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Essential for life. A basic human need. Vital to our way of living. Generating electricity.

Exploited by commerce and industry. Used in our homes. Essential role in agriculture.
Maintaining the natural ecosystems. Need clean and plentiful supply of water. Inherently
Water policy in the UK
geographical. Where, when and how much rain falls. How much is available. Groundwater
and watercourse extraction. Natural landscapes and human land use affect quality. How
The challenges
is it moved around. How is it used. Individuals, agriculture, business and industry. Return
to the environment after treatment. Evaluation of water. Scientific knowledge. Evidence-
based policymaking. Potential for further insights. Physical flows of water. Managed at
regional, national and international levels. Land use planning. Environmental demands
Impacts. Socio-political forces. How and why water is used. Inter-relationships. Water,
energy, food, the planning system. Adaption to climate change. Scientists, citizens and
policymakers. Maintain standards of water use. Rising populations, declining stocks.
Climate change. Radical shift. Manage our water resources. Supply. Natural environment.
Ten key challenges. Simple guide. Current and future policy. Challenges for water in the
UK. Issues around water supply and quality. Issues concerning the role of water.
Ecosystems and the natural environment. Flooding and flood management. Low flows and
flood flows. Managed in an integrated way. Parliamentarians. Policy-makers. Future of
water supply. Management in the UK. Essential for life. A basic human need. Vital to our
way of living. Generating electricity. Exploited by commerce and industry. Used in our
homes. Essential role in agriculture. Maintaining the natural ecosystems. Need clean and
plentiful supply of water. Inherently geographical. Where, when and how much rain falls.
How much is available. Groundwater and watercourse extraction. Natural landscapes and
human land use affect quality. How is it moved around. How is it used. Individuals,
agriculture, business and industry. Return to the environment after treatment. Evaluation
of water. Scientific knowledge. Evidence-based policymaking. Potential for further
insights. Physical flows of water. Managed at regional, national and international levels.
Land use planning. Environmental demands Impacts. Socio-political forces. How and why
water is used. Inter-relationships. Water, energy, food, the planning system. Adaption to
climate change. Scientists, citizens and policymakers. Maintain standards of water use.
Rising populations, declining stocks. Climate change. Radical shift. Manage our water
resources. Supply. Natural environment. Ten key challenges. Simple guide. Current and
future policy. Challenges for water in the UK. Issues around water supply and quality.
Issues concerning the role of water. Ecosystems and the natural environment. Flooding
and flood management. Low flows and flood flows. Managed in an integrated way.
Parliamentarians. Policy-makers. Future of water supply. Management in the UK.
Essential for life. A basic human need. Vital to our way of living. Generating electricity.
Exploited by commerce and industry. Used in our homes. Essential role in agriculture.
Maintaining the natural ecosystems. Need clean and plentiful supply of water. Inherently
geographical. Where, when and how much rain falls. How much is available. Groundwater
and watercourse extraction. Natural landscapes and human land use affect quality. How
is it moved around. How is it used. Agriculture, business and industry. Ten key challenges.
Also in this series Acknowledgements

Arsenic pollution The evidence in this paper brings a geographical perspective

to the debate on the current and future challenges for water
A global problem policy in the UK.
Details are provided below of the key individuals who have
contributed to the drafting of this policy document. Please
UK Migration controversies note that any involvement should not be taken to indicate
agreement with every statement or view expressed within.
A simple guide
W • Professor Rick Battarbee, Environmental Change Research
Centre, Department of Geography, University College London
• Professor Louise Heathwaite, Co-Director of the Centre for
Consumption controversies Sustainable Water Management in the Lancaster Environment
Alcohol policies in the UK Centre, Lancaster University

W • Professor Stuart Lane, Faculté des geosciences et de

l'environnement, Université de Lausanne
• Professor Adrian McDonald, School of Geography,
University of Leeds
• Professor Malcolm Newson, Director, Tyne Rivers Trust and
Emeritus Professor within Geography, Newcastle University
• Dr Heather Smith, Research Fellow in Water Governance,
Cranfield University

This paper edited by Dr Steven Toole • Dr Chad Staddon, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography,
Policy and Public Affairs Manager Geography and Environmental Management, University of
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) the West of England

This paper should be referenced as Royal Geographical • Dr Geraldene Wharton, Reader in Physical Geography,
School of Geography, Queen Mary, University of London
Society (with IBG) (2012) Water policy in the UK: The challenges.
RGS-IBG Policy Briefing

