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Patterns Progressions Directions Solar and Lunar Return

The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow: Current Patterns: Progressions Directions Solar and Lunar Returns Transits by Marion D. March.
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Uued raamatud!
Julia & Derek Parker, Astroloogia, Varrak, Tln 2008.
(Astroloogia ajalugu, juhised sünnikaardi koostamiseks, sodiaagimärgid, Päikese-, Kuu- ja tõusumärgi omadused, Planeetide asendite tabelid
1931-2010, nende iseloom ja märgipositsioonid.)
Paul Wade, Ole enda astroloog , Varrak, Tln 2006.
Sammhaaval oma sünnikaardi koostamise ja interpreteerimiseni. (Küll juba vanem, aga praegu väga hea hinnaga müügil.)
Peter Marshall, Maailma astroloogia , Tänapäev, Tln 2006.
Astroloogi kulgemine inimloomuse mõistmise teel. (hiina, india, lähis-ida ja euroopa astroloogia, erinevate astroloogide tehnika, allegooriad ja
Fritz Riemann, ASTROLOOGIA ON ELUABI ÕPETUS - Mõtteid ja kogemusi, Tartu 1998.
Soovitaks kõigile, kes süveneda soovivad, esimeseks raamatuks astroloogiast. Autor on eelmise põlve saksa psühhoterapeut, kes kasutas
astroloogiat oma igapäeva-töös.
Dane Rudhyar, ASTROLOOGILISED MAJAD kui individuaalse kogemuse spekter, Pärnu 1994.
Suurepärane raamat psühholoogilise astroloogia klassikult. Algajale võib olla natuke raske, samas on väga hea filosoofilisteks mõtisklusteks, vajab
süvenemist ja kaasa mõtlemist.
Linda Goodman, PÄIKESEMÄRGID, OÜ Luna Radix, 1991, 2001.
Hea lihtne lugemine päikesemärkidega tutvumiseks, samas tõeliselt adekvaatne. Väga hea tõlge (Ed. Paukson), mis laiale lugejaskonnale mõeldud
astroloogiaraamatute puhul pole väga tavaline.
Hazel Dixon-Cooper, NÄRUNE SÜNNIKUUPÄEV - Päikesemärkide humoorikad varjuküljed, Ersen 2003.
Kuigi tõlkevigadega (näiteks päikesemärke nimetatakse mitmel korral tähtkujudeks), siiski hästi vahva raamat. Mõnusalt utreeritud, aga seejuures
meeldejääv. Usun, et enesekasvatuslikus mõttes läheb täitsa asjaette, naljakas pealegi.
Praktiline ja eluline ülevaade majade iseloomust. Sisaldab ka arvutamise õpetust ja Placiduse majade tabeleid Eesti laiuskraadidel.
Peter Orban/Ingrid Zinnel , ELU STSENAARIUM - Sissejuhatus esoteerilisse astroloogiasse, Sinisukk & CO 1995.
Saksa terpeudid ja astroloogid on kirjutanud natuke teistsuguse raamatu kui klassikalises astroloogias tavaks. Horoskoop kui elustsenaarium, elu
kui rongi teekond algpunktist lõppjaama, astsendent kui eesriie, Päike kui käitumisjuhis, planeedid kui näitlejad…
Ago Uuesoo tõlked, koostanud Taimi Uuesoo , ASTROLOOGIAÕPIK KÕIGILE - Käsiraamat algajale astroloogiahuvilisele sünnikaardi
Õpilaste jaoks kokku pandud materjal. Sisaldab lühiseletusi planeetidest, majadest ja telgedest. Planeetide positsioon märkides, majades,
planeetide ning telgedevaheliste aspektide kirjeldus.
Taimi Uuesoo , SÜNASTRIA, Saue, 2001.
Suhted ja sobivus. Millele keskenduda oma sünnikaardis, et määratleda sobiva partneri tüüpi ning vajadust ja valmisolekut suhteks. Sünnikaartide
võrdlus ehk sünastria.
