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Anusha M

Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

· Overall,8 years of experience in requirements gathering, deployment of Web Applications and client
server multi-tier applications using Java/J2EE technologies. Delivered quality based solutions in Banking,
Healthcare, and Manufacturing Industries.
· Excellent experience in designing and implementing Web, Client/Server and distributed, cross-
platform systems using Java/J2EE technology with Agile/SCRUM Methodology.
· Hands on Experience in Java 1.8.
· Java messaging service JMS-IBQ MQ Series provides independent and potentially non-concurrent
applications on a distributed system to communicate with each other, used to achieve SOA
· Good Knowledge on working with OAUTH2.0 to provide authentication and authorization to Rest
services by exchanging Access tokens.
· Expertise in React JS framework to develop the SPA.
· Experienced in React JS and working with React Flux architecture.
· Experience in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, plus Redux.
· Microservices development using Java and Scala. Tomcat, Netty, Akka Http, Spring MVC, Spring
· Good experience of implementing reactive programming using RxJava to manage asynchronous tasks
and events.
· Experience with querying on data present in Cassandra cluster using CQL(Cassandra Query
· Solid understanding of NO SQL Database(MongoDB and Cassandra).
· Experience in writing MongoDB queries.
· Migrated Database from SQL databases (Oracle and SQL Server) to NO SQL Databases(MONGODB).
· Responsible for configuring, integrating, and maintaining all Development, QA, Staging and Production
PostgreSQL databases within the organization.
· Responsible for all backup, recovery, and upgrading of all of the PostgreSQL databases.
· Developed libraries(part of Vendor Management System)using Scala 2.13,SBT,Akka Typed Actors, and
· Experienced in Amazon Web Services(AWS) cloud platform and services like Lambda, DynamoDB,
· Good knowledge and experience in developing web interfaces using client-side technologies like
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

· Hands on experience in developing SPARK applications using Spark tools like RDD transformations,
Spark core, Spark Mllib, Spark Streaming and Spark SQL.
· Experience with CI CD pipelines to integrate the Java code to align with DevOps practices using Docker.
· Experience in database design and implementation using different RDBMS like
MicrosoftSQLServer2012, Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g and 11g, MySQL and NoSQL database services like
MongoDB, Cassandra.
· Experience in MVC (Model View Controller) architecture, using Struts, AJAX and Spring
Framework with various Java/J2EE design patterns.
· Proficiency in Core Java involving concepts like Collections, Multithreading, DataStructures,
Algorithms, ExceptionHandling and Polymorphism.
· Used java SE8 features like streams, lambda expressions, functional interface and type annotations
and worked with core java concepts like Multithreading, Transaction Management, Exception Handling.
· Designed the whole API using RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML). Working experience on
designing, developing and maintaining client-server, distributed and web application for e-commerce.
· Created RESTMicroserviceAPIs using Spring Boot Application.
· Used Spring Boot for developing stand-alone applications and generated Maven project using Jetty as
embedded server, added a RESTful Spring MVC Controller that responds to a request using post, and
Swagger for describing and documenting the RESTful API’s.
· Developed Micro services using RESTful services to provide all the CRUD capabilities.
· Implemented Spring boot microservices to process the messages into the Kafka cluster setup.
· Implemented Kafka producer and consumer applications on Kafka cluster setup with help of Zookeeper.
· Used Spring Kafka API calls to process the messages smoothly on Kafka Cluster setup.
· Strong experience in Spring Framework such as Spring MVC, IOC, AOP and Spring JDBC.
· Experience in developing the Two-Phase commit using Spring and Apache Camel.
· Extensive usage of multi-Threading using java. util.concurrency package.
· Used Apache Kafka to handle high-velocity and high-volume data.
· Strong knowledge in designing and developing various Angular4.0 Components Template, Data Binding
(Services (observable/promises), Directive and Pipes for dynamic web applications.
· Proficient in RDBMS concepts, queries, PL-SQL, stored procedures, functions using Oracle.
· Expertise in developing SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers in databases viz. Oracle, SQL
Server2000, My SQL, and DB2 and excellent development experience using Agile Methodology.
· Wrote DAO classes in persistence layer using Spring and Hibernate for DB interactions.
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