© 2012 RGS-IBG


Introduction 1

Challenge 1 Resource distribution and use 3

Challenge 2 A catchment approach 5

Challenge 3 Ecosystem services 7

Challenge 4 Pollution and water quality 9

Challenge 5 Land use management 11

Challenge 6 Public and stakeholder participation 13

Challenge 7 Behavioural change and water metering 15

Challenge 8 Energy use and carbon footprints 18

Challenge 9 An international perspective and virtual water 20

Challenge 10 Adapting to future pressures 22

Sources 25

Water is essential for life and a basic human A geographical dimension to the
need. It is vital to our way of living: generating evaluation of water issues has contributed
electricity, exploited by commerce and much to the advancement of scientific
industry, and used in our homes for cooking knowledge and sound, evidence-based
and cleaning. It is also essential for policymaking, and has the potential to
agricultural production as well as in provide further important insights, with a
maintaining the natural ecosystems upon significant amount of research on a wide
which we, and all life, depends. Concerns variety of relevant issues including:
regarding the clean and plentiful supply • the ways in which physical flows of
of water, its movement through and water (surface and ground waters)
interaction with the physical environment, should be managed at regional,
and human intervention with these national and international scales
processes, are inherently geographical.
• water quality
These range from where, when and how
much rain falls, how much is available • the role of land use planning
within groundwater and watercourses • environmental demands and impacts
for extraction, to how natural landscapes • understanding the socio-political forces
and human land use practices affect its that shape how and why water is used
quality. There is also a clear geography • inter-relationships between water,
behind how it is moved around and then energy, food, and the planning system
used by individuals, agriculture, business
• impacts of and adaption to climate
and industry before return to the natural
environment after appropriate treatment.
Focusing on ten key challenges, this
briefing from the Royal Geographical
Society (with The Institute of British
Geographers) is a simple guide to the
current and future policy challenges for
water supply management in the UK.
The briefing covers issues around water
supply and quality and issues concerning
the important role of water in ecosystems
and the natural environment. Though
its scope does not extend to cover
Map of UK water availability per capita wider issues around flooding and flood
(Source: Staddon 2012) management, it does consider how
Increasingly scientists, citizens and low flows and flood flows need to be
policymakers are asking if and how we managed in an integrated way. It is aimed
can maintain current standards of water at parliamentarians, policy-makers, and
use in the context of rising populations, others with an interest in the future of
declining environmental stocks and the water supply and management in the UK.
uncertainties of climate change, and
whether we actually need a more radical
shift as to how we use and manage our
water resources, both for supply and in
the natural environment.
Challenge 1 Resource distribution and use

An obvious geography of water resources 2008). On a world ranking of water

which should be factored into all availability – from most to least – southeast
discussions of sustainable water England would be 161st out of 180 world
management in the UK is that some regions. Increasing population and housing
regions have water in abundance, whilst growth will increase water demand by 5%
others experience frequent droughts. or an extra 800 million litres of water per
When local consumption is balanced day by 2020 (Environment Agency 2009).
against availability, water rich and water
The UK has more than enough rainfall to
poor regions can be identified (Defra
supply current demand, but the problem
2008; European Union 2011). The spatial
lies in where it falls. Rainfall is much higher
distribution of rainfall in the UK mapped
in less densely populated north and west.
against population density is where the
Proposed solutions to this geographically
future water availability challenge lies.
uneven distribution of available water takes
In southern and eastern England, many forms but have tended towards
where rainfall and available water are large-scale engineering solutions, like
comparatively low and population reservoir construction and pipeline
comparatively high, water use (both total, networks to supply water over large
and as a percentage of water available distances (for example, reservoirs have
for abstraction) tends to be higher been built in rural Wales since the
(National Audit Office 2007). In some nineteenth century to supply Birmingham
areas abstraction is already above its and Liverpool). In 2010 a de-salinisation
environmentally sustainable level (Defra plant opened in Beckton, East London

to extract drinking quality water from contains water. These aquifers 1 are mainly
sea water at times of extreme drought. in the Midlands and southern England,
contributing as much as two-thirds of
One solution proposed suggests the UK
domestic supply. Over abstraction 2 has
should follow countries like Spain and
led to falling river levels in many areas
develop a national grid to move water,
creating dangers for long term water
essentially from the northwest to the
supply. Other problems to emerge from
southeast. Whilst the idea has an
over abstraction, particularly in coastal
immediate logic, others believe that the
areas like Kent, include sea salt (saline)
idea would be disruptive, much more
intrusion which damages water and soil
expensive than alternative measures,
quality and can negatively impact upon
and would have a negative environmental
agricultural output. Recognising the
impact, particularly from the carbon
geographically uneven distribution of
generated by pumping it across the country
water resources and consumption, the
(Staddon 2010)(see Challenge Eight).
Environment Agency (EA) developed a
Although there are currently some water strategy for managing water resources
transfers between adjacent regions involving 104 spatially-defined resource
(essentially neighbouring water companies zones in England and Wales. In a process
trading with each other, such as the Ely called ‘Restoring Sustainable Abstraction’,
Ouse transfer scheme from Anglian Water abstraction limits on watercourses in
to Essex and Suffolk Water) solutions may England and Wales are being re-calibrated
also be realised from local management against the best current environmental
measures such as water metering, other science, which will mean many abstraction
behavioural change and conservation licence holders, particularly in the
measures, and reducing leakages, a southeast, will see their allowances
concept of ‘Managing Water Locally’ (The reduced (Environment Agency 2009).
Institution of Civil Engineers et al. 2011). 1
The technical term for a water-bearing rock.
Abstraction can be used for many purposes other than
Much of the ground underneath our feet water supply, including agriculture and energy generation.

