BUS1001 Assignment 2

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Short paragraph

a) A conclusion derived from data that may be quickly turned into action or response is called a
"actionable insight." Actionable insights are obtained through the study of raw data by one or more
individuals. Actionable insights may be obtained when there are large amounts of both structured and
unstructured data involved. Actionable insights have six essential characteristics: alignment, context,
relevance, specificity, novelty, and clarity. Feedback that is not actionable or insightful reveals the a
problem’s existence or absence but does not elaborate on the fault or what sets the organization apart
from competitors in the eyes of the consumers. Additionally, it could include data that are irrelevant to
the analyser. For example,  If a user complains that a certain software feature is not accessible offline, it
may be because the functionality was irrelevant when the program was being developed and was not
even considered. Actionable feedback might indentified: "The material is unnecessarily cluttered since
the four columns separate the user's concentration into several areas. Users could better focus if the
material was compressed into one or two areas. The accompanying feedback is: "The content
arrangement is overly cluttered. Make it simpler and more minimalist.

b) New business models, Top-line use cases, bottom-line use case sare the three types of insight-based
value creation models. Indeed, Top-line use cases help companies enhance their processes that interact
with customers. By process improvement like pricing, churn mitigation, cross- and upselling, and
promotion optimization, these use cases may contribute to growth. Bottom-line use cases utilize data-
driven insights to improve internal operations. Data may be used to improve a variety of processes,
including fraud detection, supply chain optimization, and predictive maintenance. These use cases are
becoming increasingly important as more IoT apps are developed and massive amounts of data are
gathered to improve corporate operations. A subset of new business models is a data-enabled use case
that goes beyond routine operations and adds value by expanding an organization's service portfolio.
This might include offering analytics as a service, selling data directly, or offering data insights. Tech
products are a top-line model. The cornerstones of Apple's business plan are innovation and goods that
adapt to the customer. Because of their user-friendly designs and data transfer to new product lines,
they are able to keep their consumer base.

2. Statistical analysis techniques

a. a. The chances of receiving a rating higher than 7 in an African movie's are 23.25%.
b. The chances og film's chance of receiving a rating higher than 7 in North American film's are
c. The range of the average African movie rating, with 95% confidence, is 5.94 to 6.24.
d. Draw hypotheses:
a. Null hypothesis H0: µ ¿ 6
b. Alternative hypothesis H1: µ ≤ 6
e. Since the sample size is (275) >30; therefore, normal distribution is used as the sampling
distribution of the mean (z-test)
f. Choose standard normal distribution of α = 0.05: ± 1.96
g. Converted into a z-score: z= = 1.22
1/√ 275
h. As test statistic (1.22) is not in the rejection region (> 1.96), the null hypothesis cannot be
rejected, therefore there is not enough evidence to contradict the claim.
i. Solution:
Draw hypotheses:

Null hypothesis H0: > 6

Alternate hypothesis H1: 6

Since the sample size is (275) >30; therefore, normal distribution is used, in other word, we apply z-test.

Choose standard normal distribution of α = 0.05: ± 1.96

Sample mean to z-score conversion: z=(6.09-6)/(1/275) = 1.22

As test statistic (1.22) is not in the rejection region (> 1.96), the null hypothesis cannot be rejected,
therefore there is not enough evidence to contradict the claim.

Draw hypothesis

a. Set up hypotheses:
a. Null hypothesis: H0: µ1 - µ2 ≤ 0
b. Alternative hypothesis H1: µ1 - µ2 ¿ 0

Alternative hypothess is that African moves record higher average rating.

b. Rely on the calculations, we do not reject Null hypothesis, hence African movies do not have
higher average rating than North American movies.

3. Reports on data analysis

What are the top ten African movie categories with the highest average ratings?

- Which movie genres are represented by the top 10 directors with the highest average ratings?

- What are the top ten movie genres and authors with the highest average ratings?

- What are the top five production firms in terms of average ratings and the genre of their films?


I understood that the drama genre is essential to achieving a high rating score since it is
associated with the majority of directors, authors, and even production firms with the highest
average rating score.

Based on the aforementioned observations, I suggest the management take the following steps
to promote films from Africa:

- Spend money on drama.

- Collaborate with production companies, directors, writers, actors, and authors who are
renowned for making films of this genre.

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