A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 8)

By: Clinton D. Zamora III

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. arrange the plot of the story chronologically;

b. identify the theme and moral of the story The Three Princes; and
c. appreciate the story The Three Princes by performing a short skit, drawing a movie poster,
performing a minute propaganda and writing a poem about the story;

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: The Three Princes
B. Language Focus: Adverbs of Manner
C. Skill Focus: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Viewing
D. Reference: Learner’s Material in English Grade 8, Module 4: Lesson 4, Global
Communication: Informative Speech. p. 557-560
E. Materials: Boxes, Chart, Picture, Posters, Powerpoint Presentation

Principle or Approach to be applied: Inductive approach was applied in this semi-detailed
lesson plan because the teacher starts with giving a motivation activity to the students in which
they are going to sing a song based from the other word that they choose. After the activities they
found why the words are ended with a suffix –ly because the words are the examples of adverb of
the manner in which clearly introduces that the topic is all about adverbs of manner.

Teachers Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings and Opening prayer

Good morning Class! : Good morning sir!

To start our day, can you lead the :(Rodrigo will lead the prayer)
prayer Rodrigo?

Before sitting, kindly fix your chairs : (The students will fix their chairs and pick up
and pick up all scattered mess around all scattered mess around them.)

Is everything done? :
Yes, sir!
2. Checking of Attendance

Class monitor is everybody present? : Yes, sir!

Very Good! Maintain your perfect

attendance class!

3. Setting of Class Standards

Before we proceed to our discussion

here are the following rules you need to

1. Listen attentively.
2. Avoid making unnecessary noises.
3. Raise your right hand if you want to
4. Show me your respect, so that I will
respect you too.
5. Follow the directions carefully.

Did I make myself clear? : Yes, Sir!

Do you have some questions

regarding our classroom standards? : None, Sir!

4. Motivation

Rodel, let us assume that all of you

are princes and princesses from
different kingdoms. And you are all
given a chance to meet Aladdin.
: Yes, Sir!
Would you like that?

However, you still need to surpass

his challenges for you to be able to
meet him. And as you can see the
castle is still covered. We have to
know the password to reveal it.

For now, let us assume that this

classroom is the Kingdom and I will
be the officer-in-charge to guide
you while you are here and you
have to call me sire.

Is it a deal? : Yes, Sire!

Here in our kingdom, Aladdin will

be very happy if you will avoid
making any noise that is
unnecessary. Aladdin would
Also like to inform you that he
dislikes princes and princesses who
use cellular phones inside his castle.
And lastly, he loves those who
follow instructions carefully. : Yes, Sire!

You are divided into four groups.

Your groups are indicated according
to the flags given you.

Kingdom of Israel

Kingdom of Italy

Kingdom of Philippines

Kingdom of Korea

As much as possible, you need to act

like real princes and princesses for you
to successfully achieve the goal and
receive a reward. Are you excited for
: We are so excited, sire.
the reward?
That’s good! Here’s a question for the
princesses, what characteristics do you
need to possess to be a princess?? Yes,
Hannah? : A princess is someone who is intelligent.

That’s right! What else? Yes, Mary : Sire, a princess is kind.


Very good!

What about for the princes, what : A prince is someone who is brave and
characteristics should you possess to be intelligent.
a prince? Yes, Carl?

That’s correct! What else? Yes, : A prince is a person of principle and someone
Arnold? who can be a great leader.

Very good! Let us now proceed to your : Yes sire.


If I ask you “Are you ready” just raise

your flags if your answer is yes. : (The students will raise their flags.)

This activity is entitled, “ BID FOR


In this activity, let us assume that you

are attending public sale or an auction.

Have you been to or at least watched an : Yes, sire!


That’s good, but for those who do not

know what an auction is, an auction
class, is also known as public sale.
Wherein, the buyers bid higher than
other buyers for a product.

Each group will be given an envelope

containing a budget, which you can use
to bid for the treasure you want to have.
Take note that you should not tell other
groups how much you received.

For the instructions, Audrey, please

read the following:
: Each group will take turns to bid higher than
the other groups. The group with the highest
bid will win the treasure. Make sure to bid not
more than the budget given to you. One
member of each group will serve as a
representative who will say your bid.
Is everything clear?
Yes, sire!
Are you ready?

