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UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE te ap of the book 1 rece ame Story and value Meet the Super Friends Making friends Thinking skills © Matching | Vocabutary | Grammar Greetings | What's your name? Numbers I'm (Thunder). 1-10 How old are you? “Colours | I'm (sever). [PSone ABCOERG CS@ Vocabulary | Grammar Storyandvalue | Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school Classroom | What's this? It's a (pencil). | Watch out, Flash! * Listening _| ® Matching Arts objects | Isitapen? Yes, iti5./No, it | Helping each other | * Reading, |» Hypothesising Colours isn't Thelettersounda | speakin: and predicting Open your book, please. and writing ' Song: What's this? \ Creativity W Revisi i Grammar Storyandvalue | Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school Toys What's his/her name? The go-kart race Reading |» Comparative | Maths: His/Her name's (Ben/Sue). | Fair play~ cheating | © Listening, thinking, Tangrams What's his/her favourite toy? | is wrong speaking | * Analysis of How old is he/she? The letter sound e ‘and writing | stotements It’sa (new kite). = Hypothesising It’s an (ugly monster). > Song? Hey, Emma! What's your favourite toy? Creativity W Revision Vocabulary | Grammar Storyandvalue | Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school Animals |The (lizard) is in/on/under | The spider © Reading, | » Matching nce: the (bag). Being brave listening and |» Applying world | Camouflage ike / don’t like (dogs). The letter sound i writing knowledge © Speaking VW Song: Look at the spiders Creativity Revision Vocabulary | Grammar Storyandvalue "| Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school Food Tve got /haven't got a The pizza © Listening | © Categorising Science: (sandwich). Waiting your turn andwriting | » Applying world | Fruit and Have we got any (cheese)? | The lettersoundo | * Readingand | knowledge —_| veg Yes. we have. /No, we haven't. speaking —_| © Predicting \W Song: Tommy's in the kitchen Creativity y Revision © oe Vocabulary | Grammar Storyandvalue —_| Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school Days of the | I (watch TV) on (Sundays). We're lost! © Listening _ Interpreting _ Social week Do you (play football) ct Asking for help when | Reading, and science: the weekend? you need it speaking Understanding | Be healthy! | Yes, Ido. /No. I don't. Thelettersoundu | _andwrting | Song: It's a busy, busy week \ Creativity Revision SGRCSECLEsS Vocabulary | Grammar Storyand value | Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school Thehome There's a (monster). At the house ‘© Interpreting Geography: There are (four cats). Looking after your pictures Habitats Is there a (plane)? friends ‘© Applying world Are there any (rats)? ‘The letter sound h knowledge How many (cars) are there? ‘© Matching [1 Song: In my little house ® Revision i) Get dressed Vocabulary | Grammar Story and value Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school Clothes Do you like this (hat) /these | The cop ‘© Interpreting Science: (shoes)? Saying Sorry © Speaking, visual Materials (Olivia)’s wearing (a red ‘The letter sounds listening and information sweater). spand st writing '* Selecting Is he/she wearing (a blue information T-shirt)? © Applying world Yes, he/she is knowledge | No, he/she isn’ [ Song: I'm a cool, cool cat W Creativity ' Revision i) The robot | | Vocabulary | Grammar Storyand value | Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school The body —I'can/can't stand on one leg, | The problem © Listening and | © Problem Science: He/She can/can't (skip). ‘Teamwork speaking solving The ; Can you (swim)? The letter soundg | * Reading and | Identifying _ skeleton - Yes, can. /No, I can't. writing | L\® Song: Can you guess who we are? Creativity W Revision | —_ Vocabulary | Grammar Story ond value Skills Thinking skills | English for Phonics school Holidays | Let's (play the guitar). The top of the hill’ © Reading, © Inferring Geography: Where's the (biue book)? | Modesty listening and | meaning Holiday | Where are the (orange The letter sounds writing © Interpreting weather books)? ee andea © Speaking visual information IP Song: Let's go to the beach Creativity Revision © Festivals and cut-outs: pages 118-128 Stickers: Centre section © 4 Whisper 2) Thunder a: Listen-and chant. Hi, 'm Whisper. What’s your name? Hi, I'm Thunder. What a. nice name! (EE 4 Flash Hi, ’'m Flash. What’s your name? Hi, I'm Misty. What a nice name! © Ask and answer. (What's your name? EE Listen and sing. ' IB gC) Es 4 “A B,C, D,E,G Sing with me .. pI RUM, wi ‘m your friend ... 20 rons: w 0, P, Qand Rand S ~ Ves, yes, yes ... T, U, Vand W Me and you ... X, YandZ m2 | ( V iS Let’s sing and dance. X, YandZ The alphabet ... go eo Say the alphabet. A A. YP & Oe a Listen and point to the balloons. j @ Listen and colour. Then follow the lines and say. -—& Sue © He [7 eS) Mice ene Super Friends What about I speak ) Ja What's your name, cat? you, Whisper? to animals. @Omm Geo hates No. Listen to me! ) ® Read and number the pictures. *Y Look at me! ) “(My turn. Look! ) I'm Tabby. ) ' © | A | ae | NX How old are you? old are you? ) ») ag (No. Listen to Listen to me! ') ay Listen and look. Then listen and say the words. a: Listen and chant. Hey, Flash! Hey, Flash! Hey, Flash! Hey, Flash! Come back, come back! Close your bag, close your bag! Your ruler, your rubber, Your ruler, your rubber, Your pencil, your book, Your pencil, your book, Your pen, Your pen, And your pencil case. And your pencil case, @ 1 Listen and number the pictures. What's this? ) What's this? ) (Is it a pencil? ) No, itisn’t. | It'sapen. } (What's this?) (Is it a rubber? ) It's a ruler. J (What's this?) Wi i Yes, itis. ay eye Listen and say. ©) Play the guessing game. | (What's this? \_ @ Listen and sing. What’s this? Look at the desk, Look at the desk, The desk is in a mess! Is it your pen? Is it your book? Is it your pencil case? Yes or no? Tell me, Joe. It isn’t my pen. It isn’t my book. It isn’t my pencil case. Oh no, no! No, no, no! Look at the desk ... Look at Joe’s desk. Draw lines from the school things to the correct desk. o ee gi) Listen and stick. = Then write the words. pen book bag desk ( Sit at your ; please. ) ( Open your » please. ) i a x i | (Close your : Please. ) se. ) (Pass mea : please. ) 29 GE GB Listen and say. © Play the chain game. Giza (Cs) @ Garr oO Find who says ... ~{ My bag! ) & Listen and say. & a Listen and draw lines _ @& @ Read and circle the correct pictures. 0 wR ee your book, please. ) we 8: © Ask and answer. —(What’s number 1?) (It's a bag. eee _— th —_ © Draw and write about your bag. This is my bag. is It is green and blue. Ou @ Read and answer the questions. a There are three = 2 primary colours. What are they? i b Look at your classroom. What objects are blue, red or yellow? © Look and read. Mix the colours to make new colours. We mix the primary colours to make new colours. These are called secondary colours. = ©. > “<5, Ca oh a purple green orange nee (Look at the picture. Read and answer. 5 y a Find the primary colours. What are they? b Find the secondary colours. Do you remember how to make them? @ Gin When you mix white with a different colour, the colour gets lighter. Look, think and colour. & Listen and act out with your teacher. Then listen again and number the pictures. 