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Brewmaster 3 Published Entries about:reader?

Brewmaster 3 Published Entries

136-173 minutes



Entries, A-L:

Aeon, Arete by Julia Angelo

Alchemical Flourisher by Jeevan C.

Animated Firearm by Starling

Armageddon by ZachariasCR

Awakened Canvas by Robin Skye

Barrelmancer by Puff156

Bastion of Light by Daniel Seligmüller

Cactus Golem by CautiousNinja

Cimaroth (Bully Demon) by AelanaiFrorra

Dance Partner by Evan Schweighart

Darayut by Jeffrey Anderson

Felheart Forge by Christian Chaney

Flint Fabricator by Aaron Morder

Foolish Gold by Nick Potter

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Forge Salamander by Jeffrey

Gustshot, mid-level skirmisher by Noah Zev Feldman

Heart’s Blood by Paul Levers

Living Die by Juniper Scott

Larrina the Life Sculptor by Brett Kingsbury

Entries, M-Z

Mariseah by Jake Cassar

Maskmaker by Costin Schelling

Mimic Swarm by Dylan Wokeck

Mosquito Evoker by David Metraux

Mutagenic Ogre by Xethik

Mutant Warrior by Michael Stevens

Necrodancer Lich by Braden Coulter

Origami Creaseling by Taylor Smith

Ooze Collective by Alex Greyhawk

Patchwork Golem by Craig Griffith

Prickledbacked Fenlurker by Alex Mercer

Puramendax (Deceit Demon) by Ruka Amick

Qlippoth, Sarkonaut by Ben Tait

Razorweb Spider by Lathun

Scareghoul by Kyle P

Steambreather by Steve A Light

Symphantom by Sean H

Thieving Pigments by Mark Adkins

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Thundering Child by Sam Striker

Tinkerer Titan by Arkon

Weeper by Kevin Tomlin

Wyrmleech Gnalladreth by Jordan Angel

Xitlazi by TheJazMaster

Zhiyong Attendant by Desiree Miranda

Non-Qualifying Entries:

Physekton (Matter Demiurge) by Brudned

Entries, A-L


Author: Julia Angelo

Aretes govern the esoteric forces of meaning among mortal

spirits. Most of the time this manifests in the fostering of artistic
ideas. Many influential artistic movements have been caused by
an arete acting as muse to a sensitive soul. However just as
common is the arete that destroys an artist's magnum opus in
order to meet its inscrutible ends.

Rarely an arete expands its focus from the arts into other
aspects of mortal life. The direct intervention of an arete in the
life of a mortal is an omen of importance, whether this means for
good or ill to the mortal in question is seemingly random.


Creature 13

[LN] [Medium] [Aeon] [Monitor]

Perception +26; darkvision

Languages; Envisioning

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Skills; Acrobatics +23, Diplomacy +26, Occultism +27,

Performance +28, Art Lore +24

Str +3, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +5, Wis +8, Cha +6

Envisioning When an arete conveys information, it does so

wordlessly through psychic projections. This acts as telepathy
with a range of 100 feet but is understandable to all creatures
regardless of whether they have a language. The meaning to
non-aeons can be vague and is often mysterious. An arete can
use this ability to communicate flawlessly with any other aeon
on the same plane.


AC 34; Fort +21, Ref +23, Will +26

HP 205; Weaknesses 10 chaotic


Speed fly 30 feet

Melee [A] gem +23 (agile, finesse), Damage 2d6+11 slashing

plus 1d6 lawful

Ranged [A] light ray +23 (lawful, range 30 feet), Damage

3d8+14 lawful

Divine Innate Spells DC 33, attack +23; 7th disintegrate; 6th

heroism; 5th dreation; 4th dull ambition; 3rd hypnotic pattern (at
will); 2nd silence

Rituals DC 33; 7th geas

Artistic Vision [AA] (divine, illusion, mental) The arete fills a

creature's thought with vision of masterpieces and cosmic
wonders, the target takes 8d8 mental damage (DC 33 basic Will
save). On a critical success the target receives a +2 status
bonus to the next Craft activity or Performance check it makes

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within 1 week. On a critical failure the target is Stupified 2

Inspire Importance [AAA] (curse, divine, enchantment, mental)

The arete targets a creature that was the target of a geas ritual
the arete was the primary caster for. The arete can choose one
of the following options.

* Greatness: The target receives a +1 status bonus to skill

checks that directl uphold the geas (+2 if the ritual was a critical

* Tragedy: The target becomes doomed instead of sickened

when they are unable to fulfill the geas.

The arete can change which option affects the target by using
this ability again. This ability can be used as long as it and the
target are on the same plane.


Author: Jeevan C.

Some alchemists do not have the finesse and dexterity required

to throw alchemical bombs, and instead perfect maneuvers
combining their weapons and alchemical bombs in order to use
their strength to spread the effects of their bomb.

This typically involves attacking a bomb in mid-air and using

their brute force to splash bombs over large areas, and their
innate intelligence to calculate the correct point to hit the bomb.
This is typically used in combat, however it can also be used to
create impressive performances for audiences, as long as
audience members stay a safe distance.

Alchemical Flourisher


N, Medium. Dwarf, Humanoid

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Perception +21; darkvision

Languages: Common, Dwarven

Skills: Alchemical Lore +23, Athletics +26, Crafting +26,

Performance +21

Str +8 Dex +3 Con +5 Int +7 Wis +3 Cha +5

Items +1 striking battle axe, +1 breastplate, alchemist's tools

Infused Items An alchemical flourisher carries the following

infused items, which last for 24 hours or until the next time the
alchemical flourisher makes their daily preparations: greater
acid flask (12), greater alchemist's fire (12), greater blight bomb

AC 30; Fort +24, Ref +18, Will +21

HP 195

Speed 25 feet

Melee [A] battle axe +24 (Sweep), Damage 2d12+15 slashing

plus improved push

Ranged [A] alchemical bomb +19 (range increment 20 feet,

splash), Effect varies by bomb

Alchemical Bomb Hurricane [AAA] The alchemical flourisher

Strides, then draws an alchemical bomb with an interact action.
The alchemical flourisher then throws the bomb in front of it, and
hits the bomb with its battle axe while spinning in a circle. All
creatures in a 20-foot emanation take damage which varies by
bomb (DC 30 basic Reflex save)

Alchemical Bomb Overhead Smash [AA] The alchemical

flourisher draws an alchemical bomb with an interact action. The
alchemical flourisher the throws the bomb in front of it, and hits
the bomb with an overhand swing with its battle axe. All

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creatures in a 40-foot line take damage which varies by bomb

(DC 30 basic Reflex save)

Quick Bomber [A] The alchemical flourisher draws an

alchemical bomb with an Interact action and throws it as a
ranged Strike.


Author: Starling

As the gun trade becomes more popular across Golarion so do

the sightings and incidents involving animated firearms. They
are quite popular among the alumni wizards of Alkenstar’s
Blythir College who seek a way to use more deadly firearms
while lacking in proficiency. They site the ease and self-
regulation that magic provides while casually dismissing the
dangerous accidents caused by the constructs when broken.
Not all animated firearms are the results of magical
experimentation however. The magic storms of the Mana
Wastes and the fey magic of the Deadshot lands have also been
known to imbue the firearms of unwary travelers. Resulting in
several reports of adventurers wounded or even killed by their
own unattended weapons.

While the most common animated firearms are usually rifles

such as the Jezail and Arquebus, it is possible for any gun to be
enchanted in this way. The manufactured personality of the
firearm varies wildly depending on the animator. Guns owned by
soldiers tend to be regimented and precise while firearms
animated by wild magic tend to be much more violent and
volatile. The strange personalities found in these weapons have
piqued the interest of researchers across the globe who strive to
study this new interaction of magic and the mundane.

Animated Firearm

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Creature Level 4


Perception; +11 darkvision

Languages: none

Skills: Athletics +8, Acrobatics +12

Str -1, Dex +5, Con +2, Int -5, Wis +0, Cha -5,


AC 21 (18 when broken); construct armor Fort +10; Ref +14;

Will +8;

HP 42 (Hardness 6); Immunities bleed, death effects, disease,

doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy,
nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious

Construct Armor Like normal objects, an animated firearm has

Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage it takes by an
amount equal to the Hardness. Once an animated firearm is
reduced to less than half its Hit Points, or immediately upon
being damaged by a critical hit, its construct armor breaks and
its Armor Class is reduced to 18.

Damaged Barrel When an animated firearm's construct armor is

broken its Discharge attacks gain the Cobbled trait meaning on
a failure it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or misfire.


Speed 25 feet

Melee strikes Bayonet +12 (agile, finesse) 2d4+2 piecing

Ranged strikes Discharge +15 (concussive, fatal D12, range

increment 150 feet, reload 1) 2d8+2 piecing plus Recoil

Dancing Reload [A]

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The animated firearm reloads itself while bouncing across the

area. It strides or steps then interacts to reload.

Trigger Happy [AA]

The animated firearm shoots, interacts to reload, then shoots

again at a different target each with a -2 circumstance penalty to
the attack roll. Apply multiple attack penalty as normal to each

Recoil Without a wielder to hold it in place the gun flies a short

distance with each shot. It immediately flies 5ft away from its
target, it must end this movement on solid ground or fall.


Author: ZachariasCR

The Armageddon is a massive swirling mass of flesh comprised

entirely of arms and hands. The arms vary in size, ancestry, and
ethnicity, and are all connected in a complex and random
spiderweb. The lifespan of the individual limbs decrease as they
approach the edge of the creature, with the outermost layer
going from newly spawned to falling off in less than an hour.
Because of this, the creature is constantly self-replicating, while
leaving a tell-tale trail of desiccated arms and acid behind it as it

Due to a lack of normal senses, the Armageddon “sees” through

echolocation. Various fingers snap in a constant discordant
rhythm, sending out sound waves. The sound waves are then
received by the inner layers of arms, which are highly sensitive,
and shockingly precise. This sensitivity is a double edged
sword, as extremely loud noises can be extra harmful to it’s
internal systems.

The Armageddon is primarily an instinctual hunter, running down

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and dissolving any moving creature that enters it’s territory.

Interestingly, it does not seem to have any way to consume
anything it hunts, leading researchers to theorize that the unique
acid in it’s arms are used to decompose and analyze living
matter for the purposes of who - or what - built it.


Creature 11


Perception +22; Echolocation (Precise) 50 feet, no vision

Languages: None

Skills: Athletics +25, Thievery +19

Str: +5 Dex +0 Con +6 Int -4 Wis +2 Cha +1


AC 28; Fortitude +25, Reflex +20, Will +20

HP 210, regeneration 30 (deactivated by sonic), Resistances

Acid 20 Weaknesses 15 sonic, 10 area, 5 splash.

Replicating Size: As the Armageddon takes damage, it gets

desperate and focuses it’s healing power into size and offensive
abilities.The first time each weak the Armageddon starts its turn
below 140 HP, it gains the following adjustments for the next 24

- It’s size increases to Huge, and the reach of it’s

Grasping Limbs increases to 15 feet)

- It gains a +1 status bonus to AC

- The damage of the Armageddon’s Porous Acid

increases to 2d12

- It’s regeneration decreases to 15.

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The first time the Armageddon starts it’s turn at less than 70 HP
each week, it begins replicating so fast that it spawns another
smaller Armageddon. This new Armageddon uses the same stat
block as the original, except that it has 80 HP, lacks
regeneration, lacks this ability (including the boosts to AC, size,
and damage granted by it), and has 10 persistent bleed that
cannot be removed by any means. The original Armageddon’s
regeneration is completely deactivated for the next 24 hours.

Exploding Limb :r: Trigger: The Armageddon is critically hit.

The Armageddon releases an explosion of acid from the

destroyed limbs, exposing the enemy to the Armageddon’s
Porous Acid.

Speed: 20 Feet

Melee :a: Grasping Limbs +23 (Agile, 10 foot reach), Damage

2d8+10 Bludgeoning plus Porous Acid and Grab

Ranged :a: Acid Lob +23 (40 foot range increment) Damage
2d6+8 Acid plus Porous Acid.

Flurried Grasps :2a: The Armageddon attempts a Grab attack

against all enemies within the reach of the Armageddon’s
Grasping Limbs. The multiple attack penalty increases as
normal, but don’t increase the

Constrict 2d10+15 Bludgeoning damage plus Porous Acid.

Porous Acid The Armageddon’s limbs contain a potent acid that

also serves to suppress the nervous system of whatever is
exposed to it. Enemies exposed the the Armageddon’s Porous
Acid take 2d8 acid damage with a basic fortitude save (DC 26).
Enemies who fail their save are slowed 1 for one round.

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Author: Robin Skye

Some wizards enjoy seeing art created by the whims of magic.

To this end, they created the awakened canvases, canvases not
just granted life but sentience. It is said that what they create is
not only unique, but also can bring startling revelations upon
those who see it.

Once made, wizards use these creations as sources of

entertainment, guards, or even as a part of their treasure

Awakened Canvas

Creature 8

Uncommon Neutral Medium Construct

Perception +17; low-light vision

Skills: Acrobatics +18 , Arcana +20 , Crafting +21 , Performance


Str -1, Dex +6, Con +3, Int +7, Wis +6, Cha +4

AC 26; Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +21

HP 133; Immunities bleed, death effects, disease, doomed,

drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks,
paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious; Weaknesses
slashing 6

Speed 20 feet, fly 25 feet

Melee [A] inky tendrils +17 (agile, arcane, reach 15 feet),

Damage 2d10+11 slashing

Ranged [A] paint globules +17 (agile, arcane, range 50 feet),

Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoning

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Paint [AA] (arcane, conjuration, concentrate)

The awakened canvas chooses from (Apple, Minion, Weapon)

and paints the corresponding object. If the awakened canvas
draws another object while an object has already been painted,
that object vanishes.

Apple [F] (arcane);

Trigger The awakened canvas has painted an apple. Effect an

adjacent creature may eat the apple and restore 4d8 hit points.

Minion [F] (arcane);

Trigger The awakened canvas has painted a minion. Effect the

canvas summons a painted version of any creature that is 4 or
more levels below it. The creature remains until it or the canvas
is slain or another object is painted.

Weapon [F]

Trigger The awakened canvas has painted a weapon. Effect An

adjacent creature may take the weapon. The weapon is one
handed, has +17 to attack, deals 2d10+11 slashing damage and
has the agile and magical traits.


Author: Puff156

A former cooper in a dwarven barrel-making guild, the

barrelmancer grew weary of the physicality of the labor and
sought to infuse his practice with creation magic-- inventing the
arcane art of barrelmancy in the process. He was banished from
the cooper's guild for his heretical teachings and now travels in
search of profit and power, often through unscrupulous means.
A cunning businessman and con artist, he will often scam
warehouse owners, vineyard operators, and tavernkeepers out

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of their entire storehouse, stealing every barrel and

disappearing into the night. Some say he uses these barrels for
his twisted arcane experiments and material for his unholy
barrel conjuration magic. Only the barrelmancer himself knows
the true reason-- for every barrel he collects, he grows ever


[Rare][Chaotic Evil][Medium][Dwarf][Humanoid]

Perception +17; darkvision

Languages: Common, Dwarven

Skills: Arcana +17, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Stealth + 15

Str -1, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +6, Wis +5, Cha +3

AC 23; Fort +15; Ref +12; Will +16

HP 100

Barrel Surprise (reaction) Trigger: The barrelmancer rolls

initiative using Stealth or a social skill (such as Deception,
Diplomacy, or Performance); Effect: The barrelmancer uses their
Hazardous Barrels ability to summon 3 barrels. When the ability
is used as a part of this reaction, the barrelmancer does not
have to wait 1d4 rounds to use it again.

Speed 25 feet

Melee strikes: Clan Dagger: (1 action) +13 [+9,+5] (Agile, Dwarf,

Parry, Uncommon, Versatile B), Damage 1d4 + 2

Ranged strikes: Conjure Barrel: (1 action) +17 [+12,+7]

(Magical, Range increment 60 feet), Damage 2d8+8, The
barrelmancer conjures an ordinary barrel and drops it on top of
an enemy

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Other attacks: Barrelstrike: (2 actions) (Arcane, Conjuration,

Teleportation) The barrelmancer Casts a Spell that uses a spell
attack roll or has a burst area of effect. The effects of the spell
don't occur immediately. The barrelmancer makes a Conjure
Barrel ranged Strike against an enemy. The spell is coupled with
the attack, and the ranged Strike roll is used to determine the
effects of both the Strike and the spell. A spell with an area of
effect is applied as normal and treats the origin of the effect as
the location of the barrel upon impact, even if the Strike misses.
This counts as two attacks for MAP, which don't apply until after
the Barrelstrike is complete.

Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 24; 4th - dimension door (1

slot); 3rd - fireball, hypnotic pattern, vampiric touch, gravity well
(3 slots); 2nd - web, acid arrow, invisibility, obscuring mist (4
slots); 1st spider sting, snowball, longstrider, grease, horizon
thunder sphere (4 slots); cantrips (3rd) produce flame, puff of
poison, ray of frost, tanglefoot, mage hand* (mage hand ignores
the bulk restriction of the spell when used to lift barrels)

Hazardous Barrels (1-3 actions) The barrelmancer summons

between 1 and 3 barrels within 100 feet of himself (1 for each
action spent), choosing each barrel's damage from the following
damage types: fire, cold, acid, poison, negative. If summoning
multiple barrels, each barrel must have a different damage type
and must be placed at least 5 feet away from other barrels
summoned by this ability. These barrels will explode and deal
3d6 of the chosen damage type (DC 21 Basic Reflex Save) to
any creatures within 5ft of them if they are hit with a Strike,
located in the area of effect of a spell, or take damage in
another way. The barrelmancer may only have 3 barrels
summoned at any given time. Summoning new Hazardous
Barrels when 3 barrels are already present causes the first 3

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barrels to explode before any new barrels are placed. One the
barrelmancer uses this ability, it can't be used for 1d4 rounds.


