1.1 Objectives of The Report

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Work-Life Balance Survey is the questions about organizations work-life balance policies and personal experience using these policies to give an indication of how an organization work-life balance policies support employees in balancing their work and life responsibilities and more importantly, how these policies cold be improved. In a very simple word work-life balance policy is the relative importance of work and personal life to a particular individual. It helps to meet the need of work-life and personal life effectively. Work-life balance is the subject of widespread public debate on how to allow employees more control over their working arrangements in order to better accommodate other aspects of their lives, while still benefiting their organizations. The work-life balance debate has arisen through social and economic changes, such as greater numbers of women in the workforce, the expectations of the younger Generation , a growing reluctance to accept the longer hours culture, the rise of the 24/7 society, and technological advancements. It has been supported by government and by organizations which see it as a means of aiding recruitment and employee retention. The agenda consists primarily of flexible working practices and family friendly policies; although good practice demonstrates that flexibility should be open to all, including those without caring responsibilities. And for that reason it is burning question in modern world that is the organization maintain Work-Life Balance or not. So it is now necessary for us to judge its potentiality as a student of B.B.A. to make everyone of us as a growing competitor in the modern world. And for that reason I make this report with practical point of view to compete in modern world. 1.1 Objectives of the report: There are some reasons for what we make the report by the use of theoretical glance from the HRM knowledge. Our first objective is the evaluation of the Work-Life Balance policy as a latent and massive dimension of the new age business policy which is optimal for the company in long run. There are some other objectives relating to the report making are-- Another objective of the report is to evaluate the effectiveness of the employees participation and Management acceptance. To find out defective area of this policy. To suggest how to remove those defects. Run with a high effective glance which also best serves the efficiency effectiveness of service banking for future.

1.2 Methodology: Sources of data: The whole data is analyzing the Work-Life Balance policy performance for evaluating the organization performance in management with the management acceptance in their area with positive mode. 1 . Primary Sources: I collect the information through an assigned questionnaire to evaluate the Work-Life Balance policy performance and evaluate the result from the 3 employees including two different stage of management from three different banks. I also evaluate this questionnaire through the comparative analysis and Fishbone analysis to ease this report and make the report more realistic and effective manner. I analyze this report in a subjective and quality dimensioned way. 2. Secondary Sources: I took help from the internet to know about the Work-Life Balance policy and its arena to evaluate the questionnaire and I judge it with the analysis of my report from my own perspective and my own point of justice. Methods of data analysis: I analyze the data in a qualitative and subjective way. I made two techniques for the analysis. These are: Fishbone theory Graphical analysis

Sequence task of arranging the report:

I arrange the report in a sequential collection basis. In whole analysis I arrange the answer of the questionnaire firstly through the individual analysis of the report. And secondly I justified the report in a comparable manner in a diversified mode. In here I used the Fishbone theory for the analysis and to show the effect of this questionnaire and I judge the report through the comparative mode by the analysis of three different banks with three different people with the graphical presentation. And in whole report I try to make this an unbiased and effective one for the proper justification. And for that reason I collect the information from a small sample size to reduce the redundancy and make it not only from my analysis but also using the employees (sample) consent.

1.3 Rationale of the Study Today the world become closer and it goes through the movement of massive dimension. The flexibility of work space is now demanded and involvement of the HRM in the supreme management is mandated option of every updated organization. Work-Life Balance is the scale to determine the efficient HRM policy. So now a days most of the multi-dimensioned organizations are interested about this policy to move their organization in a lucrative and emerging pinnacle. The rationales of the study for this report are given below: To know about the theme which drive the organization in emerging and stable condition? Organize the Practical achievement of HRM Make familiarized with the HRM environment To meet the need of work-life and personal life effectively To allow employees more control over their working arrangements To evaluate Management efficiency through the policy