· Proficiency in implementing multi-threaded applications and in using design patterns like Factory
Method, Abstract Factory, Singleton, Builder, Session facade, MVC and DAO patterns in software design.
· Hands on experience in Amazon Web Services provisioning and good knowledge of AWS services like
EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, ELB, RDS, VPC, Spring Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation,
IAM, SNS etc.
· Experience in using build tool as ANT, Gradle, Maven to compile, package the components to the
Application Servers MAVEN scripts for customizing WAR/ JAR file management for web applications
and log4J.
· Experience in Web/Application Servers for deploying and configuring web applications.
· Hands on Experience in Version Control systems GIT and SVN.
· Familiar in implementing web services such as SOAP, REST, and Node JS using WSDL, CXF2, JAX-
WS, and JAX-RS.
· Involved in all the phases of SDLC from requirement analysis, designing, coding, UAT, documentation &
implementation. Good at development in enterprise web applications using Core Java, Java 1.8, and Java
· Used spring config server for centralized configuration and Splunk for centralized logging. Developed the
Generic Java concurrency Framework to execute multithreads.
· Having experience in Black Box Testing includes Integration, Functionality, System, Performance and
Regression Testing and Strong Foundation in Web Test Analysis, Testing and maintenance.
· Expert level skills in deploying,configuring, and administering application servers such as WebSphere,
JBoss, and ApacheTomcat.
· Good Knowledge in all phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC) process including analysis,
design, development, implementation, integration, testing, debugging, production support, maintenance,
and the support of object oriented and client-server web applications.
· Created Test automation framework using SeleniumWebDriver and TestNG. Implemented java
Message e Services (JMS) using JMSAPI.
· Experience in Unit Testing and generating of Test cases using JUnit.
· Experience in supporting, automating, and optimizing mission critical deployments in AWS, CI/CD and
Devops Processes.
· Good technical, communications and interpersonal skills. Able to work reliably under pressure.
Committed team player with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188


Programming Languages Core Java, C, Python, PL/SQL

Web Technologies JSP, JavaScript, JSON, Angular 4.0, jQuery, AJAX, XML, XSLT, HTML,

Platforms Windows, Server (2000, 98, NT), Unix, Linux, Android.

Java Design Patterns MVC, Singleton, Front Controller Factory, Abstract Factory, SessionFaçade.

UML Tools/other tools MS Visio, Rational Rose Enterprise, Edit plus, Dreamweaver, Sublime Text,
Enterprise Architecture.

J2EE/JAVA Technologies J2EE, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, JSF, Web Services

IDE & Reporting Tools Eclipse (Oxygen), JBuilder, IntelliJ IDEA, Brackets, NetBeans, IntelliJ.

Design Methodologies UML, Rational Rose, Object Oriented (OOA/OOD), MVC

J2EE MVC Frameworks Hibernate, Spring BOOT, Spring MVC, Spring Integration, Struts, JSF (Java
Server Faces).

Databases DB2, MySQL, SQL, SQLite, Oracle 9i, 10g and 11g and MongoDB.

Application Servers IBM WebSphere, Oracle Web Logic, JBoss , and Apache Tomcat 6+

ORM Frameworks Hibernate , JPA.

Build Tools Ant, Maven and Gradle.

Web Services Specifications JAX-RPC, JAX-WS (SOAP), JAX-RS (Restful).

Design Methodologies Rational Unified Process, Agile, Scrum, Test Driven Development, Rapid
Application Development, Waterfall.

Cloud Technologies EC2, S3, Elastic, ELB, Spring PCF (pivotal cloud foundry)

Testing and Logging Junit, Jasmine, Junit, Log4J, SoapUI, Test NG

Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188


Client: Ameriprise Auto & Home Insurance June 2019 – Till date
Location: De Pere WI
Role: Java Backend Developer

