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Effects of Aging, Sex, and Physical Training on

Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
Takeshi Ogawa, MD; Robert J. Spina, PhD; Wade H. Martin III, MD; Wendy M. Kohrt, PhD;
Kenneth B. Schechtman, PhD; John 0. Holloszy, MD; and Ali A. Ehsani, MD

Background. The relative contributions of decreases in maximal heart rate, stroke volume, and oxygen
extraction and of changes in body weight and composition to the age-related decline in maximal oxygen
uptake (Vo2max) are unclear and may be influenced by sex and level of physical activity.
Methods and Results. To investigate mechanisms by which aging, sex, and physical activity influence
Vo2max, we quantified Vo2, cardiac output, and heart rate during submaximal and maximal treadmill
exercise and assessed weight and fat-free mass in healthy younger and older sedentary and endurance
exercise-trained men and women. For results expressed in milliliters per kilogram per minute, a
three-to-four-decade greater age was associated with a 40-41% lower Vo2max in sedentary subjects and
a 25-32% lower Vo2max in trained individuals (p<0.001). A smaller stroke volume accounted for nearly
50%o of these age-related differences, and the remainder was explained by a lower maximal heart rate and
reduced oxygen extraction (allp< 0.001). Age-related effects on maximal heart rate and oxygen extraction
were attenuated in trained subjects (p<0.05). After normalization of Vo2max and maximal cardiac output
to fat-free mass, age- and training-related differences were reduced by 24-47% but remained significant
(p<O.OS). For trained but not sedentary subjects, maximal cardiac output and stroke volume normalized
to fat-free mass were greater in men than in women (p<O.OS).
Conclusions. A lower stroke volume, heart rate, and arteriovenous oxygen difference at maximal exercise
all contribute to the age-related decline in Vo2max. Effects of age and training on Vo2max, maximal
cardiac output, and stroke volume cannot be fully explained by differences in body composition. In
sedentary subjects, however, the sex difference in maximal cardiac output and stroke volume can be
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accounted for by the greater percentage of body fat in women than in men. (Circulation 1992;86:494-503)
KEY WoRDs * body composition * cardiac output * maximal oxygen consumption * stroke

M aximal oxygen uptake (Vo2max) declines with the context of these factors. To investigate the mecha-
age.'-6 Although the rate of this decline is nism of the age-related decline in exercise capacity, we
estimated to be =10% per decade in seden- measured oxygen uptake, cardiac output, heart rate,
tary subjects,1-4 some investigators have reported that and other cardiovascular responses to submaximal and
neither stroke volume nor maximal cardiac output de- maximal treadmill exercise in healthy sedentary and
creases with advancing age,78 and others have found no endurance exercise-trained younger and older men and
evidence of reduced oxygen extraction in older versus women. To delineate the extent to which age-related
younger individuals.9 Thus, the role of a lower stroke effects on exercise capacity, maximal cardiac output,
volume and arteriovenous oxygen difference in explain- and stroke volume may be accounted for by differences
ing the age-related decline in Vo2max is controver- in body composition, we estimated fat-free mass in the
sial.6-14 The discordant results of previous studies may same individuals from measurements of body weight
be related, in part, to differences in sex, level of physical and density. Age-related differences in Vo2max, maxi-
activity, weight, and body composition of the sub- mal heart rate, stroke volume, and arteriovenous oxygen
jects.13-'6 Therefore, it is important to characterize the difference were quantified in subjects of the same sex
effect of age on physiological responses to exercise in and training status and, when appropriate, were ex-
pressed in relation to both weight and fat-free mass.
From the Section of Applied Physiology, Department of Med-
icine, and the Irene Walter Johnson Institute of Rehabilitation, Methods
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo. Subjects
Supported by Program Project grant AG-05562 and by grant
RR-00036 to the General Clinical Research Center. R.J.S. was We studied 110 healthy subjects. Participants were
supported by Institutional National Research Service Award categorized on the basis of age, sex, and training status
AG-00078, W.H.M. by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute into the following eight groups: 14 sedentary men aged
(NHLBI) grant HL-41290, and W.M.K. by NHLBI grant 27±3 years (mean±SD), 13 sedentary men aged 63±3
Address for reprints: Wade Martin, MD, Washington University years, 14 sedentary women aged 23±2 years, 14 seden-
School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, 4566 Scott Avenue, tary women aged 64±4 years, 15 trained men aged
Campus Box 8113, St. Louis, MO 63110. 28±3 years, 14 trained men aged 63±4 years, 13 trained
Received January 16, 1992; revision accepted May 6, 1992. women aged 26±3 years, and 13 trained women aged
Ogawa et al Aging and Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise 495

