Angel 234

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Who Is My Guardian Angel? Identify Yours With Your Date Of Birth

Your divine protector regularly sends you messages and helps you make the right
choices along your path. Now, whilst you may feel like you unconsciously know them,
you may not be aware that you can also call upon them for advice and guidance. Are
you wondering how can I know my Guardian Angel; the one who has looked after you
since your birth? If so, you'll be pleased to know that by simply using your
birthday, you can find your Angel's name, learn how to call on them, and discover
how to request their help. It's finally time you found out more about what your
spirit guide has to offer you.

Humankind has always turned towards higher forces when faced with making important
life choices. The origin of Guardian Angels goes back to the most ancient
Kabbalists traditions, but they still steer us through today. Discovering the name
of our protector means discovering who we really are and what's in store for us�
How do I know who my Guardian Angel is? Well, there are 72 Angels, so use your
birthday below to find yours.

A distinction can be made between the 72 guardian angels grouped together in the
angel calendar. In fact, just like the zodiac signs that change every month, the
Angels change every five days. Indeed, they also transmit positive energy and bless
you with qualities that add to your personality. They allow you to move forward
peacefully in life, but for that to happen, you have to find out their name and
really get to know them.

What are Guardian Angels, and what are their jobs?

Perhaps you sometimes hear that little voice inside you that advises you? Well, in
fact, it's your guardian angel coming to your rescue. These protectors are in
charge of orienting and guiding us, plus, they influence our life by accompanying
us every day, in good times and in bad. These spirits are supposed to help men and
women, young and old, throughout their lives, and each one of them has a specific
role and different qualities.

They act as messengers representing the higher powers, indeed they operate between
the heaven world and Earth. Their mission is to help us and accompany us throughout
our lives, so we can live life the best we can. We all have one divine guide based
upon the day and month on which we were born. Every divine angel symbolizes a
force, such as willingness, patience, or even perseverance. They protect you on a
daily basis but never physically present themselves to you, which may seem odd,
especially if you are very in tune with the higher powers and spiritually aware.
They only appear subtly and pass on a message through a symbol, like for instance
via Angel numbers and mirror hours.

Your protector only manifests spontaneously in the exceptional situations of your

life, but it is possible to communicate with your angel directly or with another if
you feel the need to do so. Among all you need to know about angels, know that they
are able to materialize your requests for any area of your life and to intervene in
it. Knowing their names can therefore be very useful in communicating with them and
will facilitate their intervention in your life.

What are Shemhamforash angels?

According to Kabbalists, the 72 names of angels derive from verses 119-121 in
chapter 14 of the Book of Exodus. When we add -el or -iah to the end of these
names, 72 angels are created, and each of them is created in God�s own perfect
vision. Each of the Shemhamforash angels forms part of the 72-fold name of
divinity, and hence embodies the wheel of the zodiac. Furthermore, each of the
Shemhamforash angels has its own personal mission to guide and protect those born
under it, whilst sharing with them their innate powers and wisdom.

How do I notice my Guardian Angel?

Are you wondering how you tell an angel is with you? Well, detecting your
protector�s presence is very simple and mainly involves listening to your intuition
and trusting your senses. Here are 5 signs that help reveal whether your spiritual
guide is with you at present or not.

5 Signs your angel is with you:

You suddenly feel overcome with powerful emotions.

You hear strange sounds.
You can smell sweet odors.
You feel a sense of warmth around you.
You notice strange colors when looking in the mirror.


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