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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Whose family do you identify with most? Andrea

2 Read Andrea’s introduction. Then watch the video from 0:00 to 0:27 and
underline the correct alternatives.
Hi. My name is Andrea. I 1live/am living and work in London 2but/though most
of my family live in Brazil. I get on well 3to/with my sister when I 4’ll see/see
her but that’s only 5once/twice a year. Do you 6pass/spend much time with
your family?

3 Do you spend much time with your family? Look at the people in the pictures and read extracts from their answers.
Then watch the video from 0:27 to 1:16 and match the people to their answers.

1 I try to, yeah. I try and spend as much time as possible. _____


2 Spend quite a bit of time with my family. Obviously,

less now since I le home and le university. _____


3 I don’t, no. We’re geographically quite spread out. _____


4 Yeah, I do. I go to school in Toronto and they live there and

I see them on weekends and whenever I can really. _____


5 Probably not as much as I could because the kids are busy,

and, er, I don’t have any parents any more. And my
husband’s family live a fair way away, so probably not as
much as we’d like to. _____

Glossary: a fair way away = quite a long way from where the speaker is
geographically spread out = (living) in different places all over the country/world

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4 Have they inherited any family characteristics? Look at the people in Exercise 2 again and read their paraphrased
answers below. Then watch the video from 1:16 to 2:55. Write true (T) or false (F) next to each answer.
1 Nick: People oen say he looks and sounds like his mum, though he doesn’t understand why. _____
2 Dianne: She might have inherited some good things from her family, like a fairly good personality and
being fun to be around. _____
3 Robin: She doesn’t take things as seriously as her family, or value spending time with them. _____
4 Tim: He’s physically quite slender and short like his dad, though he has a very different personality. _____
5 Tomas: He’s bubbly and chatty like his mum but is more like his dad when he’s in a bad mood. _____

Glossary: bubbly = very lively

slender = slim

5A Do you know much about your family history? Watch the video from 2:57 to 4:23 and number the countries they
mention in the order you hear them, 1–10.
Scotland 1

5B Read sentences 1–3 and watch the video from 2:57 to 4:23 again. Tick the sentence which best summarises what
the people say.
1 In general, they know a reasonable amount about their family histories.
2 On the whole, they wish they knew more about their family histories.
3 Most of the speakers only knew about the first and second generations in their family histories.

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6 Does your family history play a part in your sense of who you are? Look at the people below and read their answers.
Then watch the video from 4:23 to 5:20 and underline the words you hear.

Andrew Maureen

Yes, very much so. And part of that is that I was brought Definitely, because family is a big part of 3me/myself um,
up in Latin America, speaking Spanish to my friends and and, we just try to keep those connections 4up/going.
English to my parents. So, in 1a/some sense, I was brought
up ‘between two 2countries/cultures’ and that, at the end,
is part of who I am.

Nick Tim

I 5guess/suppose it’s a difficult balance in my head to see Er, no, not really at all. Erm, I le home when I was about
what’s, how much is me and how much is my family. And sixteen or seventeen so I think my sense of 8identity/
knowing about my family 6origins/history and knowing what who I am has been very much formed by my own 9belief/
I have inherited, which I’m sure there’s lots and lots believe systems and my own lifestyle rather than being
of habits that I must/might have inherited, but I feel a lot
particularly 10focussed on/keyed into anything to do with my
of it’s ‘me’ but it probably isn’t. parents or my grandparents.

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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Watch the video of Tomas from 2:24 to 2:44 and notice how he uses kind of. Then watch again
and write kind of in spaces 1–10 where you hear it.
Yeah, definitely. I think, 1_____________ from my mum I’ve got the 2_____________
bubbliness and chattiness – she’s 3_____________ very much like that. And, er,
_____________ most of the time I’m like that, but then when I’m in a
_____________ bad mood I get the dad side. And that’s er, he’s 6_____________,
my mum used to call him ‘a volcano’ because he 7_____________ just ‘erupts’. He’s
really 8_____________ peaceful most of the time but then when you really make him
_____________ angry he’ll erupt and that’s 10_____________ how it is with me.

Glossary: kind of = informal spoken English: oen used when describing things in a vague way,
usually with very little extra meaning

8 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph about your family using Andrea’s questions and language from the
video to help.
• How much time do you spend with your family?
• Have you inherited any family characteristics?
• How much do you know about your family history?
• Does your family history play a part in your sense of who you are?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Whose advice do you most
agree with?

2 Look at the summary statements below. Then watch Natalie’s

introduction to the video from 0:00 to 0:32 and tick the correct
answers: a), b) or c). Natalie
1 Natalie is a _____ person. 3 If she wants advice, she asks her _____.
a) public a) friends
b) political b) sister
c) private ✓ c) brother
2 She _____ asks people for advice. 4 He’s able to _____.
a) frequently a) assess situations clearly
b) occasionally b) see long distances
c) never c) listen carefully?

3A Are you the kind of person who asks other people for advice? Look at the people below and read their answers.
Then watch the video from 0:32 to 2:17 and match the people to their answers.

