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March, 1922

Does Newly Found Ape Man’s Skull

Weld New Link in Our Ancestry?
Gorilla-Faced Caveman Had Brain Like Ours

HE missing link in the
chain of human evolution
will be discovered some Where Do We Go from Here?

day,” declared an eminent British .

scientist in 1912, “in the form
of a new link in human his .,.‘

of a creature with the brain. tory—the mysterious ape man of South PRIMITIVE PRATE
voice, and erect stature of mod Africa—stirs up again the unsolved problem
ern man—and the brutal face, of how we really evolved from a pre-monkey
flat nosed and heavily ridged l type of animal. More than that, it makes
above the eyes, of a bull ape." us wonder toward what we are evolving now.
In other words, he predicted, it Some scientists deny that any change in
will be found that man attained man’s appearance is discernible. But others
his upright posture and full in
declare that existing tendencies may make our
tellectual powers long before
he lost facial resemblance to his
children's more remote descendants look like
simian forebears. the smallest man pictured here. Man may
grow noticeably shorter
Prophesy I s Fulfilled and darker, with smaller
jaws, slighter bones,
The discovery thus foreseen stronger fbrearm and
a decade ago is now a fact. larger big toe, losing the
At the end of a long, tunnel little toe and the back
like cave, 90 feet below ground
level on the mining claim of the
Rhodesia Broken Hill Develop
Some noted eugenists,
ment Company, in northwest believing it possible to
Rhodesia, South Africa, native breed a physical super
diggers recently uncovered a man within a few gener
jawless skull and several large ations, declare now that
bones of what scientists believe unless we evolve con
to be a prehistoric ape man that sciously toward such a
lived at least 50,000 years ago. glorified race, the human
The cave in which the myster
species runs the risk of
ious skull lay has become famous,
since its discovery several years
being completely wiped
ago, as the Broken Hill “Bone out like other species
Cave.” Its walls and roof before it. MODERN MAN
are encrusted with glittering Note, by the way, tnat
masses of crystals and stalac science has yet to find What story will the next reel
tites, while the floor is formed to tell? A stirring drama of the
any real trace of a
\ v

ages is unfolded in this chron

a depth varying from four to “missing link” between icle of the evolutionary changes
twelve feet, of the partly fossil man and lower animals. in the form of the head from
ized animal skeletons which the elongated, flat reptilian
skull with small brain capacity,

must total hundreds of tons in through the animal types, to

weight. Only in one part of the ’ the head of modern mun

~ cave, where the walls and the ceiling have

been destroyed by the action of water, the
mass of bones cemented together. Else
where the bones form vast and indescrib

able jumble composed of the remains of

large and small mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Found in Huge Bone Pile

The floor at the end of the tunnel was
found to be deeply covered with tons of
these remains; and in this great bone pile,
one of the diggers found the strange skull,
almost perfect, which he took for that of
a large ape.
The find was sent at once to the office
of the mine owners. Later was possible

to recover a large bone of the leg, one of

the collar-bones, part of shoulder blade,

portions of the pelvis, and several other

fragments not yet identified.
An examination of the part of the cave in
which the skull and other bones were found,
disclosed evidence that adds powerfully

dramatic element to the discovery. Near

m '
____ where the human skeleton rested, the
crushed skull of large animal, presumably

Dee down in the Broken hlill rriinewin lithodeaiai South A;-ica, theiskull
of o ape man was discovered. The photograph above shows the skull, lion, was found, also large stone.


in its original position, where it had been for perhaps 50,000 years The combination suggests how man and
Popular Science Monthly
central Java. They were the remains of an
extremely primitive type of man, so near
in the stage of evolution to the anthropoid
apes, that some scientists were at first in
clined to doubt the kinship between
Pilhccanlhropus crectus, as the Java man is
called, and modern man. These remains
were found in deposits regarded as con
FLOOROF temporary with those made during the first
glacial period of Europe, about 475,000
years ago.

