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How Is Type 2 Diabetes Treated? What to Know if You're Newly Diagnosed

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body doesn’t use insulin properly. This
causes blood sugar levels to rise, which can lead to other health problems. If you have type
2 diabetes, your doctor may prescribe one or more treatments to help manage your blood
sugar levels and reduce your risk of complications.

Read on to more learn about some of the most common treatments and recommendations
for people who are newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes…..

Weight loss

In general, the Centers for Disease control define being “overweight” as weighing more than
is considered healthy for a person’s height. Many people who are newly diagnosed with type
2 diabetes are overweight. When that’s the case, a doctor will usually recommend weight
loss as one aspect of an overall treatment plan.

For many people who are living with type 2 diabetes, losing 5 to 10 percent of bodyweight
may help lower blood sugar levels. In turn, this reduces the need for diabetes medications,
report researchers in the journal Diabetes Care. Research suggests that weight loss may
lso reduce your risk of heart disease, which is more common in people with type 2 diabetes
than the general population. To promote weight loss, your doctor may encourage you to cut
calories from your snacks and meals. They may also advise you to get more exercise. In
some cases, your doctor might recommend weight-loss surgery. This is also known
as metabolic or bariatric surgery.

Dietary changes

Your doctor might recommend changes to your diet to help manage your blood sugar levels
and weight. Eating a well-balanced diet is also important for your overall health. There’s no
one-size-fits-all approach to healthy eating with type 2 diabetes. In general, the American
Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends:

 eating a wide variety of nutrient-rich foods, such as whole grains, legumes,

vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats
 evenly spacing your meals throughout the day
 not skipping meals if you’re on the medications that can cause blood sugar to go too
 not eating too much

If you need help making changes to your diet, talk to your doctor. They may refer you to a
registered dietitian who can help you develop a healthy eating plan.

Physical exercise
Your doctor might encourage you to exercise more to help manage your blood sugar levels
and weight, as well as your risk for complications from type 2 diabetes. According to
the ADA, most adults with type 2 diabetes should:
 get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise per week,
spread over multiple days
 complete two to three sessions of resistance exercise or strength training per week,
spread over non-consecutive days
 try to limit the amount of time you spend engaging in sedentary behaviors
 try not to go more than two days in a row without physical activity

Depending on your health, your doctor might encourage you to set different physical activity
targets. In some cases, they might advise you to avoid certain activities. To help you develop
an exercise plan that’s safe for you, your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist.


You might be able to manage your blood sugar with lifestyle changes alone. But over time,
many people with type 2 diabetes need medication to manage the condition. Depending on
your health history and needs, your doctor might prescribe one or more of the following:

 oral medications
 insulin, which may be injected or inhaled
 other injectable drugs, such as a GLP-1 receptor agonist or amylin analogue

In most cases, your doctor will start by prescribing oral medication. Over time, you might
need to add insulin or other injectable drugs to your treatment plan. To learn more about
your medication options, talk to your doctor. They can help you weigh the potential benefits
and risks of different medications.

Blood sugar testing

The main goal of diabetes treatment is to keep your blood sugar levels in target range. If
your blood sugar falls too low or rises too high, it can cause health problems. To help
monitor your blood sugar levels, your doctor will order blood work on a regular basis. They
can use a test known as the A1C test to assess your average blood sugar levels. They might
also advise you to check your blood sugar levels on a regular basis at home. To check your
blood sugar at home, you can prick your fingertip and test your blood with a blood glucose
monitor. Or, you can invest in a continuous glucose monitor, which continuously tracks your
blood sugar levels using a small sensor inserted under your skin.

The takeaway

To manage type 2 diabetes, your doctor may encourage you to make changes to your diet,
exercise routine, or other lifestyle habits. They might prescribe one or more medications.
They will also ask you to schedule regular checkups and blood tests. If you notice changes
in your symptoms or blood sugar levels, let your doctor know. Type 2 diabetes can change
overtime. Your doctor may adjust your treatment plan to meet your evolving needs.


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