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3A GRAMMAR simple present [4] and [- 2] 5 She TVinthe evening. Fa eid 8 He. inthe city. alot of coffee. nan office. 10 tea Safot here: @ Write negative[=]sentences for pictures 1-10. Idon’t like pizza, ® Test your memory. Cover the sentences in a. Look at the pictures and say positive[#land negative [=] sentences. Hike / 1 don't tke pizza) rer ‘American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book Level 1 Photacopisble © Oxford University Press 2013 3B GRAMMAR simple present ‘Complete the conversation in the simple present. Us list and auxiliaries do and don’t where necessary. do like live love speak work (x3) Where are you from? Brazil. You ‘speak English very wel. ‘Therds, here. ‘Whe ah yous ee orarorororae I'm a nurse. Really? Wheret____ you__? At Northwest Hospital in Seattle. 5 you your job? Yes,1¢ ___it! But | work very long hours. Se St Slee oe! Votnight ‘Sometimes. it depends on the week. But luckily 11___ on weekends. @ Choose the right word to complete the conversation. A Are you marred? B Yes, Im married to an American. ‘A What ‘does he do? (do / does) B He's a teacher. He ____-stience. (teach / teaches) Anais he work at the local school? (Do / Does) B No,he+ (don't / doesn't) He $___in Tacoma. (work / works) A Does he « job? (Uke / likes) B No,he” - it very much. It's a difficult school. (doesn't like / doesn't likes) A Are you happy in the US? B [like the country, but not the weather in Seattle. it “_______all the time. (rain / rains) ‘A °________ youwant to go back to Brazil one day? (Do / Does) B Of course, butt isn't easy. My husband " __ speak Portuguese. (dor't / doesn't) Aue you have children? (Do / Does) B Yes, two boys. ‘A %____ they speak Portuguese? (Do / Does) B Yes, perfectly. © Practice reading the conversations on this page with a partner. ‘American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book Level 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 re) | YOURPARTNER 1 do of books kinds read you What? i | ie you tired Are? } | | EF 3 you are from Where? | ie edie ae — ve 4 do What does your mother? i ie j —— Se 5S many speak da languages you How? | | | | 6 kind have parents do of What your car? |? | 8 English do classes have When you? 9 do the summer prefer, you Which or the winter? 10 singer Who your favorite is? r 11 kind of like your father What music does? | j i 112 sports do What play you? | | | en nl ClVeuehy @® Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. Note the answers. ‘American English File 2nd ecition Teacher's Book Lavel 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013, 1A verb be[H, subject pronouns: |, you, etc. 2She's 3You're 4They'e Si’s 6I'm 7Were 8They're 9We're 10You'e 11 It’s 12He’s 2Sheis 3Youare ATheyare Sltis Glam TWeare STheyare 9Weare 10Yousre Ulis 12Heis 1B verb be?)and F] 1 2is 3Are 4am 5’s Gm 7's Sare 9m 10'm 1A 12’mnot 13'm 14's 15’ 161s I7isnt 18’s 19are 20Are Qiaren’t 22're 2 2% 3Are 4’mnot Sare 6'm Is 8is QAre 10'mnot 1l’m 12are 131s 14's 151s IGisn’t 17s 18isn't 19 Are 20 aren't 21 te 1€ possessive adjectives: my, your, etc. 2his 3our 4their Syour Gour 7Their Syour/my Omy Wher Mour/my 12my 2A a/an, plurals; this / that / these / those 2- 3a 4an San 6an 7a 8- 3 What'sthisjlc'sa_4 Whatare these; They're 5 What'sthat;I’sa 6 What’sthat; [tsa _7 What's this;lt'sa_8 What arethose; They're 9 What's thar, Isa 10Whatare these; They're 11 What's that; Ivsa_ 12 Whatare these; They're 2B adjectives Zivsacheaphotel. 3itsafasttrain. 4It’san easy exercise. SIt'sanexpensive watch. 6She'sa beautifulactress. 7I’salongsnake. $He'san old man. 9ltsasmallcar. 10 They'renew boots. 11 Ie’sadangerousroad. 12 He'satall maa. 2C imperatives, let's 3Don'worry Abecareful SDon'tpark 6Tunof 7Dontrake SSitdown 9 Be quiet 10 Slow down 2Ler’shave 3Let’sgohome 4Let'spark SLer'sask 6Let’shave 3A simple present Gland) 2plays Shave 4go Swatches Gwear/need Tlive Sdrinks Oworks 10rains 2doesn'tplay 3don'thave 4don'tgo S doesn't watch 6don'tweardon'tneed 7 don'tlive Sdoesn'tdrink doesn't work 10 doesn’train a 3B simple present [7] 2live SDo... like Glove 8don'twork teaches 3Docs 4doesn’t Sworks Glike Tdoesn'tlike Srains 9Do 10doesn't 11Do 12Do 3€ word order in questions 1 What kinds of books do you read? 2 Areyoutired? 3 Where are you from? 4 What does your mother do? 5 How many languages do you speak? 6 What kind of car do your parents have? 7 How do you spell your last name? 8 When do you have English classes? 9 Which do you prefer, the summer or the winter? 10 Who is your favorite singer? 11 Whatkind of music does your father like? 12 What sports do you play? 4A Whose ...2, possessive 's BitsPete’sCD. 4 1¢'sRachel’s book. Slt'sPete’s (concert) ticket. 6 It’s Rachel’s DVD player. 7'They're Pete's musicbooks. 8 les Keira’s coat. 9They'reRachel’sboard pens. 10 It’s Toby's (comnis) shirt. 11 I¢sPete'spiano. 12 It's Keira’s calendar. 13 They're Toby's tennis balls. 14's Rachel's dictionary. 15 They're Toby's sports shoes. 161t'sKeira’s bag. 4B prepositions of time and place fat, in, on, to) a 2on 3on fon Sin Gat 7in Son Yin 1Oon 11on 120m 13a I4in 15at Lin 2to 3in dat Sto Gin 7at Bt Yinjar 10at AC position of adverbs and expressions of frequency 2 He always sleeps for eight hours. 3 They sometimes go to the movies on Friday. 4 She meets her friends once a week. 5 Heis alwaysina hurry. 6 She never eats meat. 7 He ofien does his homework on the bus. 8 Shes sometimes late for class. 9 They do yoga twicea week. 10 He hardly ever goes to the salon. 11 He often goes to the doctor, 12 She studies English every night. BA can/can't 2can'ttake 3Can...sit 4can'tfind Scancook Gcan'thear Scanttpark Gean'tspeak LL caneswim 12 can dance

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