1 I probably ask people for advice less than my friends but,

I like to figure things out for myself. _____


2 Yes, I think there is a great deal of wisdom with a

multitude of counsellors. So, yes, very much: asking
my parents my sisters … A

3 I think I would ask more advice on practical or technical

things. But otherwise I don’t really like people to give me
advice on my life, personal/emotional life, unless I have a
special problem. But there are always people who tend to
C give you advice nonetheless. _____

4 If I want to start a new project, make a big change in my

life, make a big purchase or anything that’s really a large
investment in either time, or energy, or money, then I like
to ask people’s advice. But ultimately, I always like to
D have the last word. _____

5 I oen ask people for advice when I’m at work and oen
consult with my friends for different pieces of advice:
what I should do, when I should do it, if I should do it at all! _____

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3B Match the words/phrases from the extracts 1–5 in Exercise 2A to the definitions a)–f) below.
1 figure things out for myself a) in the end
2 multitude of counsellors b) whether you ask (for advice) or not
3 tend c) a wide variety of people giving advice
4 nonetheless d) make the final decision
5 ultimately e) find a way to solve my own problems
6 have the last word f) are likely to

4 What’s the best or worst advice you’ve ever been given? Look at the people below and read summaries of their
answers 1–6. Then watch the video from 2:17 to 3:48 and match the people to their answers.

1 He should start his own business. _____


2 If you can regain a love of what you do, you’ll be able to

really enjoy it. _____


3 Always take a pad of paper with you for sketching things in. _____


4 Behave like everyone else and don’t try to be different. _____


5 If you make an effort and work hard, you’ll have

good opportunities. _____


6 Believe in yourself and make your own decisions. _____


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5 What would be your best advice for living a happy life? Look at the people below and their answers. Then watch the
video from 3:50 to 4:54 and underline the correct alternatives.

1 I would encourage you trying/to try and laugh 2 Er, to not/not to focus on yourself.
and to smile/smile every day.

3 To do something that you really enjoy to make/doing, 4 Just listen to/listening your heart, I guess. Like, do
I think. Whatever it is, um, if you enjoy doing/to do it er, what you feel in every moment and try to live life
you will also be successful in it and er, you’ll have a appropriately/accordingly.
very nice life.

5 Erm, take some time off/out to think about what, what’s 6 Just do whatever/what you feel’s right for you. Don’t live
really, really important to you, who’s really important to how society might decide, but just do what/whatever
you, and then follow/act on it. you believe in.

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6 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Watch the video from 0:32 to 1:21 again and notice how the people listed below give
emphasis to their opinions. Then watch again and complete the extracts.
1 Pedro: I do, actually , as a _____________ _____________ fact. All the time.
2 Ethan: Very _____________ _____________. Yes. I think there is a great deal of wisdom with a multitude of
counsellors. So, yes, _____________ _____________: ah, asking my parents, um, my sisters …
3 Greg: No, I _____________ _____________ so. _____________ really. I tend to keep myself to myself so I
don’t really need too much advice most of the time. If it’s good advice, _____________ obviously take it into
4 Ed: Very, _____________ much _____________ _____________, no. I’m one that likes to, likes to do things myself,
find out information myself.

Glossary: keep (myself/herself etc) to (myself ) = be private/not get involved much with other people
take it into consideration = think about/consider it

7 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph about your attitudes to giving and taking advice. Use Natalie’s questions
and language from the video in your answer.
• Are you the kind of person who asks other people for advice?
• What’s the best or worst advice you’ve ever been given?
• Is there a piece of advice that you really regret taking?
• What would be your best advice for living a happy life?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Have you been to any of the places the people

2 Read and complete Andrea’s introduction with the words from the box.
Then watch the video from 0:00 to 0:35 and check your answers.
home miss planned travelling where be since so

Hi. I love travelling around my 1 home country of Brazil and 2_____________ settling in London
I 3_____________ being there. But I’ve found this little café near 4_____________ I live where lots of Brazilians go
at the weekend 5_____________ I spend lots of time there. Today I’m going to 6_____________ talking to people
about 7_____________ and their favourite places. Do you have any holidays or trips 8_____________?

3 Tell us about travelling and your favourite places. Look at the people below and read extracts from their answers.
Then watch the video from 0:36 to 5:33 and match the people to their answers. There are TWO answers for each person.

1 I suppose my most regular haunt is probably Lord’s

Cricket Ground, where I spend, according to my wife,
far too much time. B

A 2 At the moment I’m living in Hackney, so in East London,

Eva and it’s, there’s a really brilliant market, it’s called the
Broadway Market. _____

3 There’s actually a place called Fleet River Bakery. It’s quite

near my university and it’s one of those places in London
you can go and feel like you’re not in London … _____
4 Maybe my nana’s house in Melbourne. _____

5 I’ve got some friends who live in Beijing. _____

C 6 I really like to go to places where I’ve been as a child,

so um, we always went to the north sea of the, of the
part of Germany, Büsum. _____

7 My favourite place to go on holiday is probably still Corfu

– a little place called Ayastefanos … _____

D 8 Erm, I’m going to Center Parcs next week with some friends
James from uni. _____

9 One of my favourite places to visit in London, er, would be

Primrose Hill. _____

E 10 I’m here from Australia so we’re here on a working holiday

Meg at the moment … _____

Glossary: a haunt = place someone likes to go to oen

Center Parcs = chain of holiday villages in the UK
uni = university (abb)
nana = grandmother (colloquial)

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4 Read the list of places below. Then watch the video from 0:36 to 3:38 and tick the places each time you hear them.
Which places are mentioned three times?

Singapore ✓ Scotland South Wales Hampstead Heath Kuala Lumpar St Petersburg

Sydney China Australia New York Barbados Spain Trinidad and Tobago Canada

5 Do you have any holidays or trips planned? Look at the time phrases 1–8. Then watch the video from 0:36 to 12:40
and write the name of the place the people plan to visit next to each time phrase.
1 In about six weeks Barbados
2 This summer __________________________
3 Probably August __________________________
4 Next week __________________________
5 In about a month’s time __________________________
6 In a few months’ time __________________________
7 Next year __________________________
8 In August __________________________

6 Do they have a favourite place? Look at the people below and read why they like places 1–6. Then watch the video
from 1:56 to 3:38 and write true (T) or false (F) next to each reason.

