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Name - Colours in nature.

Project objectives – Objective:

Main Content
Colors are in every part of our world. The theme of Colors
provides many avenues to explore the mixing and creation of
Colors, as well as to practice classifying and sorting skills. Colors
are also a vital part of the social interactions we have, and are an
indicator of our uniqueness to be celebrated. Describe their
world—human expression—health and well-being can be
determined through colour as well. This unit will help students to
concentrate on their own individual skills, observations,
discoveries and preferences and will help students to embrace
their unique self as well as the diversity among the class.

English Language Arts:

Throughout this unit we are going to focus on communication,
reading and writing skills. The students are emergent readers
and writers, so we are going to work on colour-specific sight words
using word cards, poems, songs and books. We will also practice
our critical listening skills through listening to stories, instructions,
each other, videos and music. We are also exploring
communication through symbols and images through our
artworks to be created during this unit.

Exploration and experimentation are key focal points in this unit.
This unit is highly inquiry focused, and students will learn to
observe their surroundings and explore what they find. We will
also explore and discover the science behind how a rainbow is
formed in a rainstorm, and experiment to see if we can make our
own rainbows. This unit focuses on the discovery and
investigation of the science curriculum.

Arts Education: The big question of this unit is “What are the
Colors of our world?”, and this is the basis of the approach to arts
in the classroom. We will spend time exploring and
experimenting with colour and how colour can be used
aesthetically. Students will be given a full half-day to explore
questions such as “How do I make the colour pink?” or “Can you
make white?” which were raised earlier by the students. We will
also go through some visualization-type experiences, where
students are asked to think about their body parts—
starting at their feet and working up—and think about what colour
each feels like. This is a more abstract concept than the students
are used to, so I will work towards and understanding of how
Colors can represent fee

Integration of Other Functional/Academic Skills:

In this project students will be learning colors with the

integration of following academics skills as a part of exploring
other functional areas in order to explore new and creative things
under the topic of colors in nature.
English language arts
Arts Education

Meterials required
chart, primary colours containers, Empty containers, water. observation sheet.

White paper, cotton buds, 7 rainbow poster colours(Violet, indigo,blue,green,yellow,orange,red),

pencil, rubber.

Picture of 4 seasons and wooksheet.

Estimated time

The time allotted to teach all lesson integration will take around
10 days. And in particular the time frame will be 50
mins per day it adjusted depends on the weightage of the lesson
and also depending upon the understanding level of the student
on each activities and outcome performed by the students.

Age and level of students – 5 years to 6 years class 1

All Students will be provided the activity sheets based on the
each lesson category to ensure the knowledge ability and
understanding of the subject.
Subject Overview of the project
Integration of English Student will able to
Incorporate content – area vocabulary into
creative writing.
Student will need to follow
 Student has to study a picture of 4
seasons .
 then thay will finish a work sheet based
on the picture.
 Teacher will be giving a picture of 4
 Teacher will explain the picture that will
be given to the children.
 The work sheet that will be made by the
teacher will have few objective questions.
Integration of science Student will able to
Decribe the colours
Allow approximately 50 min for a discussion
about colours
 Ask the student What is colour? How
many colours you can see near us?
 Lead the discussion on what are the
primary colours? and what are the
secondary colours?
 Discuss how we get secondary colours
from primary colours?
Visit to a open garden
The student will make a casual observation about
colours in the nature. They should bring a
notebook and a pencil ans as they walk they will
write as many colours they observe in the garden.
they might also use drawing or symbols to
represend the shades of the colours.

After each walk the students should gather and

the teacher should record on a wall chart the
observation made by the children.

Allow approximately 50 min for a discussion

about the rainbow
 Ask the student that how many colours
are there in a rainbow?
 Lead the discussion on how the is

Another approximately 50 min for a discussion

about the seasons
 Ask the student that how many seasons
are there?
 Lead the discussion on differentiation
among the colours in 4 seasons ?

Integration of arts Student will make a picture of a rainbow by

cotton printing.
 draw a rainbow in white paper
 take 7 colours
 with a help of cotton balls colour the
Integration of science Visit to laboratory
The student will need to follow
 Choose the containers having the primary
 Take another empty container
 Fill the container with water
 mix any two primary colours
 Note that after mixing which secendory
colour you get.
 Repeat the same procedure with the
other primary colours as well.
Record your observation as you get the secendory
colours after the mixing

What is happening?

After mixing the red and yellow colour the

secondary colour you get is orange. If you add
more the ratio of one primary coloure differes
from the other, that leads to the change in
shades.(either light or dark)

Topic of the Colors in the Nature

Class & Age Class 1
group 6 years to 7 years
Subject English
integrated Art
Teaching aid
Subject 1 : Pencil, notebook, chart, primary colours containers, Empty containers, water.
Science observation sheet.

Subject 2 : White paper, cotton buds, 7 rainbow poster colours(Violet,

Arts indigo,blue,green,yellow,orange,red), pencil, rubber.
Subject 3 : Picture of 4 seasons and wooksheet.
Music / Art Rainbow painting with cotton bud dubbing technique.
Remark Open-ended centre for exploration.
Encouragement to explore and experiment with color
anytime they can.

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