MCDM Talent Feedback

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Please share anything else you want to tell us about the overall psionic rules?

Seems balanced against other classes and fun to play, however some of the subclasses are quite better
mechanically than others.

Please share anything else you want to tell us about the core talent features.

I noted that you can only break manifestation "on your turn", unlike concentration which can be broken at
any time, even on other's turns. Given how much the two features are alike, I thought it was odd. If it is for
balance reasons it is fair, but I'm writing it because it could be an oversight : ).

"Psionic Bastion" is a bit boring and on the weaker side mechanically.

"Shielded Mind" is super cool thematically with the anti-mind reading, but not that great for a 18 level
feature. Damage resistance is always good, but Psychic is not that common a damage type, and other
classes get resistance way earlier. Monks get proficiency in all saving throws at level 14, which at that
character level is better than advantage.

Ignore Strain is good mechanically and thematically, a fitting 20 level feature.

Please share anything else you want to tell us about the Chronopath features.

"Rapid Manifestation" is cool both thematically and mechanically, maybe a bit on the stronger side.

My feedback for the "X Adept" features is the same to each subclass: This is what Wizard's "Savant"
features should have been, mainly because you added the "... after you make a manifestation test to
manifest a X power, you can reroll the power die and choose either result...". This actually makes you feel
like a specialist in your field, unlike the Wizard subclasses which only get the "pay half to get new spells"
which is boring. The "X Adept" features are among the Talent's best at making a bridge between theme and
mechanics. Please keep them!

"Decay" is cool thematically but weak for a 6th level feature. It is worse than Inflict Wounds, a first level
spell that is mediocre and only really useable because Clerics have better defenses than other full casters.
1d12 is simply not enough when it can only be done to the very specific creature type "Construct" and that
you have to be in melee.

"Fickle Readiness" is a good, thematically fitting feature. It comes late though. I would remove the damage
to constructs from "Decay" and instead give "Fickle Readiness" already at level 6, and maybe add a Saving
Throw if done against an unwilling creature (but only if it is a level 6 feature).

"Time Pocket" is a cool capstone feature.

Please share anything else you want to tell us about the Maverick features.

"Raw Power" is maybe a bit on the stronger side at earlier levels. Being able to add one's ability score to
Cantrips is almost exclusively a Warlock thing - And a core part of their identity. After level 5 Raw Power
gets worse than Warlock's Eldritch Blast which is good, but at that point Cantrips and 1st-order Powers are
being faced out anyway.

"Reduce Stress" is good.

"Energy Unleashed" feels too weak. 1d6 per 1 strain gained at level 6 and only if they fail a save is not a lot
of damage. Increase the damage die or add half on a success
"Psionic Toughness" could be clearer whether it is possible to stack this effect, such that one person could
have their HP maximum increased several times during that 1 hour duration.

"Mind Surgeon": A poor version of Cure Wounds, a 1st level spell, which is gained at level 6? Even if you
choose to gain a large amount of strain to heal, you will just be completely outshined by Aura of Vitality or
similar spells. Increase the amount of healing or better: add range and/or make it a bonus action. The extra
versatility of being able to remove disease or poison is not making up for the large cost of healing so little.

"Super Senses" An okay ribbon feature, if only Mind Surgeon was good this would be a fine extra flavour
feature that makes you about as good at perception as Wisdom casters. I don't really think the title "Super
senses" makes me think of being better at Perception. Maybe advantage on seeing hidden and/or invisible

"Death Foiled": there are already quite a few ways of returning people to dead. Revivify is probably the
best and that is gained by Clerics at level 5. The ability to revive other people in Death Foiled is
underwhelming, the cost and time is too high. I would make it an action or at maximum 1 minute, as 8
strain is no joke and the average party likely has other ways of reviving dead members. The ability to self-
revive is unique and cool, however it is worse than being able to get up after being knocked to 0 HP which
several different races, classes and spells allow. While the thematics are on point, Death Foiled needs a

"Psionic Evolution" feels cool, but the effects are not quite strong enough for level 14. At level 14 one most
likely has a +5 INT score, so on average, your whole party will only be able to have these effects for only a
few combats if even more than one. You could remove the "once on each of their turns" clause and it
would be fine.
Please share anything else you want to tell us about the Pyrokinetic features.