1 He likes Trinidad and Tobago 2 She doesn’t have a favourite place 3 He goes to South Wales several
because it’s very lively. _____ because she likes to explore new times a year to see old friends he
places. _____ used to know. _____

4 One of the places she sometimes 5 She oen goes to Melbourne 6 His favourite place is a secluded
visits in London is Hampstead because her grandparents and beach near Sydney where he used
Heath. _____ sisters live there. _____ to go to relax and get away from it
all. _____

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7 Do you have a regular haunt that you like to visit? Look at the people below and read their answers. Then watch the
video from 3:40 to 5:33 and cross out the incorrect answers: a), b) or c).

Eva Lee Iris

1 Broadway Market has lots of _____. 2 Kaffeine has very good _____. 3 She likes the café because it _____.
a) art a) tea a) serves good coffee
b) flowers b) coffee b) is relaxing
c) music c) staff c) is easy for her to get to

James Roz
4 Primrose Hill _____. 5 Fleet River Bakery is _____.
a) has places to sit a) full of tourists
b) a good view b) cosy and relaxed
c) a bookshop c) hidden

8 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Watch the video from 3:40 to 5:33 again and notice how the people describe the places using
the word just. Complete the gaps with just if you hear it.
1 Eva: It’s every Saturday and it’s 1 just amazing – so there’s lots of art people, lots of music people, it’s really … good
food. It’s 2_____________ a really, really nice place to be on a Saturday, and 3_____________ to relax.
2 Lee: And it always 4_____________ feels like a really comfortable place 5_____________ to sit around, chat with
friends, or even go there and 6_____________ do some work.
3 James: … there are a few benches on the top of that hill and, er, 7_____________ to go there in the evenings and
relax, maybe read a book and er, 8_____________ take in, take in the view.
4 Roz: … so I quite like it because it’s um, kind of ‘olde worlde’ and it’s got a, um, log fire and you can 9_____________
get away from it all and meet your friends and it’s 10_____________ nice.

Glossary: take in = absorb

olde worlde = old fashioned spelling of ‘old world’ to describe an attractive, old, traditional place
log fire = fire made with wood

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9 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph about your holiday plans and favourite places. Use Andrea’s questions and
language from the video in your answer.
• Do you have any holidays or trips planned?
• Do you have a favourite place?
• Would you recommend it? Why?
• Do you have a regular haunt that you like to visit? Why?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Do you share similar concerns to the people
being interviewed?

2 Watch Natalie’s introduction to the video from 0:00 to 0:33 and

complete each space with ONE word.
Hi. 1 I’ve never had to call the police but a friend of 2_____________ has had
to call them a few times about a 3_____________ neighbour. I was once stopped by the police
on my 4_____________ home from a party because of a 5_____________ headlight but that’s
_____________ it. How about you? Have you ever had 7_____________ to contact the police?

3 Look at the people and read the extract summaries 1–7. Then watch the video from 0:34 to 5:01 and match the
people to the correct summaries.

1 She sometimes drives over the speed limit. _____


A Nick

2 She’s concerned about employment for young people. _____

B Isobella

3 He’s broken the copyright laws for downloading music from

the internet. _____

C Tomas

4 She thinks museums in Canada should be free, as they are in

the UK. _____

D Robin

5 His father had to call the police once because of an

attempted break-in. _____

E Karen

6 Legal issues to do mostly with refugees and asylum seekers

have concerned him in recent years. _____

F Tim

Glossary: copyright = legal right to be the only producer/seller of a product

refugees = people who have been forced to leave their country because of war, political/religious reasons, etc
asylum seekers = people who leave their country because their lives are in danger and need the protection of
another country

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4 Have they ever had reason to contact the police? Have they ever broken the law? Look at the people in Exercise 3 and
read the statements about them. Then watch the video from 0:34 to 2:42 and tick the correct statement, a) or b).
1 a) Nick contacted the police about a missing hi-fi player. ✓
b) Nick dialled 999 because he couldn’t find his hi-fi player.
2 a) Isabella was hit by a firework in the street in Scotland.
b) Isabella was hit by some boys in the street many years ago.
3 a) Robin definitely remembers calling the police because of noisy neighbours.
b) Robin thinks she probably called the police because of loud parties nearby.
4 a) Karen has never had to call the police.
b) Karen has never broken the law.
5 a) Tim was arrested for carrying illegal arms.
b) Tim was arrested for protesting against the sale of arms.

Glossary: an infringement = something that’s against the law

arms = weapons

5 What legal or social issues concern you the most? If you could introduce a law in your country or community what
would it be? Watch the video from 2:44 to 5:01 and complete extracts A–F with the words in the box.

erosion harmony getting justice control homeless special

tuition worried capitalist balance freedom


Well, I’m, I’m very concerned really But I think people now may be put off There’s a big 5_____________ issue in
about the 1 erosion of rights for by the um, the rise in 3_____________ Toronto, so that’s a social issue that
people who are, erm, in need of fees and it’s something that a lot of concerns me. Um, legal issues not
more help. Sort of, people with, young people in England are very really, we, I think, have a pretty good
I suppose, 2 ‘_____________ needs’ 4
_____________ about. 6
_____________ system.
I’m talking about.


I suppose what concerns me Probably the same as in most Uh, dismantling of border
most is this question of getting a countries. But it’s young people 11
_____________, the free movement
_____________ between what you 9
_____________ work, and the right of people? Erm, yeah, those
need to do to have a society and a sort of work, um, social sorts of things, really. Complete
community that cares for its weaker 10
_____________. overhaul and dismantling of, of
members … and at the same time 12
_____________ state system.
provides individual 8_____________.