Challenge 2 A catchment approach

In England and Wales there are 100 Union’s Water Framework Directive (EU
catchments as defined by the Environment WFD) became law in December 2000
Agency (EA) (2012a). A catchment is an (European Union 2000). The UK’s delivery
area with several, often inter-connected on its obligations under this directive was
water bodies (rivers, lakes, groundwater signalled most strongly in the Department
and coastal waters) where surface water for Environment Food and Rural Affairs’
from precipitation converges to a single White Paper, Making Space for Water
point. There has been increased recognition (Defra 2005). In 2011 the department
in recent decades of the need to value and announced its intention to take forward a
manage water issues in a more joined-up new catchment based approach to water
(also termed ‘holistic’ or ‘integrated’) way abstraction management that focuses ‘on
on a catchment scale (also known as a the management of land and water in a co-
‘river basin’) (Molle 2009; Newson 2009). ordinated and sustainable way to balance
environmental, economic and social
Integrated Water Resource Management
demands at a catchment scale’. The
(IWRM)3 promotes reintegration of policy
recent Water for Life White Paper (Defra
on land-water interactions. The approach
2011) also promotes a catchment-based
looks to find a balance between changing
approach for managing water resources.
(and uncertain) environmental pressures,
such as climate change, and society’s Some commentators (Biswas 2003;
demand for water use (Newson 2009; 2004; Jeffrey and Geary 2006) argue the
Everard 2011).The approach became definition of IWRM remains too broad and
entrenched in policy when the European that questions remain over how to make

it workable in practice. For example, To date, few measures tackle water
political agreement may be difficult where in catchments and we have therefore
catchment and administrative boundaries failed to take advantage of the natural
do not align. processes (the ‘ecosystem services’)
offered by land and freshwater systems to
Pilot catchment partnerships have been
protect and harness catchment hydrology
established in 2011 and 2012 by Defra to
and regulate water quality through internal
test these new approaches. Ten are being
nutrient processing in rivers (Heathwaite
hosted by the Environment Agency (EA)
2010; Maltby 2012) (See Challenge Three).
and a further 15 pilots by a range of
One such example of integrated working
organisations, including rivers trusts,
across a catchment is provided by natural
wildlife trusts and the water industry.
flood management by slowing down
These pilots are to be evaluated with
runoff (through measures including
findings used to inform guidance for a
contour ploughing, field edge uncultivated
national roll-out of the catchment-based
barriers, forestry debris dams, gully
approach across England and Wales
planting) (POST 2011) and by also
from 2014 (Cascade Consulting 2012).
‘Making Space for Water’ (Defra 2005) on
Furthermore, ‘Catchment Sensitive
floodplains to store water. These measures
Farming’ (CSF)4 has been a joint project
both reduce flood peaks and improve
between the EA and Natural England,
resilience to drought conditions. This
which has aimed to deliver targeted
contrasts with the previous approach
support to enable farmers and land
of getting rid of rainfall and runoff as
managers to take voluntary action to
fast as possible, which has made our
reduce diffuse water pollution from
catchments increasingly vulnerable to
agriculture (Natural England 2011). In
periods of low rainfall.
Scotland CSF has been applied in practice
through ‘General Binding Rules’ (Scottish 3
Note, the most common definition comes from the Global
Environment Protection Agency 2009a). Water Partnership (2000).
Funded by Defra and the Rural Development Programme
for England.

Challenge 3 Ecosystem services

UK wetland resources are extensive with (Heathwaite 2010). The importance of

nearly 400,000 kilometres of rivers, around healthy, functioning ecosystems has come
6,000 lakes covering 2,000 square very much to the fore in the last decade,
kilometres, nearly 1,000 square kilometres as has the need to properly value
of floodplains and nearly 400,000 hectares ecosystems (Holt and Hattam 2009; UK
of other wetlands including bogs, marshes National Ecosystem Assessment 2011),
and reed beds (see WWT survey of English particularly following the United Nations
Wetlands, Hume 2008). Yet these are (UN) Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
unevenly distributed, with 90% of the (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
volume and 70% of the surface area 2005) which recognises four categories
of the UK’s freshwater in Scotland (UK of ecosystem service: 1) ‘provisioning
National Ecosystem Assessment 2011). services’ (ecosystem ‘goods’) comprising
things that can be used or extracted to
Freshwater is a heavily exploited and highly
support human needs; 2) ‘regulatory
managed natural resource delivering
services’, processes that regulate
many different functions with benefits to
the natural environment such as air
both the natural environment and to human
quality, climate, water flows and quality,
populations. Freshwater ecosystems, as
diseases and pests; 3) ‘cultural services’
well as housing unique and diverse biota,
encompassing diverse aspects of
provide ecosystem goods (e.g. drinking
aesthetic, spiritual and recreational
water, fish, electricity) and services (e.g.
values; and 4) ‘supporting services’
detoxification and purification of water and
which may not be directly exploited but
nutrient cycling, flood mitigation, recreation)
include processes essential to maintain
the integrity, resilience and functioning (European Union 2000) is raising
of ecosystems. awareness of the broader value of
ensuring aquatic ecosystems remain
The ecosystem services approach stresses
in ‘good’ status. Hence, the ecosystem
the importance of understanding the
service concept builds on the Millennium
interrelationships between ‘hydrological,
Ecosystem Assessment (Haines-Young
geomorphological and biological processes
and Potschin 2007) and now forms a
in water management rather than merely
central component of UK environmental
prioritising human-focused perspectives’
management policy (Defra 2007; Scottish
(Jones 1997; Petts et al. 2006; Newson
Government 2010). The culmination of
2009; Everard 2011; Maltby and Acreman
this work was the publication of the UK
2011). It also identifies new ways of tackling
National Ecosystem Assessment (2011).
‘old’ problems, as in the case of pollution
This report concludes that the terrestrial
caused by discharges from contaminated
and aquatic ecosystems of the UK
land or agricultural practices. It is now
support a wealth of wildlife and contribute
becoming more common practice to weigh
a range of services on which we
up the costs and benefits for the ecosystem
ultimately depend, and which are worth
by taking different actions. For example,
billions of pounds to the UK economy.
comparing local water treatment costs
A geographical perspective has been
against those required to actually physically
at the heart of the National Ecosystem
contain the source of pollution itself or
Assessment, with Professors Ed Maltby,
altering local land management practices
Roy Haines-Young and others leading
(perhaps through plants which remove
work around water components in this
pollutants known as bioremediators). In
assessment (UK National Ecosystem
practice it is likely optimal outcomes will be
Assessment 2011; Maltby 2012).
obtained by combining of such strategies.
This work has demonstrated that the
Implementation of the European Union’s ecosystem services approach naturally
(EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) aligns with a catchment scale.