Enn Kasak, IIDNE TÄHETARKUS, Argo, 2002.
Autor on astrofüüsik ja filosoof, kes on kirjutanud raamatu astroloogia tekke- ja ajaloost. Ühendatud humanitaarne täppisteaduslikuga. Peaksin
kohustuslikuks kõigile astroloogia huvilistele.
Nicholas Campion, TÄIUSLIK ASTROLOOGIARAAMAT - Lihtsaid näpunäiteid, kuidas sünnikaarte arvutada ja tõlgendada ning seeläbi
igapäevaelus edukalt läbi lüüa, Ersen 2004.
Autor on õppejõud Kepleri kolledžis Seattle´is, kus toimub esimene astroloogiaalane kraadiõpe läänemaailmas. Lisaks klassikalisele
astroloogiaalasele algkursusele on raamatus ka efemeriidid 1962-2010, majade tabelid põhja laiuskraadidele, 1938-2010, Suurbritannia ja USA
suveajad. (
ABIKS ASTROLOOGIAHUVILISTELE, Tõnu Ploomi tõlked vene keelest 1997-2000.
1) Karma astroloogia. Retrograadsed planeedid ja inimese taassünd (I-II); 2)Kuu; 3) Must ja Valge Kuu; 4) Sünniaja taastamise terviklik süsteem;
5) Meditsiinilise astroloogia sõnastik Jt.
Donna Cunningham, HOW TO READ YOUR ASTROLOGICAL CHART, Aspects of the Cosmic Puzzle , first published 1999.
(Üks minu lemmikautoritest)
(Üks minu lemmikaotoritest ja -raamatutest.)
Stephen Arroyo, RELATIONSHIPS & LIFE CYCLES, Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience, Calfornia, USA. Sama vene keeles
(eraldi): Жизненные циклы, Moskva 2001.
(Üks paremaid raamatuid aeglaste planeetide mõistmiseks mu meelest. Muud ka)
Neil Spencer, TRUE AS THE STARS ABOVE, Adventures in Modern Astrology.
Dane Rudhyar (Astropsühholoogia klassik)
(Väga hea! Polaarsuse, vastandite ja nende ühtsuse teema. Olen näinud ka vene keeles, täpset pealkirja praegu ei mäleta.)
(ja väga palju muid)
Robert Hand, PLANETS IN TRANSIT , Life Cycles for living.
Julia & Derek Parker, PARKER`S ASTROLOGY , The Essential Guide to Using Astrology in Your Daily Life, New York 2003 (1991, 2001)
(Nagu pealkirjas öeldud, raamat rektifitseerimisest. Välimusest, nimest, tõusumärgist, lühidalt planeetidest majades, ka Chiron ja Lilith.)
(Ülevaade ka sõlmede tsüklitest ja natuke varjutustest.)
(Arvutused, majade tabelid)
(Ülevaade astroloogilistest majadest. Horoskoobi kardinaalsed punktid kui saatuse sõlmpunktid. Telgegede iseloomustus märkides. Majade
kolmandike erinevused. Erilised sensoorsed punktid majades.)
(vene ja valgevene aeg, kalendrimuutused, Lilit ja Selena efemeriidid, Proserpina ef)
(Iseloomustus, mütoloogiline paralleel, märkidele vastavad maad, loodus, toitumine, välimus jms)
(ka hüpoteetilistest ja fiktiivsetest planeetidest)
(Lisaks stiihiatele ning ristidele ja kvadrantidele ka nn elupunkti liikumisest sodiaagis ja planeetide karmilise staatuse leidmine - punktiarvestus.)
(Ülekoormatud ja tühjad märgid kosmogrammis, näited.)
(Kraadide valitsejad, sisu ning erilised kraadid sodiaagis.)
(Päikese ja Kuu päevad, nii aasta kui ka kuu tootemid.)