Author: Daniel Seligmüller

Automata of the Bastion of Light class were a rare sight even

before the fall of great Jistka. Only 13 have ever been built by
the Imperium and the secrets of their construction have not
survived the destruction. Still, any who witness one of these
ancient warmachines will understand the terror of those
unfortunates who have faced an Imperial army in the field.

While they can function as an a substitute for entire divisions

just by themselves, the Bastions were most useful as mobile
strongpoints, providing an impenetrable shield and harrowing
fire support for troops under their supervision.

Bastion of Light

Creature 22


Perception +38; darkvision

Languages: Jistkan, Ancient Osiriani; telepathy 120 feet

Skills: Arcana +40, Athletics +42, Crafting +40, Diplomacy +41,

Society +40, Warfare Lore +45

Str +8, Dex +9, Con +11, Int +6, Wis +8, Cha +8


AC 48; Fort +40, Ref +37, Will +35

HP 400; Immunities - bleed, death effects, disease, doomed,

drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks,
paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious; Resistances -

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physical 20 (except adamantine)


Speed 40 feet; air walk

Melee (one action) fist +39 [+35/+31] (agile, magical), Damage

3d8+22 bludgeoning + 1d8 force

Ranged (one action) piercing light +41 [+36/+31] (fire, magical,

range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+26 piercing + 2d10

Bastion of Jistka (three actions) (arcane, concentration,

transmutation) - The Bastion of Light creates up to 5 transparent
solar barriers within 60 feet of it. It can have no more than 5
barriers at a time and whenever a new barrier would exceed this
limit, the Bastion of Light chooses an active barrier to be
replaced. Each barrier is up to 20 feet long, up to 20 feet high
and 5 feet thick. It must create each barrier in an unbroken open
space so its edges don't pass through any creatures, other
barrier or objects or that barrier is not created. Each barrier has
AC 10, Hardness 30, and 50 Hit Points, and is immune to critical
hits and precision damage.

Wandering Light (one action) (arcane, concentration,

teleportation, transmutation) - The Bastion of Light teleports any
number of active solar barriers to points of its choice within 60
feet of it. This has the same restrictions as creating a barrier.

Everything the Light Touches - The Bastion of Light can make

searing light Strikes using any solar barrier as the point of origin,
calculating range and cover from any space it occupies.

Solar Barrage (two actions) (fire, magical) - The Bastion of Light

makes a single searing light Strike and compares the attack roll
result to the AC of all enemies of its choice it can see. It rolls

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damage only once and applies it to each creature it hit. This

counts as two attacks for its multiple attack penalty.


Author: CautiousNinja

These constructs were originally produced by desert nomadic

tribes as defenders. Eventually, the nomads disappeared
whether they left for larger settlements or were wiped is
unknown, but their golems remained in the desert protecting
empty lands of their creators.




Perception +12; darkvision

Skills Athletics +18

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +3, Int -5, Wis +0, Cha -5


AC 24; Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +13

HP 115; Immunities bleed, death effects, diseased, doomed,

fatigued, healing, magic (see Golem Antimagic), mental,
necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened,
unconscious; Resistances 5 physical (except adamantine)

Golem Antimagic: harmed by negative (4d8, 3d4 from areas or

persistent damage); healed by water (area 2d6 HP); slowed by

Vulnerability to Sudden Blight: A cactus golem targeted by a

sudden blight spell becomes enfeebled 1 and clumsy 1 for 1

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round on a failure or 1 minute on a critical failure.

Bloat Appendage (Reaction): Trigger The golem is targetted by

a melee Strike.; Effect The golem floods internal fluids to the
area about to be wounded. If the Strike hits, the wound bursts
spraying in a 5-foot emanation dealing 3d4 acid damage (basic
Reflex save).


Speed 25 feet, burrow 10 feet (through sand)

Melee fist +18 (magical), Damage 2d8+8 bludgeoning

Ranged needles +17 (magical, range increment 20 feet),

Damage 2d6+8

Needles: A creature hit by a cactus golem's fist or needles

attack must succeed a DC 23 Reflex save or have needles
imbedded in their skin. A needled creature takes 1d6 additional
precision damage when they take bludgeoning damage until
they Interact to pluck the needles out.

Cluster Form: The cactus golem can burrow slightly under the
sand and take the appearance of a small cluster of cacti. It has
an automatic result of 30 on Deception checks and DCs to pass
as the small cluster of cacti.

CIMAROTH (Bully Demon)

Author: AelanaiFrorra

Known commonly as "bully demons", Cimaroths are demons

created from souls of lowly thugs, ruffians, or coercers; those
that pleasure and pride in intimidating and oppressing others
physically or verbally. Due to their small stature and lack of
status in the Abyss, these egotistical demons overcompensate
by purposely seeking out weak-willed mortals to torment.

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Cimaroths pierce their claws into the backs of such creatures,

unceremoniously mounting them and puppeteering them around
like a deranged marionette, creating a clumsy performance of
chaos and destruction to those around the poor target of the
demon’s ire. In feeding their own appetite for control and vanity,
the fallout from a Cimaroth meddling can often create unsavory,
frustrating situations for mortals they prey upon: potentially
creating more Cimaroths down the line.



Perception +11; darkvision

Languages: Abyssal, Common; telepathy (touch)

Skills: Acrobatics +13, Athletics +17, Intimidation +15, Nature

+11, Religion +11

Str +5, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4

AC 23; Fort +14, Ref +17, Will +11, +2 to all saves vs.
enchantment effects

HP 70; Weaknesses: cold iron 5, good 5

-Domination Vulnerability: Cimaroths revel in the oppression and

coercion they bring on others, but when others exert their will on
a Cimaroth, its fragile pride is shattered. When a creature inflicts
the Cimaroth with the controlled, slowed, or stunned condition,
the demon takes 4d6 mental damage.

-Cowering Evasion: While benefitting from the Take Cover

action while Mounted, if the Cimaroth rolls a success on a
Reflex save, it gets a critical success instead.

-Friendly Fire (reaction): Trigger; The Cimaroth has Mounted a

creature using Coercive Mount, and a creature misses or

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critically misses the Cimaroth with a Strike. Effect; The Cimaroth

forces its mount in the way of the attack meant for itself. The
target of Coercive Mount takes the success effects of the
triggering Strike if it was a miss (or critical success if the
triggering Strike was a critical miss).

Speed: 40 feet

-Melee (one-action): jaws +15 (evil, magical), Damage 2d6+8

piercing plus 1d6 evil

-Melee (one-action): claws +15 (agile, evil, magical), Damage

2d4+7 slashing plus 1d6 evil

-Innate Divine Spells: DC 21; 3rd fear; 1st fear (×2)

-Rituals: DC 21; 1st abyssal pact

-Constrict (one-action): 2d4+7 slashing plus 1d6 evil, DC 21. If

the Cimaroth deals damage using Constrict, it gains a +4
circumstance bonus to its next Nature check until the beginning
of its next turn. If the Cimaroth fails to deal damage using
Constrict during its turn, the target of Coercive Mount gains a +4
circumstance bonus to the next Acrobatics or Athletics check it
makes until the beginning of the demon's next turn.

-Coercive Mount (three-actions): The Cimaroth attempts to dig

its claws into a creature at least one size larger than it, forcibly
mounting it. The demon Strides, then Long Jumps. At any point
during the jump, the demon can attempt an Athletics check
against an adjacent target's Fort DC. If successful, the demon
Mounts the target and is considered sharing its space, even if
the target is unwilling or not an animal. The target is considered
to be grabbed, though it is not immobilized. While Mounted in
this way, the demon cannot make claw attacks, though it can
use its claws to Constrict the target of Coercive Mount.

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Additionally, the demon can use Command an Animal and Take

Cover actions while Mounted on the target of Coercive Mount. If
the Cimaroth takes any move actions or is subjected to forced
movement, it dismounts the target as a free action before the
movement occurs.

-Cruel Rider: When a Cimaroth uses Command an Animal on a

mounted creature to make a move action, it automatically
succeeds instead of needing to attempt a check. Any creature
the demon is mounted on acts on its turn, like a minion. If the
Cimaroth Mounts a creature in the middle of an encounter, the
creature skips its next turn and then acts on the demon's next


Author: Evan Schweighart

Large dance academies and nobles will sometimes pay a wizard

to animate manikins to imitate a specific dance so that students
may practice with a technically perfect partner.

Dance Partner


Perception +5; Darkvision

Languages: Common; (can't speak any language)

Skills: performance +10

Str -5, Dex +2, Con +3, Int -5, Wis 0, Cha +5

AC 15 (11 when broken); construct armor; Fort +9; Ref +6; Will

HP 19; Hardness 3; Immunities-death effects, disease, doomed,

drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal

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attacks, paralyzed, precision, poison, sickened, unconscious

Construct Armor- Like normal objects, a Dance Partner has

Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage the Dance
Partner takes by an amount equal to the Hardness. Once a
Dance Partner is reduced to fewer than half its Hit Points, or
immediately upon being damaged by a critical hit, its construct
armor breaks, removing the Hardness and reducing its Armor
Class to 11.

Dance Moves- a Dance Partner can make a performance check

in place of an athletics check in order to grapple another
creature. Creatures can make an athletics or performance check
to Escape a Dance Partner's grapple.

Speed 30 feet

Other attacks Grapple +10 plus Grab

Other abilities Waltz [2 actions] A Dance Partner can move at

full speed in a random direction if it has another creature
grabbed or restrained, moving the other creature alongside the
Dance Partner. This movement is forced movement.


Author: Jeffrey Anderson

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and

taxes. A golden clockwork skeleton clad in the most stylish of
finery, the darayut is tasked with fixing corruption and
imbalances in economies. When a civilization risks collapse due
to financial mismanagement or greed they step in bearing the
scales of a merchant in one hand, and the scythe of the
infamous reaper in the other.

The darayut prefers to lead and teach, to bring its expertise to

the wealthy and powerful until they have learned from its

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leadership and it is no longer needed. When they refuse to listen

or learn, however, it will take more direct action to eliminate the
sources of economic malfeasance.

Rarely a darayut may be tasked with the redistribution of more

hazardous hordes of wealth, such as those often kept by
dragons. In these situations it often gathers individuals of
renown to accomplish the task, asking for nothing in exchange
except that they spend their newfound wealth freely.


Creature 10


Perception +22; darkvision, true seeing

Languages Celestial, Infernal, Utopian; truespeech

Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +21, Deception +19, Diplomacy

+19, Intimidation +19, Legal Lore +23, Mercantile Lore +23,
Society +21

Str +7, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +6, Cha +7

Truespeech A darayut can speak with and understand any

creature with a language.


AC 31; Fort +22, Ref +19, Will +20; +1 status to all saves vs.

HP 182; Immunities death effects, disease, emotion, poison,

unconscious; Weaknesses chaotic 10

Attack of Opportunity [R]

Balance the Scales [R] (concentrate, divination, fortune) Trigger

The darayut is critically hit Effect The darayut casts true strike

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Speed 30 feet; air walk

Melee [A] scythe +23 (deadly 1d10, lawful, magical, trip),

Damage 2d10+13 slashing plus 1d6 lawful and 1d10 persistent

Ranged [A] coin toss +19 (range increment 50 feet), Damage

2d6+10 bludgeoning plus 1d6 lawful

Divine Innate Spells DC 29; 5th locate; 4th dimension door (×3),
read omens; 1st command (×3); Constant (6th) air walk, true

Rituals DC 33; 3rd geas

Blood Money: Any creature suffering persistent bleed damage

from a darayut's scythe attack may sacrifice 20 gp worth of
coins or other wealth instead of making a flat check to
automatically recover from the condition. Such wealth is
immediately transported to an extraplanar vault and
permanently lost.

Death and Taxes [AA] (auditory, conjuration, death, linguistic,

necromancy): The darayut calls out to a creature within 60 feet
to pay with its money or its life. The creature must either
sacrifice an item of its level -4 or greater, or it takes 50 negative
damage subject to a DC 31 basic Fortitude save. An item
sacrificed in this manner is immediately transported to an
extraplanar vault and permanently lost, although an artifact or
similarly hard to destroy object cannot be sacrificed. If the target
is undead or has the negative healing trait it takes 50 positive
damage instead. Once a creature has been targeted by Death
and Taxes it is immune to further uses for 1 day.


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Author: Christian Chaney

The fellheart forge is a fey creature from the 1st world. These
foul creatures seek revenge against mortals that have wronged
the fey, usually when they attempt to steal fey magic for
themselves, or worse have harmed a fey citizen. Any weapon
placed on the anvil and struck by a hammer (there are always
many withing reach) immediately wrenches itself from the
wielders grasp and becomes a magical flying weapon under the
control of the fellheart forge. Some fellheart forges might already
have forge heart weapons, but must do not. They wait patiently
for adventures to fall victim to their Gift of the Fey aura and
strike the weapons themselves while the Fellheart Forge
pretents to be nothing more than a normal anvil on a stump. The
hammers uses for striking weapons against the anvil are not
true weapons, but more of smithing hammers and cannot be
subjected to the Forgeheart ability.

Fellheart Forge

CR 9


Perception +20; tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet

Languages: Aklo, common, sylvan

Skills: Athletics +22, Crafting +16, Deception +21, Nature +17,

Thievery +20

Str +5, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +6, Cha +4


AC 27; Fort +20, Ref +15, Will +22

HP 190

Gift of the Fey (aura, mental) 60 feet, DC 28: Any creature that

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fails this save believes placing their weapon on the anvil and
striking it with the hammer will increase the weapons magical
powers. Creatures are not under any compulsory effect to to
strike a weapon on the anvil.

Reaction: Ring the blade, Trigger: a melee weapon becomes

unattended within reach of the Fellheart Forge's creeper vine
strike, Effect: The weapon is subjected to the Forge Heart ability.


Speed 20 feet

Melee [A] Creeper Vine +21 (agile, disarm, reach), Damage


Melee [A] Hammer +19, Damage 2d8+11

Range [A] Forge Heart Weapon +21(range 60 feet), Damage


Storm of Blades [AAA]: The Fellheart Forge makes one attack

with each Forge Heart weapon it has created. Each creature
may only be attacked once, and MAP is not applied until after all
attacks have been made.

Disarming Flurry [AA]: The fellheart forge makes two disarm

attempts against the same target. Its MAP is not applied until
after both attempts have been made.

Forge Heart [A]: The fellheart forge takes a weapon and strikes
it with a hammer while its held against the anvil. This weapon is
now a flying magical Forge Heart Weapon under the control of
the fellheart forge. These weapons cannot move further than
60ft from the fellheart forge. Weapons can only be reclaimed by
either killing the fellheart forge or by disarming them and then
wielding them. A Fellheart forge cannot have more than 4 Forge
heart weapons.

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Author: Aaron Morder

No creature in the multiverse is more capable of stonework and

construction than the Flint Fabricator. A Flint Fabricator will
happily work in return for gems and other precious minerals, and
take great pride in their work. If payment fails to be made, the
Flint Fabricator will not hesitate to destroy their hard work.
Mages, known for their great towers and dangerous dungeons,
often summon Flint Fabricators to assist in their work.

In combat, the Flint Fabricator uses its innate stone craft to

shape and control the battlefield. Many creatures have trouble
dealing with stone obstructions, but the Flint Fabricator has no
such issue.

Flint Fabricator

Level 9


Perception +18; tremorsense (imprecise) 90 feet

Languages Common, Terran

Skills Athletics +20, Crafting +23, Stealth +18

Str +6, Dex -1, Con +6, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha -1

AC 28; Fort +22, Ref +15, Will +18 (+1 to saves against Earth

HP 185; Weaknesses Bludgeoning 5; Resistances Slashing 5

Earth Glide: The Flint Fabricator can Burrow through any earth
matter, including rock. When it does so, the flint fabricator
moves at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its

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Stone Walk: The Flint Fabricator is not affected by Difficult

Terrain made from Stone or Earth

Quick Construction: (Earth) Trigger: The Flint Fabricator is

targeted by an attack and can see the attacker.

Requirements: The Flint Fabricator is on Earth or Rock and

there is an occupied square between it and the attacker.

The Flint Fabricator quickly creates a slab of stone in an

unoccupied 5 foot square between it and the attacker to block
the attack. The Flint Fabricator gains Standard Cover to the
attack. If the attack misses, it instead deals damage to the stone
slab. The stone slab has AC 10, Hardness 14, and 50 Hit


Speed 20 feet, burrow 30 feet; earth glide

Melee fist +19 (Shove), Damage 2d8+11 bludgeoning

Ranged rock +19 (range increment 60 feet), Damage 2d6+9


Spells DC 25 (innate), attack +17; 5th Wall of Stone (at will);

Cantrips (5th) Scatter Scree

Construct Stone Pillar [A] (Earth, 30 feet)

The Flint Fabricator chooses two unoccupied 5 foot squares. A

pillar of stone, up to 10 feet tall and 5 feet around appears in
each square. Each pillar has AC 10, Hardness 14, and 50 Hit

Deconstruct [AA] (Earth) The Flint Fabricator destroys all of it's

creations it has made in the last 10 minutes within a 30 foot
radius. Each stone object that was created by the Flint
Fabricator (either by Wall of Stone, Quick Construction, or Stone

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Pillar) explodes.