3 ¢ FS} Read and number the sentences from the story. ___ Look down and catch it. __/ Turn around. __ Take out your pencil case. Stand up. Put the pencil case on your head. Stretch. Listen to your friend and act out. Put the ruler on your head. ) Make a poster. Tae © Write the colour © Think of school objects and find words on your poster. pictures in different colours. ©) Count the school objects. Close your eyes. What colour are they? m~ Tis a: Listen and look. Then listen and say the words. Sports centre Team 1 go-kart 10) go-kart on 3») Listen and chant. Toy shop, toy shop, A ball, a computer game, Let’s go to the toy shop. A monster and a plane. Look! F Yes. A doll, a car, a bike, oh yes, And there’s a kite! A go-kart and a train, That’s right! 22 ie ] Listen and stick. ~) Ask and answer. | LisA_ eae a (=) «a: Listen and sing. Hey, Emma! What’s your favourite toy? ... My favourite toy isn’t a plane. It isn’t a kite or a computer game. My favourite toy! My favourite number isn’t three. Can you find it? Look at me! My favourite number! My favourite toy ... y e My favourite toy’s a go-kart. in That’s smart! x a € = z= & > a + a © 3° < s = g S 2 = + S 3 2 3 > is = i cece ttl a a ia Hey, Mike! What’s your favourite number? ... My favourite number ... My favourite number’s eight. That’s great! VWs @ Look at the picture. Find and circle Emma and Mike. (im D1 e a& Listen and number the pictures. A short Abig Asmall red train. green ball. yellow ball. A long blue train. An ugly purple A beautiful An old black Anew pink monster. orange monster. go-kart. go-kart. a mal Listen and say. T'sanewkite. It’s an ugly monster. te | © Draw a toy. Ask and answer. (res, itis. Is it green? ) (No, it isn’t. This is Ben from the Red Ha ha ha! Now I’m first! QL Hold on, Misty! AE en @ Congratulations, Misty! Woah! You're first! i Thank you! © Find who says... _ (This is Ber (ithe Red i 3) Eo Listen and say. & @ Look and read. Tick (VW) or cross (X) the box. 0 : It’s a long train. | It’sanewkite. | | It'sabig boat. | It’s an ugly doll. || It’s an old bike. It'sashort train. sty Listen and write the names. Beep Dino Nessie Star toy? What's your favourite colour? number? My favourite ) My favourite things. My favourite toy is my blue doll. seth Sod ~~ dagrdam z il a: Listen and look at the shapes. & Can you see them in your classroom? My book is a { °o 8 \ rectangle. |} triangle square 8 ° circle parallelogram rectangle © Read and answer. The tangram is an old Chinese toy. Look at the tangram. What shapes can you see? What shapes can’t you see? ~/ ) Listen and say. erg (24a ne )) a Listen and sing. C . Look at the spiders, » Look at the rats, And [ook at the frogs! Spiders, cats, Lizards and rats. Ducks, dogs, Elephants and frogs. © Look at the picture. Count the animals. Where are they? “N(Six spiders are on the pencil case. ED Sensors) re 2) Listen and point to the pictures. (Ilike cats. ( Idon't like spiders. J Tlike spiders. © © © © €2) Listen and circle what the spider says. 2) ) ®®@O® en me Li (a> Listen and say. © Ask and answer. (like ... What about you? Gua () Come back, he’s beautiful. Look! (Touch him, Misty. ‘Oh no. I don’t like spiders. They like spiders! I've got an idea. Raters @ Read and circle yes or no. 4 In picture one Flash and Whisper like the spider. yes /no 2 In picture three the spider is under the table. 