57±3 years. The older group of exercising women was Cardiac Output
younger than the comparable groups of older trained Cardiac output was measured after 15 minutes of
men and sedentary women because we could find only seated rest and during submaximal and maximal tread-
three women aged 60-70 years whose training volume mill exercise with the acetylene (C2H2) rebreathing
and intensity approached those of the trained groups of technique as described previously.21 Resting trials were
older men and younger women. conducted in triplicate, and the results were averaged.
All subjects were healthy nonsmokers and had a Subjects then completed two separate 4-6-minute
resting blood pressure .140/90 mm Hg. The physical bouts of walking or running at 50% of Vo2max followed
examination and resting ECG were within normal lim- by two sessions of similar duration at 75% of Vo2max
its, and a maximal treadmill exercise ECG was without and a final 4-6-minute bout of progressively more
evidence of cardiovascular disease by criteria described intense work that elicited Vo2max in the last 60-90
below. No subjects took regular medications except five seconds of exercise. Individual trials of resting and
women treated with estrogen and/or progesterone exercise cardiac output were separated by 10-minute
replacements. intervals to permit washout of C2H2 from the body.
Sedentary subjects were normally active but did not During each exercise trial, oxygen uptake was moni-
engage in regular exercise. Approximately 20% of the tored every 30 seconds, and cardiac output and blood
older individuals were employed, but none had occupa- pressure were determined in the final 60 seconds while
tions requiring strenuous exertion. Young sedentary an ECG was recorded simultaneously. Results of the
subjects were students or were employed at jobs that did two exercise trials at the same submaximal work rate
not involve more than light activity. All four groups of were averaged. The test-retest correlation for duplicate
trained subjects were composed of individuals who had measurements of cardiac output at the same work rate
been exercising strenuously for at least 30 minutes three was 0.97 in both younger and older people. Heart rate
or four times per week for several years. was determined from three consecutive sinus beats of
Exercise Stress Testing the ECG. Stroke volume, arteriovenous oxygen differ-
ence, mean blood pressure, total peripheral resistance,
Older subjects were evaluated for clinical evidence of and left ventricular stroke work were derived using
cardiovascular disease with a maximal treadmill exercise standard formulas.22
test. Immediately before the test, a 12-lead ECG was
recorded and supine blood pressure was determined. Statistics
The exercise test was conducted with the Bruce proto- Data were analyzed with the SAS package as imple-
col17 and had an end point of exhaustion as described mented on the SUN computer system of the Division of
previously.18 Criteria for exclusion from the study were Biostatistics of Washington University. ANOVA was
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as follows: symptoms of chest discomfort consistent with used to determine whether age, sex, and training status
angina, cardiac dysrhythmias more severe than occa- had independent or interacting effects on physiological
sional atrial or ventricular premature contractions, flat variables. Differences between specific subject groups
or downsloping ST segment depression .0.1 mV, and were evaluated with Student's t tests. Means were
an abnormal blood pressure response to exercise de- considered significantly different at p<0.05. Data are
fined as a decrease in systolic pressure to a value 20 expressed as mean±+SD.
mm Hg or more below that in any preceding stage.
Maximal Oxygen Uptake Effect ofAge
Several days after completion of the exercise stress Vo2max, unadjusted for differences in weight and
test, maximal oxygen uptake (Vo2max) was quantified fat-free mass among subject groups, was 28-37% lower
by respiratory gas analysis during treadmill exercise. An in older than in younger subjects (p<0.001) (Table 1).
automated on-line system was used to measure oxygen Figures show relations between oxygen uptake, ex-
uptake (Vo2) and carbon dioxide production every 30 pressed in liters per minute, and cardiac output (Figure
seconds. A progressive incremental protocol 5-12 min- 1), the arteriovenous oxygen difference (Figure 2), heart
utes in duration having an end point of exhaustion was rate (Figure 3), and stroke volume (Figure 4) at rest and
selected to measure maximal oxygen uptake as de- during submaximal and maximal exercise. Table 2 shows
scribed previously.18 Maximal oxygen uptake was de- the data for measurements made at maximal exercise.
fined by leveling off of oxygen uptake despite a further Vo2max, expressed in milliliters per kilogram per
increment in exercise work rate or by the attainment of minute, was 41% lower in older than in younger seden-
a respiratory exchange ratio >1.1. Data for Vo2max tary men (p<0.001) (Table 1). This was nearly identical
were expressed in liters per minute, milliliters per to the 40% difference in Vo2max between older and
kilogram per minute, and milliliters per kilogram fat- younger untrained women (p<0.001). In the trained
free mass per minute. groups, the Vo2max of older male subjects was 25%
lower than in younger men (p<0.001), and older women
Body Composition had a Vo2max 32% below that of younger female subjects
Fat-free mass was estimated from measurements of (p<0.001). For results normalized to weight, 72% of the
body weight and density. The hydrostatic weighing age-related difference in Vo2max in sedentary individu-
procedure used to determine body density has been als was explained by a smaller maximal cardiac output
described in detail previously.19 Percent body fat was (p<0.001) (Tables 3 and 4) and the remainder by
calculated with the equation recommended by Brozek reduced oxygen extraction (p<0.001) (Tables 2 and 4).
et al.20 In trained subjects, the difference in maximal cardiac
496 Circulation Vol 86, No 2 August 1992