· Worked on an Agile (Scrum) Development Team to deliver regular updates to business team and project
· Designed and developed dynamic multi-Browser compatible responsive web application using Angular 8,
AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.
· Developed web applications using Java Frameworks like Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate,
RESTful, Web Services, and React JS.
· Developed user interface using Angular 8 and Middle tier using Spring Boot. Application is configured
using Maven build tool.
· Designed and implementing scalable, RESTful, and Microservices-based backend. The backend is being
written in Java using Spring Boot for simplicity and scalability.
· Used RESTful web services usingjQuery and Angular 8 to fetch response data on user request
Implemented security mechanism with Angular 8, OAuth2.0,Spring boot and JWT.
· Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection and Spring Boot for microservices.
· Developed microservices with Spring and tested the application using Spring Boot.
· Executed JavaEE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, spring transactions and spring
security modules.
· Used Spring Frameworkand J2EE components, utilized Spring Boot, IOC, and DAO modules
· Worked on React JS Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components which contains
additional components called custom HTML tags.
· Maintaining Parent and child components by using State and Props in React JS.
· Implemented React JS Controllers to maintain each view data.
· Experience in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, plus Redux.
· Implemented Spring BOOT framework, managed dependencies, and map collections from Mongo DB.
· Involved with content distribution team to develop improve performance of website and identify the
relevant functional and technical requirements.
· Performed CRUD operations like Update, Insert and Delete data in Mongo DB.
· Worked with JBoss, Infinispan Cache system to load data from cache memory.
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

· Applied industry-standard development techniques for application service components by configuring

Java Beans using Spring IoC (Dependency Injection).
· Integrated internal and external Client resources to confine and troubleshoot issues resulting with service
disruption and outage.
· Produced centralized Spring Restful Web Services for Enterprise environment applications to consume
in JSON format within trusted client-server environment.
· Developed complex JAX-RS and Rest based Web services to expose the data to spring module and suit
the requirement.
· Developed Micro services using RESTful services to provide all the CRUD capabilities.
· Used spring config server for centralized configuration and Splunk for centralized logging. Used
Concourse and Jenkins for Microservices deployment.
· Implemented REST Microservices using spring boot. Generated Metrics with method level granularity
and Persistence using Spring AOP and Spring Actuator.
· Designed Frontend within object-oriented JavaScript Framework like AngularJS, NodeJS.
· Analyzed the Maven dependency management in base code in-order to annotate the dependencies on to
Spring Boot application for Micro Services. 
· Migrating existing application into micro services architecture using Rest APIs, spring boot.
· Used Spring MVC Framework Dependency Injection for integrating various Java Components. 
· Worked on Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment of the code.
· Used AWS to deploy the project on EC2 Instance Implementation of the businesslogic layer for
MongoDB Services.
· Utilized AWS Lambda platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and to trigger other Lambda
functions focusing on high availability, fault tolerance and auto scaling.
· Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS. 
· Hands on experience in developing a data pipeline using Kafka to store data.
· Wrote Kafka producers to stream the data from external rest APIs to Kafka topics.
· Implemented Spring boot microservices to process the messages into the Kafka cluster setup.
· Implemented Kafka producer and consumer applications on Kafka cluster setup with help of Zookeeper.
· Used Spring Kafka API calls to process the messages smoothly on Kafka Cluster setup.
· Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process implementation
for database using tools like Jenkins
· Experience in continuous integration and Devops.
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

· Created AWS Lambda function AWS Server less Services to be invoked for RDS event and user AWS
notification services.
· Worked on Micro services using Spring boot and deploy micro services with Docker in AWS
· Used Git for code repository and Maven for building dependencies.

Environment: Java 1.8, JSP, Spring, Spring Boot, J2EE, Apache Tomcat 8, Git, HTML5, CSS, JBoss, jQuery, Maven,
AWS,JAX-RS Spring tool suite,AJAX,Log4j,JSON, Eclipse Oxygen, Agile, Scrum,Kafka,Jenkins, MongoDB 3.2,
Client: On life HealthOct 2017 – May 2019
Location: Nashville, TN
Role: Full Stack Developer

