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Name : M Ilham Tegar Yunus

NIM : G051221063
Class : Ilmu Tanah B

"Jurnal Ilmiah fungsiTanah"

A. Definition of soil
Soil is an unconsolidated mineral material located on the earth's surface,
which has been and will continue to be treated and influenced by genetic and
environmental factors which include parent material, climate (including
humidity and temperature), organisms (macro and micro) and topography at a
certain period and time.
Mineral soil that functions as an ideal growing medium is materially
composed of 4 components, namely solids (mineral and organic), water and air.
Based on its volume, the average soil\ consists of: (1) 50% solids, consisting
of 45% minerals and 5% organic matter, and (2) 50% pore space, containing
25% water and 25% air.
Each soil component it plays an important role in supporting Soil functions
as a growth medium. Air (O2, CO2, N2, etc.) serves as a warehouse and gas
source. The existence of air circulation (aeration) well will allow the exchange
of these gases with O2 from the atmosphere, so the activity of autotrophic
microbes that play a vital role in the supply of nutrients is guaranteed and the
toxicities of these gases are neutralized.
Groundwater functions as a component the main body of plants and soil
biota. Most availability and absorption nutrients by plants are mediated by
water, in fact car elements such as N, K and Ca are dominant absorbed by
plants through the help of mass of water, both to the root surface and
transport to the leaves. Therefore, plants who are deficient in water will not
only wilt but will also experience nutrient deficiency.
Soil organic matter is a direct source of organic compounds that can be
absorbed by plants even in small amounts, such as alanine, glycine, and other
amino acids, as well as hormones / growth stimulants and vitamin
Physically, organic matter acts as a

1. Affects the color of the soil to brown - black

2. Stimulate granulation, as well as
3. Reduces soil plasticity and cohesion
4. Improve the soil structure to become more crumbly, and
5. Increases soil capacity to hold water so that drainage is not excessive, soil
moisture and temperature become stable.

Chemically, organic matter acts as:

1. The easily decomposed part through the mineralization process will donate a
number of nutrient ions
2. Produces soil humus which mainly plays a colloidal role
3. Avoiding nutrient ions from leaching by mass flow of water
4. The availability of languages increases
5. Resulting in increased availability and efficiency of fertilization

Ecologically, soil is composed of 3 groups of materials, namely living material

(biotic factors) in the form of biota (biological bodies), abiotic factors in the form of
organic matter, and abiotic factors in the form of sand.
Ecologically, soil is composed of 3 groups of materials, namely living material
(biotic factors) in the form of biota (biological bodies), abiotic factors in the form of
organic matter, and abiotic factors in the form of sand, dust and clay (Ali,
B. Soil function

1. Soil as a medium for plants

Soil as a medium that supports plant growth with a function as a physical plant
buffer, air provider, water provider, temperature regulator, toxic material
controller, and nutrient provider
In carrying out its function as a buffer, the soil affects the anchorage of plant
roots through the depth and type of soil. For example, mineral soils support
plants more strongly than peat soils.
In addition, in carrying out its function as a control of toxic substances, the
soil is naturally capable of gas ventilation, decomposition of organic toxic
materials, as well as destroying toxic materials using microorganisms.

2. Soil as water supply controller

Soil is able to make water clean by filtering and detoxifying naturally against
organic matter pollutants that enter the soil.
For soils that have a high level of permeability, rainwater will be absorbed and
stored in the soil, then used by plants in a sustainable manner, and used to fill
underground water (aquifers), rivers, and lakes.

3. Soil as a ground orgasm habitat

The abundance of organisms is due to the wide range of niches and habitats
the soil has. In addition, soil is also porous and contains water that allows
certain organisms, such as diatoms to swim.

4. Soil as a natural recycler

The results of CO2 decomposition can be absorbed by plants through the
photosynthesis process to form biomass before being released into the
After that, the plants will die and return to the soil after undergoing the
process of decomposition into soil organic matter. This keeps repeating itself
and becomes a life cycle.

5. Soil as a regulator of the composition of the atmosphere

Earth's atmosphere contains oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and
other gases. Soil is a part of nature that can interact directly with various
layers of the atmosphere.
Through its pore space, the soil is able to drain and release gases into the
atmosphere. Soil is also able to carry out respiration by entering O2 and
releasing CO2 into the atmosphere

6. Soil as a technical medium

Soil can be used as a building material, such as bricks and roofs. Along with
the times, soil is also used as a material for engineering needs.
In carrying out this function, land is used as the foundation of buildings, roads,
dams, waste disposal sites, and housing developments.
A. Definisi Tanah
Tanah adalah bahan mineral tidak terkonsolidasi yang terletak di permukaan bumi,
yang telah dan akan terus diolah dan dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik dan lingkungan
yang meliputi bahan induk, iklim (termasuk kelembaban dan suhu), organisme (makro
dan mikro) dan topografi pada periode dan waktu tertentu.
B. Fungsi tanah
1. Tanah sebagai media untuk tanaman
2. Tanah sebagai pengontrol pasokan air
3. Tanah sebagai habitat orgasme tanah
4. Tanah sebagai pendaur ulang alami
5. Tanah sebagai pengatur komposisi atmosfer
6. Tanah sebagai media teknis

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