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Problem 12-124

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.
Problem F12-34

Given: The platform is rotating such

that, at any instant, its angular
position is  = (4t3/2) rad, where
t is in seconds.
A ball rolls outward so that its
position is r = (0.1t3) m.
Find: The magnitude of velocity and acceleration of the
ball when t = 1.5 s.

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.
Problem F12-34 (continued)

𝑟 = 0.1𝑡 3 , rሶ = 0.3 t 2 , rሷ = 0.6 t
𝜃 = 4 t3/2, 𝜃ሶ = 6 t1/2, 𝜃ሷ = 3 t−1/2
At t=1.5 s,
r = 0.3375 m, rሶ = 0.675 m/s, rሷ = 0.9 m/s2
𝜃 = 7.348 rad, 𝜃ሶ = 7.348 rad/s, 𝜃ሷ = 2.449 rad/s2

Substitute into the equation

. for velocity
v = r ur + r uθ = 0.675 ur + 0.3375 (7.348) uθ
= 0.675 ur + 2.480 uθ

v = (0.675)2 + (2.480)2 = 2.57 m/s

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.
Problem F12-34

Substitute in the equation for acceleration:

.. . .. . .
a = (r – r )ur + (r + 2r)uθ

a = [0.9 – 0.3375(7.348)2] ur
+ [0.3375(2.449) + 2(0.675)(7.348)] uθ

a = – 17.33 ur + 10.75 uθ m/s2

a = (– 17.33)2 + (10.75)2 = 20.4 m/s2

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.

1. If r is zero for a particle, the particle is

A) not moving. B) moving in a circular path.

C) moving on a straight line. D) moving with constant velocity.

2. If a particle moves in a circular path with constant velocity, its

radial acceleration is
A) zero. B) r .
. . .
C) − r 2. D) 2r .

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.
PROBLEM 12-192

Given: The arm of the robot is

extending at a constant rate
𝑟ሶ = 1.5 ft/s when r = 3 ft,
z = (4t2) ft, and  = (0.5 t) rad,
where t is in seconds.
Find: The velocity and acceleration
of the grip A when t = 3 s.
Plan: Use cylindrical coordinates.

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.
PROBLEM 12-192 (continued)

When t = 3 s, r = 3 ft and the arm is extending at a constant
rate 𝑟ሶ = 1.5 ft/s. Thus 𝑟ሷ = 0 ft/s2
𝜃 = 1.5 t = 4.5 rad, 𝜃ሶ = 1.5 rad/s, 𝜃ሷ = 0 rad/s2
z = 4 t2 = 36 ft, zሶ = 8 t = 24 ft/s, zሷ = 8 ft/s2

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.
PROBLEM 12-192 (continued)

Acceleration equation in cylindrical coordinates

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.

1. The radial component of velocity of a particle moving in a

circular path is always
A) zero.
B) constant.
C) greater than its transverse component.
D) less than its transverse component.

2. The radial component of acceleration of a particle moving in

a circular path is always
A) negative.
B) directed toward the center of the path.
C) perpendicular to the transverse component of acceleration.
D) All of the above.

Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 13th SI Edition © Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
R. C. Hibbeler and Kai Beng Yap 2013. All rights reserved.

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