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The Mind of a Great Man (excerpt)

【1】More than a decade ago, with the publication of The Complete Works of Tseng
Kuo-fan and related literary works featuring Yseng Kuo-fan, a figure who had once
changed the course of history, Tseng Kuo-fan soon aroused Chinese people’s interest,
from the official and scholarly circles, to the business community, the military and
even the common people, as if they had unearthed a rare cultural relic. For a while,
talking about Tseng gained traction among people, who regarded it as an erudite and
gentle manner. This trend also spread to the overseas Chinese world, with the Chinese
media scrambling to introduce the long-forgotten figure.

【 2 】 There are hundreds of thousands of figures who have reigned in modern

Chinese history, so why can this man receive so much attention in many different
fields and levels? It seems that every Chinese people can say something about him. It
is not only out of his legendary personal experience, but also out of his national and
cultural obligations.

【3】Today, the era is one characterized by global economic integration. The western
culture, by virtue of its strong economic power, is sweeping across every corner of the
world, with the momentum of rejecting and overwhelming all other cultures. How can
Chinese culture, which ever created a splendid civilization lasting for 5,000 years,
stand firm under the circumstances? Is it still necessary for it to exist? Does the
Chinese nation still need its nourishment? Is it still possible for it to develop? All
these questions, to which the answers were originally affirmative, seem to have
become important issues haunting the far-seeing persons.

【4】Tseng is recognized as the last typical figure who has integrated with traditional
culture in modern China. The public’s attention to and interest in him just give us a
lesson. That is to say, the restless and adrift Chinese people in a period of change still
crave the nourishment of their national culture, and particularly desire some
enlightenment from successful persons the culture has cultivated. This sort of
enlightenment is more affectionate, practical and effective due to the same origin,
ethnicity and blood linage.

【 5 】 This matter injects motivation and enthusiasm into those of us engaging in

Chinese cultural undertakings. At the same time, it brings confidence to us and
heralds a bright future.

【6】However, Chinese culture is not only extensive and profound, but also complex.
In the era characterized by information explosion and fierce competition, there are
numerous opportunities and golden moments. In this context, people no longer have
the pastoral tranquility of the past and the leisure of reading behind closed doors for
many months and even years. How can those who are busy with their works
appreciate the wisdom of Chinese culture? The author believes that for those who are
eager for the wisdom of Chinese culture, it is worth trying to concentrate on making a
thorough study on a representative person and then further understand the entire group
through this person. This method is in accordance with these ancient aphorisms: “To
see a world in a wild flower, and a bodhi in a leaf”; and “One method can lead to
another hundred methods”.

【7】As one of the representatives of Chinese culture, Tseng has his own merits in all
respects. For example, despite illness and weakness, he made great contributions and
left us much food for thought in a short span of sixty years. Where did his
extraordinary energy come from? As a leader, Tseng constructed a team outside the
system from scratch and led it to success by prevailing over all dangers and hardships.
What were his capabilities? As a father and brother, Tseng has written thousands of
letters to his kids and younger brothers. Even when the military was in danger and his
life was at stake, Tseng still showed his great concern and gave earnest teachings to
them. What was the source of his extraordinary love? As a senior official of the
country, in the face of challenges and uncertainties that plagued the country, Tseng put
forward the idea of learning from the West for self-improvement and implementing it
within the scope of power. What is the recipe for his insight? All these problems merit
our careful consideration.

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