Let us start. The first treasure is a : (Students will raise their flags)
crystal ball. This ball can show you
anything you want. Initial price is
: 2, 600 from the kingdom of Israel.
Okay, 2, 600 going once…

3, 000 from Italy, going once… going

: 3, 000 from the kingdom of Italy.
Now, let us proceed to our next

(the same process will be done until the

last item)

The items are: flying carpet and

magical ointment.

Congratulations, You all did a good


Look, there is a scroll. I think it’s the


Let us read.

The password is nepo nepo

palaceshow. Close your eyes and say it
: (The password will be flashed on the screen)
Wow! We can now see the castle.
Welcome to the Kingdom of Aladdin!
B. Developmental Activities

5. Presentation of Lesson
What did you notice on your first

Yes, where can we usually read or : Sir, it is about making choices of what would
see the treasures I showed you? you like to have.
Yes, Keith?
: When we read stories and watch fantasy
Exactly! Because today, we will be movies sir.
discussing a short story from the
Arabian Nights entitled, The Three
Princes. Are you ready?
: (students raise their flags)
a. Unlocking difficulties

Let us proceed to your next

activity entitled, “WORD

Earlier today, Aladdin sent me

this box. Let us find out what it
contains. Wow! It has a genie
bottle. Inside this bottle are
rolled papers containing riddles.
What you are going to do is
identify the word being asked
on the riddle and find the word
on the tacked letters on the
board. For further instructions : While the music plays, pass the bottle to your
please read the following: seatmate. When the music stops, the person
holding the bottle will get one rolled paper
from the bottle and answer what is being
asked. Each correct answer corresponds to 1
crown. If the person holding the bottle gives an
incorrect answer, other students will be given a
Is everything clear? chance to answer. JUST RAISE YOUR FLAG
QUITELY if you want to be recognized.

Are you ready?

Yes, sire!

(The teacher will play a music : (students will raise their flags)
and facilitate the

These are the questions written on the rolled


1. I am a 6-letter word which means a

Ezekiel, kindly give us a member of a royal family a leading
sentence using the word prince? man in your favorite fantasy. Who am
Very good!
Answer: Prince
(The teacher will play the music
again and will do the same : I want to see a prince someday.
process until the last word is

2. I am an adjective which is used when

describing something strange and
beautiful or impressive. I am
synonymous to the word Amazing. I
start with letter W and ends with S.

Answer. Wondrous

3. I am a small container, typically

cylindrical and made of glass, used
especially for holding liquid medicines.
I am not so familiar but sounds like

Answer: VIAL

4. I am sometimes verb and sometimes

noun. When I am verb, boys use me for
a lady but when I am a noun, I am a
place for a trial.

Answer: COURT

5. I am a noun. A high official in

Did you enjoy the game class? certain Muslim countries, esp. in the
former Ottoman Empire. I sound like
Those words are actually found in the the comparative degree of busy when
story, the three princes. pronounced. Just change my first letter
with a consonant next to you.
6. Discussion
Answer: VIZIER
Yesterday, I told you to read the
story, The Three Princes. Did you : Yes, sire!
read it already?

If so, what is all about the story?

Yes, Carrie?

: Yes, sire!
Exactly! Having said that, what
were the three gifts they found?
Yes, Carrie?
: Sir, it is a story about the three princes who
Excellent! Considering those three, wanted to marry a princess but they failed to
where do you think the story convince her despite the wondrous gifts they
happened? Yes, Jp? offered.

That’s right! But what made you : The three princes found, a crystal ball, a
say that it is in Middle East? flying carpet and a magical ointment sir.

: Sir, I think it happened somewhere in Middle

Great thinking! The setting of the
story is in Arabian peninsula.
: Because the three items found by the princes
Who then are the main characters of mainly depicts the beliefs and culture of the
the story? Yes, Ace? Arabian people. Especially the flying carpet,
which was also used in the movie Aladdin
Very good! which setting is Arabian.

For your next activity called,

PICTO PLOT, Angeline, please
read the following:

: The three princes, the king and the princess,

Each group will be given a specific
part of the plot. Kingdom of
Philippines will arrange the
Exposition, Kingdom of Italy will : Arrange the plot of the story chronologically
arrange the Rising and Falling by putting together its divided sequences and
action, Kingdom of Israel will draw a simple picto – presentation depicting
arrange the Climax and lastly, the the scene given you. A SIMPLE drawing only.
Kingdom of Korea will arrange the After 5 minutes, tack it on the board and
Denouement. explain your answers and drawings.