(Märkide valitsejad, planeetide pagendus, langus ja kõrgendus. Nii põhjalikku ülevaadet erinevatest positsioonidest ma teist pole kohanud.
Loomulikult Globale omasel moel ning Avesta astroloogiast lähtuvalt, aga enamust informatsioonist annab hästi kasutada ka klassikalises
(Planeetide retrograadsus, statsionaarsus ja direktiivsus, erinevused horoskoobis. Erinevad kosmogrammid planeetide jaotuse järgi.)
(Võtmeaspektide, etalonplaneedi jms. määramine, virtuaalsed sõlmed, orbid, mutant- ja amorfsed aspektid jms huvitavat.)
Majandus- ja mundaanastroloogia:
Michael Baigent, Nicholas Campion, Charles Harvey: MUNDANE ASTROLOGY. Sama vene keeles: Мировая астрология , Moskva 1999.
Georgia Anna Stathis, BUSINESS ASTROLOGY 101: Weaving the Web Between Business and Myth , California 2001.
ISBN 13: 9780917086656.
The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow discusses the current patterns in astrology which allow the astrologer to look forward (forecasting) as
well as examine the present and the past.
The authors cover secondary progressions, solar arc direction, transits, eclipses and cycles as well and solar and lunar returns. Each topic is
explained with clarity and the use of many examples.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Marion March and Joan McEvers are recipients of the coveted Regulus Award for Education (from their astrological peers in the United States) as
well as awards in Australia, Germany, and more. Their "Only Way" Series has sold over 300,000 copies and has been translated into seven
The Only Way to Learn Astrology: Horoscope Analysis.
"The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume III" takes you through the 144 possible placements of house rulers -- information you won't find in
contemporary astrological literature and covers special areas of delineation such as vocation, personal appearance, marriage and more. Read
"The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume III" takes you through the 144 possible placements of house rulers -- information you won't find in
contemporary astrological literature and covers special areas of delineation such as vocation, personal appearance, marriage and more. Read Less.
All Copies ( 8 ) Softcover ( 8 ) Choose Edition ( 1 )
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The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow: Current Patterns: Progressions Directions Solar and Lunar Returns Transits by Marion D. March.
During the course of a day, the Ascendant will spend about 2 hours in each zodiac sign (so about 4 minutes at each degree). I'm wondering if the
T. Ascendant conjunct one of our natal planets highlights that planet for us. It wouldn't be the same as a transit from a planet; it wouldn't infuse our
natal planet with a certain energy. Instead, it invites that part of ourselves into the world. It's the part of ourselves that we bring forth into our
environment. Or from the other direction, the part of ourselves that the environment most easily touches.
The T.ASC moves quickly. Even allowing a fairly generous 5� orb, that would give only 44 minutes when the T.ASC would be conjunct a
particular point in our chart. Maybe the T.ASC is not discussed much because its influence is for such a short period of time.
Do you think the T.ASC has any meaning?
I think it does, in the way I described above. But I can also see that I'm really biased about this and want to believe that it means what I think it
means. When my mom died, the T.ASC was conjunct her Venus. (And my own Venus.) I know that we all did all we could to make her final
moments as peaceful, supportive, and loving as we could. I guess I'd like for the T.ASC to mean what I think it means since it being on her Venus
would confirm that she made that transition peacefully, w/o fear and with love. But I'm objective enough to see that I'm having a hard time looking
at this objectively.
I haven't paid attention to the T.ASC before this. I will now, but I wonder if anyone else has noticed its significance. Feel free to disagree with me
about it having any meaning. I promise I won't cry.
I don't have anything to say about the transiting Ascendant, but as usual your theory seems sound.
I wasn't aware that your mother had passed away. I knew that you were looking after her at night and I think I assumed that you still were. I just
want to express my condolences.
I looked at the chart of when my boyfriend and I decided to become official (the only event chart I have saved), and the tASC was conjunct my
DSC by 2 degrees (5 degrees for my bf) and conjunct my Saturn/Uranus by 4. It was conjunct my bf's Uranus by 1, and his Saturn by 5. He
suggested it, and it was sort of a surprise I guess.