· Worked on Agile Methodology with bi-weekly sprints, and daily scrum meetings with backlogs and story
· Developed application on spring framework by utilizing its features like Spring Dependency injection,
Spring Security, Spring Web flow with Spring MVC.
· Used Spring AOP in case of logging and security.
· Designed and developed Microservices using REST framework and Spring Boot and used Bootstrap
along with Angular in creating the Application
· Exposed the application as a Restful web service and implemented the authentication.
· Used Spring Rest Template to use the exposed REST Web Services.
· Created single Page Application with loading multiple views using route services and adding more user
experience to make dynamic by using Angular framework.
· Used Spring Boot framework to write Presentation Layer, Business Layers and Controller Servlets.
· Integration with Spring Securityand Spring Boot Thyme Leaf in Web application.
· Involved in web designing using Angular 7, Angular 8, React Js, HTML 5, CSS 3, TypeScript.
· Worked on interacting with multiple components using Angular.
· Created Angular components, implemented Interpolation, input variables, Bootstrapping, NgFor, NgIf,
Router Outlet, binding the click event, two-way binding, Component decorator, binding to the hidden
· Implemented Data validations for critical functionalities.
· Implemented Responsive development using Bootstrap and CSS3 media queries.
· Extensively used CSS and Bootstrap for styling the HTML elements.
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

· Created Angular service and integration with RESTful APIs. Used Angular Http module to send
GET/POST request to fetch data from server.
· Worked on creating log-in authentication modules using AngularJS and JavaScript.
· Used AngularJS as framework to create Single Page Applications which can bind data to specific views
and synchronize data with server.
· Implemented OAUTH 2 (Rest service authentication) in our application in order to communicate securely
with other protected resources by exchanging access tokens for authentication instead of using username
and passwords.
· Created web services using SOAP, to allow application and services to connect them over the Internet.
· Designed WSDL's and elaborated type definitions schemas based on corporate standards, integration and
security specifications.
· Developed code using various patterns like Singleton, Front Controller and Value Objects, DataAccess
· Designed developed and maintained the data layer and performed configuration of Spring Application
· Developed JUnit test cases for Unit Testing and functional testing for various modules and prepared
Code Documentation for future reference and upgrades.
· Used JIRA tracking tool for assigning and defect management.
· Used Maven to build and deploy application onto JBOSS Application Server and Jenkins to deploy code
onto server.
· Involved in pre-testing the Web-Service calls with SOAP UI/POSTMAN/SwaggerUI using endpoints.
· Used GIT HUB for maintaining the component and to release version management.
· Used Confluence page to update the services information and the project related information. Deployed
web server components using Apache Tomcat and application server with WebLogic.
· Deployed the services using Docker container to host in AWS and utilized AWS platform to upload data
into S3 buckets, EC2 instances.
· Used Jenkins automation for building pipelines and GitHub repositories using web hooks plugin.
· Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.

Environment: Java 1.8, Spring 4.1.1, Spring Data JPA 1.5.2, Spring Boot 1.4, MVC frameworks, Servlets,
JSP, Struts, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Angular JS, SOAP and REST web services, Jenkins,
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

Client: Community Health SystemsMay 2016 – September 2017

Location: Franklin, TN
Role: Senior Java Developer

• Involved in all the phases of SDLC including Requirement gathering, Design & Analysis of Customer
Specifications, Development and Customization of the Application.
• Designed & developed Application using Spring Framework, Spring MVC and spring templates.
• Developed the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) application using Spring REST and Jersey to
build rest-based Web services.
• Developed the web interface for end users using AngularJS along with jQuery and included two-way
binding and DOM manipulation
• Hands on experience with data persistency using Hibernate and Spring Framework.
• Extensively used the JavaScript and jQuery plug-in to fetch and display the data on web pages and
create interactive features in the application. Worked with jQuery concepts like selectors, and filters
• Involved in implementation of enterprise environment integration with Web Services and Legacy
Systems using SOAP, and REST (Using Axis and Jersey frameworks).
• Developed the application under J2EE Architecture using spring, Hibernate, Servlets and JSP.
• Used Spring MVC to develop REST webservices within the application. Developed RESTful Web
services to create new subscription/account and updating them for mobile value chain in JSON format
and consumed RestWeb services from the browser using AngularJS.
• Used Spring Core for concept Inversion of control (IOC) implemented using dependency injection.
• Involved in multi-tiered J2EE design utilizing MVC architecture (Struts Framework), Hibernate
deployed on Web Sphere Application Server connecting to a database. Involved in setting up Maven
configuration and helping Continuous Integration (CI) Issues.
• Developed unit test cases and suits on Junit framework for unit testing.
• Designed and modified User Interfaces using JSP, JavaScript, CSS and jQuery.
• Extensively used Hibernate Relational mappings(One-To-Many, Many-To-Many) worked on
Hibernate Cache, Query, Criteria and Transactions.
• Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, tagging, pushing images, integration of
Springboot. Created the Dockercontainers and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycle.
• Implemented Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF) as a platform as a service for RESTfulservices.
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