Glossary: dismantle = gradually put an end to a system/organisation

overhaul = repair and reform a system

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6 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Look at the people below and watch the video from 0:34 to 1.39 again. Notice how people
repeat themselves in natural speech and delete the words you DON’T hear.

Just once, um, when 1I was/I was at university. A hi-fi went

missing 2and er,/and we phoned up, not 999, but
phoned up the,/er, phoned up the local police officer and
there was/there was very little 5they could,/they could do,
really. 6We never,/we never got it back. Uh, so that
was 7the one,/the one occasion.

No/no, 9not really/not really. I mean I probably, maybe with
neighbours 10having/um, having loud parties.

Glossary: 999 = the emergency number in the UK for police, fire and ambulance

7 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph about your own experience and concerns. Use Natalie’s questions and
language from the video in your answer.
• Have you ever had reason to contact the police? What was the outcome?
• What legal or social issues concern you the most? Why?
• If you could introduce a law in your country or community, what would it be?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Whose opinions do you agree with most? Andrea

2 Read and complete Andrea’s introduction with the words from the box.
Then watch the video from 0:00 to 0:27 and check your answers.

open at about from for bit wouldn’t

I’m a really 1 open person. I don’t keep secrets 2_____________ my

friends or family. I suppose I have things I 3_____________ tell
everyone, things I’m a 4_____________ embarrassed
_____________, but that’s true 6_____________ most people.

Are you good 7_____________ keeping secrets?

3 Are you good at keeping secrets? Look at the people below and watch the video from 0:27 to 1:44. Circle the correct
answer for each person: Yes, No or It depends.

Eva Keiko Tomas Edwin

Yes/No/It depends Yes/No/It depends Yes/No/It depends Yes/No/It depends

Lee Roz John Meg

Yes/No/It depends Yes/No/It depends Yes/No/It depends Yes/No/It depends

4 Look at the people above again. Read the statements below and write the name of the person it refers to.
1 She thinks the fact that she’s Canadian explains why she isn’t very good at keeping secrets. Lee
2 He needs to be able to keep secrets for professional reasons. _____________
3 He says it depends on the person with the secret. _____________
4 People probably wouldn’t confide in her so much if she wasn’t good at keeping secrets. _____________
5 She finds it hard to keep secrets because she’s very open herself and likes to gossip. _____________
6 He thinks it depends how important the secret is and what it’s about. _____________

Glossary: confide in = to tell a person you trust about personal things

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5 Is it ever a good thing to keep a secret from someone? Read sentences 1–3 and watch the video from 1:44 to 3:14.
Tick the sentence which best summarises what the people say.
1 In general, they think that it would be dishonest to keep a secret from someone, especially if you’ve promised
not to tell anyone the secret.
2 On the whole, they think that it’s definitely not a good idea to keep a secret from someone as you can never
know what the impact of that decision will be.
3 Most of the speakers think it would be necessary to keep a secret from someone if it would hurt their feelings
or harm them in some way.

6 Look at the people below and watch the video from 1:44 to 3:14 again. Cross out the incorrect words in
their answers.

1 I think it’s absolutely 1essential/necessary sometimes to keep secrets from

people. Erm, I wouldn’t like to overdo it, I wouldn’t like to be too
secretive/private but occasionally, yes, you need to.


2 I’m the kind of person who, if I think it’s better for the other person not to know,
then I will keep the secret, 3although/however er, a lot of people will say that’s
being 4dishonourable/dishonest. But er, I, I think deep down, I’m quite an honest
person, I always try and be 5practical/pragmatic, and sometimes to be
sensible/pragmatic you have to keep secrets.


3 I think it is, because um, in the past there’s been times when I’ve
exposed/revealed too much because I thought that keeping secrets wasn’t a
good idea but that can lead to 8harm/hurt feelings, so I do think that sometimes
it’s necessary to, because if the person doesn’t know, it doesn’t
really/necessarily hurt them. So, keeping a secret can be good.


7 Do they have a secret talent that their friends or family don’t know about? Look at the people from Exercise 3
and the statements below. Then watch the video from 3:15 to 4:38 and use a name from the box to complete
each statement.

Tomas Keiko Eva Edwin Lee John

1 _____________
Lee thinks she can sing but her family and friends don’t believe her.
2 _____________ used to be in the Malaysian women’s rugby team.
3 _____________ has always liked cooking but kept it a secret because when he was at school, boys didn’t learn
how to cook.
4 _____________ thinks that he’s too old to have any hidden talents le.
5 _____________ tries not to freak people out at parties with his 90 degree thumb.
6 _____________ writes stories but doesn’t think they’re good enough to show to most people.

Glossary: freak (someone) out = make someone anxious or afraid

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8 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Look at the people in Exercise 3 and watch the video from 0:27 to 1:44 again. Notice how the
people respond to Andrea’s question. Complete each extract with TWO words.
Eva: I think I’m very 1 good at keeping secrets, yes.
Keiko: I’d like 2_____________ _____________ so.
Tomas: I’d say it 3_____________ _____________ the secret.
Edwin: Yeah, I 4_____________ _____________.
Lee: No. 5_____________ _____________.
Roz: I’ve got 6_____________ _____________ I’m not very good at keeping secrets.
John: Yes, I think I’m 7_____________ _____________ at keeping secrets.
Meg: Uh, 8_____________ _____________ they are.