3 In picture four the spider is clever. & In picture eight Misty, Thunder and Flash like the spiders. @ Find who says .... —(Touch him, Misty. ) 2 Listen and say. This is Tim and his silly sister Kim. yes / no yes / no yes/no Ga (> PY © Write about the animals you like and don’t like. I like rats and ducks. Ducks are my favourite! I don't like dogs. _—_ = - @® Listen to your teacher and stick wi © bookand say. (The catis ... > What colours are the animals? Ask and answer. What colour is the snake? ) (The snake is green and black. snake crocodile —_ butterfly { The crocodile is | green and the water is green. Say why it is difficult to see the animals. { Find and count ‘ —$<$_— the butterflies — in my pictur Li [ foun ‘ty Listen and act out with your teacher. Then listen again and number the pictures. Pw Listen. | | Go to the door. Hug the little dog. | He’s cold. Pick him up. CJ Open the door. There's a little dog under a tree. | } i | © Read and number the sentences from the story. © Listen to your friend and act out. y : [There's a big sete under your book! X i This is : a spider a frog a lizard re) the bag. ¥% i ei in under rats. don't like like There are ducks in the song. seven eight c nine Whisper’s pet is a rat aspider c a frog Circle the word with the different sound. Tim him spider This is : alog aleaf ¢ grass Tigers are - QO orange, white and black a WE red, yellow and brown Ne orange, black and brown 4 banana ss es 3) cheese sandwich isten and chant. Lunchtime! Lunchtime! Lunchtime! Lunchtime! What's for {unch? What's for (unch? I don’t like chicken, Oh, | like apples, And | don't like cheese. And | like steak. | don’t like pizza, Oh, | like carrots, And | don’t like peas. And | like cake! Yummy! (T've got a sandwich } \and an apple. @ Read and draw lines. O4 fi _{T’ve got a sandwich ) ~\and a banana. aT — T've got pizza and 8. 4: banana. I haven’t got an apple. T’ve got pizza and : = an apple. I haven’t got a banana. Listen and say. I’ve got a sandwich and an apple. Ra Vaan lela aTes Choose your lunch. Find a friend with the same lunch. “(I've got... Me too! 7 a Listen and sing. Tommy's in the kitchen, Come and take him out! Tommy’s in the kitchen, Come and take him out! I've got an apple in my sandwich. I've got milk on my peas. I've got juice on my sausage. Help! Oh, help me, please! Tommy's in the kitchen ... 5 I've got carrots on my pizza, And a banana on my cheese. I've got chicken with my cake. Help! Oh, help me, please! Tommy's in the kitchen ... Yr a Listen and tick (V) or cross (X) the box. Have we got any cheese? Vee No, we haven’t. 98 Ask and answer. 3 (Have we got any ... ? Sorry, we haven't got pizza. 50 Retearecuebeiatn 6 om © a ( What have ) 4 J Anew pizza. \ y 4 !) We've got pizza. Nice and hot! } e@ Read and tick (/) or cross (X). | | Who says ... ? ye © a I’ve got pizza. I've got an apple. I've got a sausage. I've got peas. T've got a banana. Find who says ... Sorry, we haven't got pizza. ) GB Listen and say. Polly stops at the shop for a hot dog. ene: & a: Listen and say the numbers. ja a Py & eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty a Listen and complete the shopping list. ood Shopping list 12 apples © Write a shopping list. Shopping list 13 steaks e Listen to your partner’s list and write it down. Check your list. Look and read. Write yes or no. Mark: I've got eleven sausages in my basket. | Tony: I've got fourteen apples in my basket. Lynn: I haven't got any bananas in my basket. Mark: I've got chicken in my basket. Tony: I've got a cheese sandwich in my basket. Lynn: I've got twelve carrots in my basket. ©) __ Draw your basket. Say what's in it. (T've got ten cakes in my basket! Gain n in) rurt one V Look at the fruit and vegetables. Which are your favourites? It is important to eat fruit and vegetables to be healthy. ~{Pears are my ) (Corn is my fovourite 1 *(favou rite fruit. ( vegetable. / @ @ipici2) Where do they grow? Follow the lines and say. “(Onions grow in the ground. ) (Coconuts grow on trees. tree plant : ground QB Project) Make a fruit and vegetable diary. How many