Each 5 foot square of stone that explodes deals 8d6

bludgeoning damage in a 10 foot radius, with a basic reflex
save. Each creature only takes damage once from this ability,
even if they are in the radius of several explosions.

The broken stone creates Difficult terrain in each square that it

explodes into.

Tripping Hazard [AA] (Earth, 30 feet) Requirement The targeted

area must be made of Earth or Rock.

The Flint Fabricator disrupts the ground's structural integrity,

causing enemies to potentially trip. Each creature in a 5 foot
burst must make a DC23 reflex save

Critical Success The creature is unaffected

Success The creature is flat footed until the beginning of its next

Failure The creature falls prone.

Critical Failure The creature falls prone and takes 1d6

bludgeoning damage.


Author: Nick Potter

In their attempts to transmute various metals such as lead into

gold, alchemists create all manner of byproducts and failed
experiments. While fool's gold is a common product of such
experiments, certain factors—such as proximity to powerful
sources of magic—can influence these failed creations,
sometimes even granting them life.

Dubbed "foolish gold," for an alchemist who doesn't properly

dispose of their byproducts is foolish indeed, these creatures

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are often indistinguishable from a real chunk of gold. Made of

fool's gold and possessed of a strong desire to become real
gold, these tiny constructs are drawn to nearby gold, which often
comes in the form of their hapless creator's coinpurse.

Should some foolish gold accumulate enough real gold, it will

abscond to a hidden place where it attempts to incorporate the
substance into its body. This typically fails, a process which
instead transforms the gold coins into a new foolish gold
creation. Some rumors persist, however, of successful
metamorphoses, granting the creature a truly gold body. No
such cases have been verified, however, and no one knows
what happens to foolish gold that becomes true gold.

A nuisance to all, foolish gold are not typically dangerous unless

aggression is forced on them. They prefer instead to sneak
about and flee from danger, which they face all too often at the
hands of disgruntled victims of their theft.

Foolish Gold

Creature 2

[Uncommon][Chaotic Neutral][Tiny][Construct]

Perception +8; darkvision, gold scent (imprecise) 60 feet

Languages: Common

Skills: Acrobatics +7, Stealth +8, Thievery +8

Str +1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +3

AC 17; Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +7

HP 28; Resistances fire 3; Weaknesses acid 3

Flashy Fatality When the foolish gold is reduced to 0 Hit Points,

the alchemical processes holding its body together fail and it
bursts, unleashing its contained coins upon all creatures in a 30-

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foot emanation. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC

16 Reflex save or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 2
coins contained within the foolish gold.

Speed 30 feet

Melee claws +8 (finesse), Damage 1d6+3 slashing

Ranged coin toss +9 (range increment 20 feet), Damage 1d8+2


Consume Coin [A] The foolish gold inserts 1 gold piece it's
holding into its body.

Desperate Escape [AAA] The foolish gold expels a handful of

coins, causing it to become briefly hidden to all other creatures
using vision as their precise sense, and then it Sneaks. It has
enough cover to Sneak until the end of its turn. This leaves all of
the coins scattered about the area.

Piggy Bank The foolish gold can carry up to 10 gold pieces

inside its body at a time. Its coin toss spends 1 gold per Strike,
and its Desperate Escape spends 6 gold.


Author: Jeffrey

Forge Salamanders crawl along abandoned mineshafts, eating

scraps of ore and abandoned tools. They have superheated
furnaces for bellies, melting metal down which they apply the
faces of their children or mates using their long tongues, making
metal masks with iron-rending jaws. Older and stronger Forge
Salamanders have larger masks, built up over many years,
though a Salamander past its prime may have difficulties
supporting it's own mask.

Forge Salamander

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Creature 4


Perception +8; darkvision

Languages: none

Skills: Athletics +12, Survival +10

Str +5, Dex +3, Con +5, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha -5

AC 21; Fort +14; Ref +11; Will +8

HP 60; Resistances Fire 8, Weaknesses, Cold 4

Speed 25 feet

Melee [[A]] jaws +14, Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus Grab

Ranged [[A]] spit molten metal +14, Damage 2d4+4 bludgeoning

plus 1d8 persistent fire

Furnace Fang [[A]] (attack);

Requirement The Forge Salamander must have a creature

grabbed. Effect The Forge Slamander heats up its fangs,
softening up the metal or flesh to eat. It makes a jaws Strike with
a +1 circumstance bonus to the attack roll against the grabbed
creature. If it hits, it does fire damage instead of piercing and
inflicts 1d10 persistent fire damage.

Forge Mask [[AA]]

The Forge Salamander applies molten metal to build up the

mask of another forge salamander. Target an adjacent allied
Forge Salamander. For the next minute the target gains 10
temporary hit points and adjacent creatures that hit the target
with a melee attack, as well as creatures that touch the target or
hit the target with an unarmed attack, take 1d6 fire damage
each time they do. A Forge Salamander can only be targeted

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with this ability once every hour.

GUSTSHOT, Mid-level skirmisher

Author: Noah Zev Feldman

Story: Grown around an enchanted Storm Arrow and tied to the

plane by a Conjuration Anchor, Gustshots are air elementals
created to provide ranged support in the task of defending their
summoner’s properties. They are dutiful and precise servants,
silently sniping anyone that enters their master’s territory without

Gameplay: Gustshots engage best at range, but are hampered

by the dungeon environments they inhabit and the necessities of
the Conjuration Anchor (otherwise they would be too good at
kiting and would be annoying to fight). They should be used with
defensive melee creatures, such as Terra-Cotta Soldiers, which
can help reduce melee pressure, but have a couple abilities
(Gust and Chill Rush) to try to make space when engaged. On
the usual turn, they will activate Contort Wind then either move
or, if there is an appealing target, attack again.


Level 7

Uncommon LN Medium Air Elemental

Perception +18; darkvision

Languages: Auran

Skills: Acrobatics +17, Stealth +13, Weather Lore +17

Items: Storm Arrow, +1 composite shortbow, quiver of mundane


Str+4, Dex +7, Con+2, Int+2, Wis+4, Cha+4

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AC 24; Fort +12; Ref +18; Will +15; HP 120;

Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep

Resistances Piercing 7, Bludgeoning 7

Weaknesses Water 7, Earth 7

Deflecting Gale [R] (misfortune) TRIGGER The Gustshot is hit

with a ranged Strike; EFFECT The gustshot warps the wind
around itself, potentially deflecting the attack. The attacker
rerolls the attack, using the worse roll.

Conjuring Anchor Each Gustshot is connected to a Conjuring

Anchor which helps to maintain its form. While the Gustshot is
more than 30 feet from its anchor, it has Clumsy 1. The
Clumsiness score increases by 1 for every additional 30 feet the
Gustshot is from its anchor, to a maximum of 5. The anchor
itself is usually well hidden (under furniture or covered with an
illusion). When it is destroyed (Hardness 10, 40 HP) or dispelled
(DC 27, Level 5), the Gustshot immediately gets Clumsy 5.

Elemental Vulnerability The Gustshot has weakness 7 to effects

with the Water or Earth traits, as they disrupt the functioning of
the storm arrow. If the Gustshot dies to this damage, the arrow
is destroyed.

Speed 35 feet

Ranged [A] Composite Shortbow +18 [+13,+8] (deadly d10,

magical, range 60 feet) Damage 2d6+6 piercing

Melee [A] Gust +17 [+12/+7] (finess, reach 10 feet), Damage

2d6+6 bludgeoning plus Improved Push

Contort Wind [AA](concentrate, fortune) The Gustshot bends the

air in the room, guiding its missile around barriers to its targets.

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The Gustshot makes a ranged strike, rolling the attack twice and
use the better result. The attack roll ignores bonuses from cover
or shields (though reactions such as Shield Block and Parry still

Chill Rush [AA] The Gustshot rushes up to 70 feet in a straight

line without triggering reactions. If the Gustshot travels through
a creature’s space, that creature takes 3d6 cold damage (DC 25
Basic Fortitude Save). A creature that critically succeeds on this
save may make athletics check against the Gustshot’s Reflex
DC. On a success, they block the Gustshot, ending its
movement early (but still taking the damage). On a critical
success, they instead grab the Gustshot’s Storm Arrow,
destroying the elemental instantly.

Bows Critical Specialization When the Gustshot critically hits a

creature with a bow, the target gets stuck to a nearby surface (if
any exist) by the missile. The target is immobilized and must
spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 10 Athletics check to
pull the missile free; it can't move from its space until it


Author: Paul Levers

Blood calls to blood, and violence begets violence. Legends

speak of a beast that can be summoned from the pit of grief to
exact an awful vengeance. To summon it requires the sacrifice
of another, death to pay for death, their heart extracted. The
summoner must truly believe they are wronged, and one they
loved must have been slain by the victim or victims.

From the moment of it's creation a Heart's Blood will know what
direction it's targets lie, and will seek out the closest target,
letting nothing stand in it's way.

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Heart's Blood

Creature Level 7


Perception +13; Darkvision

Languages: Common, Necril, Abyssal

Skills: Athletics +12, Intimidation +14, Stealth +14

Str +4 Dex +3 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +4


AC 20; Fort +12; Ref +10; Will +12;

HP 60 (Negative Healing); Immune to death effects


Speed 25

Melee - Claw +14 (agile) Damage - 2d6+7 Slashing

Ranged - Shadow Spit +13 Damage 2d6+5 Piercing, Dazzled

One Round on Hit.

Vengeance Bond [A]- It can see a target of it's vengeance. It

gains +2 to hit against that target, and gains +2 AC and +2 to All
Saves against attacks from that target. It gains temporary HP
equal to half the damage it does to this target, which expires in
one minute. This ability lasts until the end of Heart's Blood's
next round

Target Lock - Heart's Blood knows the name of it's targets,

which direction they are in, and approximately how far they are.
It can not communicate this information to others.

Innate Spell - 4th - Nightmare - Once a day - 3rd - Illusory

Disguise (Constant)

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Heart's blood casts Nightmare against one of it's target's every

evening. The target sees flashes of the Heart's Blood if they
suffer a nightmare. It uses illusory disguise to take the form of
person it was created to avenge. This illusion drops the first
time it is struck.

When Heart's Blood is brought to 0 health, it enters it's second

stage. It splits into two identical copies, each with full HP. One
is in the same space as the original, and the other appears in an
adjacent unoccupied space. If no adjacent space is unoccupied,
it automatically pushes creatures and objects out of the way to
fill a space (the GM decides if an object or creature is too big or
sturdy to push).

When both of the Heart's Blood in the second stage are slain, it
reforms into a single, monstrous form, at full health, where the
last Heart's Blood was killed. It's size increases to Large, and
it's attacks gain reach, 10 feet. All saves, attack bonuses, AC
and skills increase by 3. HP increases by 30, and speed
increases by 10. It gains the ability to cast Dimension Door
(4th) as an innate spell.


Author: Brett Kingsbury

Larrina is a planet hopping shaper of an aberrant substance.

They love watching other creatures to get ideas for their
creations. Before leaving an area, they will create something
and have it fight a powerful creature they have found to test the
creations strength. Win or lose, information is collected for the
next one.

Larrina is often followed by 2 or 3 of these creations, which they

control telepathically. (Use any monster stat block of a lower
level for these creations. and add the Mindless Trait.) They

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appear to attack of their own will, but it is just Larrina giving

them commands.


Creature Level 14


Perception 14;

Languages: Telepathy 100ft (Can be understood by any

creature that can speak a language.

Skills: Crafting +28

Str +4, Dex +8, Con +5, Int +9, Wis +5, Cha +5


AC 35; Fort +27; Ref +28; Will +25;

HP 258; Immunities: Mental Damage and Effects, Emotion


Attack of Opportunity: A Larrina gains 5 extra reactions per

round that they can use only to make Attacks of Opportunity.
They can’t use more than one on the same triggering action,
even if a creature leaves several squares in the Larrina's reach,
and Larrina must use a different weapon for each Attack of


Speed 30ft

Melee (1 action) Gauntlet Bash +27 (Agile, Free Hand) 3d8+15


Ranged (1action) Star Shot, Range: 20 (Agile, Thrown,


Summon Minion (2 actions): Larrina quickly forms a creature as

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if they had used a Level 7 Summon Spell. They can only use
this ability twice per day. The Summon Options are Summon
Entity and Summon Construct. Any creature Summoned gains
the Mindless trait.


Author: Juniper Scott

Rumored to be created out of thin air, a living die is said to be

the physical embodiment of random chance. A cube with a bone
like carapace and twenty one eyes capable of projecting beams
of fire, it moves by rolling and bouncing about. They are often
drawn to those who have had a run of luck, good or ill, and are
particularly attracted to those who have recently used divination
magic to alter their fate. Living die are frequently seen in pairs.
On rare occasions however, they have been known to gather in
groups of 6 or more within a twenty foot radius, though the
reason is unknown, and often leads to fiery destruction.

Some adventurers tell tales of setting out to seeking combat

with one creature, only for a living die to randomly appear
instead, as though taking the place of the anticipated quarry.
This phenomenon has yet to be explained, but some Grand
Master scholars speculate that living die are created to fill a void
left when some creatures aren’t present in an area.


Level 6


Perception; +18; darkvision

Skills: Acrobatics +18, Deception +12, Stealth +12, Thievery


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Str, +6 Dex, +5 Con, +4, Int, +3 Wis, +2 Cha, +1

AC; 18 Fort; +12 Ref; +18 Will; +12

HP 66; Immunities: blinded, flat-footed, prone

Rolling Bone Armor: (The living die tumbles about to avoid

attacks. Whenever living die is targeted by an attack, roll 1d6.
Living die gains a status bonus to AC equal to the result of the
d6 for that attack, and reduces all damage taken from the attack
by the result of the d6.)

Lucky Doubles: [reaction] Trigger: Living die is within 30 feet of

another living die, and is hit with a melee attack;

Effect: Roll 2d6. If the numbers on both dice are the same, the
triggering creature take bludgeoning damage equal to the total
result, and living die may Step a number of times equal to the
result of one of the dice.

Speed (30 feet)

Melee [A] slam +12, Damage: 2d6+6 bludgeoning plus Gambol


Ranged [A] pip beam +12, Damage: 3d6 fire plus Gambol Strike

Pip Barrage [AA] The living die rapidly spins on one of its
corners and fires a beam from each of its eyes that deals 21 fire
damage in a 30 foot line (DC 21 basic Reflex save). It can't use
Pip Barrage again for 1d6 rounds.

Gambol Strike (The living die randomly rolls around before

attacking. Whenever living die makes a Strike, roll 1d6. Living
die gains a status bonus to hit equal to the result of the d6 for
that attack.)

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Entries, M-Z


Author: Jake Cassar

When a woodcarver grows too old and they delve into occult
secrets in pursuit of eternal life, they might discover a ritual to
transfer their soul into a vessel crafted by their own hand. The
ritual mimics that which a wizard would perform to create a soul
cage for lichdom, but has the cage be the body as well as the
container, and does not have any regenerative power. However,
this ritual is a honeypot for malevolent entities, and more often
than not an evil spirit sabotages the casting and hijacks the
soulbinding. With this tampering, the resulting marionette is no
longer inhabited only by the woodcarver but by the evil spirit to
do as it wishes.

This evil puppet retains it's crafting abilities from life and keeps
carving marionettes and clockwork creatures, though these now
come to life with as much malevolence as the creator. The %
uses these minions in combat to fight for it, preferring to
puppeteer them and take control of the enemies when it can,
rather than attacking directly. Otherwise, the % typically preys
on children who stray too close to the home it stayed in it's
former life, though it fears dogs and will flee before them. In fact,
it also has a preference for rats and ratfolk victims, leaving
scholars wondering what relation the evil spirits have with
felines. If it has been forced to move, a % prefers an abandoned
urban building where it can find materials and tools to continue
its obsessive crafting.

Simply slaying the creature will rid the area of the malevolent
spirit, but the soul of the woodcarver would be destroyed in the
process. Freeing this soul without harming it requires crafting a

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replica of the marrionette, blessing it, and then transferring the

soul to the new puppet with the proper ritual of transferrance (as
Create Undead for a 2nd level creature). The puppet becomes a
soulbound doll with a fragment of the original soul.

In rare cases, powerful casters manage to take control over a

%. They are fickle servants and will take any opportunity to
undermine its master, aiming to free itself of shackles and take
the reins for itself. This always ends badly, for a % is a
megalomaniac who trusts only itself.


Creature 11


Perception +21; darkvision

Languages: any one spoken in life (typically Common)

Skills: Acrobatics +19, Athletics +17, Crafting +21, Deception

+23, Intimidation +23, Performance +23, Stealth +21

Str +3, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +5, Cha +7


AC 32; Fort +18, Ref +21, Will +24

HP 150; Immunities bleed, death effects, diseased, doomed,

drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks,
paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious; Resistances
bludgeoning 8, piercing 8; Weaknesses fire 10

Fear of Canines The mariseah is frightened 1 as long as it can

see a dog.