TABLE 1. Anthropometric Characteristics, Resting Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Exercise Capacity of Subjects
Age groups (years)
Sedentary men Trained men Sedentary women Trained women
23-31 60-68 21-31 59-72 20-27 60-72 18-30 51-63
Height (cm) 176.8+7.7 176.5+5.8 179.6+5.2 173.4+6.4* 164.5±6.5k 164.5±8.3# 166.6±6.2* 164.6±6.2#
Weight (kg) 75.3±11.8 83.4±11.5 68.4±8.4 65.9±6.7§ 57.7±9.2# 66.9±14.6** 55.4±6.7# 59.4+5.8**
Body surface area (n2) 1.83+0.14 1.91+0.15 1.79±0.11 1.70+0.11*§ 1.54±0.13# 1.65±0.19** 1.55±0.11# 1.57±0.10**
Fat (%) 17.1+7.1 28.9±5.8* 9.4±2.8§ 17.5±3.7*§ 21.7±6.7 36.0±6.3*,** 17.1+4.51# 25.3±5.7§#
Fat-free mass (kg) 61.9+6.4 59.0±7.5 61.9±6.7 54.3±6.1t 44.9+5.9# 42.2±6.7# 45.9+5.5# 44.0±4.1#
Resting heart rate (bpm) 72+13 75±10 61±911 60±7§ 81±12 77±10 66±1311 70±13tt
Resting BP (mm Hg)
Systolic 113±13 120±10 115±9 122±12 93±6# 117±18* 103±8f# 114±15l
Diastolic 78±8 76±8 74±8 77±11 61±8# 74±8* 68±5litt 73±10
Vo2max (1/min) 3.41±0.39 2.24±0.33* 4.35±0.53§ 3.14±0.43*§ 2.13±0.35# 1.46±0.24*# 2.89+0.37f# 2.09±0.19*§*
Vo2max (ml/kg/min) 45.9±6.1 27.2+5.1* 63.5±4.4§ 47.6±4.3*§ 37.0+4.3# 22.2±3.1*,** 52.1±3.1f* 35.3±3.3*§#
Vo2max (ml/kg fat-free
mass/min) 55.2±6.0 38.0±4.8* 70.3±4.9§ 58.0±6.2*§ 47.3±4.7# 34.8±3.0*tt 63.0±5.2*# 48.9±4.2*5#
bpm, Beats per minute; BP, blood pressure. Values are mean±SD.
*p<0.001; tp<0.01; tp<0.05 vs. younger subjects of the same sex and training status.
§p<0.001; lp<0.01; lp<0.05 vs. sedentary subjects of the same sex and similar age.
#p<0.001; **p<O.0l; ttp<0.05 vs. men of similar age and training status.
output between younger and older individuals was also trained individuals (Tables 2 and 4) and about 40% of it
responsible for most (81-89%) of the age-related effect in sedentary subjects.
on Vo2max. A lower maximal heart rate in older persons The highest values for stroke volume were attained at
(p<O.OOl) accounted for only 26-30% of the difference 50% of Vo2max, and a decrease in stroke volume
in maximal cardiac output between younger and older
18 r
32 r
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E -

- 24 - E 12 V
0 0

- I/
16jh .of+ E
,, , /
6 /
8 AI
* OLDER n m.

24 **66 6
E 12 I.

, ........... 0+ 0

0 C3
o 6 - Tf

66 ,+6 V
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 V02 (L.mln -1) V02 (L'mIn')
VO2 (Lmin ) V02 (Lmin )
FIGURE 2. Graphs showing arteriovenous oxygen difference
FIGURE 1. Graphs showing cardiac output at rest and (AVO2D) at rest and during submaximal and maximal tread-
during submaximal and maximal treadmill exercise in younger mill exercise in younger and older sedentary men, trained
and older sedentary men, trained men, sedentary women, and men, sedentary women, and trained women. Statistically
trained women. Statistically significant differences are desig- significant differences are designated for corresponding values
nated for corresponding values at rest and during maximal at rest and during maximal exercise. *p<0.001, **p<0.01,
exercise. * p<0.001 and * * * p <0. 05 vs. younger subjects of the and ***p<0.05 vs. younger subjects of the same sex and
same sex and training status. + p<0.001 and + + p<0.01 vs. training status. +p<O.001 and + + +p<O.05 vs. sedentary
sedentary subjects ofsimilar age and the same sex. 8p <0.001 subjects of similar age and the same sex. 8p<0.001 and
and 58p<0.01 vs. men of similar age and training status. 85p<0.01 vs. men of similar age and training status.
Ogawa et al Aging and Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise 497


, 170 0 OLDER ++//~~~
2 140

0 .
110 /

V' 80 1, ..O

140 0 OLDER
1 I 1


E 140 1 +8
< 110
IT +d
W 1 10



so I? **
0 1 2 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 A, ... ^ .

