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1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs.

attend do fail learn leave pass revise take

0 In England, you can do three or four subjects at A level.

1 If you’re tired, why don’t you            a break for a while?
2 Ed’s really excited – he’s managed to            his exam!
3 In the UK, students can            school when they’re 16.
4 Children first            primary school at the age of five.
5 I can’t come out because I have to            for my exams.


2 Match 1–5 with a–f to make conditional sentences.

0 If we’re free on Saturday, f
1 If there’s enough snow,    
2 If it’s a fine day,    
3 We’ll go by train    
4 We won’t go to a café    
5 We’ll buy a drink    

a we’ll sit in the sun.

b if there aren’t any buses.
c if we’re thirsty.
d we’ll go ski-ing.
e if we haven’t got much money.
f we’ll have a day out.
3 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs.

deal with find out get up give up set up sum up throw out work out

0 At the end of the lesson, we had to sum up our thoughts.

1 Why don’t you            these old papers? They’re no use.
2 I want to            playing netball – I really don’t like it.
3 Uncle John is going to            a new business in the US.
4 Help! I can’t            1527 divided by 13!
5 I have to            what time the train leaves for London.
4 Complete the Second Conditional sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
0 If John applied (apply) for the job, he would get (get) it.
1 If Stella            (not be) so busy, she            (relax) more.
2 Joe            (not work) long hours if he            (not do) so much overtime.
3 William            (get) a pay rise if he            (ask) his boss.
4 If Ted            (not have) a car, how            (he/get) to work?
5 Where            (you/choose) to go if you            (want) to have a skiing holiday?
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
0 Sam needs to make a decision about where he’s going to study next year. DECIDE
1 My granddad has a great            of stamps. COLLECT
2 Ben had to            against some older boys in the race. COMPETITION
3 Our school has just received a big            for the new swimming pool! DONATE
4 My favourite subject at school is Design and            . TECHNOLOGICAL
5 I’m getting a good            at this university. EDUCATE

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