Challenge 4 Pollution and water quality

UK river water quality, measured using by the legacy of historical industrial

traditional chemical and biological activities such as in mining and
indicators, has improved significantly manufacturing areas, including the
over the past few decades (Defra 2009; south Welsh valleys, Tees Valley, and
2011; Anderson et al. 2010; Scottish Pennines (Hudson-Edwards et al. 1996;
Government 2009). However, diffuse Macklin et al. 1997 5) are also a problem,
pollutants from multiple-sources that are particularly where there is no longer
geographically spread, such as faecal an identifiable legal landowner.
indicator organisms (FIOs), nitrogen and
At least 50% of UK groundwater used
phosphorus from agriculture or pollutants
for public supply is showing significant
from vehicles in highway runoff, remains a
deterioration in quality. The UK water
problem for the management of freshwater
industry has spent hundreds of millions
bodies and rivers (Environment Agency
of pounds to address a deteriorating
2007a; National Audit Office 2010). Indeed,
groundwater quality and increasingly
FIOs remain the biggest cause of failures
stringent drinking water regulatory
in water quality in the UK.
standards. Groundwater assessments
Of rising concern to river water quality and grade just 29% as ‘good’ or better on
river flow dynamics are a range of emerging the Environment Agency (EA) standard
pollutants including pharmaceuticals, scale 6 (Furse et al. 2006). In Scotland
personal care products, nano-materials, the picture is better, with 64% of all
and radio-nuclides (Environment Agency surface water bodies and 76% of
2000; Hilton et al. 2003). Pollutants caused ground waters classified as ‘good’

status or better (Scottish Environment simpler chemical and biological parameter-
Protection Agency 2009b). based approaches. The EA state that EU
WFD monitoring, known as classification,
For surface water, the European
is risk-based and focuses where there is
Union’s Water Framework Directive
likely to be a problem. It uses a principle
(EU WFD) (European Union 2000)
of ‘one out, all out’ which means that the
requires incorporation of new ‘hydro-
poorest individual result drives overall.
geomorphological, chemical and ecological
These report on over 30 measures, grouped
factors’ into water quality assessment
into ecological status (including biology,
standards. The EU WFD states that by 2015
with new habitat survey techniques, and
member states must be working towards
‘elements’ such as phosphorus and pH)
ensuring that all water bodies reach ‘good’
and chemical status (‘priority substances’)
ecological status, and that they then
(Heathwaite 2010; Page et al. 2012). As
actually achieve this status by 2027. Heavily
a result of the more stringent EU targets
modified or artificial watercourses need
evaluations of all English and Welsh water
reach only ‘good ecological potential’,
bodies, including rivers and lakes, have
which can affect a high proportion of
shown an indicated fall in quality as a
urban watercourses and implies a need
result (Brown et al. 2010). In the UK,
for a clear definition of what constitutes
regulators and water companies have,
‘heavy’ modification (Rowan 2008).
wherever possible, worked with farmers
Considerable evidence from around to improve land management practices
the world shows that achieving ‘good’ (Glennie et al. 2002). Reconnecting
ecological outcomes in rivers is difficult, rivers to their floodplains can also deliver
one of the main reasons being the water quality improvements, through
necessity to develop new indicators more rapid removal of pollutants.
(Harris and Heathwaite 2011). Newer
assessment techniques required by the
EU WFD are quite different from previous, 5
Study of the River Swale in the Pennines.
This grades water quality from ‘very poor’ to ‘very good’.