9 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph about your attitude to keeping secrets. Use Andrea’s questions and
language from the video to help you.
• Are you good at keeping secrets?
• Is it ever a good thing to keep a secret from someone?
• Have you ever got into trouble because you did?
• Do you have a secret talent that your friends or family don’t know about?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Which opinions do you share with the people here? Natalie

2 Watch Natalie’s introduction to the video from 0:00 to 0:30 and complete
each space with ONE preposition.
I love listening 1 to music and I spend lots 2_____ my free time 3_____
concerts. I try to listen 4_____ new music as well as things that I’ve liked
_____ years. And I go to music festivals 6_____ the summer. Today I’m
talking 7_____ people about trends 8_____ music and fashion. Are you
interested 9_____ music and fashion?

3 Look at the list of types of music in the box. Then watch the video from 0:30 to 3:23 and tick the types you hear.

opera ✓ classical reggae electronic heavy metal acid jazz

country and western stage music punk rock soul dubstep
hair bands rock club music R&B hip hop indie electro

Glossary: dubstep = UK genre of electronic music with prominent drum and bass patterns
hair bands = heavy metal/glam bands (commonly from the 1980s)
R&B = rhythm and blues

4 Are they interested in music and fashion? Look at the people and read the summaries below. Then watch the video
from 0:30 to 2:11 and write true (T) or false (F) next to each summary.

Ethan Heather Lucy

1 He likes old Hollywood style 2 She much prefers music to 3 She has a fairly eclectic taste in
music from the 1920s to the fashion and is involved in both fashion. _____
1940s. _____F listening to music, and singing
and playing it. _____

Louisa Damian Vanessa

4 She’s more into music and loves 5 He composes music, designs his 6 She comes from Oklahoma and
going to the Metropolitan Opera own clothes and is a music grew up loving country and
whenever possible. _____ producer. _____ western music. _____

Glossary: eclectic = a mixture of many different things/styles

be into something = be very interested in something (inf)

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5 Tell me about a music trend or style that you love or hate. Look at the people and read extracts from their answers
below. Then watch the video from 2:11 to 3:23 and complete the extracts with phrases a)–h).

Damien Sara
a) a lot of dubstep recently. It’s a really good
I’ve _____ I like the 1980s’ ‘hair bands’ like Metallica, AC/DC, 3_____.
genre that’s, it’s not recent now ‘cause it’s been played
out but it started in the early 2000, year 2000 by Skream
and Benga 2_____.

Tom Armadeep

At the moment I love this club music that I like 4_____ … he’s been around 6_____ and then you’ve got people
which is, sort of, comes from acid jazz and the 5_____ like Rihanna who bring a character 7_____, like, a good
Ibiza and that, which is a bit ‘old hat’ now possibly … look to 8_____.

a) been producing
b) stuff like that
c) to dance to
d) as well as
e) the music industry
f ) who pioneered the genre
g) good side of
h) since the 1990s

Glossary: old hat = old-fashioned (inf)

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6 Tell me about a fashion trend that you love or hate. Look at the people below and read answers 1–8. Then watch the
video from 3:23 to 4:48 and match the people to their answers. There are TWO extra answers.

1 She doesn’t like huge baggy pants. A

2 She prefers bright clothes so is not a fan of dark, rocker

style clothes. _____

3 At the moment, he likes bright, colourful clothes which

bring out his personality. _____
4 She’s not keen on the current revival of 1980s style clothes,
such as skinny jeans, which don’t suit many people. _____

5 She likes close-fitting summer dresses that come to her

knees and don’t stick out. _____

C 6 He’s a very big fan of formal clothes like suits and tuxedos. _____

7 She likes to wear clothes with big colourful patterns and

mix them with clothes that normally don’t match. _____


Glossary: baggy = very loose

skinny jeans = very tight jeans
stick out = the opposite of lie flat
tuxedo (Am Eng) = dinner jacket

7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Look at the people below and read their answers. Notice the words and phrases which oen
occur in American English and pay attention to the words in italics. Then watch the video from 1:23 to 2:11 again
and cross out the words in italics they DON’T say.
A Circe: Well, I really like rock music more than anything. I know it’s becoming really popular right now, electronic
music, there’s a lot of DJs – um, people who are 1kind of basing their entire sound just on, 2like, they’re on stage with
a laptop, 3you know, I just I don’t get that. I need, 4like, tangible instruments and um, people playing, 5like, just some
rock and 6kind of hard stuff.
B Vanessa: I just like all different kinds. I’m not really big on, 7like, country and western type music because I come
from Oklahoma, 8you know, so that’s really 9kind of prevalent, so I grew up 10like getting sick of it, but I like a lot of
like different kinds of things. I’ve been seeing 12like a lot of musicals since I’ve been here.

Glossary: (not) get that = (not) understand that

be big on = like something very much
get sick of = get tired of

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8 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph about your attitudes to music and fashion. Use Natalie’s questions and the
language from the video to help you.
• Are you interested in music and fashion? Do you have a preference?
• Is there a music trend or style that you love or hate? What is it and why?
• Is there a fashion trend that you love or hate? What is it and why?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Who do you have the most in common with? Andrea

2 Watch Andrea’s introduction to the video from 0:00 to 0:23 and cross out
the incorrect answer in each question: a), b) or c).
1 How does Andrea switch off ?
a) She goes to the gym. b) She watches TV. c) She goes for a walk.
2 When does she need to relax?
a) Every weekend. b) Aer work. c) In the evening.
3 Why does she try to be active? Because …
a) she likes to keep fit. b) she’s very keen on fitness. c) she’s very unfit.