Pull the Strings [R] (manipulate) Requirements The mariseah

controls a soldier puppet minion. Trigger The mariseah is
targeted by an attack roll. Effect The mariseah pulls a soldier

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puppet it controls to it's space. The attack targets the puppet

instead of the mariseah.


Speed 25 feet

Melee [A] strings +24 (agile, finesse, reach), Damage 3d6+10


Melee [A] fist +22, Damage 2d10+12 bludgeoning

Occult Innate Spells DC +27 ; 6th Dominate, Mislead; 4th

Suggestion, Confusion; 3rd Fear; 2nd Ventriloquism, Hideous
Laughter; 1st Command;

Master of Puppets [A] (manipulate) The mariseah creates a Tiny

minion within 5 feet: a soldier puppet or a clockwork drone. If the
mariseah doesn't Command a minion, it still gains 1 action each
round. The minions have AC 30 and 20 hit points, but otherwise
has the same statistics as the mariseah. The mariseah can have
a maximum of four minions under its control.

• A Soldier Puppet can only Stride or Strike. If it ever moves

farther than 30 feet from the mariseah, it dies.

• A Clockwork Drone has a fly speed of 30 feet. It can only Fly,

use fist attacks, or explode. Exploding takes two actions and
deals 6d6 piercing damage in a 10 foot burst (DC30 basic
Reflex save).


Author: Costin Schelling

Maskmakers are a reclusive breed of fey, born from the formless

energies of the First World. Because of their amorphous nature,
their true faces are constantly twisting and changing, a fact that
maskmakers despise; they are extremely envious of the

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symmetry and beauty of the inhabitants of the material plane.

Their spite manifests in an uncanny ability: They use their

numerous hands and crafting skill to create magical masks of
creatures they envy, stealing their appearance, abilities, and
eventually identity.

As maskmakers are extremely vulnerable without their masks,

they are usually encountered already wearing one, typically with
a few more in their collection.


Creature 10


Perception +22; darkvision

Languages: Sylvan, Special (see Wear Mask)

Skills: Athletics +19, Crafting +25, Deception +25, Nature +20

Str +7, Dex +3, Con +5, Int +7, Wis +5, Cha +3


AC 29; Fort +22; Ref +16; Will +19

HP 220; Weaknesses cold iron 8

True Face Vulnerability: A maskmaker has weakness 13 to any

damage dealt by a creature that can see its true face.


Speed 30 feet, climb 15 feet

Melee [A] arms +22 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+10

bludgeoning plus Grab

Primal Innate Spells DC 29, attack +21; 4th: creation (at will),
3rd: illusory disguise (at will, only if wearing a mask, can only

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disguise as the creature the mask depicts), 2nd: shape wood (at
will), 1st: mending (at will)

Shape Mask [A] (primal, transmutation) Requirements: The

maskmaker has a creature grabbed; Duration: Until the mask is
destroyed; Effect: The maskmaker crafts a mask of the grabbed
creature, adding it to its mask collection. When it creates the
mask, it chooses a single action or activity the creature can use,
or a single spell it can cast; this ability is stored in the mask. It
will typically choose a particularly iconic or dangerous ability.

Alluring Voice [A] (auditory, enchantment, linguistic)

Requirements: The maskmaker is wearing a mask, and has cast
illusory disguise to disguise itself as the mask’s subject; Effect:
The maskmaker attempts to convince its foes that it is their true
ally, while the one whose appearance it has stolen is disguised.
The maskmaker makes a deception check against the Will DC
of each creature within 30 feet, with the following effects:

Success: the first time that creature attempts to attack or cast a

spell on the maskmaker before the end of its next turn, it must
succeed on a DC 10 flat check or take that action against the
creature the maskmaker is impersonating instead.

Critical Success: that creature is confused until the end of its

next turn.

Wear Mask [F] Trigger: The maskmaker starts its turn, or its
most recent action was to Shape Mask; Effect: The maskmaker
puts on one of the masks in its collection; If this action was used
immediately after Shape Mask, it must put on the mask it just
made. While wearing a mask, the maskmaker gains the
following effects, based on the creature the mask was created

- If the creature is a Master or Legendary in a save, the

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maskmaker gains a +1 status bonus to that save

- If the creature is a Master or Legendary in a type of armor or

unarmored defense, the maskmaker gains a +1 status bonus to
its AC

- If the creature is a Master or Legendary in a type of weapon or

unarmed attack, the maskmaker gains a +1 status bonus to its
attack rolls

- If the creature is a Master or Legendary in a spellcasting

tradition, the maskmaker gains a +1 status bonus to its primal
spell DC and primal spell attacks

- The maskmaker can speak one language that the creature

does (typically Common)

- If the mask’s stored ability is an action or activity, the

maskmaker can use that action or activity; If it requires a
specific weapon, the maskmaker’s arms count as that weapon,
reshaping themselves into a crude copy of it. If the mask’s
stored ability is a spell, the maskmaker can cast that spell at will
as a primal innate spell.

If the maskmaker takes 40 or more damage while wearing a

specific mask, that mask is destroyed, revealing the
maskmaker’s true face until it uses Wear Mask again to put on a
different one.


Author: Dylan Wokeck

Mimic swarms are formed when younger mimics work together

as a larger group. Typically, these swarms take the appearance
of coins used as currency; a form most adventurers simply
cannot resist picking up. Occasionally, these mimic swarms will
bide their time, slowly transforming a creature's standard coins

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into additional mimics.




Perception +11; darkvision

Languages Common

Skills Athletics +15, Deception +13, Stealth +18, Coin Lore +11

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2


AC 24; Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +11

HP 90; Immunities precision, swarm mind; Resistances

bludgeoning 9, piercing 5, slashing 5; Weaknesses area
damage 9, splash damage 9

Coin Conversion (Transmutation) A mimic swarm is usually

composed of coins such as gold or silver pieces. When in
contact with other coins of the same type, it slowly transforms
those coins into additional members of the swarm. At the end of
each day that a mimic swarm remains in contact with other
coins, a single coin of the same type is effectively destroyed and
replaced with a mimic, granting it 10 additional hit points. A
mimic swarm can only gain a maximum of 50 additional hit
points this way, but it can continue to convert additional coins
into mimics, eventually creating a new swarm once it converts
90 hit points worth of coins. When it does so, it loses the
additional hit points and creates another mimic swarm.

Adhesive Mimics in the swarm are coated in an adhesive slime.

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Any creature that hits the swarm, takes damage from the
swarm, or otherwise touches the swarm must succeed at a DC
24 Reflex save or become clumsy 1 until it Escapes (Escape DC
24) as a member of the swarm throws the creature off balance.
A weapon that hits the swarm has a mimic attach to the
weapon, causing it to take a circumstance penalty to damage
equal to the number of mimics attached (maximum of 6). All
mimics can be removed with a successful DC 24 Athletics check
(made as a single action). The mimic can remove itself from a
creature or object by using a single action, and the adhesive
dissolves 1 minute after the swarm dies, falling off all objects
and creatures.

Coinage Lesson [Reaction] Trigger A creature touches or

physically interacts with the mimic while the mimic is
transformed using Mimic Coins Effect The triggering creature is
automatically affected by the swarms’ adhesive (it receives no
save). The swarm then uses its swarming pseudopod action
against any creature adjacent to the mimic. Coinage Lesson
can’t be used again until the swarm escapes and takes on a
new disguise.


Speed 15 feet

Swarming Pseudopod [A] Each enemy in the swarm's space

takes 3d6 piercing damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save) plus

Mimic Coins [A] (concentrate, polymorph) The mimics in the

swarm all assume the shape of any type of coin, usually
appearing as a pile. This doesn't change the mimic's texture or
overall size but can alter its coloration and visual appearance. It

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has an automatic result of 33 on Deception checks and DCs to

pass as the object that it's mimicking.


Author: David Metraux

The Mosquito Witch gives their patronage to few, but some that
serve her (or think they do) specialize in evoking mosquitoes
and bloodseekers from thin air. These strange servants are
encountered rarely near the town of Shimmerford, and wear
masks that depicts what might be the Mosquito Witch’s face.
Many stories are told of what lies under the mask of an Evoker;
their face being filled with maggots, having the head of a
mosquito, or perhaps that the mask is the face itself.

The Mosquito Evoker can be any ancestry, but the one depicted
here is Elven

These Mosquito Evokers are often encountered with

Bloodseekers that they use as familiars, teaching them magic
befitting of a swamp-dwelling hermit.

If a seeker is lucky, they might be taught the rites of the

Mosquito Witch from one of these Evokers.


Level 4


Perception: +12; Low Light Vision

Languages: Elven, Aklo, Common

Skills: Nature: +12, Stealth: +9, Diplomacy +10 (+12 to

mosquitoes, bloodseekers, and similar), Intimidation +10,
Survival +11, Crafting +11, Occultism: +10

Str: 1, Dex: 2, Con: 1, Int: 5, Wis: 3 , Cha: 1

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AC: 19; Fort: 8; Ref: 11; Will: 14; +2 circumstance bonus to

fortitude saves against diseases

HP: 60; Weakness: splash: 5, area effect: 5

Swarmsense The Mosquito Evoker receives constant updates

from nearby insects and can use her touch as an imprecise
sense at the listed range as long as there are insects around to
guide her.

Wild Empathy The Mosquito Evoker can use Diplomacy to Make

an Impression on and make Requests of arthropods (insects,
spiders, and similar invertebrates like bloodseekers). Most
arthropods have a starting attitude of indifferent to the Mosquito


Speed: 30 feet

Melee strikes: [1 action] Wretched Claw (+12) 2d4+4 piercing


Ranged strikes: [2 actions] Bloodseeker Missile +13: (primal,

evocation, manipulate). The Mosquito Evoker evokes and
launches a Bloodseeker at a creature within 30 feet like a
missile, piercing them with its proboscis and dealing 2d6+5
piercing damage. If it’s a critical hit, the Bloodseeker then bursts
and leaves its proboscis in you, dealing 2 persistent bleed

Mosquito Split [Reaction] (transmutation); Trigger: The Mosquito

Evoker is hit or critically hit by an attack made by a creature the
Mosquito Evoker can see. Effect: The Mosquito Evoker
retroactively gains concealment against the triggering attack as
they partially split into mosquitoes, potentially causing the attack

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to miss.

Primal Prepared Spells

Spell DC: 20

Spell Attack: +13

Level 2:

Vomit Swarm x2, Animal Allies (level 2)x1

Level 1:

Pest Form x1, Heal x1, Putrefy Food and Drink x1

Cantrips(2nd level):

Puff of Poison


Know Direction



Author: Xethik

Brutal guardians created by alchemists and inventors, these

mutated ogres are guaranteed to cause catastrophic damage.
Some have different armaments such as cryomisters or acidic
cannons, but they are always unstable.

Mutagenic Ogre

Creature 10

[Uncommon] [CE] [Large] [Alchemical] [Giant] [Humanoid]


Perception +16; darkvision

Languages: Common, Jotun

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Skills: Athletics +25, Intimidation +19

Str +7, Dex +2, Con +5, Int -1, Wis +2, Cha -1

AC 30; Fort +22, Ref +18, Will +18

HP 170 (fast healing 5)

Alchemical Stench (aura, olfactory)

20 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the

aura must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become
sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure). A creature that
succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute.

Alchemical Mishap (alchemical)

The numerous alchemical devices on the ogre empower it, but

backfire when it is grievously wounded. Once the ogre is
reduced to less than half its Hit Points or is damaged by a
critical hit, a random device mishaps. When a mishap refers to a
target, use the creature that triggered this ability; if no such
creature exists (such as from persistent damage), randomly
choose one. Roll a 1d4 and consult the following:

1 A canister containing painkilling gas soars through the air

and detonates in a 10-foot burst. The canister flies up to 30 feet
towards the target and detonates. All creatures in the area other
than the ogre must succeed at a DC 27 Will save or become
confused for 1 round and stupefied 1 for 1 minute (stupified 2 on
a critical failure). This is a mental, posion, incapacitation effect.
The ogre loses its fast healing and surge healing, and is
stunned 1.

2 The fuel-line feeding the flamethrower erupts, launching

burning oil in a 30-foot cone centered towards the target,
dealing 6d6 fire damage with a DC 27 basic Reflex save. A
creature that fails or critically fails its save also takes 2d8

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persistent fire damage. The ogre loses its flamethrower spew

and takes 2d8 persistent fire damage.

3 The lightning cannon malfunctions, firing off a final

charge of electricity towards the target in a 90-foot line, dealing
3d12 electricity damage with a DC 27 basic Reflex save. A
creature that fails its save is dazzled for 1 round (1 minute on a
critical failure). The ogre loses its electrified javelin Strikes and
is dazzled for 1 round.

4 A tube carrying an intoxicating mutagen ruptures,

spraying a putrid cloud dealing 4d8 poison damage with a DC
27 basic Fortitude save to creatures other than the ogre in a 20-
foot emanation. Creatures that fail their save are also sickened
1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure). The area also has the effect
of obscuring mist until the start of the ogre's turn. The ogre loses
its Mutagenic Swipe and is enfeebled 1 for 1 minute.

After resolving the mishap, the ogre is confused for 1 minute.

When it starts its turn affected by this confusion, it is also
quickened that round which can only be used for Strike actions.
Once any mishap occurs, another will not occur until the ogre's
devices are Repaired.

Ferocity [R]

Speed 30 feet

Melee [A] ogre hook +23 (deadly 1d10, reach 10 feet, grapple,
trip), Damage 2d10+13 piercing

Ranged [A] electrified javelin +21 (brutal, range increment 60

feet), Damage 1d6+13 piercing plus 2d6 electricity

Brutal Hook [R]

Trigger The Mutagenic Ogre successfully Trips a Medium or

smaller creature. Effect The Mutagenic Ogre moves the creature

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tripped up to 10 feet into a space within its reach. This is forced


Envenomed Hook [AA] (poison)

The ogre makes an ogre hook Strike that deals an additional

2d6 persistent poison damage.

Surge Healing [A] (alchemical, concentrate) The mutagenic ogre

regains 15 HP.

Flamethrower Spew [AA] (alchemical, fire)

The ogre spews burning liquid in a 30-foot cone, dealing 10d6

fire damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save). It can't use the
flamethrower again for 1d4 rounds.

Mutagenic Swipe [A]

The Mutagenic Ogre makes a single ogre hook Strike and

compares the attack roll to the ACs of up to two foes within its
reach. This counts as two attacks for the ogre's multiple attack


Author: Michael Stevens

Ages ago before Earthfall An evil mutagenist alchemist had

enslaved a small island community of humans. Cut off from the
world he performed horrific experiments on the population. His
objective was to CREATE permanent mutations in the
populations, in other words, CREATE Mutants. His experiments
were successful. But the mutations came with a price, for each
mutation a mutant possessed their body would suffer a
permanent deformity based on the mutation. The mutants hated
their lives and eventually revolted against the alchemist,
throwing him to a vat of his own mutagen apparently killing him.

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The mutant victory was short lived as this was the time of Earth
Fall and the secret of creating mutants and the mutants
themselves were believed to be destroyed during that event. But
this was not the case, the mutants escaped to tunnels deep in
the earth, where they live today, hiding from society due to their
hideous appearance. They live in small societies, called Clans
or Ghettos, in tunnels and sewers and mountain caves, ruled by
the mutants with the most mutations or the most powerful ones.
Mutants generally develop 1 mutation during adolescence, and
an accompany deformity for each mutation. 10% of mutants
born have no deformities and these mutants are normally
shunned from mutant society. Mutants don't receive their name
until after their first mutations develop, and they are officially
adopted into mutant society being named according to the
mutation they develop. For example, someone with a bestial
mutation and fur, might be called Badger. Mutants generally
avoid contact with other races, particularly humans, as they are
jealous of them though some clans will actively hunt and kill
them. And these clans will use mutants with no deformities as
Infiltrators into human society. Mutants can mate and produce
children with Humans, elves, and orcs. The offspring will look
like the other race but has a 10% chance of developing
mutations at adolescence.

Mutant Warrior

Level 4


Perception +14, dark vision

Languages-Mutant tongue, common, and the dominant race

present in the area of the clan

Skills: Athletics +10 Crafting +12 Intimidation +10 Stealth +12

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Survival + 15

Str +5 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +3 Chr+2

AC 20 Fort +12 Ref+8 Will +14

HP 60

Mutation: Commoners develop 1 Comon mutation by

adolescence The Common mutations are Bestial, Cognitive,
Quicksilver, Juggernaut, Serene, and Silver Tongue (as the
corresponding alchemist mutagen, but permanent). The
mutation also causes a corresponding deformity based on the
mutagen, in addition to or a more severe version of the one
brought on by the alchemist mutagen (ie additional fur from the
bestial mutation, or additional eyes for the serene mutation).

Warrior Mutants have 1 common mutation and 1 Advanced

Mutation. As the mutant ages it will advance in its current
mutation to moderate, becoming Warrior class, and develop an
Advanced Mutation, Drakeheart, Energy, or War Blood along
with a deformity. Its present mutations also move from lesser to
moderate level.

Elder Mutants have 1 Common, 1 Advance and 1 Extreme

Mutation. The Elder has aged enough and develops an Extreme
Mutation, Applereed, Ichthyosis, or Stone Body and its first
mutation increases to greater and its secondary mutation to

Leader Mutants develop 2 common and Advanced Mutations.