1.4 Scope of the Report: I have been assigned through a questionnaire into three banks (Bangladesh Bank, Agrani Bank, Eastern Bank Limited) to collect the answer from three different people for doing my report and thus give me the way to myself familiarized with the HRM environment for the first time indeed. This gives me an opportunity to gather practical experience by working in the practical arena with my limited theoretical knowledge and expertise. The area of concentration of this report is about the analysis of their (employees) answer through Fishbone theory and Comparative analysis. I have chosen this topics because a very few analysis is done on this matters. 1.5 Limitations of the Report: In preparing the report I have faced some limitations which create the impediment in the way of report analysis. Some of these limitations have overcome and some of them create some predicament. I tried my best to prepare a qualified report even in that situation. These limitations are: Make appointment of employees where sometimes they feel annoyed and express it in badly mode. Most of the time the participant cant understand the question in the questionnaire and then they feel embarrassed and at last make a mistake Some times their opinion and their answer of these question contradict with each other Most of the time the participant was confused and make me the trouble Participant take more than that of necessary time Participants express some of their decision in a pendulous movement.

Ensure about confidentiality make more hazard Analysis of the report:

In View Of Fishbone Theory:

Leave Arrange ment

Parenting & pregnancy policies

Flexible Work condition

Addition al work Provision

Formality of Policies


It is a practical field analysis and for that reason it is crucial for me to analyze the report as a neutral point of view whereas most of the time it has the probability to bias. For that reason I made my decision to prepare this report from the view point of managerial expertness and mutual coordination. To analyze this report I follow the Fishbone structure with the segregation of 6 parts. And I justify each of this part through the practical efficiency and the effect with the help of 3 samples. From those samples I collect answer and judge it with the adjustment of practical condition. I determine the appropriate status from the sample with the segregation movement. For that reason I analyze this report into 6 point of view: 1. Leave Arrangement 2. Parenting & pregnancy policies 3. Flexible work arrangement

4. Additional work provision 5. Formality of policies 6. Experiences in the organization From the questionnaire I got 3 employees in 3 different organizations. I analyze their mind and their organization working environment as well as the different facilities related to my report. In the following everything is noted on details through the perspective of preceded 6 matters through the representative of Bangladesh Bank, Agrani Bank and EBL (Eastern Bank Limited) respectively. 1. Leave Arrangement: Leave arrangement is allocated with the 8 leave program. In the questionnaire it is arranged with the 2 part. One part contains the information about the existence of the leave and another part carries the importance of these leaves from the perspective of the employee from very important to very unimportant with dont know option. It is marked by the number 1 to 5 by its importance. The present condition related with this are given below from the perspective of 3 banks: Bangladesh Bank: I collect the information from the bottom management of the bank. From the total scorecard that individual got 20 out of 24. That means Bangladesh Bank has most of the leave arrangement. From this point of view we can say that Bangladesh bank is conscious about their employees leave arrangement. In case of importance judgment that employee scored 36 out of 40 which means that most of the leave that he is getting is supported by him. Or he is pleasant about the leave arrangement. Agrani Bank: In case of Agrani bank the selected individual scored 21out of 24 who is in the middle management of that bank. From the scorecard it is easily can say that the Agrani bank also cautious about their employees leave arrangement. Most of the leave arrangements are also provided to the employees from the bank. In case of importance the selected individual scored 34 out of 40 which mean positive attraction about the leave arrangement. The individual consent most of the leave arrangement. EBL: the individual who answered the questionnaire is a middle management employee. In the leave arrangement scorecard he scored 19 out of 24.This means EBL has comparatively low leave arrangement than that of other banks. But the individual think that the bank should provide more leave arrangement than that of present position. He thinks most of the leave arrangement has the more importance and there is only one unimportant leave (pooling of leave arrangement) from the perspective of the individual.

2. Parenting and Pregnancy policies: this policy is much more crucial policy in every organization. Now it is a great demand for everyone (especially for female) to continue the job with the proper security. Female are genetically separated from male and pregnancy is their one of the physical condition. In that condition they need support because of their physical need. Every organization should provide the necessary support to reduce the discrimination.