VO2 WLmin 1) VO2 (L.mln ) 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5

VO2 (Lmin -') VO2 (L.min )
FIGURE 3. Graphs showing heart rate at rest and during
submaximal and maximal treadmill exercise in younger and FIGURE 4. Graphs showing stroke volume at rest and during
older sedentary men, trained men, sedentary women, and submaximal and maximal treadmill exercise in younger and
trained women. Statisticall significant differences are desig- older sedentary men, trained men, sedentary women, and
nated for corresponding values at rest and during maJcmal trained women. Statistically significant differences are desig-
ex>ercise. *p<0.001 vs. younger subjects of the same sex and nated for corresponding values at rest and at each level of
training status. +p<0.001, ++p<0.01, +++p<0.05 vs. submaximal or maximal exercise. *p<0.001, **p<O.Ol, and
sedentary subjects of similar age and the same sex, and * * * p<0.05 vs. younger subjects of the same sex and training
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on June 15, 2021

b88p<0. 05 vs. men of similar age and training status. status. + p <0. 001 and + + p <0. 01 vs. sedentary subjects of
similar age and the same sex. 8p<0.001 and 58p<0.01 vs.
Occurred between 50% and 100% of maximal effort men of similar age and training status.
(p<0.05), in all groups of subjects (Figure 4). Never-
theless, stroke volume was higher at maximal exercise accounted for only :65% of the difference in Vo2max
than at rest (p<0.05) in every group except older between conditioned and sedentary subjects. Regard-
sedentary women. For results normalized to weight, a less of age or sex, the effect of training status on
smaller stroke volume in older versus younger persons maximal cardiac output was explained by a larger stroke
(p<0.01) explained the largest proportion of the aver- volume in the physically conditioned groups (p<0.001).
age age-related difference in both'V02max and maximal Thus, the effect of training status on stroke volume was
cardiac output (53% and 66%, respectively) (Tables 3 greater in men than in women (p<0.05). Training was
and 4). The average effect of age on maximal heart rate, associated with a lower maximal heart rate in younger
stroke volume, and the arteriovenous oxygen difference (p<0.001) but not older people (Table 2).
was similar in men and women. However, age-related
differences in both maximal heart rate and oxygen Effect of Sex
extraction were smaller (p <0.001 and p <0.05, respec- Men were taller and heavier than women (p<0.01),
tively) in trained than in untrained individuals. but even after normalization of results to weight,
Vo2max was higher (p<0.001) in male than in female
Effect of Training Status subjects (Table 1). For younger individuals, the sex
'V02max, expressed in milliliters per kilogram per difference in Vo2max, expressed in milliliters per kilo-
minute, was 38% greater in physically conditioned than gram per minute, was similar in the trained (22%) and
in sedentary young men (p<0.001), which is similar to untrained (24%) groups. In older individuals, however,
the 41% difference between trained and untrained the sex difference averaged 23% in sedentary subjects
young women (p<50.001). In older subjects, however, and 35% in those who exercised. For results normalized
the difference in V02max between exercising and sed- to weight, a larger maximal cardiac output in men
entary individuals (p<0.001) was 75% for men and (p<0.001) explained less than 40% of the sex difference
59% for women. The higher exercise capacity in physi- in Vo2max of sedentary subjects but 86-95% of it in
cally conditioned subjects was related primarily to a physically conditioned individuals (Table 3). Maximal
larger maxmal cardiac output (p<0.001), particularly heart rate was similar in men and women, regardless of
in men, in whom it explained 88-99% of the effect of training status or age. Thus, a sex difference in stroke
training status on mo2max. In women, the higher maxi- volume (p<0.001) was responsible for virtually all of
mal cardiac output in the trained group (p <0.001) the effect of sex on maximal cardiac output.
498 Circulation Vol 86, No 2 August 1992
TABLE 2. Effects of Age, Sex, and Training Status on Cardiac Output, Heart Rate, Stroke Volume, Stroke Work, and Arteriovenous
Oxygen Difference at Maximal Exercise
Age groups (years)
Sedentary men Trained men Sedentary women Trained women
23-31 60-68 21-31 59-72 20-27 60-72 18-30 51-63
Cardiac output (I/min) 21.2+2.4 16.3±2.5* 27.4±3.2§ 20.5±2.1*§ 15.2±2.7# 11.9±1.7*# 18.4±2.0§# 14.3±1.5*§#
Heart rate (bpm) 185±9 163±15* 178±t6l 165+9* 189±5 162±10* 181±911 167±9*
Stroke volume (ml) 115±16 101 ± 19* 154+20§ 124± 14*§ 80± 12# 74 ±8t* 102± 12§# 85±9*§#
Stroke work (g m) 161±33 161±34 215±36§ 188+18t¶W 100±16# 117±21*# 128±19§# 120±16#
Arteriovenous 02
difference (ml/100 ml) 15.4±1.4 13.6±1.1* 15.5±1.0 14.7±1.4f 13.5±1.0# 11.9±1.6t** 15.0±1.0§ 14.5±1.1§
bpm, Beats per minute. Values are mean+SD.
*p<.OOJl; tp<0.Ol; *p<O.OS vs. young subjects of the same sex and training status.
§p<0.001; lp<0.01; lp<0.o5 vs. sedentary subjects of the same sex and similar age.
#p<O.OOl; **p<0.01 vs. men of similar age and training status.