Crimaldians Nearer Apes

In 1906 the skeletons of a youth and a

woman, representing a negroid race, were
found in a grotto near Mentone, France.
After the name of the grotto, the race to
which the owners of the skeletons belonged
was called the Grimaldi race. In the
structure of their teeth the Grimaldians
show a greater resemblance to the anthro
poid apes than the Neanderthal race.
FLOOR O? NINE In the following year, 1907, the remains
of the Heidelberg man were discovered.
These represent a much earlier type than
ln this cut-away view of the Broken was discovered. The lpot where the
Hill mine excavation may be seen the skull lay is about 60 feet below water the Neanderthal man. The race to which
long, tunnel-like “Bone Cave,” at the level, 90 feet below ground level, and 140 the man belonged presumably lived about
bottom of which the Rhodesian skull feet below the original hilltop 200,000 to 350,000 years ago.
In 1912 the remains of the third oldest
lion came to their death. Armed only with near Dinant, Belgium, in 1887, and since of the known human types were found in
a large boulder, this primitive man must then many other skulls and more or less the Thames Valley near Piltdown, Sussex,
have fought a terrific battle against over complete skeletons of that type have been England. It is believed that the race
whelming odds in the darkness of that unearthed in difierent parts of France, which the skull represents existed between
African cave many thousand years ago. Croatia, Moravia,and on the island of Jersey 100,000 and 150,000 years ago.
Both he and the lion succumbed in the in the English Channel. The Neanderthal Between 1852 and the present day skulls
struggle and their bodies rested for ages race is believed to have lived throughout and entire skeletons of another widely
side by side where they had fallen, mute Europe 25,000 to 100,000 years ago. spread prehistoric human race have been
witnesses of the tragedy enacted in the In 1891 Eugene Dubois found parts of a found in France, Spain, Austria, Wales,
dim past. skull and skeleton near Trinil, a village in and Syria. The race, which is of more
The presence of hundreds of tons of ani
mal bones in this African cave presents an
interesting problem. Of the origin of the
tunnel-like cave the geological formation
of the locality offers no explanation.
Some geologists believe that the cave is
not a work of nature, but was dug out of the
comparatively soft rock by prehistoric men
many thousand years ago, either for mining
purposes or to provide a shelter and pro
tection from the wild animals abounding
in that part of Africa at the time.
As the age of the human skull found
in the cave is estimated to be at least
50,000 years old, and it is highly improb
able that man at that period was sufficient
ly advanced for even the most primitive
method of mining, this theory of the origin
of the cave seems untenable. The theory be
comes more rational, however, if the opin
ion of Marcellin Boule and a few other
paleontologists is accepted. They con
tend that the Rhodesian skull belongs to a
much more recent period and probably
represents a negroid type which still per
sists in Africa.

Evidence of Evolulion

Ever since Darwin and other scientists

of his period laid the foundation for the
theory of evolution, believers in this theory
have hoped for conclusive evidence con
firming it. The first important find, a skull
unearthed at Gibraltar in 1848, greatly
stimulated their hope; and when, in 1856,
an incomplete skull was found in the
Neander valley near Diisseldorf, Germany,
these scientists concluded that the so-called
Neanderthal man represented an early type
in the evolution of man. By comparison it
was found that the Gibraltar skull greatly
resembled the Neanderthal skull and pre
sumably belonged to the same period.
Two nearly complete skeletons repre That our caveman ancestor attained like is a theory apparently substantiated
erect gait and a brain equal to our own by this reconstruction of the Rhodesian
senting the same type were found at Spy, before his face was refined frorn the ape man, facing the gorilla he still resembled
M arch , 19522 Q9