Challenge 5 Land use management

The European Union’s Water Framework can make it harder to learn about new
Directive (EU WFD) emphasises the practices or funding schemes, and
need for closer ties between river basin complexity of rules and regulations
management and land use planning, means recommendations often appear
and greater integration between spatial unworkable or contradictory. The UK
planning systems and the river basin River Restoration Centre (part of a major
planning system. The EU WFD’s success European project RESTORE) has begun
may depend on its emerging relationship this process by focusing on the important
with land use planning (White and Howe role of land use planning in meeting EU
2003; Carter 2007; Howes 2008). Policies WFD targets through river and floodplain
which help to incentivise land-managers to restoration (RESTORE 2011).
adopt measures for the water environment
More than 50 years of agricultural
are seen as having a role in achieving
intensification has increased groundwater
improved ecological status 7 (Waylen et al.
extraction for irrigation, increased the
2011a). Research in the Clyde Valley
speed and amount of runoff due to better
and the Scottish Highlands (Smith et al.
drainage, and created greater downstream
2011) has concluded there is limited
vulnerability to flooding and drought.
understanding of how this integration
Preservation and restoration of natural
might be accomplished, or what it means
landscape features (such as forests,
in practical terms for those involved
floodplains and wetlands) are critical
(particularly planners). For land managers
components of rural land management,
shortages of labour and time are common
providing benefits from floodwater
problems and a lack of social networks
retention and groundwater recharge Drainage of peat-dominated catchments
(Maltby 2012). By protecting ecologically and biodiversity has also damaged
sensitive areas water quality can be freshwater ecosystems, with negative
improved, whilst also securing wildlife effects for both water runoff and quality
habitat alongside opportunities for (Holden et al. 2006). Many peatlands were
outdoor recreation. Remediation measures drained during the 1960s and 1970s for
to date have included restoration of grouse, sheep and timber production, and
traditional water and land management to provide peat for horticulture and fuel
systems such as frequent flooding of (Holden et al. 2004). An estimated £500
‘ridge and valley’ systems, recreating past million has been spent over the last decade
water meadow landscapes (Environment blocking drains to raise water tables and
Agency 2010; 2012b) and other farming reverse these changes (Holden et al. 2012)
practices (Fiener et al. 2011). Closer to such as the Great Fen project in East Anglia
urban areas, Sustainable Urban Drainage (Maltby and Acreman 2011) and at Lake
Systems (SuDS) also play an important Vyrnwy in mid-Wales (Wilson et al. 2010).
role (Cook and Williamson 1999; Jones Forestry can have a similarly positive role,
and MacDonald 2007; Maltby 2012). with woodland development assisting with
improving water quality and sustainable
Land management activities over large
flood management (Forestry Commission
geographical areas (e.g. spreading
2011; Ellison et al. 2012).
manures or mechanical cultivation) may
appear to have minimal local impacts, Land use planning in urban areas is also
but there can be significant changes to important to water resource managers as
freshwater ecosystems when aggregated changes to the built environment have
as a whole. Similarly, in urban environments, significant implications for water use and
the cumulative impact of seemingly quality (as runoff or as treated wastewater). In
insignificant alterations, such as the paving the last two decades a green infrastructure
over of front gardens for parking, can have movement, linked in particular to landscape
a tremendous aggregate effect on runoff. architecture and related professions, has
promoted innovative, cost-effective and
environmentally sustainable approaches Challenge 6
to management of water in cities. A variety
of technologies are now available which
mimic natural processes that slow down,
store or reduce storm waters, including
The history of the governance of UK
rain gardens, porous (permeable)
water management is one of incremental
pavements, green roofs, infiltration
developments punctuated by periodic
planters, trees and tree boxes, and
‘revolutions’ bringing significant changes.
rainwater harvesting for use where water
Recent examples of these changes
need not be of drinking water quality, such
were the privatisation in 1989 of the
as for flushing toilets (Chappells and Medd
former regional water authorities and
2008). These can be both retrofit, where
simultaneous creation of the Office of the
the average incremental social costs
Water Regulator (OFWAT) and Drinking
of retrofitting water efficiency measures
Water Inspectorate. The establishment
compare favourably with the costs of
of the Environment Agency (EA) followed
traditional resource development schemes
in 1995 (from the old National Rivers
(Environment Agency 2007), as well
Authority) and the Consumer Council for
as for new construction. In the east of
Water in 2005. Today these agencies
England alone there were 10,000 new
regulate the 22 water companies who
homes were built with water efficiency
operate as virtual monopolies within
measures installed as standard between
defined geographical regions. The Water
2006 and 2009 (Waterwise 2010).
for Life White Paper (Defra 2011) ruled
out further overhaul of the industry,
The ecological potential of a water body represents the instead proposing evolutionary changes
degree to which the quality of the water body’s aquatic
ecosystem approaches the maximum it could achieve,
focused around enhancing competition,
given the heavily modified and artificial characteristics of improving conservation, and ensuring
the water body that are necessary for the use or for the
protection of the wider environment. water companies are more efficient and
(Newson 2009). Stakeholder organisations,
Public and stakeholder participation such as farming, fishing and river trust
organisations (Newson 2011) are now
prominent on all the River Basin District
Liaison Panels in England and Wales.
These panels are charged with developing
plans for the sustainable management
One important manifestation of greater of water resources (mandated by the EU
customer-focus have been calls for WFD). An initial pilot of a broad stakeholder-
increased public participation in water based approach to water management at
management decision-making, largely the river basin scale in the north of England
absent to date because key regulatory suggested some difficulties in achieving
imperatives behind privatisation were broader public engagement, with evidence
competition, inward investment and that the panels offered little scope of real
economic efficiency. The 1990s periodic bottom-up decision making (Kaika and
price review (through which water Page 2003). Another problem identified
company investment programmes and has been achieving a truly democratic
consumer water bills were determined) process where all involved have an equal
viewed public engagement solely in terms voice (Oughton and Bracken 2009).
of the price of water services. New funding from the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
In contrast, the European Union (EU) Water
(Defra) for catchment improvements
Framework Directive (WFD) (European
(see Challenge Four) has also taken a
Union 2000) has driven the move
stakeholder approach, with bodies like
towards increased public involvement. Its
the Westcountry Rivers Trust (WRT) at the
mandate for public participation in water
forefront of a ‘community conservation’
management 8 has developed alongside
approach. This may include ‘payments for
other innovations in water governance to
ecosystem services’, the practice of offering
increase accountability in decision-making
incentives to farmers or landowners in
exchange for managing their land (see Challenge 7
Challenge Five) (River Restoration Centre