My love to you Jane. It didn't feel that long ago, we had a small, yet moving discussion on your Mum.
i am deeply sorry ofr the lost of your Mom.I know you have been treating her for quite long time - but you know that she passed onto that other
place with peace and love in her heart.
Btw - im one of the few sho knows the time and place exact when we 1st made love hihihi - the minutes are just about off but im pretty sure of the
T.AC was cj J�S T. Karma AND opose his NN T.AC was cj my natal eros.
For the time I have, tASC is exactly conjunct my Sun and opposite his Moon by 4 degrees.
I'm sorry to hear about your mom.
You are right on the mark with your thoughts regarding the transiting Ascendant. It's very important. If you think about it another way and flip the
charts (natal and transits) around, putting the transits in the centre and the natal chart on the outside wheel, the transiting Ascendant is the event
chart's Ascendant (Electional Astrology).
I use events charts with the natal placements on the outside wheel to delineate events, circumstances and to plan appointments all the time. They
work. They are very similar to interpreting your Solar Return in relation to your natal chart.
Wedding charts, accident charts, first meeting charts and surgery charts are examples that will use this method. You should always compare to the
natal chart.
Anyway, back to the topic. Yes! I have discussed this with another astrologer many years ago. I was questioning whether the t-asc affects what
people do in the day. For example, here where I live, it is common to have t-asc in tau in the middle of the day, which is primarily lunch time. Are
bills paid when the asc is in virgo etc?
The other astrologer said that he did read a book and the book studied these patterns and patterns were found as I alluded to above. Of course,
don't know the book and haven't discussed this topic any further with any other astrologers. I haven't really related the asc to actual planets before,
but that could be an interesting theory. I do know that when I had one time t-IC in aries (conj my natal asc), t-MC conj my n-moon and the t-
moon was on my chiron (opp my moon, widely conj my jupiter), I had a massive argument with someone, who I still am not talking to today.
Unfortunately the t-asc at the time made not contact with anything else in my chart except my pluto was squaring it as did t-chart ruler saturn
forming a t-square with my pluto.
But I was thinking along the same lines as you, that when it's in a certain sign that sign's ambience will be more easily created. When it's in Libra,
it's a good time for a candlelit dinner, and then by the time it moves into Scorpio, it's a good time to get started on producing that sex chart. And
then in Sag, have some post-sex philosophical ramblings. And of course, pay up when it's in Cap. Or have the "So, what are we?" Talk. Quickly
get dressed and escape when in Aqua. In Pisces, fake your death and create a new identity so the other person can never find you again.
Besides the sign's energy, I think the way the T.ASC impacts your own chart pinpoints the part of you with which the environment most easily
interacts. So it would be a good time to discipline when it's on your Saturn, socialize when it's on your Jupiter, and so on.
The example you named fits for transits I'd expect to see during a massive argument. And since it was your ASC, Moon, Chiron, and Pluto that
were highlighted, it dealt with long-standing, deep emotions that surfaced. The squares to your n.Pluto coincide with the force of expression.
Yes you're right, sorry I was thinking in terms of myself, ie those born around my time of the year.
And otherwise, you are right on all other points; (a) yes, socialise when the t-asc fits your natal planet; (b) yes very long standing emotions and
realisation to myself finally that I didn't like person.
Yes, to your question above. By flipping the charts, you get a new perspective on the situation, the actual chart of the event. When you have the
event as the centre chart and the natal on the outside wheel, pay particular attention to the natal planets on the event chart's angles: Asc, Des, IC
and MC.
Also pay attention to what house the natal Ascendant falls into. Looking at that in a different but similar way. what sign and house are coming to the
natal Ascendant from the event chart?
Your question about the wedding chart Sun doesn't really have a specific answer. Where it's placed will depend upon the positions of the planets
and the aspects they are making at the time of the "I dos" in an attempt to find a good date and time.