Bangladesh Bank: The individual is not properly aware about this policy. For that reason in most of the cases he was silent. As a result he scored 17 out of 30 which mean the individual is totally incautious about this important matter. Even the individual cant identify the importance of this policy. As a result in here most of the cases are out of his/her knowledge and the individual scored 35 only out of 50. So we can say that the management of the Bangladesh bank is not aware about this policy and for that reason employees are not cautious. It is a grate mistake of this organization to avoid such important issue. Agrani Bank: The individual of Agrani bank is more cautious than that of Bangladesh bank. The individual scored 23 out of 30 in this case of policies. 5 policies are followed in the bank out of 10 policies. Individual dont know about 2 policies. Even in case of importance he/she scored 35 out of 50 which are much more than that of Bangladesh bank. He/she thinks 2 policies as an unimportant (paid paternity, paid adoption). And dont know 3 policies out of 10 policies. But overall it is better position. EBL: EBL is more strong position than that of other 2 banks. EBL has 50% parenting and pregnancy policies. And the individual is correctly known about their policies. As a result I can make a comment that EBL management is more efficient because the middle management officer clearly know about their policies which is very good sign to develop. In case of importance judgement I noticed this bank scored 42 out of 50 which are impressively brilliant compared to others. The individual think most of the policies are much more important even though it is not present ion the EBL policies (staggered return, carers room). So I make the comment that EBL individual is more cautious and the management is more efficient. Because an efficient management can grow the employees rights and observation providing them the proper information with the courage of justice.

3. Flexible Work Arrangement: Flexibility in work arrangement is more crucial for the job holder to determine their job performance with confidence. So every organization is cautious about this point. If the job holders find themselves in the distressing environment they wont keep their attention in the proper way. As a result performance will go down. From the questionnaire I analyze the present condition of 3 banks in their own point of view. Bangladesh Bank: Bangladesh bank is the central bank in our country. Though it has some limitation most of the time other banks totally dependent on this bank in most of the sector. It may operational activities or any managerial activities. The selected individual from Bangladesh bank was the employee of bottom management. This individual scored 12 out of 21. This individual agrees only one point that his/her bank kept on their policies (cap on overtime). In most of the cases Bangladesh Bank is absent (job sharing, self-rostering, gradual retirement). And he/she doesnt know about telecommuting, part time opportunity, and time off. This is a great shock that our central bank is not aware about the flexible working condition. Management is not aware about it. They dont inspire their employee about their working flexibility. In case of importance judgement the

same things happen where the individual scored 20 out of 35 means he/she even cant realize their rights about their working policies. So we can say that management is not care about their employees and the employees are also unconscious about their rights in this policy. Agrani Bank: Agrani Bank is one of the public banks in our country. The selected individual of this bank is in the middle management position. The questionnaire information that is collected from the individual contains about the message of the policies which help me o draw a conclusion about the policies kept in the bank. The selected individual gets 15 out of 21 points in the questionnaire. 3 policies exist in their organization and 2 policies absent in his/her bank. He/she doesnt know about 2 policies. Now if I move into the importance about this policy it is noticed that this individual scored 26 out of 35. That means the individual has the perfect understanding with the bank. In only one case he realized that the bank should run this policy in case of its importance (time off). And most of the cases bank policies are matched with his demand. So it is clearly noted that the individual importance are properly judged by the HRM. EBL: The selected individual of EBL scored 14 out of 21 and every arrangement has negative response. That shows the worse condition about HRM of this bank. This bank doesnt apply any policy of Flexible Working Condition which shows the poor flexibility in working environment. But the individual realizes the importance about this policy. This individual scored 26 out of 35 where he thinks 2 policies dont need in this case (self-rostering, time off). He focused more on the 2 policies (job sharing, cap on overtime). But his bank doesnt realize the importance about this arrangement. So it is totally HRM inefficiency to determine the policy and the unobserving power.