Is everything clear now?

Your time starts now.

(The teacher will facilitate the


: Yes, sir!

(the students will do the activity)

Students will come up with this arrangement:

Exposition: LONG AGO on the Arabian

Peninsula, there ruled in one of those cities a
king whose daughter had come of
marriageable age. Three princes from nearby
cities came to court the princess. However, the
Princess disliked them and begged her Father
not to let her marry any of them.

Rising Action: The King postponed the

marriage of his daughter and ordered the
princes to explore the world for one year and
one day. Whoever returns with the most
wondrous item will win the Princes’ hand in

Climax: The three princes found 3 different

items: a crystal ball, a flying carpet and a
magical ointment. The princes returned to the
palace and presented the items they found
before the King. But the King had a hard time
choosing so he asked advice from a wise old
man from Russia.
(After 5 minutes)
Your time is up! Please tack your Falling Action: The princess did not choose
answers on the board and let us any of the three princes. She chose the wise
check if you arranged the plot old man instead. Denouement: The princess
sequentially. picked up the magic ointment, took the old
Russian's hand, and with a dab of the ointment
Now, please discuss your answers.
Let us follow the sequence. That rubbed the back of his hand, incredibly, the old
means that first to discuss will be man had straightened up to become tall and
the Kingdom of Philippines. dark, with the lines of an earnest young man
chiselled on his cheeks. Restored to the
Very good! You all got the correct strength and handsome stature of his youth, he
order. smiled at the princess.

Now that you have familiarized

yourselves with the story, what do
you think is its theme? From the
Kingdom Of Italy? (Students will do as told)

That’s right! It also conveys that,

true love will find its way to you.

What lesson did you learn from the

story? Yes, Prince Lorenz from the (Students will discuss)
Kingdom of Israel?

Very good, Clever! What else? Yes,


: I think the central idea of the story is about

Brilliant! marriage.

C. Concluding Activity : I learned from the story on the part when the
princess made her decision that things are not
7. Application always what it seems. Also, materials things
can’t measure how much you love a person.
To further test your understanding
about the topic, let’s proceed to
your last activity. This activity is : I learned that marriage is for those who value
entitled “SHOW YOUR a person more than anything else.
TREASURE”. In here, you are
going to show not gold or any other
precious stone but your hidden
treasures, your talents. Please read
the instructions class.
The criteria and instructions for
your tasks are already included in
the scrolls given you. The following
the instructions and criteria for the : Each group will be given different tasks.
students’ performances: Kingdom of Philippines will make a movie
poster of the story, Kingdom of Italy will
perform a one minute role play about any
scene from the story, Kingdom of Israel will
write a poem about the story, and lastly, the
Kingdom of Korea will perform a minute
propaganda about the importance of giving.
The preparation of this activity will be 10
minutes only. After 10 minutes, perform and
present your outputs.

Kingdom of Philippines: Movie poster)

Instructions: Make a movie poster of the story,
the three princes. You may use any materials
available. After 10 minutes, present your
movie poster in front of the class.

Relevance 30%
Originality 30%
Creativity 20%
Neatness 10%
Participation 10%
Total 100%

Kingdom of Italy
Task: Short Role Play
Instructions: Act out a particular scene from
the story. It should be good for 1 minute only.
Perform it before the class after the given time
of preparation.

Relevance 25%
Organization 20%
Dialogue 20%
Stage presence 15%
Overall presentation 15%
Participation 5%
Total 100%

Kingdom of Israel
Task: Poem Writing
Instruction: Convey the theme of the story by
writing a 2 stanza (or more) poem. Recite the
poem in front of the class after the time
allotted is over.

Relevance 30%
Presentation 25%
Creativity 20%
Here is the order of presentation: (Pick
Message 15%
a paper from the box) First to perform,
Originality 5%
is the Kingdom of Philippines group to
Participation 5%
be followed by the Kingdom of Italy.
Total 100%
Then Kingdom of Israel and Korea.
Kingdom of Korea
Are all groups ready to perform their
Task: Propaganda
assigned task?
Instructions: Formulate and present a minute
propaganda about the importance of giving in
Okay very good! The floor is all yours!
our society.