There's no perfect time, of course. It's best to make the Sun (male) and the Moon (female) in a positive aspect and applying. Also try to have the
Moon waxing rather than waning. No VOC Moons. The Moon should be avoided, if possible, in the signs of Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn. The
Moon (family, home, emotions), Venus (love, partnerships) and Mercury (communication, contracts) are very important in wedding charts. You
want Mercury and Venus direct. Try to have Venus and Jupiter (humour, luck) elevated above the horizon. Mars, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and
Saturn in the 7th may not be very good unless the natals can handle those placements. Look for good aspects to the 1st and 7th house rulers.
Fixed Ascendants tend to be better for stability. Positive aspects with Saturn help stability and longevity.
Or are you talking about a transit to the natal (in general) like every other transit?
I'm sorry if I confused you. Let's try again. I was discussing taking the transits and placing them on the inside wheel. The natal planets would then
be placed on the outside wheel. The transits are now an event chart, which is then compared to the natal placements, particularly natal placements
on the event charts angles: Ascendant, Descendant, MC, and IC. Some examples of event charts are: a first meeting chart, a surgery chart, a
wedding chart, opening a business chart, a hair appointment, a doctor's appointment, an accident, a death, a lottery win, etc.
Other things to look at are: what natal planets are rising on the event chart's Ascendant. What house and sign come to the event chart Ascendant
from the natal chart. What natal planets are elevated and taking precedence near the event chart MC? Event charts are interpreted this way as are
solar returns. You should include the natal chart in the interpretation for the complete picture.
Electional Astrology is used by an astrologer to actually pick a specific date, time and place of an event, so that it maybe beneficial to the person(s)
involved in the event and beneficial to the event's outcome. Weddings, surgeries, business openings, asking for a promotion or raise are examples
of major life events that can be elected.
For more information, these references may help:
Marion D. March & Joan McEvers - The Only Way To Learn about Tomorrow: Current Patterns, Progressions, Directions, Solar and Lunar
Returns, Transits (Volume IV)
Marion D. March & Joan McEvers - The Only Way To Learn about Horary and Electional Astrology (Volume VI)
Good luck with picking the date and the wedding! Have you read these articles on choosing a date?
I'm so sorry for the lost of your mother. I am so gutted to know that you are going through such a tough time. Oh, dear beautiful and sweet jane.
I'm actually hurting for you or with you, I can't tell which. I just read the beginning of this thread. I only just found out. Lots of hugs. Tons of love to
you and I know that a death of a loved one is never something we get over but that Jupiter will be strong for you sweetheart. I'm sorry if I'm
digging up hurtful feelings and I'm sorry that I didn't find out earlier. It just makes me feel like I wasn't there for you, jane. Of course, I wouldn't
have done anything of significance but at least I would have been there for you in thought.
but it's never too late, so I'll chip in now by sending some of my strength to you, ok? I'm so sorry for your loss. You're loved ok? You're strong
too. You're also intelligent enough to know how to heal, so I have faith that you will pull through this. Hugs.
Sending my sympathies and condolences on your Mom's passing.
I wish that I paid more attention to the times that significant events occurred. I'm going to start now and give you full reports throughout the coming
The Only Way to Learn about Tomorrow: Vol 4 – Current Patterns.
Within this book, March and McEvers discuss all the major techniques that allow the astrologer to look ahead (forecasting) along with examining
the present and the past. As they say in their introduction:
“Through astrology you can always see yesterday, today and tomorrow. If you have learned the “I am” of the 1st natal house, you can now learn
the “I am today” of the progressed 1st house and even the “I will be tomorrow” of the 1st house progressed for some future date.”
46 charts are illustrated, along with highly readable and well-organized material that demonstrates the authors’ methods. As with all their books,
March and McEvers stress clarity and common sense – all to help you solidify your knowledge and confidence. Yes! This is the ONLY Way!

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