4. Additional Work Provision: Additional working support is more crucial in present condition. Now HRM is more diverted and dimensional tools of any organization. Additional working condition is one of the strong wings to determine the proper condition of HRM. To analyze the proper guidelines in our country 3 individual was selected by me from 3 different banks. Now it is time to consider about this policy to make strong the HRM. In the following it is noted: Bangladesh Bank: From the bottom management this individual is selected. In this bank 3 policies (counseling, health program, relocation ) is allowed out of 8 policies from the questionnaire, 4 policies are absent (telephone, referral service, exercise facilities, equal access to promotion, training, and development) and he doesnt know about parenting policy. He scored 18 out of 24. In another case in view of importance 5 program are allocated as more important from the view of the individual (telephone, counseling, health program, exercise facilities, and placement facilities) where 2 of them are absent in the bank policy (telephone, exercise facilities).2 policy determined as important (parenting, equal access) where one of them doesnt exist in the bank (equal access). In one case he thinks it is very unimportant (referral service). By through this he scored 34 out of 40. From the preceded analysis it is clearly noted that Bangladesh bank has better

position in the case of additional working provision the employee judgement is justified most of the time (in view if importance analysis). Agrani Bank: In case of Agrani bank the individual is selected from the middle management. The bank has 3 policies out of 8 (telephone, referral service, equal access to promotion, training and development). 4 policy are absent (health program, parenting, exercise facilities, placement) and he doesnt know about counseling. He scored 18 out of 24. In case of importance he judged 4 policies as very important (telephone, health program, relocation, equal access) where 2 policies are absent in the bank (health, placement assistance). He think 3 policies as important (referral service, parenting, exercise) where 2 policies (parenting, exercise) are absent in the bank and he dont know the importance of counseling which is also absent in the bank. He scored 35 out of 40. 50% program he demand very importantly and importantly are absent in the bank. So it can easily identify that the HRM department is cautious but not as much as the employees need. So HRM should turn their movement in the enhancing mode. EBL: EBL employee also selected from the middle management rank. In this bank there are 4 policies exist out of 8 policies (telephone, health program, and placement assistance, equal access to promotion, training, and development). 4 policies also dont exist in there (counseling, referral service, parenting, exercise). So in the bank there are 50-50 policies exist out of 8 policies. By through this individual scored 20 out of 24. This individual thinks one policy as very important (health program) which is exist in the bank and 5 as a important (telephone, parenting, exercise, placement, equal access) where 2 policies are not exist in there (parenting, exercise). He judged 2 policies are unimportant (counseling, referral service) where both of these policies are absent in the bank. By through this he scored 29 out of 40. And HRM department is perfectly matching with employees attention. As a result employees importance is properly justified through HRM.

5. Formality of Policies: In this questionnaire part Work-life Balance justified. That means here I judge organization attention about HRM, application of policies, match work life and personal life effectively etc. If any company keep any copy of this work-life balance this indicate that the firm is cautious about employees work environment, their work balance etc. In the following it is clearly denoted through 3 banks Bangladesh Bank: The individual of the Bangladesh bank positioned at bottom level management in the bank. He scored 5 out of 9 in this part where none of the policies are accepted by the bank. That means the bank is totally unaware about the work-life balance policy as well as employee and the bank weaker (most probably) HRM. Agrani Bank: In this bank the selected individual is from middle management and he scored 7 out of 9. Bank has no any written copy of the work-life balance

policy and he didnt see or given any copy of this policy. But his answer was positive in case of understandability of this work-life balance policy. It indicates he is aware and cautious about the work-life balance. And if bank support it, it will more effective. EBL: The middle management employee who is selected as a sample of my analysis also scored 7 out of 9. His bank also has no copy in the bank and he didnt get it before but he estimates it as understandable object. So it can be assumed that in our country until it is not practiced but employees feel the positive mode in it.

