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July 11, 2010

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide

Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3 VirtualBox Setup........................................................................................3 Configuring the Simulator ............................................................................5 Advanced Networking Setup........................................................................12 Example Filesystem Setup...........................................................................13

This document is a guide to Oracle's Sun ZFS Storage 7000 simulator setup and initial configuration. The simulator introduces you to the power and simplicity of the appliance software using VirtualBox and is identical in every way to the appliance version with the exception of clustering.

VirtualBox Setup
Complete the following steps to setup VirtualBox with the Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator. 1. Download the Virtualbox image that is compatible with your operating system and install it according the instructions on 2. Download and decompress the Sun ZFS Storage Simulator from 3. Start VirtualBox and select Import Appliance from the File menu. Choose the simulator OVF file and complete the steps in the VirtualBox Appliance Import Settings wizard. 4. Select the VM labeled Sun Storage 7000 and start the VM. The boot screen appears, when prompted, press any key to begin configuration.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

The configuration screen appears.

Use the Arrow Keys on your keyboard to navigate between the fields on this screen. Many of these fields should be filled in for you. Here are some tips if you're unsure how to fill in any of the required fields:

Host Name: Any name you want. DNS Domain: "localdomain" Default Router: The same as the IP address, but put 1 as the final octet. DNS Server: The same as the IP address, but put 1 as the final octet. Password: Whatever you want.

After you enter this information, wait until the screen provides you with two URLs to use for subsequent configuration and administration, one with an IP address and one with the hostname you specified. Direct a web browser to the URL with the IP address (for example, to complete appliance configuration. The login name is 'root' and the password is the one you entered in the initial configuration screen. Now press ESC and the 1 keys together to finish with these settings.

Configuring the Simulator

After accepting the https browser security warning, the Login screen appears.
Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

Type the username root and the password you created in the previous setup screen. The simulator Welcome screen appears.

Click Start to begin the six-step setup procedure.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

1. The network devices are auto-detected and a datalink and interface are configured, click Commit to continue.

2. If you are not connecting to any remote DNS server, simply click Commit to move onto the next screen.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

3. Click Commit to skip this step. Refer to Advanced Networking Setup to connect net0 to an external network so you can configure NTP (The Network Time Protocol) by clicking the Sync button to synchronise the server time with that of the appliance.

4. Click Commit to skip this step. Refer to Advanced Networking Setup to connect net0 to an external network and configure name services for user access control.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

5. Create a storage pool by clicking the plus icon.

6. Name the new storage pool.

7. Dedicate storage to the pool. Click Commit to allocate and verify the storage.
Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

8. Configure your pool by selecting a data profile. Select a profile based on your business needs and click Commit to save the configuration.

9. The new pool and a description of allocation appears.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

10. Click the Later button and confirm your choice to continue. Refer to the Advanced Networking Setup section to configure net0 to reach an external network, so you can register the real Storage 7000 appliance, enable Phone Home support, and configure any web proxies that the appliance may require to connect to Sun's support site.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

11. The final configuration screen appears with links to further documentation.

Advanced Networking Setup

The Sun ZFS Storage VM is shipped with two adapters, one is host only and two is bridged. The host only adapter only accesses the native system where you are running VirtualBox. The bridged adapter connects to whatever network your system is plugged into using the interface that you specify, for example, Ethernet of WiFi. Complete the following steps to setup connections to machines on the rest of your network or the Internet at large. 1. Access the network administration interface for your local machine. 2. Configure Adapter 1 to be bridged. Refer to the VirtualBox documentation for detailed information about bridged networking and limitations for your operating system.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

3. Use the Configuration > Services screen of the Sun ZFS Storage BUI to configure DNS, Name Services, NTP and Phone Home support.

Example Filesystem Setup

Complete the following steps to setup a simple filesystem share over SMB with Windows user access. 1. Click Shares to view the Shares screen. Click the plus icon to create a new filesystem.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

2. Name the filesystem demo and change the permissions for Group and Other to allow anyone to read, write, and execute on the filesystem. The filesystem is part of the default Project.

3. Click Apply. The filesystem appears on the shares page. Mouseover the demo list item and click the Edit entry icon to edit the filesystem attributes.

4. To share over the SMB protocol, click the Protocols link and deselect the SMB Inherit from Project checkbox. Type demo into the Resource Name entry field and Apply the changes.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

5. Click Configuration to access the Configuration > Services screen. Enable the SMB service by clicking the power icon.

6. Finally, configure a user with access to the filesystem share. Click Users in the navigation bar and use the plus icon next to Users to add a new user.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

7. Select the Local Only radio button and set the username and password. From a Windows client, connect to the IP address of your simulator and login with this test username to access the demo shared filesystem.

Sun ZFS Storage 7000 Simulator Quick Start Guide, July 11, 2010

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