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6B VOCABULARY What is floppit? @ Read the sentences and replace floppit with a real word. 1 usually go floppitat five o'clock. Do you go to floppit by train? always have a floppit for lunch. ‘We sometimes go floppitting on Saturday. 5 Doyou do the floppit in your house? 6 Mike takes a floppitevery morning. s, 7 The Wilson family has floppit at six o'clock every evening, 4 8 When do you usually floppit lunch? fst ag 9. My husband and I floppit dinner at home every night. m 10 P'mtired. [want to take a nice hot floppit. 11 Weneed exercise. Let’s go to the floppit. 12. The children go to floppit on the bus 13 They floppit work at six o'clock every day. 14 Wenever floppit up early on Sunday. 15 We usually go to floppit late on Saturday night. 16 Inthe morning, T go toa cafe and have a floppit. 17 We sometimes have floppitat a restaurant on Saturday morning. 18. Inever floppit TV in the morning. g b 210) ‘American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book Starter Phatacopiale © Oxford University Press 2013 words. (Asahint, point out that inthe sentence in ¢, the ‘rst word begins with an n and the second with ans) + Check the answer by getting a volunteer to read the sentence aloud. bLERAGENS My caris niceand safe. Get Sts to check the spelling of their answers by going othe Vocabulary Bank on p.120. 5A Guess the verb ‘A guessing game with verb phrases evasil MWe Benes ee LE anagrams and write the words under the pictures ‘Monitor and help asneeded. IfSts are “stuck” on a ‘word, give thema hint, such as the first leter or first twoletters of the word. afish2 beges3 cfruit13 dsugerl4etaa16 Frit 17 gmeat1 hnchocolate 18 _i vegetables 12 jpotatcesé bread 8 butter 4 meheese5 —nsandwich10 cereal pwater18 — qjulce19 sods 20 srice? ‘salad 11 6A Jobs and places of work Language A pairwork activity practicing jobs and places Common verb phrases | (of work + Review afew common verb phrases. Put a verb, 2g. g0 Language srr | con the board and ask Sts what words they can use with, that verb, Elicit phrases such as goto school, go home, etc. Repeat with another verb. ‘+ Tell Sts chat you are thinking ofa verb and that they have to guessthe verb. (Write the word drink ona card, but don't show itto the class) Give the class one word as.aclue, e.g, coffee and elicit guess from one student, Ifthe guess is correct, say That's ight. [Fitis wrong say, Sorry! Guess again, and give Sts another clue, eg, tea * Put Stsinto pairs, A and B and give each student either the A or B worksheet. Write the expressions That's right and Sorry! Guess again on the board. Explain that the words on the left are the clues. The verbs on the right are the answers. Sts will say the clue words one at time and after each one ask their partner to guess the verb. + Getastrong pairto demonstrate. Student B gives the first clue, TV and Student A tries to guess the verb. IF Student A’s guess is correct (watch), Student B says That'sright. If A's answer is incorrect, B says Sorry! Guess again and gives the next clue-IFA doesn’ guess the word after two or three clues, A loses and B tells him or her the answer. Sts get one point for each correct guess + Sts continue playing the game in pairs. They should take turns being the one to give the clues and being the ‘one to guess. Seta time limit for the activity. When time isup, get Sts to lookat each other's lists and review any verbs they did not have time to use in the game. 5B Food ‘Amatching activity with anagrams a | is oan eri + Put Sts in pairs and give each paira copy ofthe ‘worksheet. Then write on the board the letters shi Say that the letters make a word for a kind of food. Tell them to look atthe pictures on the worksheet to see if they can guess what the word is. Highlight thatthe first letter, fis already in place. Elicitthat the answer is sk, ‘Then have Sts find the picture of the fish and write fish inthe blank. + Tfyou feel itis necessary, work through another example with alonger word, eg, t-a-e-5-0-t-0-p (potatoes) + When you feel Sts understand the task, have them continue working in pairs to solve the rest of the ‘Words for obs and workplaces + Put Stsin pairs and give each pair a copy of the ‘worksheet. Focus on the instructions. Explain that Sts, are going to work in pairs to complete the information onthe worksheet. They have to say what cach person does and where he or she works. ‘+ Demonstrate by getting Sts to look at the first picture, ‘Ask What does she do?(She's a salesperson.) Where does she work? (She works in a store.) Write the questions onthe board. ‘+ Get Sts to continue working with their partners to complete the informacion. Monitor to make sure that Stsareasking and answering the questions as they do the activity. + When most Sts have finished, put each pair with another pair, forming groups of four. Focus on the instructions and the example for b. They take turns telling each other about the people on the worksheet. 