• Developed a GUI to help to read the logs generated by the scripts, which was created using D3.JS, jQuery
table sorter.
• Used Jenkins automation for building pipelines and GitHub repositories using web hooks plugin.

Environment:Java/J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, REST Web Services, JSP, XML, HTML, CSS, JAXB,
JavaScript, JDBC, JUnit, Apache AXIS, Jersey, SOAP UI, AngularJS, AJAX,, Web Services (SOAP
AND REST), Web Sphere, GIT, Maven, Jenkins, Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF) Script.

Client: US Bank Sept 2015 – May 2016

Location: Tampa, FL
Role: Java Developer

• Involved in the complete Software Development Life Cycle including gathering Requirements, Analysis,
Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance.
• Developed Spring Framework based Restful Web Services for handling and persisting of requests and
Spring MVC for returning response to presentation tier.
• Created and injected Spring Services, Spring Controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection
and to wire objects of business classes.
• Designed and developed application using Spring Framework-IOC/DI, Spring MVC, Servlets, POJO
and EJB integrating with Hibernate framework.
• Used Spring Batch for processing large amount of data like transaction management, job processing,
resource management and logging.
• Configuring and working the routes and query parameters to implementing the single page application
(SPA) with Programmatic Navigation.
• Used REST Client POSTMAN to check response of various API calls.
• Performed the client-side authentication and authorization, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Protective routes
and redirecting the users to desired pages.
• Created Template Driven Forms and Reactive Forms in the application with ng Model, ng Model Group,
ng form, form Array, form builder and adding Validation to the forms.
• Coded Rest API for Product service using spring boot.
• Used Hibernate for generating entities and writing HQL queries.
• Created automated test cases for the web application using Selenium.
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

• Wrote My SQL Queries, stored procedures, triggers, packages on Oracle Database.

• Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) for effective implementation of the modular components.
• Worked on Backend/Server-side coding by implementing NodeJSand worked extensively on node
• Worked on Rest Web services, to specify the business behaviors and backend calls.
• Implemented the ORM layer completely from the scratch to replace the JDBC which already existed in
the environment.
• Designed using MVC Design pattern of Struts Framework.
• Used JavaScript extensively to code client-side validations.
• Developed Cascading Style Sheets CSS which are included in JSP and XML.
• Called stored procedures as per the requirement.
• Involved in critical bug fixing and enhancement of the application.
• Used Log4j for logging and debugging and CVS for source configuration management.
• Configured the Hibernate configuration files to persist the data to the Oracle Database.
• Generated the Hibernate XML and Java Mappings for the schemas
• Developed Selenium test cases for automated UI testing.
• Written the Junit for every class to know whether it is working properly.
• Used Maven to Build and SOAPUI for testing the Services

Environment: JAVA, Hibernate, Struts, Spring, SQL Developer, WebSphere, Nodejs, Web Services, JAX-
WS, SOAP, WSDL, JAXB, XML, XSD, SOAP UI, Hibernate, Maven, SVN, CSS, HTML, JavaScript,

Client: IT Convergence Nov 2013 – Aug 2014

Location: Hyderabad, India
Role: Software Engineer

• Designed client application using HTML, JSP, CSS and XML.Responsible for use case diagrams, class
diagrams and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose in the Design phase.
• Implemented application using MVC architecture integrating Hibernate and spring frameworks. 
• Developed Spring Framework based Restful Web Services for handling and persisting of requests and
Spring MVC for returning response to presentation tier.
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