fruits and vegetables do you eat every day? 9 Qf > Day1 | Day2 | Day3 Day | Days | Day6 | Day7 » fruit vegetables + - | * 4 a \ | ; © Write about your picture. Then listen to your friends and guess. Hi, I'm Pop. I'm a monster. Here’s my sandwich. i I’ve got a plane, a train and a go-kart in it. Yummy! i! ik (ss) mn | a: Listen and look. Then listen and say the words. Monday Football Tuesday | School match Wednesday | School Thursday Trip to the lake Friday Aerrets hurray! .On Saturday and Sunday, School on Monday, More time to play. School on Tuesday, School on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. EER) Days of the week} School is cool, Hurray, hurray! Listen and stick. Sandra Pat Maria Oliver Bill D2 &: fase Listen and say. Ask and answer. = (1...on Mondays. | What about you? } vay V/ bi Giaieree «& Listen and sing. _ = o% rs Ag ’ It’s o busy, busy, busy, busy, Busy, busy, busy week ... On Mondays we go swimming. On Tuesdays we piay bail, On Wednesdays and on Thursdays, We play computer games. On Fridays we play football. On Saturdays we sing. ee It’s a. ust busy, busy, bust Busy, busy, busy week ... - J & Listen and circle the answer. Do you watch TV at the weekend? No, I don't. Do you play = computer games at the weekend? Yes, I do. No, I don't. a@ Gee Listen and say. 8 Play the question game. (Do you ... at the weekend? ) y ACSC O Wait and \ff This isn’t a a much fun. ees ( Rabbit, we're lost. \ Where's the lake? Here you are, rabbit. Watch out! ) @ PET od ke ks Yr e | (Now, P'm lo’ rN J (Now, he’s lost! & Fhe) Look at the picture and choose the correct sentence 1 Are you OK? 2 Come with me. 3 Here you are. 4 I'm lost. @ Find who says... This isn’t much fun. ) &: Listen and say. Mum jumps in the mud with the ducks. ‘S «> 2 Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. What is the name of Mark's school? What is the name of Mark's brother? What is the name of Mark's teacher? R WN = How many days do Mark and his friends play football? 5 How many days do Mark and his friends go swimming? 6 How many days do Mark and his friends play computer games? @ Read and say the poem. My perfect week On Mondays I play with friends. On Tuesdays Iride my bike. On Wednesdays I play computer games. On Thursdays I play with toys. On Fridays I go swimming On Saturdays and Sundays I watch TV and sleep. That’s my perfect week. © Write your poem. My perfect week On Mondays I watch TV ... ] a Ce Listen and read. Ask and answer. j a ‘1 How do you have fun? ‘(ploy with my friends. ) o 2 How do you keep fit? 3 How do you learn new things? oe Look at the pictures and draw lines. °o e - ey , HABITATS ©) Look at the habitats. What colours are they? mM (The polar desert © What do you find in the habitats? (You find sand ) (in the desert.) regions are | white and blue. mountains ‘YY \ MM ] WR polar bear shark jellyfish penguin & Piety Make a habitat. : q e Listen and imagine. Then draw your picture. © Show your picture to your friends. (This is my house. ) There are five \ bedrooms. Is there a garden? Yes, there is. What is this? a hall a dining room ace three bedrooms. Where is the lizard in the song? in the bathroom in the bedro in the kitchen How many cats are there in the bag? 2b3c4 &) Who isn’t scared of the house? : [ © “y le, How many rats are there in the house? 7 Seen, hat help shoe Where do you find coral? in the ocean in the mountains in the jungle s te @ a: Listen and look. Then listen and say the words. ‘3 Listen and chant. Put on your T-shirt. Put on your trousers. Put on your sweater. Put on your socks. Put on your shoes. Put on your cap, And now let’s rap! 22 oS T-shirt, trousers, Sweater, shoes, Socks and cap. Do the clothes rap! Come on Whisper, Time for school! 