2 lewyer / in enoffice 4 policeman / onthe street 6 weiter in arastaurant 8 nurse /ina hospital 130 factory warker /ina factory 3 teacher /ina school 5 doctor /ina hospital 7 student / at home 9 assistant /in an office 6B What is floppit? Avocabulary review game + Quickly review a few common daily activities by asking Sts questions, e.g, What do you usually do in the morning? What about the afternoon? And inthe eventing? Elicit answers from several Sts. They can refer to the Vocabulary Bank on p.125 if necessary. ‘+ Write floppit on the board. Explain that itis nota real ‘word. Iris an invented word that replaces areal word in this vocabulary game, Write some sentences on the board and ask Sts to guess what word floppit replaces: ‘She works ina school. She’safloppit. (= teacher) Ifloppit TV every evening. (= watch) ‘+ PutStsin pairs and give out the worksheets. Seta time limi for Sts to guess what floppitis in each sentence. ‘© Check the answers and write them on the board, 2 work 3 sandwich 4 shopping Sthousework 6 shower 7 dinner B have Q make 10 bath ul aym 12 school 13 finish 1d get 15 bed 16 coffee 17 breakfast 18 watch 7B Verbs and verb phrases A fill-in-the-blanks pairwork activity Language ‘Comenon verbs and verbs phrases ‘+ PurStsin pairs A and B. Give each pair a copy of the ‘worksheet. Sts work together to complete the sentences, with the correct verbs. Monitor and check as Sts are working, + Check answers by calling on Sts to read complete sentences aloud. Porth pat? Tsk U1 tke 2 play 12 change 390 13 teko 4 5xim 14 walk 5 play 15 play 6 pey 36 park 7 stay 37 come Buse 38 hear 9 drive 19 vist 10 see PE7 Months of the year Ahidden message puzzle Language The months ofthe year } + Quickly review the months of the year. Get Sts to say ‘the months in order and write them on the board. + Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Tell them thatthey have to fill in the puzzle with the months of the year. The number of squares for each word and the letters included in the puzzle will help them decide which month to write. When they have finished the puzzle, they will find the Secret Message in the shaded column going down. They write the messagein the «question at the end of the puzzle. ‘Note: Sts could do the puzzle either individually or in pairs. Suggest that they fill inthe “easy” months first and then work on the harder ones. When they have finished check answers and ask What isthe secret message? 2 October 8 September 3 June 9 March 4 Jenwery 10 December 5 November 11 August 6 Apri 12 uly 17 February Secret message: yourbirthday PE7 Numbers Filling in a chart with missing numbers Language Cardinal and ordinal numbers * Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Focus on the instructions fora and the example in the chart. ‘Numbers are given in pairs and one number fromcach pairis missing. Focus on the third line of the chart. Ask Sts What number goes in the second column? (third) ‘+ GetStsto work individually to complete the chare with the missing numbers. ‘© Focuson the instructions for b. Get Ststo check answers by reading the missing numbers aloud toa partner. The partner asks How do you spell that? to check che spelling. ‘+ Have Sts look atp.127 in the Student Book to check their answers and the spelling of the numbers. 9A Draw Avocabulary review game Language areal orsign aces inate | ‘+ In small groups, Sts take turns drawing objects for their classmates to name. Copy one worksheet for each group. + Pur Stsin small groups of three or four and give each ‘group one worksheet. + Demonstrate the activity by choosing an object that isnoton the worksheet, eg, awindow, and drawing it onthe board. Invite Sts to guess what you are drawing, Don'tsay anything, Just gesture to indicate if guesses are wrong, right, or nearly right. (Make your drawing very simple to show Sts that even someone who is not an artist can make a simple drawing) ‘+ Explain thatthey are going to do the same thingin their groups. They will take turns choosing aword from the worksheet without letting their classmates know which word they have chosen. Then they will draw the word for their classniates to guess. Emphasize that the person doing the drawing must not speak ‘When a student guesses correctly, that student writes his or her name on the square with the object. Sota time limit for the activity. The person who has guessed the most objects in that time wins + Note: Ifthereis time, you could also cut up the worksheet into cards and give each group asset. Sts put the cards face down ona desk and take turns taking card and then drawing the object on the card. This way Sts cannot see whatall ofthe choices are before they guess. 9B Places A sentence completion activity Language Vocabulary for places a ‘Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Focuson the instructions and the example.

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