6. Experiences in the Organisation: This portion completely depends upon employees own justification and arrangement. Here the answer is organized strongly agree to strongly disagree from 5 points to 1 points respectively. so the employees are free from any prior judgement because I is only lies in their own experiences. They make their consent through some question and make the answer comfortably. Here it is fully denoted below: Bangladesh Bank: This individual is strongly agree with 4 points (encourage to use work-life balance policy, combine career and family, put their jobs before their personal life, organization serious about equal opportunity and anti discrimination). Agree with 4 points (it is frowned upon by management to take leave for family related matters, management put their job ahead of their family and personal life, management accommodating family related needs, promotion or transfer for family related reasons is like the kiss of death). Uncertain about 2 points (encourages involvement of employees family member in work celebration, many people here resent people who take time off for family reasons). Disagree about 1 point (it is easier to work among colleagues than to management involved in case balance work and family). Strongly disagree with10 cases (all level of management apply work-life balance policies in same way, all employees are treated same way in using work-life balance policies, male and female employees same level access to work-life balance policies, part time and full time employees treat similarly, social function suitable for families, acceptable to talk about one family or personal life at work, employees must constantly put work ahead of their family, employees take work home at night or weekend, employees work more than 50 hours a week, made difficult to use work-life balance policies) Agrani Bank: Agrani Bank individual is strongly agree with 3 points (all employees are treated same way in using work-life balance policies, employees must constantly put work ahead of their family, it is easier to work among colleagues than to management involved in case balance work and family). Agree with 7 points (all level of management apply work-life balance policies in same way, male and female employees same level access to work-life balance

policies, it is frowned upon by management to take leave for family related matters, encourage to use work-life balance policy, encourages involvement of employees family member in work celebration, many people here resent people who take time off for family reasons, made difficult to use work-life balance policies). Uncertain about 2 points (combine career and family, put their jobs before their personal life). Disagree about 6 points (management put their job ahead of their family and personal life, social function suitable for families, management accommodating family related needs, promotion or transfer for family related reasons is like the kiss of death, employees work more than 50 hours a week, organization serious about equal opportunity and anti discrimination). Strongly disagree with 3 cases (part time and full time employees treat similarly, acceptable to talk about one family or personal life at work, employees take work home at night or weekend). EBL: This individual is strongly agree with 2 points (male and female employees same level access to work-life balance policies, it is easier to work among colleagues than to management involved in case balance work and family). Agree with 9 points (all level of management apply work-life balance policies in same way, it is frowned upon by management to take leave for family related matters, encourages involvement of employees family member in work celebration, social function suitable for families, management accommodating family related needs, many people here resent people who take time off for family reasons, employees must constantly put work ahead of their family, employees work more than 50 hours a week, made difficult to use work-life balance policies). Uncertain about 5 points (management put their job ahead of their family and personal life, combine career and family, acceptable to talk about one family or personal life at work, put their jobs before their personal life, organization serious about equal opportunity and anti discrimination). Disagree about 5 points (all employees are treated same way in using work-life balance policies, part time and full time employees treat similarly, encourage to use work-life balance policy, promotion or transfer for family related reasons is like the kiss of death, employees take work home at night or weekend). Effect in experience: The common and highest score [4-4-4 (Bangladesh bank, Agrani Bank, EBL respectively)] go to the point no. 41(it is frowned upon by management to take leave for family related matters) by scored at 12. Question no 56 (it is easier to work among colleagues than to management involved in case balance work and family) also scored 12(25-5). But in this question Bangladesh Bank employee judge it as a disagree point. So it is not the common opinion. In question no. 40 (part time and full time employees treat similarly) all of the samples mark it as a strongly disagree (Bangladesh Bank, Agrani Bank) and disagree point (EBL). And also question no. 52 (employees take work home at night or weekend) everyone judge it as a strongly disagree (Bangladesh Bank, Agrani Bank) and disagree point (EBL). In question no. 48 (acceptable to


talk about one family or personal life at work) two samples marked it as a strongly disagree (Bangladesh Bank, Agrani Bank) point and one sample make uncertain (EBL). In some cases two samples score as a strongly agree (question no. 56) and another one disagree, two samples score it as a agree (question no. 44, 47, 50, 56) and another sample score it as strong disagree (question no.56) or uncertain point (question no. 44, 50) or disagree point (question no. 47). Sometimes (question no. 43) one sample score it as strongly agree (Bangladesh bank), another sample score as agree (Agrani Bank) and another one score it as disagree point (EBL). So it is tough to say that which experience drive the organization as a efficient one or which experience drive them as inefficient. In total Bangladesh Bank employee score 54, Agrani Bank score 64 and EBL score 71 out of 105. So in total EBL has comparatively better position than that of other two banks. Because in most of the cases agreed by EBL employee (9 times agree). So it can easily determined that EBL employee is in the better position in Work-life Balance policy and the HRM of EBL is more observatory than that of others.