Overall critique: Bend Flame is too strong compared to what other subclasses get at lvl 6, and there is too
much focus on the Flame On ability.

"Flame On" it is good that the damage is not as high as Warlock's Eldritch Blast with Agonizing Blast, as
being "the cantrip master" is close to the Warlock's identity. Keep it that way.

"Bend Flame" This is really two full features in one, both which are better than what most other Talent
subclasses get a level 6. Changing fire damage to force almost guarantees your damage is never resisted,
which is a powerful feature. On top of that the Bend Flame also prevents friendly fire. I would either switch
"Heat Seeking" with the ability to change fire damage to force damage or move the fire to force damage to
"Heat Seaking".

"Heat Seeking": Weak for a 10th level feature. At this level "Flame On" is rarely worth an action, unless you
already have a large amount of strain. This feature is miles behind Bend Flame in terms of power, and
needs a buff (maybe allow all Pyrokinetic Powers of 2nd order or lower to ignore the cover?), but not
without Bend Flame being nerfed.

"Immolate" is again a semi-weak feature, outshined by Bend Flame. 5 times a day you can deal 7
guaranteed extra damage, with potential for more. I would either change Immolate to be a one-time effect
with more damage instead of Save Ends or add a debuff to creatures on fire - Maybe disadvantage on
attack rolls. Also, you might want to specify if the creature on fire can use their action to stop the fire, like
with fire from e.g. Alchemist Fire.
Please share anything else you want to tell us about the Resopath features.

"Manipulate Terrain": Powerful, unique feature. In the right hands a very powerful feature. Might want to
change the summoning of the effect an action and then bonus action to move it arround.

"Manifest Ally": A very powerful feature with a low cost. Might want to increase the Strain cost, as
summoning is incredibly powerful, even if it only lasts for 1 combat.

"Nightmare Terrain": What does 'psionic bludgeoning' mean? Does it mean it overcomes resistance against
non-magical damage? You should make this clear. The damage should be higher as well. This is already a
bonus action hungry subclass and dealing 14 damage on a failed save at level 14 is not impressive. You
could change it into an action and have all enemies in the area make the save, taking half damage on a
Please share anything else you want to tell us about the Telekinetic features.

"Invisible Armor": The 'Shield' spell is considered by many to be too strong, and this is essentially the Shield
spell, but with range and does not use your spell slots. Yes, at early levels it only gives a +3 or +4 to AC, but
the range easily makes up for it. I would change either the AC bonus or the amount of times you can use
the ability into Proficiency Bonus instead of Intelligence modifier. At its current state the ability is too

"Strong Mind": Balanced, cool 6th level feature that allows for some nice teamwork. Definitely one of the
best designed 6th level features.

"Mind Wings": Rather weak compared to the 10th level feature. I would allow it to target unwilling
creatures as well, with a saving throw.
Please share anything else you want to tell us about the Telepath features.

"Greater Telepathy": The only subclass level 1 feature that does not give any combat bonuses. This feels
like a ribbon feature that comes alongside another feature.

"Emotional Intelligence": Again no combat ability, and it is rather boring.

"Shared Connection": The feature is good, but level 10 is too late for it. I would add it alongside "Emotional
Intelligence" at level 6. A bonus action advantage on 1 attack is not too powerful at level 6, and definitely
not at level 10.

"Truth Hurts": Why do the subclass have to take strain to deal a meager 2d8 damage? This is level 14. I
would have it deal 2d8 damage without cost, and then extra 2d8 per strain gained.

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