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from Function ( Vertical View )

to Process ( Horizontal End Backwards View )


HR A Function ? A body of Knowledge with its principles and tools

Human Resource

Recruitme nt and Induction

Performan ce Appraisals

Compensat ions & Benefits

Training & Developme nt

Structure and Job Description

HR Operations

50 plus pieces as we drill down

This gives us Identity , Vocabulary , Legitimacy and Career. This is inside view of HR


Over a period we evolved ourselves to reflect differential value add

Human Resource




Service provider


This was also HRs way to upgrade itself . It has done some good both for HR and businesses

PBOPlus HR Profession is moving into high pressure Zone

Best Practice Non HR : HR Ratio o 1:70 to 1 :150

Human Resource

Automate Non core Out source

It 8 % growth , the profession may not see growth in Jobs

Therefore,time to wake up and look at ourselves Outside In , Process View

PBOPlus HR A Process ? A series of activities for a Customer

CEO 1 Wt - 40 % Freshers and others-100 Wt -10 % Human Resource

Staff and Workmen 3000 Wt 10%

Managers-40 Wt -10 %

We are unable to reorient ourselves hide behind policy , fairness and our definition of professionalism . Almost all stakeholders find HR non- responsive and not service oriented

Functional Head- 8 Wt 30 %

PBOPlus HR A Process ? A series of activities to serve a Customer

Set Targets Track Achievement Organise Review

Score Disgusted Stakeholders Bell the scores Decide and announce

PBOPlus CEO Disconnect

I can never get to 10,000 crores by 2020 with this team. - Which People amongst the top 100 I must get rid off ? - A wrong leader pulls another 20 down because of bad leadership - Do I have to go outside to solve this problem ? My focus My Vision Our Growth. Business is interested in critical 2% of people which can deliver value Pulling out competitor people won't help either. Its a temporary Fix. Staying in business is not an option. CEO looks at 5% products, 5% customer, 3% process, 2% people. CEO doesn't come to the office for sustainability. Business means growth and is HR able to provide that ?

PBOPlus Business HR Non-Alignment

Vectorial Non-Alignment CEO looks upward and forward. HR looks downward. HR is looking at Non-Core - Its a must but does not deliver profit or create value.


Unsolved HR Paradoxes
Process or Function

Team or Individual
People or Weapon

Masses ( 98 %)or Classes (2%)

Focus on the core problem HR solves & put out lots of ideas about how to solve that problem.

An eternal Business Dilemma

PBOPlus There must be something novel about HR which only HR must possess
Is process the answer ? OR Technology ? Dont you think over-selling processes or Technology will lead to the demise.

Think. Think. Think.


HR image has taken some beating

Why is HR being outsourced ?
Why is HR being treated as non-core ? No company is willing to include HR people on board. Why ? HR has lost its sheen ? Why is HR not in the limelight anymore ? Is HR meant to serve the 2% people who actually add 98% of the business value ? Why is the disconnect between Business and HR so glaring?

PBOPlus Is there a problem with HR ?

Where does the problem lie ?

Before the problem lets see what HR end users say ?

People View 2% talented people are different from others but HR hides behind the policies . This approach is self-destroying for HR.

You may think the Policy is fair and just but the individual doesn't. He believes he is different than the others and must be treated differently.
For HR every man is equally important but this is against the business realities.

PBOPlus Our Success Partners

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