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Engineering College
Electrical Engineering Department
Assignment – 1
AY. 2020-21 (Odd)

Semester: 7th
Subject: IA
Subject Code: 3170925

Question/Task CO CL
1 What do you mean by SCADA system?
Explain basic SCADA architecture and CO1 U
typical features.
2 Explain Architecture and block diagram
of PLC.
3 With the neat sketch explain the U
construction and working of a distributed
control system (DCS) used in process

V.V.P. Engineering College

Electrical Engineering Department
Assignment – 2
AY. 2020-21 (Odd)

Semester: 7th
Subject: IA
Subject Code: 3170925

Question/Task CO CL
1 Explain Filled system thermometer. CO2 U
2 Explain overview of Indutry 4.0 CO5 U

Course Outcomes

CO1 Explain the overview of Industrial Automation system U

Measure industrial parameters like temperature, pressure,

CO2 Ap
forece, displacement, speed, flow, level, humidity and pH.

CO3 Apply PLC in Industrial Automation. Ap

Integrate the Distributed Control System with PLC and

CO4 Ap

Explain the basic configuration of robot and its usefulness in

industry 4.0.
1 What do you mean by SCADA system?
Explain basic SCADA architecture and CO1 U
typical features.

 SCADA stands for supervisory and data acquisition. As the name suggests, it
is used for the supervisory control and not for the full control system. They
are part of software system, which is kept on the top of the hardware that are
interfaced, generally via Programmable Logic Controller (PLCs) or other
communication modules.
 "It is a collection of instruments that provides necessary information to an
operator at remote place with sufficient information to regulate the status of
any particular piece of instrument or full substation and ensures necessary
actions takes place regarding the instrument or network."

Objectives of SCADA:
The main objectives of SCADA are :

1. Monitoring - To monitor the parameters like current, voltage etc.

2. Measurement - For measuring process variables.
3. Data Acquisition - Regular acquisition of data.
4. Data Communication - To transmit and receive data from field to control
5. Control - Online monitoring of real time data for open and closed loop
6. Automation - For continuous automatic tasks/processes.
Functions of SCADA :
The main functions of the SCADA are :

 Supervisory control
 Data acquisition
 Displaying information
 Calculation of data

Applications of SCADA:

 SCADA is used to monitor variety of data like current, voltages, water level,
pressure, temperature etc. if there is any failure in the system, alarms are
activated at the remote sites, which alert the operator.
 The various applications of SCADA are :
 Power generation and distribution
 Manufacturing industries
 Public transport
 Waste water treatment
2 Explain Architecture and block diagram
of PLC.

Figure. shows the basic structure of a PLC. The inputs are read into the input
memory register. This function is already included in the system software in the
PLC. An input/output register is often not only a bit but a byte. Consequently one
input instruction gives the status of 8 different input ports. The instruction fetches
the value from the input register and operates on only this or on several operands.
The central processing unit (CPU) works towards a result register or accumulator.
The result of an instruction is stored either in some intermediate register or directly
in the output memory register that is written to the outputs. The output function is
usually included in the system programs in a PLC.

A PLC is specifically made to fit an industrial environment where it is exposed to

hostile conditions such as heat, dust, humidity, unreliable power, mechanical
shocks, and vibrations. PLCs have both hardware and software features that make
them attractive as controllers of a wide range of industrial equipments.

3 With the neat sketch explain the U

construction and working of a distributed
control system (DCS) used in process
1 Explain Filled system thermometer. CO2 U
2 Explain overview of Indutry 4.0 CO5 U

Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and data exchange in

manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the
Internet of things and cloud computing. Industry 4.0 creates what has been
called a “smart factory”.

Industry 4.0 refers to a new phase in the Industrial Revolution that

focuses heavily on interconnectivity, automation, machine learning, and
real-time data. Industry 4.0, which encompasses IoT and smart
manufacturing, marries physical production and operations with smart
digital technology, machine learning, and big data to create a more holistic
and better connected ecosystem for companies that focus on
manufacturing and supply chain management. While every company and
organization operating today is different, they all face a common
challenge—the need for connectedness and access to real-time insights
across processes, partners, products, and people.

That’s where Industry 4.0 comes into play.

Industry 4.0 isn’t just about investing in new technology and tools to
improve manufacturing efficiency—it’s about revolutionizing the way your
entire business operates and grows. This resource will provide you with an
in-depth overview on the topic of Industry 4.0 and IIoT, including
information on the following:

 The Evolution of Industry from 1.0 to 4.0

 Basic IIoT Concepts and Glossary of Terms
 Smart Manufacturing Use Cases
 Whom is Industry 4.0 For?
 Benefits of Adopting an Industry 4.0 Model
 Challenges to Consider and Overcome
 How Epicor Can Help Your Business

The world of manufacturing is changing. To survive and thrive now, you

have to be willing to invest in Industry 4.0. This resource will help you get

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