recent date than the Neanderthal race and millimeters. The opening in the base of
probably supplanted it in Europe, was the skull, through which the spinal cord
named the Cro-Magnon race. It is believed passes, is located farther forward than in
that the Cro-Magnons came from Asia, the skulls of the European representatives
where certain_ of their racial characteristics of the Neanderthal race, and it is this
still survive. They belonged to the later feature which indicates a perfectly erect
paleolithic age and showed a remarkably posture of its owner.
high development.
In this way, by repeated discoveries, Mouth Adapted lo Speech
scientists have started to write their record
of man's evolution from the beast. But The roof of the mouth is well arched, and
many pages, even chapters, of this long the palate of enormous size like that in
history are still a blank. On what page some skulls of the European Neanderthal
shall science inscribe its description of the type. Thus the mouth was perfectly
man of Rhodesia? adapted to speech. The teeth are large,
but entirely human. They are much worn
Brain Case Typically Human and obviously met the teeth of the lower
jaw edge to edge. The canines are not en
For while the Rhodesian skull exhibits a larged. The second molar is square, the
marked general resemblance to the Nean third much reduced in size. All teeth were
derthal type, a number of differen much afiected by decay which also had
tiating features make it difiicult to fix its age Dr. A. Smith Woodward, eminent spread to the tooth sockets.
and relative evolutionary position. For ex geologist (at left) measuring and If, despite the apelike features, the char
ample, despite the contrast between Nean studying the Rhodesian skull at the acteristics of the Rhodesian skull indicate
South Kensington Museum, London,
derthal man’s apelike slouch and Rhodesian England, where the skull is in his that its owner belonged to a race more ad
man's erect posture, close study has re charge vanced than the Neanderthal man, the
vealed that the face of the man of Broken character of the limb bones found in the
Hill is by far the more apelike of the two. The development of the dome of the Broken Hill cave confirm this evidence
Excellently preserved and showing no Rhodesian skull presents many puzzling with even greater conclusiveness. The
trace of mineralization, the Rhodesian skull incongruities. Like the skull of the ape man tibia is long and slender, of a typically
is typically human in the thickness of the of Java, it has a pronounced crista or ridge modern form, and might have belonged to
brain case. The brain capacity has not extending longitudinally, which indicates a a tall, fleet-footed man of the present time.
yet been measured exactly, but it is clearly very low type of evolutionary develop Judged by the clearly distinctive ana
above the lower human limit. Yet facial ment. But in size and general contour the tomical features of his skull and other re
development is heavy and of decided simian Rhodesian skull is much nearer to the mod mains, the Rhodesian man must be con
character. The brow ridges are bulging ern type of man than that of the Neander sidered as the representative of a race
and extend farther laterally than those of thal man. The race which the Rhodesian different from any other prehistoric race
Neanderthal man. Clearly, too, the jaw represents was evidently long headed. His known and must be assigned a place in the
must have been more massive even than skull has a maximum length of 210 milli evolutionary scale somewhere between the
that of the Heidelberg man. meters, a width of 145 and a height of 131 Neanderthal type and the Cro-Magnons.

Thousand Tons of Rails Test Strength of Concrete Piers

A THOUSAND tons of steel rails were
piled upon a concrete pier in Chicago
recently, to determine whether piers ex
tending only to a layer of hardpan, and
designed for a four-story building, would
support the weight of a 16-story structure
on the site of the Chicago Union Station.
The soil at this point is composed of 65
feet of soft earth over an eight-foot layer
of hardpan. Beneath the hardpan a second
layer of soft clay and sand is encountered
before rock is reached. The tests were
conducted to avoid, if possible, the expense
of excavating to bedrock, and to find how
many additional piers would be required to
support the 12 additional stories.

Tremendous Weight Applied

To conduct the test successfully it was
necessary to apply a tremendous weight,
and at the same time to install very sensi
tive measuring apparatus to register the
exact distance the pier sank as the weight
was piled upon it. The top of the concrete
column was protected by a steel casting.
On this was set a hydraulic jack, through ogucnzrz comma _
b rooms
which pressure could be applied. The rails
served as a dead weight to bear the upward
thrust of the jack, and did not rest upon
the head of the pier.
The jack used is the largest of its type ever constructed. It
will lift 1000 tons when the water pressure on the ram is 6000
pounds to the square inch. To register the effect on the pier, a How the tremen
dous Weight was
special inclined draft level, filled with gasoline because of the applied to the con
cold, was set up directly on the concrete head. This gage is so crete pier and bell
sensitive that it registered the passing of a trolley car over the shaped footing
Adams Street bridge, fully 100 feet away. through a 1000
ton hydraulic jack
The test revealed that the pier settled .18 inch under a pressure is described in the
of 680 tons, and sank an additional .09 inch when the weight was cut - away view
increased to 1000 tons. When pressure was removed, the pier rose above
.26 inch. The settling, represents the elasticity of the hardpan.

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