• Implemented the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) to handle various transactions and incorporated the
validation framework for the project.
• Used Spring Core for dependency injection/Inversion of Control (IOC) to have loose-coupling.
• Wrote SQL Queries to interact with Oracle Database. 
• Created and injected Spring Services, Spring Controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection
and to wire objects of business classes.
• Designed and developed application using Spring Framework-IOC/DI, Spring MVC, Servlets, POJO
and EJB integrating with Hibernate framework.
• Used Spring Batch for processing large amount of data like transaction management, job processing,
resource management and logging.
• Designing and implementing system for Batch, Real-time and Prediction Analytics, determining which
stream storage should be used, what data store should be used, Data Structure Fixed Schema, JSON, Key-
Value, Access Patterns, Data access characteristics, right cost, Interactive Analytics - Self Service
Dashboards, Batch Analytics - generating daily, weekly, or monthly reports, Real-Time Analytics - Billing
• Developed Pl-Sql stored procedures to convert the data from Oracle to MongoDB.
• Developed version control using Subversion.
• Used Log4j for debugging the issues and exceptions.
• Used XML to transfer the application data between client and server. 
• Used the JDBC for data retrieval from the database for various inquiries. 
• Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.

Environment: JAVA, Hibernate, Struts, Spring, SQL Developer, Web Services, JAX-WS, SOAP,

Client: Dell Technologies June 2012 – Oct 2013

Location: Bangalore, India
Role: Java/UI Developer

Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

 Designed client application using HTML, JSP, CSS and XML. 

Responsible for use case diagrams, class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose in the
Design phase. 
 Used Spring Core for dependency injection/Inversion of Control (IOC) to have loose-coupling. 
 Implemented application using MVC architecture integrating Hibernate and spring frameworks. 
 Implemented the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) to handle various transactions and incorporated the
validation framework for the project. 
 Used various Java, J2EE design patterns like DAO, DTO, and Singleton etc. 
 Used XML Beans for data interchange. 
 Developing and consuming web services like SOAP (JAX-WS), REST (JAX-RS). 
 Wrote SQL Queries to interact with Oracle Database. 
 Developed Web Services to transfer data between client and server vice versa using SOAP, WSDL and
 Designing and implementing system for Batch, Real-time and Prediction Analytics, determining which
stream storage should be used, what data store should be used, Data Structure Fixed Schema, JSON,
Key-Value, Access Patterns, Data access characteristics, right cost, Interactive Analytics - Self Service
Dashboards, Batch Analytics - generating daily, weekly, or monthly reports, Real-Time Analytics -
Billing Alerts 
 Create RFP (Request for Proposal) microservice to provide RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with
Spring MVC.
 Implemented different POCs for GE business in areas of Gamification, IoT, Log Analyzer with AWS
Big Data Platform, MEAN Stack (MongoDB -/Express.js/Angular.js/Node.js) and SPLUNK. 
 Developed Pl-Sql stored procedures to convert the data from Oracle to MongoDB
 Spin up Hadoop Cluster and Spin up Data warehouse cluster on Amazon Web Services. Designed,
implemented and launched 10-node Amazon EMR cluster with Spark and Hive. Designed,
implemented and launched single-node Amazon Redshift Data warehouse. 
 Customized Lucene's scoring mechanism to simplify explanation output
 Implemented Data INGEST for pushing streaming data using Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Kinesis
Firehose, Spark Streaming, Amazon Lambda
 Used "Agile Development Methodology" and tested the application in each iteration 
 Developed version control using Subversion. 
 Used Spring Security for Authentication and authorization extensively. 
 Used Log4j for debugging the issues and exceptions. 
 Worked in designing Web services framework in support of the product. 
 Wrote SQL and HQL queries to retrieve data from the Oracle database. 
 Used XML to transfer the application data between client and server. 
Anusha M
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Phone : +1 8162009188

 Developed a specific dashboard module and integrated with the application. 

 Used the JDBC for data retrieval from the database for various inquiries. 
 Done with unit testing of all java classes using JUnit framework. 
Environment: Java, J2EE, spring, JDBC, JNDI, Hibernate, JMS, Junit framework, Tomcat, Eclipse, Oracle
10g, XML/XSLT, HTML, JSP, JavaScript, SQL developer, Rational Rose, Subversion and Junit.

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