The end of the normal progression is the Leader Mutant. The
mutant leader develops another Common and Advanced
mutation and increases its previous mutations 1 level. However,
there are rumors of mutants who have lived 100s of years and
developed many more mutations and deformations; they are

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known as Demagogues.

Speed: 25

Melee Strike: great club +14[+9/+4] 1d10+7

Melee Strike: Bestial Mutant, Claws +16[+12/+8] 1d6+7

Jaws +16[+12/+8] 1d8+7

Ranged Attack: Javelin +9[+9/+4] 1d6+5

Mutation: the mutant's individual mutation may affect his attack

and may give special attacks(see mutations)


Author: Braden Coulter

While some use the arcane to command the dead, others use
the power of music the rile the passed back to life. The undead
commanded by this lich move to the beat of their music, and are
emboldened by it as well.

Necrodancer Lich

level 14


Perception +22; darkvision

Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Necril,


Skills: Arcana +25, Crafting +22, Occultism +25, Performance


Str +4, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +8, Wis +4, Cha +8


AC 33; Fort +25, Ref +22, Will +22

HP 252 (negative healing, rejuvination);

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Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison,


Resistances cold 12, sonic 12, physical 12 (except magical


Distracting Presence (aura, emotion, mental, visual): The

Necrodancer's flashy appearance and performative magics cast
an impressive aura that draws the eyes of those close by. All
creatures within 50 feet must make a DC 32 Will saving throw.

Success: no effect

Failure: creature is dazzled

Critical Failure: as failure, but the creature is also facinated, with

the Necrodancer as the subject.

Rejuvenation (occult, necromancy): When a lich is destroyed,

their soul immediately transfers to their soul cage. A lich can be
permanently destroyed only if their soul cage is found and

Finale [R]: Trigger: The Necrodancer Lich is destroyed; Effect:

The Necrodancer plays one last solo, sending out a wave of
necrotic sound that deals 2d12 negative damage and 2d12
sonic damage in a 30ft. emanation (basic Fortitude save)


Speed 25

Melee instrument +20, Damage 3d8+12 bludgeoning + 1d8+6


Occult Prepared Spells DC 34, attack +26 ; 7th animate dead,

possession, prismatic spray; 6th animate dead, dominate (×2),
vibrant pattern; 5th animate dead (×2), invoke spirits,
synesthesia; 4th biting words (×2), blistering invective,

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pernicious poltergeist; 3rd roaring applause, rouse skeletons,

sound burst (×2); 2nd death knell (×2), false life (×2); 1st
command (×2), liberating command (×2); cantrips (7th) daze,
ghost sound, message, shield, telekinetic projectile

Rising Riff [AAA] (necromancy): The necrodancer plays a riff

empowered with necrotic magic, casuing nearby dead to rise to
the sound of the music. The Necrodancer casts animate dead,
but the effect is doubled. The Necrodancer cannot summon two
different creatures from the same casting.

Necrotic Notes [A] to [AAA] (necromancy): The Necrodancer

channels negative energy through their instrument, sending
forth a number of bolts of necrotic energy equal to the actions
used. This is a spell attack roll that deals 4d6+10 negative
damage per bolt. The target for each bolt is chosen individually,
but if the Necrodancer shoots more than one missile at the
same target, combine the damage before applying bonuses or
penalties to damage, resistances, weaknesses, and so forth.


Author: Taylor Smith

Creaselings are believed to originate from the souls of intelligent

beings who died trapped within extradimensional spaces. In
their desperation to return home, their spirits turned to occult
techniques to merge with the energies that bound them and
eventually extend a crude avatar to the material plane. Since
this power takes many years to develop, by the time their
physical form manifests, creaselings have lost all sense of their
former selves.

Origami Creaselings are lumbering humanoid forms constructed

of uncountable rippled sheets of paper, which move via an
unnatural process of creasing and unfurling themselves through

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space. While creaselings can express themselves in any

malleable material related to their origin, such as fabric, grass,
clay, and fog, Origami Creaselings are prevalent in regions
where the now-banned Literary Imprisonment ritual was used as
a disciplinary measure in ages past.


Level 9


Perception +19; Extraspatial Sense

Languages: Varies, based on the creature’s languages in life

Skills: Crafting +20, Thievery +20, Occultism +18, Deception +


Str +4, Dex +6, Con +3, Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +2

AC 27; Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +20; +1 status bonus against
forced movement effects

HP 142; Resistance: Bludgeoning 8, Weakness: Fire 8

Passive Abilities

IMPLODE - When the creaseling reaches 0 hit points or enters

an extradimensional space, all creatures within a 50 foot
emanation must make a DC28 basic Fortitude save or take
3d10+10 force damage and be pulled 50 feet towards the
creaseling. If the creaseling is alive, it critically fails this roll. The
creaseling then ejects the contents of its own extradimensional
space to the ground at its feet.

EXTRASPATIAL SENSE - The origami creaseling is aware of all

extradimensional and teleportation effects within 500 feet as an
imprecise sense.

BORROWED DISTANCE - The creaseling taps into nearby

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spatial powers and reaches through them. For the purposes of

its attacks and Steal actions, the creaseling has 100 foot reach
against any creature wielding or wearing a teleportation or
extradimensional item, or who used a teleportation or
extradimensional effect in the last round.

SHED [Reaction] - Requirements: The creaseling is large.

Trigger: The creaseling would suffer persistent damage or
damage due to weakness. Effect: The creaseling quickly sheds
a layer of material, making a DC15 flat check. On a success the
persistent damage ends or the weakness is ignored for the
attack. On a critical failure, the creaseling becomes Medium.

Speed 15 feet


The creaseling can Tumble Through using Crafting instead of

Acrobatics. On a success, the creaseling may move the target 5
feet into the square it left; this is forced movement and a
teleportation effect.

Melee strikes

Folded Blade +21 (finesse, magical, reach 5 feet) Damage 2d8

+ 8 slashing plus Distracting Cut

Ranged strikes

Folded Dart +21 (magical, agile, 40 foot range increment)

Damage 2d6 + 8 piercing plus Sticky Note

Other abilities

CREATE REPLICA [1A] - The creaseling quickly unfurls a copy

of an item it observes out of paper. This replica has weakness 8
to fire but, thanks to its impossibly tight folds, retains the
hardness and statistics of the original. If the item is a weapon,

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the creaseling can attack with its folded weapon blade modifier,
and if the weapon has the finesse trait, it can apply its
Distracting Cut effect.

INSTANT FACSIMILE [Free] - once per round; the creaseling

makes a Crafting check against the standard DC of an
unattended item within 60 feet, on a success it swaps out the
item with a copy generated by CREATE REPLICA that hovers in
its space, while the original is absorbed into the creaseling’s
own extradimensional space. The creaseling can spend an
action to command any of its facsimiles to make a Strike against
a nearby target, using the typical reach for its weapon type.

DISTRACTING CUT - The origami creaseling’s finesse melee

attacks deal 3d4 persistent bleed damage. Creatures are flat-
footed to the creaseling so long as they are bleeding.

STICKY NOTE - The creaseling’s attack leaves a small shred of

paper imbued with extradimensional magic attached to the
target on a success. The target must succeed a DC25
Perception check to find the note, or does so automatically
when the creaseling uses the note to activate its Borrowed
Distance, and can remove the note with a single Interact action.

PICKPOCKET (master in thievery)


Author: Alex Greyhawk

These hive minded creatures are often created during esoteric

experiments to give mindless oozes the capacity for thought.
Ooze collectives have amassed their bodies and newfound
brain power together into a vaguely bipedal shape. Their
movement when coalesced is somewhat awkward, but tends to
be a bit faster than typical ooze locomotion.

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Many ooze collectives further develop the processes used in

their creation, streamlining them into a simple ritual to awaken
others of their kind. Many of these newly sapient creatures
choose to join the collective, some even begin collectives of
their own.


Creature 8


Perception +14; tremorsense (imprecise) 30 ft

Languages: Common; can’t speak

Skills: Athletics +18, Arcana +15, Occultism +15

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +6, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +2

AC 20; Fort +18; Ref +12; Will +16;

HP 180; Immunities acid, critical hits, piercing, precision, swarm

mind, unconscious Resistances slashing 10

Rejoin If two or more Medium ooze collectives end their turn in

adjacent spaces, they merge into a Large ooze collective,
combining their current Hit Points and reducing the value of
enfeebled, slowed, and stupefied conditions by 1.

Split Consciousness When a Large ooze collective is hit by an

attack that would deal piercing or slashing damage and it has 10
or more HP, the ooze splits into two Medium ooze collectives,
each with half the original's HP and both are slowed 1. One
ooze is in the same space as the original, and the other is in an
adjacent, unoccupied space. If no adjacent space is
unoccupied, it automatically pushes creatures and objects out of
the way to fill a space (the GM decides if an object or creature is
too big or heavy to push).

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Speed 20 ft

Melee [A] slam +20 [+15/+10] (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+6

bludgeoning plus 2d6 acid, plus Improved Push 5 feet

Rituals DC 24 6th awaken ooze (can split consciousness to

perform secondary caster checks)

Assimilate Ooze [AA] (manipulate) Requirement The ooze

collective is within reach of another ooze. Effect The ooze
collective attempts to absorb another ooze to reinvigorate
themself dealing 3d8 negative damage. The collective gains hit
points equal to the amount of damage the target takes. The
target must make a DC 22 Will save to avoid assimilation. A
willing ooze can choose to fail, but not critically fail, this save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Success The target takes half damage.

Failure The target takes full damage and is enfeebled 1 for 1


Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is

enfeebled 1 and slowed 1 for 1 minute.

Slimey Sprint [AAA] Requirement The ooze collective is Large

Effect The ooze collective strides up to double its Speed in a
straight line and can move through the spaces of any creatures
in its path, dealing 2d6 bludgeoning and 2d4 acid damage. All
creatures passed through must make a DC 24 basic Reflex
save. Any creature in the same space as the ooze collective at
the end of this movement is pushed to the nearest empty space.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Success The target takes half damage.

Failure The target takes full damage and is knocked prone.

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Critical Failure The target takes double damage, is knocked

prone, and takes 1d4 persistent acid damage.


Ritual 6


Cast 1 day; Cost incense and alchemical catalysts worth 250

gp; Secondary Casters 2

Primary Check Occultism (expert); Secondary Checks Arcana,


Target(s) 1 mindless ooze

Duration unlimited

Your target is no longer mindless, and it gains mental ability

modifiers depending on the results of the ritual. It gains the
ability to see and hear, and the ability to understand (but not
speak) a single language that you know. It's indifferent to you
and all living creatures.

Critical Success The target’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and

Charisma modifiers each increase to +2 if they were lower, and
it becomes helpful to you for awakening it.

Success The target’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma

modifiers increase to +0 if they were worse and it becomes
friendly to you for awakening it.

Failure You fail to awaken the target.

Critical Failure You accidentally awaken the target with an

insatiable hunger. The target’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma modifiers increase to –2 if they were worse. It
becomes hostile to you, attempting to consume you.


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Author: Craig Griffith

Obviously created by a madman.


Creature Level 18


Perception +30; darkvision

Skills: Acrobatics +29, Athletics +38

Str +10, Dex +5, Con +9, Int -5, Wis +0, Cha -5


AC 42; Fort +36, Ref +27, Will +30; +3 status to saves vs. magic

HP 420 (fast healing 20 [adamantine]); Immunities: bleed, death

effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental,
necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened,
unconscious; Resistances: physical 20 (except adamantine)

Patchwork Construction - Due to the many different parts it’s

made of, the patchwork golem is not immune to any magic, and
different types of magic have different effects on it. Many of the
patchwork golem’s abilities and Strikes have a trait matching
one of the below materials. When hit by a spell or ability that
deals the types of damage listed as deactivating a material,
abilities and Strikes with that material trait cannot be used for
1d4 rounds. This effect immediately ends when the golem is hit
by a damage type that is listed as activating that material.

Glass Arm (glass) - deactivated by sonic, activated by fire; this

arm can be targeted by shatter, but the golem gets a basic
Fortitude save against it. On a critical failure, the arm is
completely destroyed.

Clay Arm (clay) - deactivated by cold and water, activated by

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acid; this arm can be targeted by disintegrate, but the golem

gets a basic Fortitude save against it. On a critical failure, the
arm is completely destroyed.

Iron Legs (iron) - deactivated by acid, activated by fire; magical

rust effects (such as a rust monster's antennae) affect these
legs as normal and deactivate the legs for 1d6 rounds.

Obsidian Wings (obsidian) - deactivated by sonic, activated by

cold; these wings can be targeted by shatter, but the golem gets
a basic Fortitude save against it. On a critical failure, the graft is
completely destroyed.

Adamantine Heart (adamantine) - deactivated by cold and

water, activated by fire; disjunction or dispel magic cast at at
least 9th level automatically makes Gregor slowed 1 in addition
to deactivating the graft as normal.

Spell Reflection [Reaction] (glass): Trigger - The golem is

targeted by a spell; Effect - The golem positions its reflective
glass arm to reflect the spell back on the caster. It attempts to
counteract the spell using Acrobatics, and if successful, the spell
targets the caster.

Quicken [Free] (adamantine, divine, transmutation): Frequency -

once per day; Trigger - The golem’s turn begins. It can't trigger
this action on its first turn of combat; Effect - The golem
becomes quickened for 1 minute. It can use the extra action
only to Stride, Step, Fly, or Strike.


Speed: 50 feet (iron), fly 50 feet (obsidian)

Melee [A] bladed limb +35 (glass, agile, magical, reach 10 feet,
unarmed, versatile P), Damage 3d10+17 slashing plus 2d6

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Melee [A] clay fist +35 (clay, magical, reach 10 feet, unarmed),
Damage 3d12+20 bludgeoning plus cursed wound

Melee [A] iron leg +35 (iron, magical, reach 10 feet, unarmed),
Damage 3d12+20 bludgeoning

Melee [A] obsidian wing +35 (obsidian, agile, deadly 2d10,

magical, reach 15 feet, unarmed, versatile S), Damage 3d12+17

Punch and Slash [A] (clay, glass): Frequency - once per round;
Effect - The golem makes a bladed limb Strike and a clay fist
Strike, applying its multiple attack penalty as normal.

Kick Back [AA] (iron, concentrate): The golem focuses its

strength on a single kick powerful enough to push an enemy
away from it. It makes an iron leg Strike. If it hits, it attempts an
Athletics check to Shove the target. This attack uses the same
multiple attack penalty as the Strike, and doesn't count towards
its multiple attack penalty.

Inexorable March [A] (iron): The golem Strides up to its Speed,

pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and
damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can
attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a DC 48 Fortitude save.
On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage;
otherwise, it takes 3d12+20 bludgeoning damage.

Cursed Wound (clay, divine, curse, necromancy): A creature hit

by the golem’s clay fist must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save
or be cursed until healed to their maximum HP. The cursed
creature can't regain HP except via magic, and anyone casting a
spell to heal the creature must succeed at a DC 38 counteract
check or the healing has no effect. The golem’s counteract level
is 9.

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Author: Alex Mercer

Sometimes an overly imaginative child, one who sees monsters

in every shadow and hears danger in all the mysterious noises
of the night, has sufficiently powerful imagination that they might
manifest a creature in the real world. The Pricklebacked
Fenlurker is one such creature, originally only known in the mind
of its creator, it has now become a reality that lurks in the
swamp, taking whatever living creatures stumble into its ambush
as prey. As with many imagined things, it has the uncanny ability
of disappearing completely when put under a spotlight, only to
then reappear with surprising ferocity, from nearby shadows.

Physically the Pricklebacked Fenlurker resembles a bulky

panther, with stocky muscular legs and a short thick neck
supporting a huge, shadowy maw. It's long, oval, eyes are
devoid of colour, like windows to the shadow plane. Instead of
fur, it is covered in spikes, growing up to 2 feet long and dripping
with dark purple venom. On demand the spikes can be shot
toward its prey, the poison then wracks them with painful muscle

The Pricklebacked Fenlurker has a long, crocodile-like tail that

not only helps it swim but ends in another spike that can be
used for devastating attacks. It’s dark coloration and amphibious
nature mean it can hide easily beneath the murky waters of its
native swamps. The numerous spikes covering its body transmit
the vibrations from the water created by creatures moving
nearby to allow the Pricklebacked Fenlurker to accurately
ambush prey from its underwater hiding place.

It is rumoured that if you can find the child whose imagination

birthed the beast and convince them to disbelieve its existence,

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then it will in fact unmanifest back into the harmless shadows it

was created from. Such theories have not proven to date…

Creature Level 10

Perception +19; senses - greater darkvision, ignores
concealment or hiding due to murky water and fog

Languages None

Skills Acrobatics +20, Athletics +22, Survival +19, Stealth +21

Str +7, Dex +5, Con +5, Int -2, Wis +3, Cha 0

AC 30; Fort +22; Ref +19; Will +14

HP 176; Immunity Poison, Resistance Acid 8, Weakness Mental


--Banished by the Light-- If the Pricklebacked Fenlurker ends its

turn illuminated by bright light with no dim light or darkness
within a 10 foot emanation. Then the Pricklebacked Fenlurker
phases out of existence to the shadow plane. It will then
reappear from an area of dim light or shadow within 100’ at the
beginning of its next turn.

--Covered in Spikes-- Anyone who hits the Pricklebacked

Fenlurker with a melee unarmed attack or a non-reach melee
weapon must succeed at a DC 27 Reflex save or be pierced by
a spine, taking 2d4 piercing damage and being exposed to
Fenlurker Venom.

