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A cookout to show appreciation to an aviation school instructors and teachers.

My idea originates from wanting to show appreciation to instructors, teachers, and

lecturers in aviation schools because they are the ones who teach all the pilots and cabin crew

who keep us safe and comfortable during a flight. Pilots do a good job of ensuring that they ferry

us safely from one point to another. Members of the cabin crew offer passengers with quality

services and keep us comfortable during every flight. The awesome jobs both the pilots and

members of the cabin crew are a result of their instructors, teachers, lecturers, and supervisors

doing their jobs perfectly, therefore is not wrong to show appreciation.

Objectives and actions

The objective of my project is to hold a well-planned cookout session at an aviation

school in service of the faculty personnel. Also, this is a good way of interacting with these

professionals and a chance at students to get to know their instructors and teachers at a personal

level which can also help them in their networking endeavors. I would also be able to exercise

my leadership skills by looking to successfully lead a team of people to prepare and serve these

meals and ensure everyone gets catered for.


This event would be better suited to start on a Saturday where people would gather from

around 11 am till the evening. Preparation of food and drinks would begin early in the morning

so as to ensure that they are ready by the time people start gathering. The event should be

completed latest by 4 pm to 5 pm so as to allow for clearing and cleaning up of the venue used to

host the event.

In case the cookout cannot be held at the specific school, a social hall that is close to the

venue should be identified to host the guests instead.

The aviation school cookout report.

For my cookout event in appreciation of the staff of the aviation school I chose, I had to

request the assistance of friends who had good cooking skills so that money does not get spent

on hiring cooks considering this is just a small event. In terms of funds to be used in acquiring

the necessary foodstuff, I consulted with the director of the aviation school and requested

funding for the event. The funds were to cater for the foodstuff and the hiring of necessary

equipment used during the event. I chose to put my friends under my leadership because these

are people I was acquitted to and I knew how best to function with them so as to make the event

a success. This is because research suggests that performance when working with friends can be

significantly increased because of proper communication (Pesce, 2018). Using my friends was

successful because the event went as planned.

This is because we were able to acquire funding from the director of the aviation school

and prepared for the arrival of the guests in time. Cooking was done by 10 am, and by the time

everyone was arriving at around midday, everything was ready. There was ambient music

playing and seats for everyone to sit down and mingle while enjoying the great food and the

perfect afternoon sun. The leadership skill it took for this event to be successful was proper

planning. A good plan requires an in-depth analysis of the situation and the creation of sub-plans

to cover for any small errors or issues that may arise. Our team was able to function because of

the step by step planning that I established and a rigid but flexible timeline that we followed to

the latter (Bondstreet, 2019). If I were to redo this project again, I would host more people in the

aviation industry to show a more comprehensive appreciation.


Pesce, N. (2018). 9 reasons working with your friends is the best for business. Retrieved from


Bondstreet. (2019). 5 Crucial Leadership Skills for Business Owners | Bond Street. Retrieved


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