Comparative Analysis: I compare the banks (sample) through the justification of the number the got from the point. I analyzed the whole report individual judgement in first, and after that I compare the sample decision with others in a comparison mode with the graphical presentation and analytical judgement in the following these are described through the 6 point of view. Leave Arrangement:
Leave Arrangement 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 36

34 21


Acceptance & Importance


19 Series1 Series2


Agrani Bank



From the graphical presentation here I found that Bangladesh Bank (BB) employee realizes the maximum importance of leave arrangement and Agrani Bank exists with the maximum Leave facilities. But Agrani Bank Employee doesnt think that it is so necessary to get more leave facilities. In case of EBL the employee gets small leave facilities compare to others but he realize that a standard leave arrangement should go through the organization to move it in a very sound and proper way in a year. From the judgement of this analysis it is clearly noted that it is very important in a company to provide the appropriate leave arrangement policy. In this case Agrani Bank is in the better position than that of others. Parenting and Pregnancy policies: Parenting & Pregnancy Policies

45 40 35 30 Acceptance & 25 Importance 20 15 10 5 0

42 35 23 17 35 25 Policy acceptance Importance BB Agrani Bank EBL

In the case of Parenting & Pregnancy policy the Bangladesh Bank provides the lower Parenting & Pregnancy facilities than that of other two banks. In here EBL provide the maximum facilities than that of others but the employee of EBL demand more than they occurred. In case of Agrani Bank the employee demand more than they get but it is not very far away than that of they achieved. So in this case Agrani Bank has the relatively better position compared to others where the HRM realize the importance of this policy as well as the employee realize it with their own point of view.


Flexible Work Arrangement:

Flexible Work Arrangement

30 25 20 Acceptance 15 & Importance 10 5 0 BB Agrani Bank EBL 12 20 15 14 Series1 Series2 26 26

From the preceded graphics I can denote that in case of flexible work arrangement Agrani Bank is in the better than that of others in case of facilities of flexible work arrangement. They achieved more flexibility (15) than that of others but the employee realize that it is more important to provide flexibility in the work arrangement. As a result a gap creates between the acceptance and importance. But in case of Bangladesh Bank the employee get the minimum flexibility (12) and the employee demand for flexibility is also low. So it can be noted that the HRM maintain the appropriate balance in the bank with providing needed flexibility what they demand. In a very short sense anyone can make a mistake that Bangladesh Bank management cant aware their employee bout flexibility. But it is real true that if the employee feels that they have enough flexibility so it is unnecessary to provide them much than that demand.


Additional Work Provision:

Additional Work Provision

35 30 25 Acceptance & 20 Importance 15 10 5 0 BB Agrani Bank EBL 18 18 20 34 35 29

Policy acceptance Importance

From the graph additional work provision can clearly be noted through the comparison with three bank employee (sample). In here EBL provide the maximum additional work provision (20) than that of other two banks. EBL employee gets maximum additional work provision and the importance he feels is not as more than tat of his achievement. As a result it can be clearly noted that EBL has the appropriate matching than that other two banks in the samples. In Case of Bangladesh Bank and Agrani Bank the employee demands much more importance (34 & 35 respectively) than EBL. So EBL has the perfect matching. HRM of EBL is more justifiable in this case than that of other two banks in the sample.


Formality of Policies:

Formality of Policies
7 7 6 5 4 Policy Acceptance 3 2 1 0 BB Agrani Bank EBL 5 7

Policy acceptance

In case of formality of Work-life Balance Policy EBL and Agrani bank is the same position and better position than that of Bangladesh Bank. In both banks (EBL and Agrani bank) the policy (work-life balance) is not stored but the employee agrees about the questionnaire that it is understandable. So it can simply determine that the provision is acceptable by the employee. And it can only then possible if Organisation cautious about them, otherwise it cant be possible only through the employee attachment. So EBL and Agrani bank have appropriate HRM.


