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FREE Spanish Listening Comprehension Files

Title: News In Slow Spanish Web Site: Overview: Audio files for students that want to begin listening to audio files at a slow rate. The news topics are directed to listeners with a basic vocabulary and grammar. On the web site, there are links to short free files about each broadcast. These links are Flash cards, Transcript, Grammar, Expressions, Pronunciation, and Quiz. These audio files are also available at the iTunes Store for free download. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Notes in Spanish Web Site: Overview: Husband and wife team have conversations on many topics dealing with life in Spain. Husband (Ben) is British and wife (Marina) is from Madrid. Even with the Castellao accent, Marina is actually easier to understand than Ben! Most topics are about everyday life in Spain with some great historical background about how the Franco dictatorship continues to affect Spanish life of today. Typical topics are: Spains immigration policy The tapas tradition of Spain Tourism in Spain How Spaniards celebrate Christmas, New Years and the 6th of January (Da de Reyes) The Spanish cinema Weather in Madrid The Madrid traffic Plus much more. This is a great way to learn much about the culture and daily life in Madrid and Spain. There are three levels of the conversations: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. Beginner level has more English and covers more grammar (por vs para, ser vs estar, etc.). Intermediate and Advanced files are about 95% en espaol with the same vocabulary level. The speed of the conversation is the real difference in these 2 levels. All audio files are all free and are available in podcast and .mp3 format. All pod casts are also available FREE from the iTunes Store. Search for Notes in Spanish and each the files are grouped in the Notes in Spanish Beginner, Notes in Spanish Intermediate and Notes in Spanish Advanced groupings are separated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Coffee Break Spanish Web Site:

Overview: This site is produced by Radio Lingua, which provides audio files in many languages. The Coffee Break Spanish is designed for Beginners/Intermediate students. Only the most recent broadcasts are on the page. All other broadcasts are available from the Monthly Archives drop down menu on the right hand side lower on the page. All pod casts are also available FREE from the iTunes Store. Search with Coffee Break Spanish -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Caf Cortado Web Site:

From: Solutions to Spanish (

Overview: This site is produced by Radio Lingua. This is mostly in English answering questions about Spanish from listeners. Typical questions involve grammar, numbers, directions, etc. There are many conceptual ideas presented on how to learn Spanish. This is particularly good for beginners. All pod casts are also available FREE from the iTunes Store. Search with Caf Cortado ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Show Time Spanish Web Site: Click on the Lesson library link on the right side of the home page. Audio lessons can be heard by pressing the > symbol or downloaded from the download mp3 link. If you wish to download the same files in Podcast format from the iTunes store, theres a link for the subscribing via the iTunes store on the home page (right side about way down) Overview: Produced by Radio Lingua from Scotland. The 2 commentators are Mark (from Scotland) and Alma (from Barcelona, Spain) and Carolina (from Bogat, Columbia in episodes #31 to present). Marks English with a Scottish accent is harder to understand than his Spanish! Each episode is divided in 3 parts. The first part is 100% en espaol. The second part is a quick lesson in 2 or 3 phrases that are commonly used and can make a person sound moreSpanish! The third part is a review or a discussion of some part of grammar. Every 5th episode there is a telenovela to an ongoing story called Verano Espaol. The story is about a Scottish family. The father is Spanish and the family inherits a house in Spain. The mother and daughter travel to Spain to live in the house for the summer. The daughter speaks Spanish fluently and the mother speaks a little Spanish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Destinos: An introduction to Spanish Web Site: Overview: This is a collection of video files that are played from streaming video from the web site. The program was originally broadcast on Public Broadcast Stations (PBS) as a teaching tool for beginning Spanish students. The format is a telenovela (Spanish soap opera) providing dialogue to increase vocabulary and listening comprehension. There are 52 episodes and each is 30 minutes. Since this collection is also for sale, there is no capability to download these videos, and the free videos must be played on a computer. Each video has a gold box labeled VoD which begins the episode. The Spanish spoken will include accents from throughout Latin America and Spain. To expand the video window to a full screen view, place the mouse any where in the video screen, right click, and select Zoom> Full screen. To exit from the full screen mode, right click and select Exit Full Screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Cadena SER program files Web Site: Overview: Cadena SER is Spains premier radio station and has been broadcasting since 1926 an has 4+ million listeners. Links to all the interviews can be found in the podcast link provided above and as such, this is mostly talk radio in Spain. The files are organized by each program and found by copying the web site link into a browser. Note the http:// link must be copied and pasted not just clicked. All the programs are provided in .mp3 format for either listening on line or downloading and available for free. These are usually interviews with prominent people who are subject matter experts. The speed is real time Spanish from Spain. All accents are represented with many guests from Latin America.

From: Solutions to Spanish (

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