Body Composition and Age-Related Effects younger and older groups averaged 19% (range, 17-
Older subjects were not as lean (p<0.001) and 22%) (p<0.001) for results normalized to weight but
tended to be heavier than younger individuals of the was no longer present in sedentary subjects and was
same sex and training status (Table 1). Normalization of reduced to 9-13% in trained individuals after normal-
results to fat-free mass rather than weight reduced the ization to fat-free mass (p<0.001) (Table 3).
average difference in Vo2max between younger and Body Composition and Training Status Effects
older subjects from 34% to 24% (Table 1). Thus, nearly
one third of the age-related effect on maximal exercise Physically conditioned individuals tended to weigh
capacity can be explained by the larger adipose tissue less and were significantly leaner (p<0.001) than their
mass in the older group. sedentary counterparts (Table 1). The 38-75% differ-
For maximal cardiac output expressed in liters per ence in maximal oxygen uptake between groups of
minute or milliliters per kilogram per minute, the trained and untrained subjects was reduced by nearly
difference between groups of younger and older indi- one third but remained highly significant (p<0.001)
viduals of corresponding sex and training status ranged after data were normalized to fat-free mass (Table 1).
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on June 15, 2021

from 22% to 30% (p<0.001) (Tables 2-4). However, For maximal cardiac output, the average difference
normalization of results to fat-free mass (Table 3) between groups of physically conditioned and sedentary
reduced the average magnitude of the age-related effect subjects was 39% (range, 26-57%) for results normal-
to only 17% (range, 16-20%) (p<0.001), suggesting ized to weight (p<0.001) (Table 3) but only 25%
that up to one third of the difference between younger (range, 14-37%) for data expressed in milliliters per
and older people may be a result of the greater adipos- kilogram fat-free mass per minute (p<0.01) (Table 3).
ity of the older individuals. Exercise training was associated with a 40% larger
Stroke volume, unadjusted for weight or body com- stroke volume per kilogram of body weight (range,
position, was an average of 14% smaller (range, 8-20%) 27-53%) than was found in sedentary subjects
in older than in younger subjects at maximal exercise (p<O.OOl). Expression of results in terms of fat-free
(p<0.01) (Table 2). The difference between the mass reduced the average difference to 25% (range,

TABLE 3. Effects of Age, Sex, and Training Status on Cardiac Output, Stroke Volume, and Stroke Work at Maximal Exercise With
Results Expressed in Terms of Weight and Fat-Free Mass
Age groups (years)
Sedentary men Trained men Sedentary women Trained women
23-31 60-68 21-31 59-72 20-27 60-72 18-30 51-63
Cardiac output
(ml/kg/min) 282+48 199±38* 401 +29§ 312+34*§ 263 ±30 183±29* 332±22§# 242±33*§#
Stroke volume (ml/kg) 1.53+0.26 1.22±0.22* 2.25+0.17§ 1.87±0.20*§ 1.39±0.16 1.14±0.21t 1.85±0.16§# 1.45±+0.21*fO
Stroke work (g in/kg) 2.14+0.41 1.93±0.27 3.14+0.49§ 2.86+0.33§ 1.73±0.2 4** 1.81±0.26 2.32±0.290# 2.03±0.32*1#
Cardiac output
(ml/kg fat-free mass/min) 344±45 277±35* 443+30§ 380±46*§ 340±27 285±32* 403±30§** 326±33*1I**
Stroke volume
(ml/kg fat-free mass) 1.86+0.23 1.71±0.22 2.50+0.20§ 2.27±0.26*5 1.82+0.16 1.79±0.27 2.25±0.20§** 1.95+0.24*¶**
Stroke work
(g. m/kg fat-free mass) 2.61±0.45 2.72+0.32 3.48+0.49§ 3.47±0.4311 2.24±0.22** 2.85+±0.50* 2.81 ±0.39§# 2.73±0.27#
Values are mean+SD.
*p<0.fO1; tp<O.0l; *p<0.05 vs. younger subjects of the same sex and training status.
§p<0.001; lp<O.O1; 1p<0.05 vs. sedentary subjects of the same sex and similar age.
#p<0.001; **p<O.0l vs. men of similar age and training status.
Ogawa et al Aging and Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise 499