3 What do they do to switch off at the end of the day? Read the list of activities and watch the video from 0:23 to 1:23.
Tick the activities they mention.

go for a walk ✓ run in the park read a book take it easy listen to music
do nothing watch TV see a film swim at the beach cycle have a bath
surf the net hang out with friends play computer games cook a meal eat out

4 What kinds of things in your life make you feel free? Look at the people below and read their answers. Then watch
the video from 1:23 to 2:55 and complete the extracts with phrases a)–j).
I suppose my life is quite regimented um, so I have to do this thing, and then I have to
remember that tomorrow I have to do that other thing. So 1 e) and alive is the unexpected.
And 2_____ when you think you’ve got to do a whole lot of things and they’re cancelled or
A postponed and suddenly you think, ‘I’ve got an aernoon 3_____ do whatever I like.’

When I can give people a voice. People who 4_____: refugees, people 5_____ and the
disadvantaged. Uh, that’s why I’ve switched a little bit from my career 6_____ at a daily
B newspaper to work as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

A few days ago I went to the sea. So, 7_____, looking out into the sea is 8_____ like there’s
a lot of, um, a lot of space, that I have a lot of space.

Go outdoors, exercise, play golf, cycle. We live near a lake and a beach so we like to be out
near either. 9_____, or maybe travel – that, you know, 10_____.

a) in which I can f) who are oppressed

b) makes you feel alive g) the really wonderful thing is
c) just to be outdoors h) I suppose for me
d) as a journalist i) something that makes me feel
e) what makes me feel really free j) can’t speak up for themselves

Glossary: regimented = controlled, organised

give people a voice = speak on behalf of people who are unable do it for themselves
oppressed = treated unfairly/not given the same rights as others
switched = changed
Peace Corps = US volunteer programme in underprivileged countries

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5 In what period of your life have you felt the most free? Look at the people below and read their answers. Then watch
the video from 2:58 to 4:02 and tick the correct answer, a) or b).
1 Keiko’s felt the most free at university because …
a) it’s the first time she’s ever travelled.
b) she’s in a learning environment.
2 Andrew’s felt free at two periods in his life:
a) when he was a student and again in his 40s.
b) between the ages of eighteen to twenty-three and now, in his 50s.
3 Maureen’s felt most free since she moved to the USA because
a) she has been able to enjoy the benefits of the freedom of the press.
b) she has been able to write about her experience of being in prison.
4 Michael felt most free when he was a student because
a) he loved being at art college.
b) he was able to spend his time doing what he wanted.

6 Do you think young people have more freedom now than in the past? Look at the people below and read the
summaries of their answers. Then watch the video from 4:03 to 5:30 and match the people to the answers.
There is sometimes more than one answer for each person.

A 1 They have more freedom of speech and expression because

Keiko of access to the internet. _____

2 Young people seem to have the freedom to enjoy

themselves more. _____

B 3 Teenagers seem to have less freedom because they depend

Michael on their parents to drive them around; they don’t go on
their own. _____

4 Nowadays there are young people in their late 20s who have
to live with their parents because they can’t afford to rent
or buy a home. _____
Maureen 5 Young people can travel more easily and cheaply than
previous generations could. _____

6 Technology has given young people all over the world the
power to change things, even in countries where there is less
freedom of speech. _____
7 There is more freedom for young people in some ways
because of advances in technology, which have given them
more freedom to travel, and communicate online. _____


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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Look at the people and watch the video from 0:23 to 1.23. Notice how they miss out words
when they speak. Watch again and cross out the words in italics you don’t hear.
A Maureen: I like to read um, non-fiction. I like to read autobiographies 1so I read that a lot. Sometimes
though I just like hanging out with friends and 3just like cooking a good meal and just taking it easy.
B Geof: At the end of the day 4I just perhaps read a book … Um, 5at the weekends, I like to go walking.
C Carlos: To switch off, I enjoy listening to music a lot, uh, 6I like sort of catching up with friends as well. I also,
to really switch off, I, I 7just like to sit down, close my eyes and 8just, I like, do nothing, you know, relax.

8 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph answering Andrea’s questions. Use language from the video if possible.
• What do you do to switch off at the end of the day?
• What kinds of things in your life make you feel free?
• In what period of your life have you felt the most free?
• Do you think young people have more freedom now than in the past?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Who do you have the most in common with?

2 Watch Andrea’s introduction on the video from 0:00 to 0:24 and cross out
the incorrect words.
1 She is/isn’t a very artistic person.
2 She can/can’t play the guitar very well.
3 She wants to study photography/cinematography.

3 Do you do anything creative in your life? Look at the people below and read the statements about them. Then watch
the video from 0:24 to 1:40 and underline the correct alternatives.

Circe Heather Sara

1 She’s a student of architecture / 2 She used to cook/make her own 3 She plays bass guitar in a band/
photographer. clothes. composes music for films.

Damien Lucy Tom

4 He’s an art student and also makes 5 She draws and dances/ 6 He makes music videos/
short films/does T-shirt design. is a choreographer. writes poetry.

4A Is there anything or anyone that really inspires you? Read the answers in the box and watch the video from
1:42 to 3:34. Tick the answers you hear.

Caravaggio ✓ Boticelli Van Gogh Andy Warhol Jason Statham Richard Avedon Carlos Acosta
Miró Radiohead Joker Oscar Wilde Picasso D.H. Lawrence Shakespeare Dylan Thomas
the three Welsh Thomases Bach Björk Quentin Tarantino

Glossary: Joker = British musician who creates dubstep music

the three Welsh Thomases = famous Welsh poets: Edward Thomas (1878–1917), R. S. Thomas (1913–2000)
and Dylan Thomas (1914–1953)

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4B Look at the people below and read their answers. Then watch the video from 1:42 to 3:34 again.
Complete the answers with the famous people in the box above.

Opera singers and perhaps 1 Caravaggio and even Van 2_____________.