-- Attack of Opportunity-- {reaction} Tail Spike only

Speed 30, Swim 30, ignore difficult terrain due to swamp/fen


--Melee-- Shadow Bite {one action} +23 [negative], Damage

2d12+7 piercing plus 2d6 negative

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--Melee-- Tail Spike {one action} +23 [agile, reach 10 feet],

Damage 2d6+7 piercing plus Fenlurker Venom

--Ranged-- Spike Shot {one action} +21 [agile, range 20 feet],

Damage 2d4+7 piercing plus Fenlurker Venom

--Extinguish Light-- {one action} [concentrate, darkness,

evocation] The Pricklebacked Fenlurker extinguishes one non-
magical light source, no larger than a torch, that it can see within
120 feet, or attempts to counteract one magical light source it
can see within 120 feet (counteract modifier +17, counteract
level 5), if counteracted, that magical light source is
extinguished and can’t be reactivated for 1 minute

--Spike Burst-- {two actions} Frequency: once per day; Effect:

The Pricklebacked Fenlurker shoots numerous spikes in every
direction. All creatures in a 20-foot emanation take 8d4 piercing
damage (DC 27 Reflex save). If they take damage they are
exposed to Fenlurker Venom

--Fenlurker Venom-- [poison] Saving Throw: DC 29 Fortitude;

Maximum Duration: 6 rounds; Stage 1: 3d6 poison damage (1
round), Stage 2: 3d8 poison damage and flat-footed (1 round),
Stage 3: 3d10 poison damage, clumsy 1, and flat-footed (1


Author: Ruka Amick

Puramendax, or deceit demons, are creatures which revel in

their ability to deceive and lead others into ruin. They are
created from the souls of beings which were notorious deceivers
in life, be they liars, conmen, or false prophets, particularly those
whose own deceptions are woven so thick they begin to believe
their own lies.

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As they did in life, they sow lies in all they do, their demonic
power enabling their lies with truth, only to have them unravel
the lies at the worst time. They often dwell on the material plane
disguised as a matronly woman or a grizzled hermit, appearing
at a traveler's side offering guidance. In rare occasions a
puramendax may even masquerade as a noble, lying their way
into a position of power or replacing a former victim. In all
occasions, they offer to create or assist with many things but
they are nothing but illusions, lies, and cons intended to harm.

Their true form begins as a twisted and distorted version of the

original deciever soul but over time the different faces they wear
amalgamate onto their form. Eventually they become a near-
featureless body with a fake smile and eyes which stare into
one's soul.

Puramendax creature 8

ce medium demon fiend

Perception +16; darkvision

Skills Crafting +16 , Deception +21 , Diplomacy +18 ,

Performance +14 , Religion +18 , Society +14 , Thievery +16

Str +3, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +6, Wis +3, Cha +7


AC 24; Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +19; +1 status to all saves vs.

HP 136 ; Weaknesses cold iron 6, good 6

Truth Vulnerability

A puramendax lives by its lies and seeing through them harms

it. When it fails a deception check to Lie or use "Good Story...",
the puramendax takes 2d8 mental damage

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"Good Story..." [[R]] (abjuration, auditory);

Trigger A creature Casts a Spell with a verbal component.

Requirement The puramendax does not have a spell in its
memory Effect The puramendax interrupts the caster's story at
the end. Attempt to counteract the spell with a Deception check.
On a successful counteract, add the spell and its caster to the
Puramendax's memory.


Speed 25 feet

Melee [[A]] claw +13 (agile, evil, finesse, magical), Damage

2d6+8 slashing plus 1d6 evil

Divine Innate Spells DC 26, attack +17; 6th mislead; 5th

dimension door; 4th dimension door (at will), replicate (at will);
3rd cozy cabin (at will), mind reading (at will); 2nd create food
(at will); 1st create water (at will); Cantrips (6th) prestidigitation
Constant tongues

Divine Rituals DC 26; 6th cursed feast 1st abyssal pact

Perverse Gift [[A]]

A targeted creature which has consumed food or drink from the

puramendax must make a DC 23 Fortitude save or become
sickened 2 and enfeebled 2 for one minute as the true contents
roil in their stomach

Change Shape [[A]] (concentrate, divine, polymorph,


The puramendax can take on the appearance of any Small or

Medium humanoid, including specific people.

Deja Vu [[F]]

Requirement The Puramendax has Change Shaped into the

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creature in its memory. Effect The puramendax casts a spell

they've countered from memory. This spell is the same level as
the one countered, but it uses the Puramendax's spell DC and
spell attack. Casting a spell in this way removes it from memory.

Cursed Feast (conjuration, illusion)

As Heroes' Feast, except the effects are deceptive. The primary

caster of the ritual can willingly fail any counteract checks. A
secondary caster may identify the deception with a perception
check against the DC during the ritual. Following the successful
completion of the ritual, the primary caster can use spend 3
actions (concentrate) before the feasts' duration ends to release
a poison, requiring all other feast recipients to make a Fortitude
save against the ritual DC. Critical Success The recipient
maintains the benefits of the Heroes' Feast Success The subject
loses any ongoing benefits of the Heroes' Feast Failure As
critical failure, but the sickness condition can be reduced
normally Critical Failure The subject loses any ongoing benefits
of the Feast, and becomes sickened 4 and can't reduce the
condition for 12 hours, and is exposed to a dose of Nettleweed
Residue (CRB 533)


Author: Ben Tait

The first of these foul beings were attempts at stripping mortal

quintessence from demonic flesh, in the hopes it would prove an
effective way of destroying a demon permanently. The end
result instead was the first of a qlippoth breed known as the
Sarkonaut. Held aloft by tumerous air bladders and acute
mental forces, these clinical beings, aside from being psychic
powerhouses, have a grotesque fascination with flesh, and are
depraved geniuses that know all the inner workings of meat and

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how to exploit them.

The techniques used to create the Sarkonaut are not without

fault though. Even though they are emotionally dead, the
Sarkonauts are vulnerable to being flooded with emotion,
turning them from the cool master chirugeons they see
themselves as into frothing wild animals, their minds lost in a
miasma of emotion. Despire these flaws, fiends, demonologists
and even aberrations flock to their remote lairs, carrying the tons
of living, screaming flesh the Sarkonauts demand for their


Creature 17

[Rare][CE][Large][Fiend, Fleshwarp, Qlippoth]

Perception +29; greater darkvision, bloodsense (imprecise) 30


Languages: Abyssal; telepathy 100 feet

Skills: Athletics +30, Acrobatics +27, Medicine +33, Occultism


Str 6, Dex 5, Con 6, Int 9, Wis 6, Cha 0

AC 39; Fort 32; Ref 25; Will 30;

HP 295, fast healing 10; Immunities controlled, Resistances

physical 20 (except cold iron), Weaknesses lawful 15, mental 15

Passive Abilities (auras, slowed/quickened, golem antimagic,


Soul Void the sarkonaut possesses an emotional abscess that

rapidly fills when emotions are forced upon it. Whenever the
sarkonaut would make a save against an emotion effect, they
treat the result as one degree worse. In addition, they become

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sickened 1 after they recieve mental damage until the end of

their next turn and they double the value of the frightened
condition when they recieve it (to a maximum of 4).

Attack of Opportunity [Reaction] attack of opportunity strikes are

made with a -2 penalty.

Speed 15 feet, fly 35 feet

Melee [A] vicious appendage +31 (agile, reach 10 feet, versatile

B or P) 3d6+16 slashing plus 1d6 acid and Improved Grab

Occult Innate Spells DC 43, attack +35; 9th weird; 8th dispel
magic, phantom pain, vampiric exanguination, warp mind; 5th
telekinetic haul (at will); 2nd telekinetic manuver (at will); Cantrip
(9th) acid splash, daze, telekinetic projectile; Constant (4th)
freedom of movement

Other abilities [A]

Explosive Vent [A] Trigger the sarkonaut is currently affected by

a mental or emotional effect or possesses the frightened or
sickened condition; Effect the sarkonaut flies into a violent
frenzy to get the emotional pollution out of its body. The
sarkonaut removes all conditions and effects it has, and it
becomes confused for 1 minute and gains the effects of the
Barbarian Rage action.

Sickening Display (concentrate, emotion, enchantment, fear,

incapacitation, mental, occult, visual) The sarkonaut fully inverts,
exposing its internal organs and numerous chimeric
appendages in one gory display. Creatures in a 30-foot
emanation must attempt a DC 38 Will save, after which they are
temporarily immune to further Sickening Displays for 1 minute.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature is sickened 1.

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Failure The creature is sickened 2 and slowed 1.

Critical Failure The creature is sickened 4, slowed 1 and must

spend at least one of its actions attempting to reduce its
sickened value, until it is no longer sickened.

Warpflesh [AA] (Concentrate, Occult, Transmutation)

Prerequisite the sarkonaut has a creature grabbed; Effect the
creature must succeed a DC 40 Fortitude Save or be exposed
to warpflesh. Roll a 1d8 and consult the table below for the
specific effect on that creature. Unless indicated otherwise, a
warpflesh effect lasts for 1d4 hours, and a new warpflesh effect
negates any previous warpflesh effect already affecting a

D8 Warpflesh Effect

1 clumsy 2 (3 on a critical failure)

2 confused and gains 4d6 temporary Hit Points

3 dazzled (permanent on a critical failure)

4 enfeebled 2 (3 on a critical failure)

5 immobilized as tendons grow out of body

6 sickened 2 (3 on a critical failure)

7 slowed 1 (permanent on a critcal failure)

8 stupefied 2 (3 on a critical failure)


Author: Lathun

This spider was the creation of a mad transmuter who wished to

have spiderwebs as strong as steel, unfortunately he also
happened to grant it a cunning and intelligence far beyond its
normal ken. The Razorweb Spider can be found usually in the

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company of other spiders which harass and harry foes caught in

the Razorweb's snares. The Razorweb Spider is cowardly and
relies on traps and snares in order to wound and kill prey. If its
prey makes it through the traps laid out for them the Razorweb
spider prefers to flee rather than fight and will only fully commit
to a fight when it has no other choice.

While unable to speak any languages, Razorweb Spiders have

been known to make 'deals' with bandits and other foul
creatures - they assist the Razorweb Spider in attacking foes
trapped in their webs and then they get any loot the creature or
person had, as the Razorweb spider is only interested in
survival and growth.

Razorweb Spider creature 8

uncommon ne medium beast

Perception +16

Skills Acrobatics +16 , Athletics +12 , Crafting +18 (Web

Snares), Diplomacy +14 , Stealth +18

Str +3, Dex +6, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha -4

AC 24; Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +16

HP 100 ; Resistances Poison 6; Weaknesses Electricity 8

Speed 50 feet, climb 50 feet

Melee [[A]] fangs +18 (finesse), Damage 2d4+8 piercing plus

razorweb spider venom

Razorweb Spider Venom (Poison);

Saving Throw Fortitude DC 26; Maximum Duration 6 rounds;

Stage 1 4d6 poison damage, clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 2 5d6
poison damage, clumsy 2 (1 round); Stage 3 7d6 poison
damage, clumsy 3 (1 round)

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Web Snare [[AAA]] (Manipulate);

Effect The Razorweb Spider creates an uncommon snare of

their level or lower that normally takes 1 minute to craft at no
cost. The Razorweb Spider's web provides all the raw materials
it needs, using acids and venoms for alchemical components.
All save and Escape DCs associated with web traps use the
Razorweb Spider's Crafting DC for traps (DC 28). The
Razorweb Spider then strides up to half its speed.

Redirect Snare [[A]] (Manipulate);

Effect The Razorweb Spider sets up a new trigger for an

existing snare by linking the old snare with new webbing. Move
one snare within 40 feet to another unoccupied location in

Razorwire Webs (Poison);

Effect The Razorweb Spider's snares and webs are all coated in
its Razorweb Spider Venom. Any creature who fails a Web
Snare's saving throw is exposed to the Razorweb Spider's
Venom. Additionally all snares are razor-sharp and deal 2d8
persistent bleeding damage upon triggering them.


Author: Kyle P

This creature imitates a scarecrow from a far but is a brutal

monster up close. The only things the Scareghoul likes to do is,
spread Burlap Fever, skewer any creature on its nail like arms,
or divide them in two using there scythe like weapons made
from the bones of those killed before you. Scareghouls often run
alone due to having pure chaos in them, on the rarest of
occasions 2 or more can be seen working together for a
common goal before slaughtering eachother to the last one. A

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Scareghoul may even change creatures just to kill them again.


CR 8

Uncommon, Chaotic Evil, Medium, Construct, Undead, Golem

Perception +12 ; Dark Vision

Languages: None

Skills: Athletics +19

Str 16 Dex 20 Con 16 Int 0 Wis 10 Cha 0


Hp 132

Ac 27; fortitude 15 ; reflex 19 ; will 12

Immunities: bleed, disease, death effects, electricity, doomed,

drained, fatigued, healing, magic (see below), mental,
necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened,

Dr 5 S/P

Weakness: fire 10


Speed 25 land (ignore rural difficult terrain)

Melee strikes-

(agile, finesse) +17 Claw Hand 2d6+5 S/P Fort Save Burlap

(agile, finesse, fatal D10) +17 Scythe hand 2d6+5

Fatal sight: Will Save, when a critical hit would knock a creature
unconscious all allied creatures must do a will save or be

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Burlap Fever, maturity after rest:

2 consectutive saves.

Latent : Fatigued 1

Stage 1 enfeebled and fatigued 1 (skin begins to tighten and

begin looking like burlap)

Stage 2 enfeebled fatigued sicken 1 (skin looks and feels more

like burlap, hair and nails begin falling out and hay begins to
grow from the folicles)

Stage 3 enfeebled, fatigued sicken 2 (more severe day before

as well as loss of voice and permenant weakness 5 fire)

Stage 4 become a Scareghoul (transformation finalizes)

Even if you save after stage 3. The weakness to fire and all the
asthetic changes are permenant besides something like a wish
spell, when they die no matter what, they will always turn into a
scareghoul at the end bc they are infection carriers for life/death,
even in the latent stage


Author: Steve A Light

Steambreathers are constructs fueled by Daemonic steam

engines, built in the forges of Abaddon. Their forms are crafted
from fallen Crucidaemons, and thus enjoy the torture of mortals.
While not mindless, a Steambreather has a single purpose, boil
away life's fraught existence with steam and fury.


Creature Level 8


Perception +16; darkvision, fog vision

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Languages: Common, Daemonic, Ignan, Telepathy 100 feet

Skills: Acrobatics +14, Intimidation +18, Stealth +14

Str +4, Dex +3, Con +6, Int -1, Wis +3, Cha +6

AC 24; Fort +19; Ref +16; Will +13;

HP 172;

Immunities bleed damage, death effects, disease, doomed,

drained, fatigued, fire, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal
attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened, unconscious,

Resistances Cold 5,

Weaknesses Electricity 15

Fog Vision: Fog and Mist don't impair a Steambreather's vision;

it ignores the concealed condition from Fog and Mist.

Steam Remnants: Any ability with an area and an instantaneous

duration used by, or within 100 feet of the Steambreather with
the steam trait creates a lingering cloud of magical steam with a
radius of 10 feet at the rough center of the ability's effect. The
cloud lasts for 1d6 rounds.

Steam Powered: When under 55 HP, the Steambreather gains

an additional use of Breathe Steam

Cloud Conversion [R] (Acid, Fire, Steam)

Trigger: an enemy creature enters or moves through a lingering

steam cloud

Effect: the Steambreather commands the lingering cloud to

expand its remaining heat, dealing 2d6 Fire and 1d6 Acid
damage to all creatures and objects in the area, and destroying
the cloud.

Retalitory Vent [R] (Acid, Fire, Steam)

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Trigger: an enemy successfully makes a strike against the


Effect: the Steambreather ejects steam from its vents, all

adjacent enemies make a Reflex save, or be dealt 2d4 Fire and
2d4 Acid damage

Saves: Basic Reflex Save

Speed 30 feet

Melee [A] Fist +18 (Agile, Finesse, Magical), Damage: 2d6 +6


Melee [A] Claws +18 (Agile, Finesse, Magical), Damage: 2d6 +6


Melee [A] Searing Claws + 15 (Agile, Fire, Magical), Damage:

2d8 +3 Fire

Breathe Steam [AA] (Acid, Air, Divine, Fire, Steam)

Frequency: Once per day

The Steambreather unleashes a blast of corrosive steam that

deals 3d8 fire and 3d8 acid damage to creatures within a 40-foot
cone (DC 24 basic Reflex save). This steam blast affects
creatures within the water, as well as outside.

Expel Steam [AA] (Acid, Air, Divine, Fire, Steam)

Frequency: Once per day

The Steambreather unleashes a blast of corrosive steam that

deals 3d8 fire and 3d8 acid damage to creatures within a 15-foot
emanation centered on the Steambreather (DC 24 basic Reflex
save). This steam blast affects creatures within the water, as
well as outside.


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Author: Sean H

When members of an orchestra are killed during a performance,

the psychic echo of their music focuses in the conductor’s soul.
That conductor may return as a symphantom, a spirit that can
bring forth these echoes of his dead musicians with a wave of
his baton. Symphantoms can rise from performance halls
attacked by bandits, from mass poisonings during rehearsals by
rivals, or from a small band of musicians playing their final
melody as the ship they’re on slowly sinks into the sea.