TABLE 4. Effect of Age on Determinants of Maximal Oxygen Uptake (Vo2max) and Cardiac Output (Q)
Sedentary men Trained men Sedentary women Trained women
Cardiac output
% A age -29.4 -22.2 -30.4 -27.1
% A Vo2max 71.5 81.0 71.9 89.1
Arteriovenous oxygen difference*
% A age -11.7 -5.2 -11.9 -3.3
% A Vo2max 28.5 19.0 28.1 10.9
Maximal heart rate
% A age -11.9 -7.3 -14.3 -7.7
% 'A Vo2max 27.1 24.8 32.4 23.6
%AQ 37.0 30.2 44.3 26.3
Stroke volume
% A age -20.3 -16.9 -18.0 -21.6
% A1 Vo2max 46.2 57.5 40.7 66.3
% AQ 63.0 69.8 55.7 73.7
Cardiac output is expressed in milliliters per kilogram per minute. For physiological variables, the percent difference
between younger and older subjects of corresponding sex and training status is given on the first line (% A age), and
the percent contribution of the same variable to age-related differences in maximal oxygen uptake and cardiac output
is given on the second and third lines (% A Vo2max and % A Q, respectively).
*The percent contribution of the arteriovenous oxygen difference is given relative to cardiac output. Therefore, the
sum of contributions of arteriovenous oxygen difference, maximal heart rate, and stroke volume to age-related
differences in Vo2max slightly exceeds 100%.

9-34%) (p<O.OO1). However, the magnitude of the

training status effect was sex-dependent (50% in men
versus 30% in women [p<0.05] for results normalized 230

to weight and 34% in men versus 16% in women 200

[p<0.05] for results normalized to fat-free mass). Fur- E
thermore, the effect of training status on stroke volume 170
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normalized to fat-free mass was greater in younger than 0 140

in older women (24% versus 9%; p<O.05), but an
age-training status interaction was not observed in m

male subjects (34% versus 33%; NS). s0

Body Composition and Sex-Related Effects 50

Vo2max, expressed in milliliters per kilogram per
minute, was 22-35% greater (p<0.01 to p<O.OO1) in 230
male than in female subjects (Table 1). Normalization :C 200
of results to fat-free mass eliminated nearly 50% of this E
sex difference, but Vo2max remained ~=15% higher 170 T 1 ..-
(range, 9-19%) in men than in women (p<0.05 to
p<O.OOl) (Table 1). Maximal cardiac output, expressed 0
140 ' I - A X .;x - 5
in milliliters per kilogram per minute, was 7-22% , --- 4s-i-..
greater in men than in women (p<O.OO1) (Table 3). 0, 80
However, the average sex difference was more than so
twice as large in trained as in untrained subjects (22% X,. 1 T .
versus 8%; p<0.05). Expression of maximal cardiac REST 25 50 75 100 REST 25 50 75 100
output in terms of fat-free mass (Table 3) eliminated IVO2max %VO2max
the sex effect entirely in the sedentary groups, but a
10-17% difference between men and women remained FIGURE 5. Graphs showing systolic and diastolic blood
in trained individuals (p<O.OO1). The findings for pressure at rest and during exercise at 50%o, 75%, and 100%
stroke volume at maximal exercise (Tables 2 and 3) of Voynax in younger and older sedentary men, trained men,
were very similar to those for maximal cardiac output. sedentary women, and trained women. Statistically significant
differences are designated for corresponding values at rest and
Blood Pressure and Total Peripheral Resistance at each level of submaximal or maximal exercise. Oxygen
The smaller exercise stroke volume in older versus uptake at each data point is shown in preceding figures.
younger subjects was associated with higher values for * p < 0. 001, * * p < 0. 01, and * * * p <0 05 vs. younger subjects of
blood pressure and total peripheral resistance (p<0.05 the same sex and training status. + p0. 001, + +p.<0.01, and
to p<O.OO1) (Figures 5 and 6) regardless of sex or + + +p<0.c05 vs. sedentary subjects of similar age and the
training status. However, the age-related effect on sys- same sex. Op < 0. 001, &Sp < 0. 01, and b8&p < 0. 05 vs. men of
tolic pressure during exercise of similar relative inten- similar age and training status.
500 Circulation Vol 86, No 2 August 1992

age because of the higher blood pressure in older
individuals. Exercise stroke work was greater in all

I groups of physically conditioned than in sedentary



I subjects except older women (p<0.05 top<0.001). Men
had higher stroke work values at maximal exercise than
women (p<0.001) regardless of age or training status.
More than half of this sex difference was accounted for
600 by the greater weight of men. After normalization of
results to fat-free mass, a sex effect was no longer
300 1 present in older sedentary people, but in trained indi-
viduals and younger sedentary subjects, stroke work at
0 maximal exercise was =20% greater in men than in
180 women (p<0.01).

