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Orahacks 2022

Team WhichViz
Manjunath R Gangadhar
Vivek Gandhari
• Customers planning to shift to OAC have difficulty recreating their
dashboards as they are new to OAC and lack knowledge of
views/visualizations available

Business value

• The service can be provided as an addon tool for customers

• Transition to OAC from other analytics tools is made easy
• Will help PM’s trying to evaluate different analytics tools

WhichViz – A service which takes in the images of visualization created in any
tool and suggests its alternative in oracle analytics

How it works?
- Get the image of your visualization
- Choose your current analytics tool and upload the image
- Know its alternative in OAC


1) Collecting images from different analytics tools (PowerBI,Tableau)

2) Building a classification model using the images to identify the
visualization type
3) Building a web application where users can input their image and
their current analytics tool
4) The application will classify the image to find its visualization and
suggests its alternative in Oracle analytics

• The service was checked with multiple images to know its OAC equivalent.
The validation accuracy for image classification is nearly 90%

Future improvements
• The tool can be improved to take in a PDF of a dashboard, break it down to
identify distinct visualizations within it, discover OAC replacements for
those visualizations, then replace the images in the PDF with the OAC
alternatives to produce an OAC dashboard template.

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