A symphantom’s music connects them to the fabric of the

universe, gifting them with occult spellcasting. Most of them
eventually fall to madness, as they cannot compose new music
without the inspiration that mortal life provides. They’re forced to
repeat the same compositions, bringing forth the echoes of
musicians whose souls have moved on, spreading the songs
they played in life in the forgotten halls they used to play.


Level 12


Perception +22; darkvision

Languages: Common, Necril

Skills: Acrobatics +22, Diplomacy +24, Intimidation +24,

Occultism +22, Performance +28, Theater Lore +22

Str -5, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +7

AC 32; Fort +19, Ref +22, Will +25

HP 159 (negative healing); **Immunities** death effects,

disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious;

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**Resistances** all damage 10 (except force, ghost touch, or

positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)

**Sustaining Sonata** (necromancy, occult) When the

symphantom Casts a Spell that can be Sustained, it can call
forth the echo of one of its former orchestra members as part of
Casting. The echo manifests as a ghostly instrument playing a
haunting melody. When it does so, that instrument Sustains the
spell every turn for the symphantom as a free action. The
instrument created by the spell is listed below. Once manifested,
an instrument cannot be manifested again until destroyed.

Harp: hypnotic pattern

Violin: spiritual weapon

Cello: bane; when Cast in this way, the instrument increases the
radius of the spell’s emanation instead of Sustaining the Spell.

Piano: phantom crowd

Drum: roaring applause

Flute: vibrant pattern

Saxophone: pernicious poltergeist

Trumpet: allegro (see below)

Tuba: invoke spirits

**One Man Band** Instruments created by Symphonic Casting

follow the symphantom and provide several benefits.
Instruments share the Symphantom’s space. When two
instruments are manifested, the symphantom is concealed,
though it cannot use this concealment to Hide. When three
instruments are manifested, the Symphantom becomes Large.
When five instruments are manifested, the Symphantom is
hidden. When six instruments are manifested, the symphantom

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becomes Huge. When all nine instruments are manifested, the

Symphantom becomes Gargantuan.

If the symphantom is targeted by an attack, the attacker can

choose to instead target any manifested instrument. They use
the symphantom’s AC, have hardness 15, and 25 HP. They do
not benefit from the concealed or hidden conditions provided to
the Symphantom by this ability. When an instrument is reduced
to 0 HP and destroyed, the spell or effect that instrument is
Sustaining immediately ends.

**Speed** fly 25 feet

Melee [A] phantom conductor’s baton +24 [+20/+16] (agile,

finesse, magical), Damage 3d8+10 negative

Ranged [A] dissonant chord, +24 (magical, range 60 feet,

sonic), 3d6+10 sonic

**Occult Innate Spells** DC32, attack +24 6th pernicious

poltergeist, roaring applause, vibrant pattern (x2); 5th invoke
spirits (x2), concordant choir (at will), phantom crowd; 4th
confusion, pernicious poltergeist, spiritual weapon; 3rd phantom
crowd, hypnotic pattern (x2), roaring applause; 2nd spiritual
weapon; 1st bane (x2); Cantrips (6th) ghost sound, bullhorn,
telekinetic projectile

**Allegro** (emotion, enchantment, mental, occult) [A] The

symphantom becomes quickened and can use the additional
action to Strike or Fly. The effect lasts until the end of the
symphantom's next turn, but it can be Sustained per the
Sustaining Sonata ability, manifesting as a trumpet.

**Concerto Crash** [AA] Frequency once per day; Requirement

all nine instruments are manifested with the Sonata Span ability;

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Effect With the orchestra reassembled, it unleashes a baleful

finale. The symphantom casts wail of the banshee.


Author: Mark Adkins

Rumors abound of a group of Gnomish Artists who came up

with a plan to create art using materials & colors from the First
World. Rumors also tell how, unfortunately, those materials
"escaped," and now roam the world in a perpetual cycle of
gathering color and creating "artwork."

The Thieving Pigments naturally appears as a roiling pile of

vibrant paints that seems instinctively drawn to places (and
creatures) with a lot of color! They naturally attempt to draw the
color out of everything in their surroundings, which they can
then release in exaggerated, though thankfully temporary, bursts
of First World creativity.

Thieving Pigments typically do not kill the creatures that they

attack - instead seeming to lose interest once they have drained
the color from their target. However, they will fight to the death if
repeatedly attacked and even display the ability to summon the
images of their previous victims to their defense if truly

Thieving Pigments creature 5

[Uncommon] [N] [Medium] [Ooze] [Mindless]

Perception +10; Color Sense (60ft); Motion Sense (as Sewer


Skills Stealth +13 (Can't hide in monochromatic environments)

Str +6, Dex +3, Con +6, Int -5, Wis +1, Cha -5


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Thieving Pigments will naturally shift its coloration to match its

environment when not in combat, though it always remains just
a bit more vibrant than its immediate surroundings.

Color Sense

Thieving Pigments have an unusual ability to detect colors

despite having no eyes or other apparent means of visual
detection. They can use this to navigate their environment, but
they are drawn to bright colors and have trouble perceiving
monochromatic or greyscale items & creatures. Thieving
Pigments treat any monochromatic or greyscale creatures as

Motion Sense

This functions as the Sewer Ooze ability of the same name and
allows the Thieving Pigment to navigate dull or colorless
environments, but does not negate any penalties from Color

AC 11; Fort +14, Ref +5, Will +8

HP 148;

Immunities acid, critical hits, mental, precision, unconscious,


Resistances Fire 5

Speed 15ft; Climb 10ft

Chroma Spectrum

If Thieving Pigments would take damage from any Spell or

Ability with the [Light] trait, Thieving Pigments becomes
Quickened for 1 round. Thieving Pigments must use this bonus
action for one of the actions necessary to Cast a Spell or use
the Living Art ability.

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Melee [[A]] pigment whip +15, Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning plus

1d6 acid and Color Drain

Spells DC 18; 3rd Hypnotic Pattern; 2nd Illusory Object; 1st

Color Spray;

Color Drain (Curse, Emotion, Illusion, Magical, Mental, Visual);

Saving Throw DC 18 Will Effect The afflicted creature loses all

vibrancy and color, becoming pale and drab. This effect slowly
bleeds into any gear the creatures wears or uses. Additionally,
the creature is Stupified 2. This curse is particularly potent
against Gnomes. Creatures with the [Gnome] trait suffer a -2
Circumstance penalty on the initial saving throw. Every week,
creatures may attempt a new saving throw to end the curse.

Leeching Pigments

Thieving Pigments have a relatively weak acid that typically

doesn't damage objects. However, the acid will leech all color
from objects it touches over the course of a few hours, leaving
the object a dismal grey. This effect is permanent.

Living Art [[AAA]] (conjuration)

Thieving Pigments casts either Summon Animal or Summon

Plant or Fungus heightened to 3rd Level. The Thieving
Pigments does not have the ability to intelligently direct the
summoned creature, but the summoned creature is considered
an ally and generally aids the Thieving Pigments. The Thieving
Pigments must Sustain this ability each round, as normal (and
typically is not smart enough to choose to stop sustaining on its
own). Creatures summoned by these spells appear as vibrant,
artistic representations of creatures the Thieving Pigments has
previously afflicted with Color Drain. At the GM's discretion,
Thieving Pigments may be able to use other "Summon" spells

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(at 3rd Level) if the Thieving Pigments has successfully used

Color Drain against such creatures.


Author: Sam Striker

Thundering children are rarer, more powerful, and typically less

malevolent cousins of shining children. As the creation of
shining children is poorly understood, even less is known about
thundering children, though it is accepted that they are born
when the energy of a newly created demiplane is released not
as blinding light but as thunderous noise.

While shining children are impervious to light-based magic, the

forms of thundering children are easily disrupted by sonic
attacks. Using such abilities is dangerous, as thundering
children can memorize and repeat any sounds they have heard,
including magical ones. Thundering children cannot create their
own sounds, and must rely on this technique to communicate.

Most thundering children’s favorite kind of sound is music, and

they spend most of their time seeking out new songs and
playing them wherever they go. A thundering child’s emotional
state is constantly broadcasted through the music they play,
though their emotional reaction to music is often far different
from mortals. A thundering child may perform a funeral dirge at
a celebration, or bellow a sea shanty when they fear for their
life. Thundering children who turn towards good often follow
Desna or Shelyn, wandering the planes sharing their music with
others, while those who turn towards evil tend to search for
melody in the screams of the dying.

Most of the thundering child below’s innate spells have been

learned through Learn Melody. Other thundering children likely
learn different spells, or abilities such as a bunyip’s roar.

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Thundering Child

Creature 16


Perception +29; hearing (precise) 60 ft.

Languages: fragments of Aklo, Common

Skills: Deception +24 (+4 to Impersonate something the

thundering child has heard before), Diplomacy +27, Intimidation
+27, Occultism +24, Performance +31

Str +3, Dex +7, Con +6, Int +3, Wis +6, Cha +8


AC 38; Fort +28; Ref +30; Will +26; -2 to saves vs auditory

HP 340; Immunities deafened; Weaknesses sonic 15

Elusive Tune A thundering child’s body is transparent and their

outline constantly vibrates, making it difficult to pinpoint their
exact location. A thundering child is constantly concealed to any
creature that does not have hearing as a precise sense. This
ability does not function while the thundering child is affected by
a silence spell.

Learn Melody [R] Trigger The thundering child is the target of a

magical auditory or sonic effect Effect The thundering child
attempts to memorize the sound, allowing them to reproduce it
later. The thundering child attempts a Performance check
against the DC of the effect or the Performance DC of the
source, whichever is higher.

Critical Success The thundering child perfectly memorizes the

sound, learning it permanently. If the effect is an at will ability
such as a cantrip, the thundering child can also use it at will,
otherwise, they can use it once per day. If the effect is a spell, it

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is learned at the same level, but the thudnering child uses their
own spell DC or attack modifier.

Success As critical success, but the thundering child can only

use the effect for 1 minute.

Failure The thundering child does not learn the effect.


Speed 30 feet, fly 50 feet

Melee [A] shredding sound +31 (agile, finesse, magical, sonic)

Damage 3d6 slashing plus 4d6 sonic, frightened 1 on a critical

Ranged [A] piercing note +31 (magical, range 100 feet, sonic)
Damage 3d6 piercing plus 4d6 sonic, stunned 1 on a critical hit

Occult Innate Spells DC 37 attack +29; 9th unfathomable song;

8th canticle of everlasting grief, power word stun; 7th distracting
chatter, biting words; 6th aberrant whispers, concordant choir;
5th dimension door (at will); 4th infectious melody, sound burst;
3rd enthrall; Cantrips (7th) ghost sound, haunting hymn

Thundering Echo [AA] (occult, sonic) The thundering child

recalls their oldest memory, reproducing the sound they were
born from, though they disrupt their own form in doing so. All
creatures in a 30 ft. emanation (including the thundering child)
take 20d6 sonic damage (DC 37 basic Fortitude save). A
creature that fails is deafened for 1 minute, or deafened
permanently and stunned 3 on a critical failure. A thundering
child can use this ability even while affected by a silence spell,
though they must first counteract it. (Counteract level 9th,
modifier +29)


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Author: Arkon

When the Titans battled the gods, they required servants to

battle the gods' champions. The Tinkerers made new breeds of
Golems, and it is said that all Adamantine Golems ever made
were crafted by a Tinkerer Titan. Long after their war has ended,
the Tinkerers still trawl the world, searching for material to
perfect their creations. They find themselves often waylaid by
those greedy for the skymetal they carry.

Tinkerer Titan

Creature Level 20

[Rare][LE][Gargantuan][Humanoid, Titan]

Perception +33; low-light vision

Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Terran; telepathy 100


Skills: Arcana +37, Athletics +34, Crafting +41, Golem Lore +41

Str +10, Dex +6, Con +7, Int +10, Wis +6, Cha+6

Items +3 greater striking warhammer, +2 greater resilient

adamantine chainmail, up to 16 bulk of high-grade adamantine


AC 48; Fort +36; Ref +33; Will +33; +4 to all saves vs. mental
and arcane

HP 375; Immunities: death effects, disease

Impossible Stature (aura, divine, illusion, mental) 100 feet.

Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even
larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its
turn within the emanation must make a DC 42 Will save or its
movement toward the titan is movement over difficult terrain
(greater difficult terrain on a critical failure) for 1 round.

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Repair Golem [R] (manipulate) Trigger: A Golem created by the

Tinkerer Titan is reduced to 0 hit points; Effect: The Titan
Tinkerer attempts a Crafting Check (DC 51). On a success, the
Golem regains 35 hit points, or 70 hit points on a critical
success. On a failure or critical failure, the Golem is destroyed,
though 2 bulk of its metal can be salvaged.


Speed 40 feet

Melee [A] warhammer +40 (magical, shove, reach 30 feet),

Damage 4d8+19 bludgeoning plus Sunder Metal

Melee [A] fist +38 (agile, reach 30 feet), Damage 4d6+15


Craft Golem [AAA] (concentrate, manipulate) The Tinkerer Titan

reaches into a vessel containing materials. Using 4 Bulk of any
material that a Golem can be crafted from (usually adamantine),
the Tinkerer Titan creates a corresponding Golem in an
unoccupied adjacent square on the ground. These Golems are
hastily constructed, and cannot regain Hit Points by any means
except through the Tinkerer Titan's Repair Golem reaction.

Sunder Metal (magical) The Tinkerer Titan's warhammer is

made specifically to shape any metal. If a creature hit by the
Tinkerer Titan's warhammer has a metal shield raised, the
attack ignores half the shield's hardness. If the Tinkerer Titan's
warhammer critically hits a creature wearing metal armor, the
armor becomes shoddy.


Author: Kevin Tomlin


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CR 9


[Neutral Evil]



Perception; +20 senses; Darkvision 60 ft, Lifesense 120ft

Languages: None

Skills: Intimidate +17 Acrobatics +12 Escape Artist +15 Bluff +18

Str 19 Dex 20 Con 17 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 10


AC; 17 Fort; 13 Ref; 19 Will; 15

HP 142 (regeneration 3d6 for each melee attack, negative

energy heals); Immunities, Negative energy, poison, cold,
charmed, intimidation. Resistances; slashing and bludgeoning
from non magical weapons. Weaknesses, fire, positive energy,

Passive Abilities; (Fear Aura 60ft (Will DC20 save, unnatural

Aura 120ft, cannot be flatfooted.

Reactions; The first creature to get within 10ft of the Weeper is

attacked, regardless of turn initiative count. Any creature that
moves away from the Weeper triggers an attack of Opportunity.


Speed 45 ft

Melee strikes; Claws; 4d8 slashing Bite; 3d8 Piercing

Ranged strikes Scream (45 ft) (Will save 19) 3d10 mental

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damage and target is frightened

Other attacks, None

Reactions related to the creature's attacks; When melee

attacked, retaliates with a claw attack.

Spells; Resistant to touch spells

Other abilities; Pounce, Rake, Rend, Regeneration, Scent,

Sound Mimicry;

Other abilities; Dual Initiative, Frightful Presence (Once


Other abilities Related to strikes and attacks; When a player is

hit with 3 successful attacks, they are nauseated. Pounces on
one enemy at a time, never ceasing primary attacks until target
is downed.


Author: Jordan Angel

A parasitic organism whispered to be from another world or

perhaps a time long forgotten, dragons who have witnessed
their own kin be repossessed by such creatures are never truly
freed of the memory. The Gnalladreth, a species of wyrmleech,
never cease their slow advance on a new potential host. When
one inevitably finds its way into the fresh corpse of a Wyrm, it
burrows and melds into the magical remains. Their bond creates
something new and profane with the irresistible desire to spread
more of its young among the great wyrms of the world. Their
repulsive new form crawls onward on its belly, pulling itself along
with unfamiliar front claws and dragging its wings behind it
seeking a vessel for its young.


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Creature 14


Perception +23; Tremorsense 90 feet, scent (imprecise) 90 feet

Languages: None

Skills: Athletics +28, Acrobatics +25, Stealth +23, Survival +20

STR: +8, DEX: +5, CON: +5, INT: -3, WIS: +1, CHA: +5


AC: 35; FORT +27; REF +25; WILL +23; +1 status to all saves
vs. magic

HP: 253; Immunities disease, poison, paralyzed, sleep;

Weaknesses salt 5, bleed 10

Putrid Respiration (aura, disease, olfactory) 60 feet. Revolting

odors pool from the open neck wound. A creature that enters
the area must attempt a DC 35 Fortitude save. On a failure, the
creature is sickened 1, and on a critical failure, the creature
becomes afflicted with Brain Worms as they inhale some of its
foul eggs lingering in the air. While within the aura, the creature
takes a –2 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the
sickened condition.

Parasitic Whip (reaction) Trigger: A hostile creature that starts

its move outside the Wyrmleech Gnalladreth’s reach moves into
its reach. Effect: From the headless stump of the dragon whips
out the leech, lashing into the creature and attempting a Shove
to push it back.