However, despite these developments

there are still some who question the need Water companies in England and Wales
for more ‘collaborative’ approaches to take over 16 million cubic metres of
management as an assumed prerequisite water from the environment every day
for sustainability and suggest that the (Environment Agency 2007a) with an
‘assumed benefits’ of collaborative average person using about 150 litres
approaches are not as significant as might per person per day (lpd) (Defra 2008).
be thought (as noted by researchers Household water demand has been
including Mitchell 2007). In Scotland, where increasing since the 1950s. Due to
the relationship between spatial planning population growth, and changes in the
and river basin planning operates mainly way we use water, more than half of all
through interactions between the Scottish public water supply is now for domestic
Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) use (Defra 2008). In contrast, public
and local authorities, there is further water supply usage by industrial,
uncertainty as to how recent reforms to commercial and agricultural sectors
the spatial planning system will interact has been declining, reflecting in part
with the new river basin management the changing nature of the UK economy
plans (RBMPs). Though SEPA painted a (Defra 2008). Drivers of changing
fairly optimistic picture, others (particularly household demand for water services
local authorities) highlighted their own have been many and complex, but social
uncertainty about their specific role in and cultural changes have been especially
advisory groups (Smith et al. 2011). important, such as changing ideas about
This followed the philosophy laid out originally at the 1992 comfort, cleanliness and convenience,
Dublin Conference on Integrated Water Resource Management
(IWRM) (World Meteorological Association 1992). for example more requent use of washing
Evidence has also shown that simple
Behavioural change measures, such as giving consumers more
and water metering information, can actually make a big
difference. For example, during a drought
which took place in South East England
in 2006, water companies and regulators
machines (Shove 2003). Other
worked closely together to provide
explanations for increasing total demand
information to customers and this led to
include the shift to fewer people living
significant decreases in domestic water
in each household on average, and
consumption (Chappells and Medd 2008).
more intensive water use habits such
The challenge for water companies and
as increasing use of power showers
regulators is how such one-off scarcity-
(Sim et al. 2007).
related ‘success’ stories like this can be
Future Water, the Government’s water translated to a widespread and on-going
strategy for England, outlines a vision understanding by individuals of the
for the average person to reduce the importance of reducing their water use
water they use by 20 litres per day to (Brown et al. 2010). An investigation of
130 litres a day (Defra 2008). Relatively water demand as part of the Water cycle
simple measures thought to have a management for New Developments
moderate impact on reducing demand (WaND) research consortium concluded
have included more water efficient toilets that significant changes in user-cultures
and taps in new developments, installing are likely to be possible only under
water efficient washing machines, conditions of great water scarcity or in
an increase in the use of dishwashers, response to major tariff restructuring, but
the use of cistern displacement devices that this will happen in ways that are not
to moderate the water demand of possible to predict (Brown et al. 2010).
existing toilets, and more use of grey-
Evidence suggests water metering can
water 9 recycling.
help to manage domestic water demand.
In recent years the Department for legislation11 to impose universal water
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs metering on all customers (Defra 2006).
(Defra 2008) has argued for a move This began in 2007 with Lydd, Kent
towards 100% water metering for domestic becoming the first (pilot) town where
users, on the grounds that this will drive meters were made compulsory. However,
down water use. Currently only about 35% research with householders (Knamiller
of UK households are metered for water and Sharp 2009) found that they, rather
use, the remainder paying according to than understanding the need to reduce
the rateable value 10 of their property. Whilst water use, felt a sense of victimisation
it is acknowledged metered households and resentment against the company’s
tend to use approximately 10% less water (neighbouring) base town of Folkestone
than non-metered households, it is also where no such measures were being
true metered households tend to be newer introduced, showing that metering needs
(and therefore more water efficient by to be introduced to local circumstances
design) or inhabited by householders sensitively. Water loss from supply pipe
being charged too much under the leakages12 is another barrier to convincing
rateable value tariff (e.g. single occupancy customers to change their behaviour.
homes) (Brown et al. 2010). Trials in Around 1.2 trillion litres is lost in the
the UK and elsewhere show that while supply of water to customers each year
compulsory metering had marked effects in England and Wales, though this is
on peak demand, with a 30% reduction down by over a third since its 1994/95
recorded (Dovey and Rogers 1993) they peak (Defra 2010).
did not affect average use. 9
Grey-water is waste water generated from domestic activities
which can be recycled to use where it need not be of drinking
The Folkestone and Dover Water Company quality (see Challenge Five).
The rateable value is an assessment of the annual rental
(a supply-only business covering a value of a property made by the Local Authority (last
updated in 1973).
geographically small area in South East 11
Water Industry Regulations Act of 1999.
England) has to date been the only 12
This includes ‘distribution losses’ between the treatment
works and highway boundary and ‘supply pipe losses’
company to apply to use the existing from customers’.