Maybe 3_____________ Statham. He’s quite, he’s quite funny. He’s a good British actor.
I like him.

Yeah, a lot of things: people, fashion; um, 4_____________ Avedon was always a big
inspiration to me, um, in photography. 5_____________ and a couple of other painters
C have always been my ‘go-to’ to get inspired.

If you listen to British music, there’s a lot of really good artists coming out these days,
and 6_____________ and ASBO are my favourite, um, creative artists right now, at
D this time.

I do like D.H. 7_____________ as a poet and I like the Thomases. You know, the three
Welsh Thomases – all three of them.

I would say some musicians like 8_____________ – she inspired me a lot. I really like
her crazy style.

Glossary: ‘go to’ (infl) = the fashionable place/person to visit/see

5 In what ways do the Arts influence your life? Look at the statements about some of the people in Exercise 3.
Then watch the video from 3:34 to 4:51 and write true (T) or false (F) next to each statement.
1 Heather: She spends quite a bit of time going to art galleries and concerts, though paintings and
sculpture can move her emotionally more than music. _____
2 Darryl: His experience of doing creative things at school has influenced him and given him the ambition
to work in stage management, or as a director. _____
3 Tom: He thinks that the Arts are the only way to experience the real things in life in a world full of
meaningless nonsense. _____
4 Michele: She is a very expressive and liberated person, so being free is more important than art. _____

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6 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Read Vanessa’s answer below. Then watch the video from 2:21 to 2:40 and complete each
space with ONE word. Notice the phrases she uses which are common to American English.
I’ve taken, I was, I’ve 1 been doing, going to 2_____________ here and I’ve taken a
course on Victorian literature while I was here and I love a 3_____________ of the
different writers back then. And I 4_____________ of have this thing for Oscar Wilde,
like he’s hilarious. I love to read his stuff. I don’t know, 5_____________ I don’t try
and write like him, but I really do like to, 6_____________, study his writing
and 7_____________. So I 8_____________ you could say he inspires me.

7 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph answering Andrea’s questions. Use language from the video if possible.
• Do you do anything creative in your life?
• Is there anything or anyone that really inspires you?
• In what ways do the Arts influence your life?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Who do you most identify with?

2 Watch the video from 0:00 to 0:32. Number the sentences in Natalie’s introduction in the correct order.
a) How do you feel about where you are in your life at the moment? _____ Natalie
b) I don’t really think about the future much. _____
c) I’m not the kind of person who sets goals in life. _____
d) Today I’m talking to people about their life and their plans for the future. _____
e) I just ‘go with the flow’ and make impulsive decisions about what
to do next. _____

Glossary: go with the flow = deal with life as it happens

3 How do you feel about where you are in your life at the moment? Look at the people below and read the short extracts
from their answers. Then watch the video from 0:32 to 1:58 and match the people to the correct extracts.

1 I, er, le daily newspapers, er, about two years ago. _____

A Keiko

2 … and um, I think, uh, yeah, it can only get better. _____

B Tomas

3 … I can, you know, meet up with my friends, … _____

C Andrew

4 … now it’s our time of um, slowing that down a lot … _____

D Maureen

5 … reasonably happy about where I am in my life. _____

E Geof

6 I feel pretty happy, um, about my life at the moment. _____

F Carlos

7 Um, I know what I’m capable of … _____

G Dianne

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4 Are you the kind of person who makes plans, or do you ‘go with the flow’? Read statements 1–3 and watch the
video from 2:00 to 3:20. Tick the statement which best summarises what is said.
1 Some of them like to set shorter term goals or just plan for the important things in life without being too inflexible.
2 On the whole, they prefer to ‘go with the flow’ as they find things work out better and life is more manageable if
you make decisions on the spur of the moment.
3 In general, they think that life is so unpredictable that it’s impossible to make definite plans because they usually
have to be changed sooner or later.

Glossary: on the spur of the moment = suddenly, without any previous planning or thought

5 Do you have any long-term goals in your life? Look at the people below and read their answers. Then watch the
video from 3:22 to 4:45 and complete the extracts with phrases a)–j).

Keiko Tomas Maureen

Uh, long-term goals. I would like to I’d love to be a professional footballer. I really hope to, uh, work with an
go back to my mum’s country, to the Might be a bit late for that now, _____.
organisation that I believe in, uh,
South Pacific, Papua New Guinea, and But er, I always planned for that. Or something 5_____, um, an advocate
c) , to my country and erm, yeah, I maybe a manager, maybe to do my for women and children.
think _____.
coaching badges and erm, _____.

Geof Carlos

I’ve just, just, erm, completed one long-term goal I think, uh, my main goal in life is to be happy. Like,
which was doing, 6_____ at, at Birkbeck. Um, I’ve I was hearing a conversation of a friend. He said,
always been interested in history but 7_____ a ‘Oh yeah, I’ve tried you know, 9_____ but, like, at
computer programmer because that was the way to the moment what I really want and 10_____ is, I just
find, find work. Erm, so, um,the, the, you know, the want to be happy. That’s all I want.’
long-term aim of, of 8_____ education was just a,
just a real pleasure.

a) doing this degree f) giving back is important

b) I know what I want from my life g) do some football coaching
c) hopefully contribute to h) I ended up as
d) that deals with human rights i) getting that extra bit of
e) having a house and having a car j) I’m getting on a bit.