Speed: 20 feet, burrow 40 feet, fly 100 feet

Claw: +29 [+25/+21] (agile, magical, reach 10 feet) Damage

3d10+15 slashing

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Tail: +27 [+22/+17] (magical, reach 20 feet) Damage 3d12+13


Wing: +27 [+23/+19] (agile, magical, reach 15 feet) Damage

2d10+13 slashing

Leech: +26 [+21/+16] (magical, finesse, reach 20 feet), Damage

3d8+15 piercing plus 2d6 persistent bleed

Occult Innate Spells DC 35; 6th repulsion; 4th bloodspray curse,

chroma leach;

Feed [A] Requirements: The wyrmleech has a creature grabbed

or restrained from its Latching Bite; Effect: The wyrmleech
drains blood from the creature it has grabbed. This deals 4d8
damage. The wyrmleech gains Hit Points equal to the damage
the target takes. A creature that has its blood drained by this
ability is drained 1 until it receives any kind or amount of

Infest Water [A] (occult, concentrate, conjuration) Frequency

Once per day; Effect The wyrmleech unleashes its spawn into
10 cubic feet of liquid within 90 feet. The liquid becomes
infested with small leeches and fetid secretions that make the
liquid undrinkable. An elite Brood Leech Swarm appears in the
liquid. The elite Brood Leech Swarm’s initiative position is
directly before the wyrmleech’s turn. This does not target liquid
magic or alchemical items.

Breath Weapon [AA]: (occult, evocation, poison, bleed) From

the maw of the wyrmleech spews a fetid cloud filled with its
young that deals 12d6 poison and 2d6 persistent bleed damage
in a 50-foot cone (DC 35 basic Fortitude save). It can’t use
Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.

Host’s Frenzy [AA]: The wyrmleech draws on the old muscle

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memory of its host to make two claw Strikes and one wing Strike
in any order.

Latching Bite [AA]: The parasite stretches out from the headless
stump of the dragon and makes a leech Strike at a creature. On
a hit the target is Grabbed and the wyrmleech regains 19HP.

Hemoglobin Sensitive: Scent is treated as a precise sense when

used to detect or target a creature suffering from persistent
bleed damage.

Ravenous Momentum: The Wyrmleech Gnalladreth recharges

its Breath Weapon whenever it scores a critical hit with a Strike.


Author: TheJazMaster

Capricious and inquisitive, the Xitlazis roam the most turbulent

regions of the Maelstrom. Fascinated by the unlimited potential
of the spatial fabric around them, they spend their existence
predominately in solitude, studying how best to spur the entropic
canvas of the Maelstrom and honing their conjuration of various
creatures, objects and phenomena from the churning backdrop
of their home.

So absorbed in its behavior, a Xitlazi barely pays notice to any

other protean creature it meets, not attributing much importance
to the caste system of its kind. The Xitlazi extends this careless
attitude to extraplanar creatures too, only acknowledging them if
they are hostile or present something of interest.




+19; entropy sense (imprecise) 60 feet

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Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Protean, tongues

Skills: Acrobatics +25, Athletics +22, Crafting +25, Diplomacy

+22, Intimidation +20, Religion +25, Thievery +20

Str +5, Dex +7, Con +5, Int +7, Wis +4, Cha +8

Entropy Sense (divination, divine, prediction) A Xitlazi can

anticipate the most likely presence of a creature through a
supernatural insight into chaotic probabilities and chance. This
grants it the ability to sense creatures within the listed range. A
creature under the effects of nondetection or that is otherwise
shielded from divinations and predictions cannot be noticed via
entropy sense.


AC 32; Fort +22, Ref +25, Will +19

HP 157 (fast healing 5); Resistances precision 10, protean

anatomy 15; Weaknesses lawful 10

Protean Anatomy (divine, transmutation) A Xitlazi vital organs

shift and change shape and position constantly. Immediately
after the Xitlazi takes acid, electricity, or sonic damage, it gains
the listed amount of resistance to that damage type. This lasts
for 1 hour or until the next time the protean takes damage of one
of the other types (in which case its resistance changes to
match that type), whichever comes first.

The Xitlazi is immune to polymorph effects unless it is a willing

target. If blinded or deafened, the Xitlazi automatically recovers
at the end of its next turn as new sensory organs grow to
replace the compromised ones.

Shunt [R] (divine, incapacitation, teleportation); Trigger a

creature critically succeeds a melee Strike against the Xitlazi;
Effect the triggering creature must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude

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save or be teleported to a space within 30 feet of the Xitlazi. On

a critical failure it is also stunned 1. If the creature was
teleported further from the Xitlazi than the reach of the triggering
attack, the triggering strike becomes a regular success instead.


Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feet, swim 30 feet; freedom of movement

Melee [A] jaws +24 (chaotic, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage

3d10+12 piercing plus 1d6 chaotic

Melee [A] claw +24 (agile, chaotic, magical, reach 10 feet),

Damage 3d8+12 slashing plus 1d6 chaotic

Melee [A] tail +24 (chaotic, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage

3d10+12 bludgeoning plus 1d6 chaotic and Grab

Change Shape [A] (concentrate, divine, polymorph,

transmutation) The Xitlazi takes the appearance of any Large or
smaller creature. This doesn't change its Speed or its attack and
damage bonuses with its Strikes, but might change the damage
type its Strikes deal.

Constrict [A] 2d8+12 bludgeoning, DC 30

Inflict Warpwave [A] (divine, manipulate, transmutation) A Xitlazi

inflicts a warpwave on a creature within 100 feet (see
Warpwave; DC 32 Fortitude save to resist).

Rift of Creation [AA] (divine, conjuration); Frequency once per

hour; Effect The Xitlazi tears open an unstable area of the
Maelstrom, summoning a Naunet in an area within 100 feet. It
has the minion trait and the Xitlazi can issue it a command with
a single action that has the concentrate trait. After 10 minutes,
the Naunet disperses into a cloud of quintessence and

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Divine Spells DC 32, attack +24 ; 6th divine wrath (chaotic),

dispel magic; 5th dimension door, creation (at will); 4th summon
animal, summon lesser servitor; 3rd wall of wind, gravity well;
2nd detect alignment (at will; lawful only); 1st gravitational pull
(at will); Constant (5th) tongues, (4th) freedom of movement


Author: Desiree Miranda

A Zhiyong is formed when a resentful spirit comes to merge with

a type of funerary effigy found across Tian Xia, particularly in the
states of Lingshen and Tianjing. These effigies are painstakingly
handcrafted bodies of fulu paper and cloth molded over a
bamboo or wooden skeleton - typically made to accompany the
dead into the afterlife as attendants. Each one is unique, though
they are usually humanoid in appearance. While most of these
effigies are burned promptly as offerings, an unattended
construct - especially one with poorly made or corrupted fulus,
or one left unburned at tombs in a state of disrepair - may end
up attracting a vindictive ghost. Darker rumors have even
suggested that some less scrupulous artisans have intentionally
bound unwilling souls to their creations in order to guard their
workshops from petty thieves, or to extort family members into
paying outstanding bills. The Zhiyong is known to thrown fulus
from its body as projectiles, and like the Jiang-Shi, they also
feed by draining qi.


Level 6


Perception +14; darkvision

Languages: Tien, Necril

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Skills: Athletics +15, Stealth +15, Afterlife Lore +13

Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int -2, Wis +4, Cha +2

Items +1 explorer's clothing, +1 staff

AC 23; Fort +11 Ref +17, Will +14

HP 110 (negative healing)

Immunities bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained,

fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, paralyzed, poisoned,
prone, sickened, unconscious.

Resistances physical 10 (except darkwood, peachwood)

Weaknesses fire 5

Speed: 15 feet

Melee: (A) Staff +12 [+7/+2] (magical, two-hand d8), Damage

1d4+5 bludgeoning

Ranged: (A) Spectral Fulu +15 [+13/+9] (agile, magical),

Damage 2d6+4 slashing + 1d6 negative

Spell DC +24, Attack +16. Occult prepared spells: 3rd:

Agonizing Despair, Whirling Scarves [as fulu] (x2). 2nd:
Animated Assault (x2), Blood Vendetta. 1st: Fear, Grim
Tendrils, Ray of Enfeeblement. Cantrips (3rd): Chill Touch,
Daze, Haunting Hymn, Sigil, Telekinetic Projectile

Drain Qi (A) (divine, necromancy) Requirement A grabbed,

paralyzed, restrained, unconscious, or willing creature is within
the Zhiyong’s reach; Effect The Zhiyong drains the victim's life
energy, or qi, through their breath. This requires an Athletics
check against the victim's Fortitude DC if the victim is grabbed
and is automatic for any of the other conditions. The victim is
drained 1 and the Zhiyong regains HP equal to 10% of its
maximum HP, gaining any excess HP as temporary Hit Points.

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Draining qi from a creature that's already drained doesn't restore

any HP to the Zhiyong but increases the victim's drained
condition value by 1. If the victim has the ability to cast ki spells,
it can spend 1 Focus Point to avoid becoming drained. This
protects it only from the current attack, not from subsequent
attempts to Drain Qi.

A victim's drained condition value decreases by 1 every week. If

the creature restricts their diet to glutinous rice for at least 1 day
and spends 10 minutes dancing, jogging, or otherwise engaging
in vigorous physical activity by succeeding at a DC 25 Athletics
check, it reduces its drained condition by 1.

Lingering Spirit: (divine, necromancy, negative); Unlike other

undead, a Zhiyong isn't destroyed at 0 HP. Instead, at 0 HP, its
body cracks open, allowing the specter trapped within to rise
after 1 minute. This is a weak hungry ghost; if the hungry ghost
survives on its own for a month, it loses the weak adjustment.
Offering at least 1 Bulk of glutinous rice and burning 1 bulk of
incense before the hungry ghost has risen will destroy it
permanently. If the Zhiyong was reduced to 0 HP by an attack
from a weapon made of darkwood or peachwood, they're
destroyed immediately.

Non-Qualifying Entries

PHYSEKTON (Matter Demiurge)

Author: Brudned

Demiurges are the restless, eternal creators of the multiverse.

They are undying architects that reshape matter, energy and the
fabric of reality itself, providing new spaces for life and existence
to thrive and repairing damage inflicted by fiends and worse

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Each type of demiurge is created and charged with

safeguarding a particular step in this creative process. Some
demiurges distil raw ingredients from primordial quintessence
while others shape these components into new forms, while
others direct and contemplate the overall composition of their
kind’s efforts. Some demiurges are associated with creating life
and living things, others with the forging of new stars and
planets, and others with the shaping and repair of physical

Demiurges don’t have any strong religious inclinations. Rather

than worshipping a deity, they fervently adhere to multiversal
belief referred to as the “Great Design.” The Great Design states
that the personal drives, instincts and imagination of each
demiurge is a predestined part of their cosmic programming,
and as a result the individual feats of any demiurge are
preordained contributions towards perfecting the shape and
structure of the cosmos. The most powerful of these monitors
are the architects known as the Omnificent, whose role is to
interpret the Great Design on an ontological level, further the
advancement of demiurge-kind and supervise the carrying out of
their fundamental purpose.

Demiurges are native to the plane of Genesis, a neutrally-

aligned plane that lies close to both Axis and the Maelstrom in
metaphysical space. Genesis acts as little more than a plane-
sized warehouse, where assembly lines of individual demiurges
cut raw quintessence and refine it into new materials to further
their industrious efforts. It is a vast landscape formed from
perfect shapes. At its centre lie mile-high conical towers which
serve as the birthplace of new demiurges. Surrounding these
spiral cities are vast seas and terrestrial landscapes. Tectonic
rifts the size of planets spew mountain and trench alike to be cut

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to shape. The skies churn with chemicals and potent magical

forces that are drawn down and reshaped into seas of liquid
reagents. Deep below the plane’s core, the bedrock of reality is
mined and forged into metal, gemstone and rock alike.

The single greatest opponents to the demiurge’s Great Design

are the demogorgons, monitors that embody destruction native
to the plane of Oblivion. Demogorgons are created with the sole
purpose of tarnishing and unmaking all of reality, and their
efforts across the Material Plane and throughout the multiverse
often bring them into conflict with demiurges. It’s believed that
demiurges, aeons and demogorgons were amongst the first
beings brought into existence, with the creative demiurges being
balanced out by the destructive demogorgons and the aeons
painstakingly arbitrating the shift of power between the other

Physektons are demiurges responsible for refining quintessence

into the four forms of matter (solid, liquid, gas and plasma).
They are well-suited in this task, for they possess four arms,
each of which is composed of one of the four states. The make-
up of a physekton’s arms is emblematic of the four elemental
planes, and it’s a common theory that the elemental planes
were created by the first physektons to act as storage spaces
and reservoirs for storing and harvesting raw matter.

Physektons are amongst the most common demiurges seen on

the material plane. They are inquisitive creatures that are
fascinated by organic matter, although it lies out of their purview.
Physektons are flighty, and despite being creatures of order (like
other demiurges) they are easily distracted from their
assignments by living creatures. Physektons have a strong
desire to explore the inner workings of living beings, and have
little concern for damaging or killing with their experimentation,

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which can make them a severe threat if they appear in densely

populated areas.

A physekton's arms don't cause damage so much as they form

foreign matter when passing through living creatures that
disrupts their internal functioning. For example, a physekton's
fire arm doesn't burn or incinerate, it partially transmutes
anything it touches into plasma, which in turn burns away the
surrounding tissue until it dissipates away.

A physekton’s body resembles a vortex of faint blue energy from

which four arms extend. Each arm is formed from different
elements. One arm is formed from rock and rubble, one from
burning flame, one is a column of whirling air and cloud and one
is a churning tendril of water. Despite the outward appearance
of its body, a physektons form is oddly soft and fleshy to the
touch, with its flaming arm only igniting properly during battle. A
physekton extends about 8 feet from the tip of one arm to the
other, and it weighs only about 400 pounds.


Creature 8

[uncommon] [LN][Large] [Demiurge] [Monitor]

Perception +17; darkvision, matter sense 30 feet

Languages Envisioning

Skills: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +19, Crafting +20, Nature +18,

Religion +18

Str +5, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +0

Envisioning: When a physekton conveys information, it does so

wordlessly through psychic projections. This acts as telepathy
with a range of 100 feet but is understandable by all creatures

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regardless of whether they have a language. The meaning to

non-demiurges can be vague and is often mysterious. A
physekton can use this ability to communicate flawlessly with
any other demiurge on the same plane.

Matter Sense: The physekton senses all matter within 30 feet as

an imprecise sense. It can detect the shape and state (solid,
liquid, plasma or gas) of objects and creatures made of matter
and whether they are moving or not, but can’t determine their
colour, precise details, whether the matter is organic or
inorganic or any other information without observing the
creature or object visually.


AC 27; Fort +18; Ref +15; Will +14; +1 status to all saves vs.

HP 150, regeneration 15 (deactivated by force); Weaknesses:

disintegration 10, chaotic 5

Arm Obstruction [r] Trigger: A creature successfully hits the

physekton with a Strike or targets it with a damaging spell.
Effect: The physekton raises one of its arms to absorb the
impact or effect. It gains resistance 5 to bludgeoning, piercing
and slashing damage as well as one of the following benefits
against the triggering effect, depending on which arm it uses.
These benefits last only while resolving the triggering effect .

• Air: The physekton gains resistance 5 to acid and poison

damage, as the whirling winds disperse corrosive or noxious

• Earth: The physekton gains resistance 10 to force and

piercing damage as it gains the resilience of stone.

• Fire: The physekton gains resistance 10 to fire damage

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and resistance 5 to cold damage as it absorbs incoming flames

or warms itself against sudden cold.

• Water: The physekton gains resistance 10 to bludgeoning

and slashing damage and resistance 5 to electricity damage, as
swirling water currents redirect force and conduct electricity
away from the demiurge's body.

The physekton gains 3 additional reactions at the start of each

turn that it can spend to use arm obstruction, but it can use
each of its arms only once per round.

Disintegration Weakness: Whenever a physekton is subjected to

any effect that would disintegrate, or breakdown matter (such as
a disintegrate spell) it takes an additional 10 damage. If it’s
subjected to such an effect that deals damage over multiple
instances, it takes 3 additional damage per instance instead.


Speed 40 feet, fly 30 feet

Melee [a] air arm +18 (air, agile, finesse, range 10 feet),
Damage: 2d6+9 bludgeoning plus Push

Melee [a] earth arm +18 (earth, forceful, range 10 feet),

Damage: 2d8+9 bludgeoning plus Grab

Melee [a] fire arm +18 (finesse, fire, range 10 feet), Damage:
2d12 fire plus 2d4 persistent fire

Melee [a] water arm +18 (finesse, range 10 feet, water),

Damage: 2d8+9 bludgeoning plus Knockdown

Divine Innate Spells: DC 26, attack +18; 7th: plane shift

(between Genesis, the Elemental Planes and the Material
Plane, once per month); 5th: create water (at will), dimension
door, fireball, gust of wind, hydraulic push, wall of stone; 4th:

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creation (at will), dimension door (at will); Cantrips (5th): gale
blast, prestidigitation, produce flame, scatter scree, spout

Elemental Assault [aa]: The physekton makes up to four Strikes,

each using a different one of its arms against a different creature
within reach. Each attack counts towards its multiple attack
penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after its made
each Strike. If it critically hits with its air, earth or water arms, it
can Push, Grab or Knockdown the target as a free action.

Restructure Matter (divine, downtime, transmutation): The

physekton rearranging or transmuting inorganic matter. It can
affect one 5-foot cube of matter per 10 minutes. It can rearrange
all matter within the space, shaping it in a way that it desires,
recolouring it or altering its physical properties and can even
transform it from one state to another (earth to gas, liquid to
solid, etc.).

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