120 TT . d Our findings provide evidence that the decline in

Vo2max with age is related primarily to a lower maximal
cardiac output. Although a slower maximal heart rate
60 accounts for a portion of this effect, a smaller stroke
° L
volume is of greater importance. These results are in
df \ +*ed
30 agreement with the data of Julius et al0 showing that
v I,,,,,,,, , stroke volume during heavy treadmill exercise is smaller in
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5
sedentary subjects in their sixth or seventh decade than in
V02 (L-min t) VOz (L.min 1) those aged 18-34 years. Our data are also consistent with
FIGURE 6. Graphs showing total peripheral resistance the findings of Port et al23 that left ventricular ejection
(TPR) at rest and during exercise in younger and older fraction is lower in older individuals than in younger
sedentary men, trained men, sedentary women, and trained persons during peak cycle ergometer exercise. In contrast,
Becklake et al7 observed that stroke volume is higher in
women. Statistically significant differences are designated for
older than in younger men during peak cycle ergometer
corresponding values at rest and at each level of submaximal work, but they found no effect of age on exercise stroke
or maximal exercise. *p<0.001, **p<0.0J, and ***p<0.05 volume in women. Even more surprisingly, Rodeheffer et
vs. younger subjects of the same sex and training status. a18 reported that peak cardiac output during cycle ergom-
+ p<O.OOJ and + + p<O.OJ vs. sedentary subjects of similar
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on June 15, 2021

eter exercise does not decrease with age. In the latter

age and the same sex. 8p<O.OOJ, 88p<O.OJ, and 83&p<0.05 study, a larger left ventricular end-diastolic volume more
vs. men of similar age and training status. than compensated for the lower left ventricular ejection
fraction in older individuals, and peak cardiac output
sity was greater in women than in men (p<0.05). At during cycle ergometer work was similar in younger and
maximal exercise, there was a less pronounced effect of older people. However, younger and older subjects were
age on total peripheral resistance in trained than in
not matched by sex or level of physical activity, both of
sedentary subjects (p<0.05). which have significant effects on left ventricular end-dia-
Blood pressure at a similar relative work rate was not stolic volume, stroke volume, and cardiac output during
significantly influenced by training status except in exercise.13-15,22 In addition, a number of the older subjects
women during heavy exercise. Younger trained women
in the Rodeheffer study had an elevated resting systolic
had a higher systolic pressure at maximal effort than blood pressure, which possibly explained their greater left
their sedentary peers (p<0.05), whereas older trained
ventricular end-diastolic volume. Finally, oxygen uptake
was not measured in the latter investigation, although the
women had a lower blood pressure at 75% and 100% of
peak power output was lower in the older group. Thus, it
Vo2max than their untrained counterparts (p<0.05). is likely that Vo2max was also reduced in these older
Total peripheral resistance at a given relative work rate individuals. Multiple investigations, including the current
was lower in all groups of trained than in untrained
one, indicate that differences in Vo2max between 25- and
subjects (p<0.01). 65-year-old sedentary subjects of the same sex are approx-
Systolic and mean blood pressures at equivalent imately 40%.134 If maximal cardiac output is not influ-
relative exercise intensities were lower in young women enced by age, then the arteriovenous oxygen difference
than in young men, regardless of training status at maximal exercise also would have to be 40% lower in
(p<0.05 top<0.001) (Figure 5). In older subjects, a sex older individuals to account for their 40% lower Vo2max.
effect on blood pressure was not observed in sedentary A 40% decrease in arteriovenous oxygen difference from
individuals but was evident in trained subjects at 75% values of 15-16 ml/100 ml blood typically observed in
and 100% of maximal effort (women less than men; young healthy subjects at peak exercise14,24 would result
p<0.01). Women had a higher total peripheral resis- in a peak arteriovenous oxygen difference of 9-10 ml/100
tance than men (p<0.05 to p<0.001) at all levels of ml blood in older individuals under these conditions.
exercise (Figure 6). Such values are well below those actually found in even
the most sedentary older persons.10"',4 Our data are
Stroke Work well within normal physiological ranges reported in other
Unlike stroke volume, stroke work at maximal exer- investigations in which a variety of techniques were
cise (Tables 2 and 3) was not consistently influenced by employed.'-4,11-14,22,24
Ogawa et al Aging and Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise 501

