five non luminous
planets, invisible to naked eye, but they are seldom used for predictive

●Bhava Or House in Horoscope

Houses in Vedic Astrology. In astrology, the 12 houses just
like 12 zodiac signs create the foundation for one's life. Together they
form a 360° angle as the whole birth chart has 12 equal sections
comprising each house. ... All these houses links with a different sign.
Each one represents a specific component of your life.

Note: When predicting about someones life....keep in mind that not to

say everything negative to them face to face....this may lead to client's
mental disturbance....say the truth but that much which client can bare.

Jyotishyam- The Astrology
Mission- Jyotish Jagruti

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