10) trousers “2; Look at the pictures and draw lines. Then listen and check. 1 Do you like these shoes? 2 No, I don't. 3 Yes, Ido. & Do you like this T-shirt? Listen and say. e this hat? Yes, Ido. Do you like these shoes? No, I don’t. & Look at the clothes. Ask and answer. ~ = © Play the memory game. = “J There is a boy anda girl. ) Bathe boy fos got Revision (i 8) make a sandcastle »y Listen and chant. a: Eat ice cream, Make castles, Yum, yum. __ Dig, dig. Take photos, ~ Look for shells, Click, click. Look, look. Catch fish, Play in the sun, Splish, splash. It’s lots of fun! (eee a& Listen and number the pictures. Then write the words. paint take look listen Good idea. Let’s play the guitar. Pert atc STDs eC a aoe a. St i. (Goodidea.) © 3p Listen and sing. Let’s go to the beach. Let’s look for shells. Let’s play in the sand. Let’s run hand in hand ... Happy holiday, __ Happy holiday, For you and me. | Let's take a photo, Let’s catch a fish. Let’s swim in the sea, | es Sle Happy holiday ... € Listen again and number the pictures. (It’s on the sandcastle. ) ,” ® (Where are the kites? ) a \ (They're in the blue) (and yellow toy box. } a & Listen and say. @ CoD TI fel ed It’s in the green bag. Where are the orange books? They’re in the black bag. “* Bye. See you at the top of the hill! 7 wnat's that? Oh no! Value: modesty sv you can rae io the top, Flash! _] (No. Let's go) @ 7 together. ao That's more (What 2 ed fun! © Gin®) Read and write the names. + I'm super! » A race? I'm not happy about that. Flash can’t see it! + Ireally like my friends. © fFindwho says... {Just wait and see. ) «: Listen and say. 2 @ Read and write the country. ( Come to Australia. Come to Canada. Come to the UK. Make a sandcastle Catch a fish in one See Buckingham ‘on the beautiful of the beautiful Palace and the beaches. See lakes. Take a photo famous Tower the animals: the of the big forests Bridge in England. kangaroo and the and high mountains. Goto Scotland koala. Swim and Watch the whales or ‘Gnd listensto the snorkel in the sea. go horse riding. music.of bagpipes. a Listen and tick (Y) the country. | 1 2. 3 4 5 6 | =} TL © Write about your country. Come to Mexico. See the beautiful beaches and swim in | the sea. | vat a5 @ Listen to your teacher and stick. | ale wa xH liday weather % QD io eo Gr) Read the sentences and write the countries on the map. dat 8 } I = ' 0 g It's hot and sunny in Mexico. It's cold and snowing in Scotland. It's raining in Japan. It’s cloudy in Italy. mm ) = Read and draw lines. Write the countries on the postcards. Dear Nathan Ay holiday is great. It’s snowing It’s very cold but it ’s fun Bye, Daisy : Dear Emily. It’s hot here. Very hot. It's sunny. I'm very brown. How are you? Bye, Dylan Dear Adam. | Its raining here but it's very beautiful See you soon. Bye, Andrea © Prgect), Write a weather diary. Pope ae Listen and act out with your teacher. Then listen again and number the pictures. Read and number the sentences from the story. Goodbye ice cream! |_| Ride to the beach. You trip over your helmet. Get a big ice cream. __ Stop and put your helmet on the ground. | _ You're hot. Listen to your friend and act out. ( Make a rf sandcastle. 4 @ Let's a sandcastle. a eat b take c make a play the guitar b swim in th -€ paint a picture the ice cream? Nho wins the race? Thunder b Flash all the Super Fri wg Circle the word with the differen’ a cheese b pet c beach Nhere do you find koalas? ‘inthe UK b in Australia ¢ in Cani 3) What's the weather like? a It'shot. b It's cloudy. c It's Merry Christmas From fold in from corners. Unit 2 Cut-out (page 31) Unit 8 Cut-out (page 103) E/a * EA cw @ ~

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