The magnitude of age-related effects on Vo2max, contrast, the current investigation demonstrates that
maximal cardiac output, and stroke volume was greatest stroke volume at maximal exercise is lower in older than
for data normalized to weight and least for results in younger trained men. The most likely explanation for
expressed in terms of fat-free mass. Because the capac- this discrepancy is that the present group of 63-year-old
ity for high-intensity, weight-bearing exercise is thought men was several years older and exercised less strenu-
to be most closely approximated by Vo2max expressed ously and frequently than the competitive master ath-
in milliliters per kilogram per minute, these data suggest letes studied earlier. Support for this explanation is
that a significant portion of the difference in maximal provided by the fact that the Vo2max of the current
exercise responses between younger and older subjects group was nearly 20% below that of the subjects in the
can be attributed to the larger mass of adipose tissue in previous studies.313 However, we cannot rule out the
the latter group. Even after normalization of results to possibility that the dissimilar stroke volume results are
fat-free mass, however, Vo2max, maximal cardiac out- caused by a difference in techniques used to measure
put, and stroke volume were an average of 24%, 17%, cardiac output. In the current investigation, cardiac
and 8% lower, respectively, in older than in younger output was measured at maximal exercise by the acety-
individuals. These findings provide clear evidence that lene rebreathing technique. In the earlier studies, stroke
age-related effects on cardiovascular function during volume at maximal exercise was estimated from deter-
maximal exercise cannot be explained entirely by differ- minations of cardiac output made during submaximal
ences in body composition and weight. work by the CO2 rebreathing technique. The present
The smaller stroke volume observed in older subjects stroke volume results are consistent with data of Rivera
at maximal exercise was associated with a higher mean et a16 obtained by the acetylene rebreathing technique
blood pressure in women and sedentary men. For these to measure cardiac output in a group of runners similar
groups, stroke work in the older subjects was equal to or in age and Vo2max to the older trained participants in
greater than that in younger individuals. Thus, part of the current investigation.
the cardiac volume work performed in younger subjects Stroke volume and cardiac output at maximal exercise
during exercise was replaced by pressure work in these were lower in women than in men, even after normal-
older persons. Left ventricular wall thickness and mus-
cle mass increase with age,2526 and left ventricular ization to weight. Normalization of results to fat-free
hypertrophy is more prevalent in older than in younger mass eliminated the sex difference entirely in sedentary
subjects.27 In addition, left ventricular mass is reported subjects and substantially reduced it in trained individ-
to be more closely related to exercise than to resting uals. Thus, the sex difference is largely a result of the
blood pressure.28 A greater left ventricular mass may be greater percentage of body fat in women. However,
an adaptive response to the larger proportion of cardiac there were sex differences in mechanisms by which
energy expended as pressure work during exercise and exercise capacity was enhanced in conditioned versus
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on June 15, 2021

other forms of stress in older individuals. The latter sedentary subjects. Training status had a larger effect on
effect has been attributed, in part, to higher aortic stroke volume and maximal cardiac output but a smaller
characteristic impedance.29 effect on maximal arteriovenous oxygen difference in
In the present investigation, the arteriovenous oxygen men than in women. Sex differences in the nature and
difference at maximal exercise was lower in older than magnitude of adaptations to training were particularly
in younger sedentary subjects. These results are consis- evident in older subjects. These findings are consistent
tent with the findings of Julius et al10 and Hossack et with data of Scheuer et a133 and Schaible et a134 that sex
al.14 The absence of a smaller arteriovenous oxygen and sex hormones may influence cardiac function and
difference in our older trained subjects suggests that the the nature of training-induced cardiac adaptations in
age-related effect in sedentary individuals may be a rats.
consequence of decreased physical activity. This possi- Hossack et al14 found that age-related differences in
bility is supported by recent data from our laboratory maximal oxygen uptake, cardiac output, and heart rate
indicating that skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and were greater in men than in women. Our results are
capillary density are lower in older than in younger consistent with these data if absolute differences in
sedentary subjects30 but are not different in younger and Vo2max and maximal cardiac output are compared.
older trained individuals.31 Other potential mechanisms However, younger men had higher values for Vo2max
of an age-related decrease in arteriovenous oxygen and maximal cardiac output than younger women. In
difference in sedentary individuals at maximal exercise percentage terms, there was no significant effect of sex
include a decline in absolute or relative blood flow to on age-related differences in exercise capacity, maximal
active skeletal muscle and a smaller ratio of skeletal heart rate, or stroke volume. Nevertheless, we observed
muscle to total body mass.9'16 a larger decrease in stroke volume as exercise intensity
In the current investigation, the estimated rate of was increased from 50% to 100% of Vo2max in older
decline in Vo2max between the ages of 25 and 65 years sedentary women than in the other groups of subjects.
was about 40% slower in trained than in sedentary male There was also a greater influence of age on exercise
subjects (7.1% versus 11.3% per decade). Although this blood pressure of women than men regardless of
difference only approached statistical significance, it is whether absolute or percentage changes were com-
likely to be physiologically important and is consistent pared. Studies from other laboratories indicate that the
with results of earlier studies in which the age-related prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy is greater in
decline in Vo2max was only half as great in trained men older women than in older men.27 Recent data from our
as in their sedentary peers.313'32 The latter effect was laboratory suggest that the age-related increase in ex-
explained by the absence of an age-related decline in ercise blood pressure of women may be partly a conse-
stroke volume in the physically conditioned group.13 In quence of estrogen deficiency.18
502 Circulation Vol 86, No 2 August 1992

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