Glossary: get on a bit = getting older

Birkbeck = Birkbeck College, part of the University of London

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6 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Read the extracts below. Then watch the video from 2:22 to 3:20 and notice some of the
features of natural speech in English. Watch again and complete the gaps with a word or phrase.
A Tomas: I’m definitely not the 1 sort of person that makes plans, er – my girlfriend will tell you that. She, she’s
the one who does all the organising. I’m the one that, kind of, 2_____________ goes with the flow and er,
_____________, when there’s an opportunity to do something, fine, I’ll do it. But I’m very bad at 4_____________
being organised and planning. I like to, 5_____________, work on the spur of the moment.
B Andrew: I tend to make plans but a certain type of plan: probably six-months to one-year plan. I think that’s,
_____________, more or less manageable.
C Maureen: Sometimes I 7_____________ plan; you plan for the big things because you just have to do that. Uh, but
this morning I was going to go to Windsor but the weather changed my mind and I said ‘OK, I can do something
else.’ And I’m at the Tate Museum and I’m 8_____________ go to Shakespeare’s Globe, so sometimes you go with
the flow.

Glossary: Tate Museum = the Tate Modern, an art gallery on London’s South Bank
Shakespeare’s Globe = the Globe theatre on the South Bank

7 PERSONALISATION: Write a paragraph about your own life and plans using Natalie’s questions to help you.
• How do you feel about where you are in your life at the moment?
• Are you the kind of person who makes plans, or do you ‘go with the flow’?
• Do you have any long-term goals in your life?

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ANSWER KEY Spain and Scotland are mentioned 2 to think 3 depends on 4 believe so
three times 5 I’m terrible 6 to admit 7 pretty good
8 depends what
UNIT 1 5
2 Canada 3 Spain 4 Center Parks
2 5 Kuala Lumpar 6 Scotland 7 China UNIT 6
2 though 3 with 4 see 5 once 8 New York
6 spend 2
6 2 of 3 at 4 to 5 for 6 in 7 to 8 in
3 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 9 in
1C 2A 3D 4E 5B
7 3
4 2 a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a) Tick: classical, electronic, acid jazz,
2T 3F 4F 5T country and western, stage music,
5A Write just in 3, 4, 7,and 9
punk rock, dubstep, hair bands,
club music, R&B, rock, electro
2 Argentina 3 Barbados 4 Liberia
5 Ireland 6 Spain 7 Zimbabwe 4
8 Canada 9 Scotland 10 France UNIT 4 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F
5B 2 5
Sentence 1 2 mine 3 noisy 4 way 5 broken 2 f) 3 b) 4 c) 5 g) 6 h) 7 d) 8 e)
6 6 about 7 reason
2 cultures 3 me 4 going 5 guess 3 1A 2C 3– 4D 5– 6B 7A
6 history 7 must 8 identity 1B 2E 3A 4D 5C 6F
9 belief 10 keyed into 7
7 4 Delete: 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
2 a) 3 b) 4 b) 5 b)
Write kind of in 2, 6, 7,and 10
5 UNIT 7
A special B tuition, worried
UNIT 2 C homeless, justice D balance, freedom 2
E getting, harmony F controls, capitalist 1 b) 2 a) 3 c)
2 b) 3 c) 4 a) 6 3
4 there was 8 No 9 not really Tick: run in the park, read a book, take it
3A 10 um, having easy, listen to music, swim at the beach,
1C 2A 3D 4E 5B cycle, have a bath, hang out with friends,
cook a meal, do nothing

2 c) 3 f) 4 b) 5 a) 6 d) 4
4 2 2 g) 3 a) 4 j) 5 f) 6 d) 7 h) 8 i)
2 from 3 wouldn’t 4 bit 9 c) 10 b)
1F 2B 3A 4E 5C 6D 5 about 6 for 7 at
5 3 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b)
1 smile 2 not to 3 doing, doing B Yes C It depends D Yes E No F No
4 listen to, accordingly 5 out, act on G Yes H It depends 6
6 whatever, whatever 1A 2D 3B 4E 5A 6C 7E
6 4
2 John 3 Tomas 4 Keiko 5 Roz 7
1 matter of 2 much so, very much 6 Edwin 2 though 3 like 4 I just 5 at the
3 don’t think, not, I’ll 4 very, not so 6 I like 7 just 8 I
UNIT 3 Sentence 3
2 2 secretive 3 although 4 dishonest 2
2 since 3 miss 4 where 5 so 6 be 5 pragmatic 6 pragmatic 7 revealed 2 away 3 central 4 made 5 more
7 travelling 6 planned 8 hurt 7 necessarily 6 what 7 than 8 did
3 7 3
1B 2A 3C 4E 5D 6A 7B 2 Keiko 3 Edwin 4 John 5 Tomas 1C 2A 3E 4F 5B 6D
8 C 9 D 10 E 6 Eva

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2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 a)

2 get 3 bit 4 with 5 as 6 not as
7 terms of 8 forward 9 bit more

Cross out: 2 quite, 3 I feel, 6 to what,
10 that life

1 is 2 can 3 cinematography

2 make her own clothes
3 plays bass guitar in a band
4 does T-shirt design
5 is a choreographer
6 writes poetry

Tick: Caravaggio, Van Gogh, Jason Statham,
Richard Avedon, Miró, Joker, Oscar Wilde,
Picasso, D.H. Lawrence, the three Welsh
Thomases, Björk and Quentin Tarantino

2 Gogh 3 Jason 4 Richard 5 Miró
6 Joker 7 Lawrence 8 Björk

1F 2T 3T 4F

2 school 3 bunch 4 kind 5 like 6 like
7 stuff 8 guess

a) 5 b) 3 c) 1 d) 4 e) 2

1D 2A 3B 4G 5C 6F 7E

Sentence 1

2 f) 3 j) 4 g) 5 d) 6 a) 7 h) 8 i)
9 e) 10 b)

2 kind of 3 you know 4 actually
5 kind of 6 kind of 7 do
8 going to (gonna)

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