Experiences in the Organisation:

80 70 60 50 Mode of Agree/disagree 40 30 20 10 0 BB 71

64 54


Agrani Bank


In this part of questionnaire employee enjoy the perfect freedom to expose about his experience. In here the answer provided to the employee in a 5 mode of option through the strongly agree to strongly disagree by marked from 5 point to 1 point. The experience anyone gets from the bank in here is clearly denoted. In this part EBL achieved the maximum position in total (71 out of 105) where most of the experience agree with the EBL employee. That means in the EBL has more positive view than others like same access of male and female, family member involvement on work celebration, suitable social function, maternity leave, colleagues involvement than that of management etc. So it can be concluded as determining the EBL HRM is better position in the experience mode. RESULT: The whole comparative analysis goes through the marks of the questionnaire in a graphical mode. So it has also some limitation. But accept this limitation it is more reliable analysis as a confidential and comparative look. From this analysis I noticed that AGRANI BANK is in the better position at Leave Arrangement and Parenting and Pregnancy Policies. And EBL is in better position at Additional Work Provision and Experiences. In case of Formality of policies both bank are in better position. So at a glance Agrani Bank and EBL is more comfortable HRM practiced bank compared to Bangladesh Bank. But in case of flexibility Bangladesh Bank is in the pinnacle condition. And in case of leave and Parenting & Pregnancy condition Agrani is in the supreme condition. But EBL has the Additional work Environment compared to others. And in total Agrani and EBL is in the same position on the basis of this questionnaire 16

Companies have begun to realize how important the work-life balance is to the productivity and creativity of their employees. Employees who were more favorable toward their organizations efforts to support work-life balance also indicated a much lower intent to leave the organization, greater pride in their organization, a willingness to recommend it as a place to work and higher overall job satisfaction. Employers can offer a range of different programs and initiatives, such as flexible working arrangements in the form of part time, casual and telecommuting work. More proactive employers can provide compulsory leave, strict maximum hours and foster an environment that encourages employees not to continue working after hours. It is generally only highly skilled workers that can enjoy such benefits as written in their contracts, although many professional fields would not go so far as to discourage workaholic behavior. Unskilled workers will almost always have to rely on bare minimum legal requirements. So WorkLife Balance policy cant get the maximum benefit from the achievement of the HRM. As a result only skilled and professional worker enjoy the benefit of this policy which drive this policy movement in a weak manner. As a result the juice of this benefit is now segregated. Now it is time to realize about this matter from the beginning and judge it as an effective control.

Though the benefit of the Work-Life Balance policy is now diverted but it is even now the effective tool to analyze the movement of HRM. The follower is this policy now change it through their own point of view and make this policy as an efficient one. And it is now a great dilemma to think that is this policy is better or not. I really believe that through this policy even now we can get the maximum benefit. For that reason I recommend some point from my analysis through this report To give the freedom to use the Work-Life Balance Policy as an effective way To make the mark only by their acceptance Make the questionnaire at a simple mode Form the organizational movement Collect information not only from their management but also from the lowest portion Reduce the same or repeated question Make realistic movement of this policy It is a great problem to determine the best position only through the marking, so neutral marking should reduce Make a separate department for the work-life Balance policy


Company evaluation is much more important than that of other matter. So it should keep in mind that company evaluation cant be possible without Human resource. Make the lucrative Human Resource Department as appropriate movement. Honor the all level of management Reduce dependency of any specific management sector Broaden the specific movement of HRM policy Diverse the HRM policy not only into the middle management but also in the bottom management Make the HRM policy understandable to others Reduce the conflict between Admin Department and HRM

These preceded terms are not only the term that can make this policy free from the repeated and unrealistic manner. But from this short analysis I just suggest some of the recommendation that I found in this report. This may be effective or it may be ineffective. But it is the reality that if I reduce any one of the limitation it may diverse the limited option which create the entry of right policy. Now most of the growing companies are now practicing it from their own respect even in our country. That time is not far when we will get an effective HRM policy in most of the companies.


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