Challenge 8 Energy use and carbon footprints

Water management objectives link to distribution, particularly where pumping

the UK’s air quality and carbon objectives is involved (Ainger et al. 2009). Rising
in three ways: 1) energy use, and carbon water quality standards have resulted in
generated, in the production and more carbon and higher energy costs for
distribution of clean water (e.g. drinking treatment. Ten billion litres of sewage are
water and treating sewage) (Scott and treated across England and Wales daily
Pasqualetti 2010); 2) water is required for using approximately 2,800 GigaWattHours
energy generation, especially thermal, (GWh) of electricity and generating
nuclear and hydropower; and 3) water acts 1.7 million tonnes of greenhouse gas
as a ‘sink’ and absorbs certain pollutants emissions (Staddon 2010). Increasing
released into the atmosphere, hence air demands for water could generate
pollution also causes water pollution. significant extra CO2, particularly because
of measures such as desalinisation plants
The water industry is directly responsible
or pumping water over greater distances
for approximately one percent of UK
such as would be seen with a national
carbon emissions. Water treatment
‘water grid’ (see Challenge One).
and supply is energy intensive with
approximately seven grams of Carbon Water companies are working to reduce
Dioxide (CO2) generated for every litre their energy use and carbon emissions
of drinking water produced. Energy through a combination of new technologies
use by the water utilities is considered and demand management. New
a major issue due to the rising cost of technologies include artificial wetland
energy required for water treatment and systems for carbon-free water treatment

and anaerobic biogas production at sites management of open and green spaces
across the country, which generates (see Challenge Five) (Chambers 2011).
energy from burning ‘waste’ gases from
Electricity generation can also have
the treatment process. There are also
a negative impact on water resources
financial and carbon savings from
(Barros et al. 2011). Hydroelectric power
designing households so as to re-use
plants can have a profound impact on
grey-water, as not all water needs to
hydro-morphology by altering flow
be treated to drinking water standards
patterns and the movement of sediments
(see Challenge Five). Reducing demand
(Graf 2006). Also particularly damaging
through behavioural change (see
is the creation of significant amounts of
Challenge Six) is also being pursued
methane, a greenhouse gas much more
as a means of reducing emissions.
potent than CO2, through the anaerobic
As five percent of the UK’s total carbon
digestion of biomass submerged under
emissions result from heating water there
reservoirs (Staddon 2010).
are particular benefits from reduced hot
water use, more efficient boilers, better Air quality is inextricably linked with
insulated homes, improved temperature water quality in a number of ways.
control through thermostats (Ainger et al. Specific air pollutants can negatively
2009). Solar energy for heating domestic impact on water quality, for example by
water can also contribute. raising levels of acidity where there is
significant sulphur dioxide deposition
For real progress to reduce energy
(Battarbee et al. 2008). Furthermore,
use from the water sector, new urban
climate change caused by excessive
developments should consider water
air pollution is altering the abilities of
efficiency alongside energy efficiency
water bodies to soak up and act as a
measures in the planning stages. These
‘buffer’ for pollutants or to break them
can include the water quality management
down and biodegrade them.
and carbon sequestration services
potentially available through prudent
Challenge 9 An international perspective
and virtual water

UK policy-makers have identified an extent to which existing patterns of

improved evidence base as a pre-requisite water consumption linked to its use in
for water managers to better understand the food and energy sectors contribute
and prepare for future pressures and to exacerbate these.
adapt to both longer term trends and
On average, each person in the UK
locally unpredictable conditions. These
uses 150 litres of water per day. Yet if you
pressures should be considered, both
also consider the water that is utilised
in the UK and globally, within the context
elsewhere in the world to make the
of the future challenge described by
products and provide services for the UK,
Government Chief Scientist Sir John
with associated impacts in terms of carbon
Beddington as the ‘perfect storm’ of
produced, and air and water pollution,
food, water and energy shortages (which,
there is a further environmental impact
by 2030, ‘has the potential to unleash
to be considered, with the total water
public unrest and international conflict’).
‘footprint’ of each person actually being
Here, climate change is a key driver of
much higher. This is known as the concept
environmental insecurity that is inseparable
of ‘embedded’ or ‘virtual’ water, a term
from the complex interrelationship
developed by the work of geographer
between food security, energy security
Professor Tony Allan, and for which he
and water security (Beddington 2008;
received the Stockholm Water Prize in
2009). Thus, it is critical to better
2008. Water used during the production
understand not just the absolute physical
cycle may not exist at the point of
shortages of water that may occur as a
consumption, but is embedded as part
function of climate change, but also the
of the product chain (Allan 2011). Seventy and transport (Hoekstra et al. 2009).
percent of total global water use is for Similarly one 150 gram beefburger has
agricultural production, though only a as much as 2400 litres of ‘embedded’
small fraction of that water is physically water (Lang 2008).
locked up in the product that is ultimately
In theory, countries experiencing water
consumed (Berrittella et al. 2007).
stress can alleviate local water shortages
Therefore in consuming foodstuffs,
by importing water intensive products
we inadvertently place a demand on
and countries that have a water surplus
the water-based resources at the site
can benefit financially by exporting water
of production. Almost 90% of a human
intensive commodities like food, cotton
being’s water needs are accrued through
and paper (Hoekstra 2003). However,
food production (Lui and Savenije 2008),
a more common scenario is that water
but this same analysis also applies to
scarce countries, such as in northern
the clothes people wear, cars driven,
Africa and the Middle East, produce
and in fact every element of the goods
and export water intensive goods
and services that support someone’s
(Swain 2004). An unintended, but
consumption and way of life.
potentially dangerous consequence
Building on this work, a water footprint of the globalisation of food production
handbook has been developed by the has been to alleviate water insecurity
Water Footprint Network to show how in Europe, whilst increasing it in certain
these can be calculated for individual citrus and winter vegetable producing
processes and products, nations and countries such as Kenya and India.
businesses. For example, a standard Although the EU is regarded as a region
(125ml) cup of coffee actually uses about of relative water security, it is therefore
140 litres of water by far the largest dependent to some extent on there being
part for growing the coffee plant (within increasing levels of water insecurity in
developing world countries), but large other parts of the world (Hoekstra and
amounts also accrue in its processing Chapagain 2007).
Challenge 10 Adapting to future pressures