(The teacher will facilitate the activity.) Criteria:

Originality 40%
After 10 minutes Creativity 30%
Presentation 20%
Your time is up! Please settle down Participation 10%
now and be ready for your Total 100%
presentations. Let us watch the
presentation of the Kingdom of
Philippines first.

Wow, what a nice poster! Let us give

them a round of applause.

(students will do the activity)

Next to present is the Kingdom of Italy
with the role-play they made.

Yes, Sir!
What a great performance! Give them a
round of applause!

: (The students will perform and show their

Now, let us witness the presentation of outputs.)
the Kingdom of Israel!

What a lovely poem! Let us clap for

them, class.

The last but not the least let us watch : This movie poster of the story shows the
the performance of the Kingdom of three princes and the gifts they found.

Wow! What an amazing presentation,

let’s them a wow clap! : (The students will do the clap.)
Job well done class. You have shown
unique presentations and performances!
Let’s do the royal clap. : (Students will perform their role-play)
(The teacher will execute the clap.)
8. Generalization

Let’s have a recap about our topic for : (The students will do the clap.)
today. From the Kingdom of
Philippines, what have we discussed
: (Students will recite the poem they
What is it all about again? Kingdom of
Korea? : (The students will do the clap.)

: (Students will present the propaganda they

Okay very good! From the Kingdom of made)
Israel, can you enumerate the 3 gifts the
princes found?
: (The students will do the wow clap.)

What can you say about the activities

for today, Kingdom of Italy?

Good job everyone! : (The students will imitate.)

It seems that you really understood our

topic. You did a great job today!
: Sir, we discussed about the three princes.

Let’s talk more about today’s activities

and fun, it that okay class?

So let me ask a question, in your idea, : It is about the three princes who tried to
how will you choose the person you persuade a princess to marry on of them.
will be with for the rest of your life?
Yes, Angeline?

: The 3 gifts are: a crystal ball, a flying carpet

What about you, Daniel? and a magical ointment.

Okay, thank you for your answer.

: The activities for today are very enjoyable

Regarding the three treasures presented and fun.
in the story, what do you think is the
significance of those in the culture of
the Arabian people? Yes, Christopher?

Very Good! You all did a great job

today class. Please give Christopher the
wowowee clap.

Look, Aladdin sent something! Kindly

read the scroll : Yes, Sir!

: (Students answers may vary.) : I will be

choosing the person I will be with not basing
on his physical appearance but by knowing
him well.
Since you all did an excellent Job, you
all will be given rewards. : Sir, I believe the idea of destiny

D. Evaluation
Students’ performances will be used as
evaluation using the following criteria:

Movie poster
Relevance 30%
Originality 30%
Creativity 20% : It is important to them as they represent both
Neatness 10% their culture and tradition.
Participation 10%
Total 100%
: (students will do the clap)
Short Role Play
Relevance 25%
Organization 20% I am very much pleased and excited to meet
Dialogue 20% you all tonight for the ball. Please get your
Stage presence 15% invitations from sir Clinton.
Overall presentation 15%
Participation 5% Sincerely,
Total 100%

Task: Poem Writing

Relevance 30%
Presentation 25%
Creativity 20%
Message 15%
Originality 5%
Participation 5%
Total 100%

Task: Propaganda
Originality 40%
Creativity 30%
Presentation 20%
Participation 10%
Total 100%

E. Assignment
For your assignment, research about
sentence expansion and give examples
of it.

Goodbye class!
Goodbye sir! See you around and may god
bless you.
Checklist for Detailed Lesson Plan:

Check the scale for the preferred response:

Scale Interpretation
5 Outstanding
4 Very Satisfactory
3 Satisfactory
2 Fair

Criteria 5 4 3 2 Total
1. Lesson’s objectives are constructed using 2-3 domains.

2. Subject matter is aligned to the lesson’s objectives.

3. Instructional materials are appropriate to the lesson objective.

4. Teaching strategy is suited to the lesson objective.

5. Development activities are aligned to the objective.

6. Generalization questions are stated clearly.

7. Assessment activity is consistent to the lesson’s objective.

8. 8. Assignment is provided for enrichment

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