Looking ahead over the next 20 years recent climate projections (UKCIP09)
and beyond, the UK will face challenges (Jenkins et al. 2009) suggest that even
in the continued provision of water under ‘medium emissions’ scenarios the
services for a population that is growing UK could experience significant changes
and ageing, where fewer people are in the timing of precipitation, with drier
living in each household on average, summers and higher rainfall in winter and
and where this population becomes that volatility will become more common.
increasingly concentrated in the (already For example, there may be an increasing
water stressed) Greater London area need for irrigation in summer to maintain
and South East of England. Changes agricultural production levels.
in lifestyle and individual behaviour may
The drought experienced in England in
also become more water-intensive and
2011-12, particularly focused in the South
add to these pressures.
East, arose from low autumn and winter
It will also be necessary to take account rainfall continuing into a dry spring. The
of the impact of other physical factors geography of where rain actually falls
on groundwater and demand for water, may change too, with existing northwest /
including changing land use, particularly southeast differences deepening further
the effects of increased urbanisation (in (Foresight Land Use Futures Project 2010;
part linked to a growing population). In Environment Agency 2009). Recent
addition, increased climate variability and regional climate change modelling by the
extreme weather events present a great UK-based Hadley Centre shows that the
challenge to the water sector. The most likelihood of intense rainfall events, such

as the historic flooding in England in As the UK Government Office of Science
June and July 2007, is also increasing Foresight initiatives have highlighted, it may
(Staddon 2010). be difficult to plan for both floods and
droughts simultaneously (Foresight Land
Broader environmental systems are
Use Futures Project 2010). Immediately
undergoing a period of unprecedented
prior to the floods experienced across
change. Whereas much attention has
England and Wales in June and July 2007,
focused on climate and marine systems,
water managers in England and Wales
there is growing evidence of changes
were considering how to manage
to freshwater systems (Whitehead et al.
dwindling water supplies had the pre-
2009). Changes in weathering rates over
existing drought continued (2003-2006
the past 50 years as a result of changes
was a very dry period). Furthermore, the
in climate and land use are changing the
wider introduction of Sustainable Urban
chemistry of rivers (Raymond and Cole
Drainage Systems (SuDS) (see Challenge
2003). A recent IPCC Report (IPCC 2008)
Five) reflects lessons learnt (Environment
concludes that the effects of climate
Agency 2008) from the 2007 floods but not
change are challenging a ‘traditional
in a way that considers how SuDS could
assumption that past hydrological
also be used to provide water supply
experience provides a good guide to
benefits in the (inevitable) event of
future conditions’. Consequently this
drought. There may be a need for the
includes a need for new models of relevant
construction of new and different sorts of
environmental variables to predict the
water infrastructure (see Challenge One)
consequences of climate change on
and natural flood management initiatives
water availability (Heathwaite 2010).
are advocating more storage throughout
Critically for freshwater ecosystems,
catchments including the upper reaches,
hydrological connectivity, and therefore
floodplains, as well as SuDS in urban
diffuse pollution risk, may change under
a changing climate (Heathwaite 2010)
(see Challenge Four).
Climate adaptation measures linked to implementation of the European Union
forecast changes in water availability (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD)
have tended to focus on the supply side and associated commitments related
of the water balance, but increasingly to the EU Directive on the conservation
demand recognition is being recognised of natural habitats and of wild fauna
as being significant. Popular measures and flora (European Union 1992). These
include water metering and attempts to latter commitments have included the
influence water consumption patterns development of an ecological network
and social behaviour (see Challenge of special protected areas known as
Seven). To deliver sustainable solutions ‘Natura 2000’ covering around 18%
that address the multiple stressors on of the land area in the EU. Research
water availability (see Challenge Two) indicates that so far policies are not likely
and protect ecosystem services (see to be sufficiently ‘future-proofed’ but that
Challenge Three) means a coordinated some responses, including promoting
assessment of changes in land use partnership working (see Challenge
(see Challenge Five) linked to water Six) may help to sustainably protect
availability and supply challenges at freshwaters and safeguard ecosystem
a range of geographical scales, from services (Waylen et al. 2011b).
catchment to regional, with changes in
terrestrial and freshwater biogeochemical
processes (see Challenge Four).

The REFRESH programme (Adaptive

Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts
of Climate Change on Freshwater
Ecosystems) is one such project
beginning this work, with research
examining the future challenges
(environmental, social and policy) facing

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