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Journal of Electrostatics xxx (2017) 1e5

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Study of charged particles trajectories in free-fall electrostatic

Hakima Labair a, Seddik Touhami b, Amar Tilmatine a, *, Samir Hadjeri c, Karim Medles b, d,
Lucian Dascalescu d
APELEC Laboratory, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algeria
IRECOM Laboratory, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algeria
ICEPS Laboratory, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algeria
PPRIME Institute, CNRS-Poitiers University-ENSMA, F86962 Futuroscope, Poitiers, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this paper is to develop a mathematical model for computing the millimeter-sized
Received 14 October 2016 particles trajectories in the free-fall electrostatic separator. The simulation involves the numerical so-
Received in revised form lution of motion equations of the particles subjected to electric and gravitational forces. The air-drag
7 January 2017
force and the impact of the particles with the electrodes were also considered. The resolution algo-
Accepted 10 January 2017
rithm is implemented as a MATLAB program that uses the results of electric field computation performed
Available online xxx
with COMSOL software. The model obtained is used to study the factors influencing the quality of the
products recovered at the outlet of the separator.
Electrostatic separation
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Electric field
Electric charges
Particles trajectory

1. Introduction leads to an increase of the energy consumed for milling. Therefore,

attempts were made to optimize the electrostatic separation of
The free-fall electrostatic separators are widely used in sorting mm-size particles, by using numerical modelling techniques. Thus,
and purification of sub-millimeter size ores [1e4]. Currently, they Calin et al. [16] were the first to perform numerical modelling of
are also successfully applied to the sorting of granular plastics from particle trajectories in a free-fall electrostatic separator. However,
waste electrical and electronic equipment [5e8]. In these facilities, the analytical method they employed for the electric field compu-
granular material sorting is produced by the electrostatic force tation was far from being accurate, especially in the proximity of
acting on particles pre-charged in devices that use the triboelectric electrode edges. Recently, Younes et al. [17] compared the outcome
effect. The quality of products recovered at the outlet of the elec- of free-fall electrostatic separation experiments with the results of
trostatic separator is strongly related to the charge/mass (Q/m) numerical simulations of particle trajectories, but the computa-
ratios of the particles in the mixture [9,10]. tional conditions were not very clearly described.
Several triboelectric charging devices have been developed in This paper aims at validating an accurate numerical model of
recent years [10e13]. Currently, the fluidized bed is considered to particle trajectory in a free-fall electrostatic separator. The model
be the best solution [14,15], as characterized by moderate energy uses information on the geometrical and electrical parameters of
consumption, as well as low operating and maintenance costs. the separation system and of the physical characteristics of the
Improving the tribocharging conditions by reducing the size of the particles of the product under study. Thus, it relies on measures of
treated particles is a way to increase the efficiency of the electro- Q/m ratio performed for the constituents of a mixture (ABS/PVC)
static separations. recovered at the outlet of a laboratory separator (Fig. 1).
However, particle size reduction is sometimes unnecessary and The results obtained may be used to define the optimal values of
the control variables of the separator that would give maximum
gap between the collection points of two products, having different
* Corresponding author. mass and charge distributions.
E-mail addresses: (A. Tilmatine), lucian.dascalescu@ (L. Dascalescu).
0304-3886/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: H. Labair, et al., Study of charged particles trajectories in free-fall electrostatic separators, Journal of
Electrostatics (2017),
2 H. Labair et al. / Journal of Electrostatics xxx (2017) 1e5

! 0
Fg¼ (4)

where m represents the mass of the particle and g ¼ - 9.81 (m/s2) is

the gravitational acceleration.
The electrostatic force applied to a charged particle in the inter-
electrode region can be assessed by:
! ! E ðx; yÞ
F el ¼ Q E ¼ Q x (5)
Ey ðx; yÞ

where Q is the electrical charge of the particle and Ex (x, y); Ey (x, y)
components of the electric field vector.
The frictional force with the air applied to a particle is:
! 1 vx
Fa¼ Cf rprp2 v (6)
2 vy

where vx and vy are the x and y component of particle velocity ! v ; rp :

radius of the spherical particle of equal volume to the actual par-
ticle, Cf:friction coefficient between the particle and the air; r: mass
density of the particle.
Substituting (4e6) into (1) gives the equation of motion:
Fig. 1. Dimensions used in the free-fall laboratory separator.
1 pD2
max ðx; yÞ ¼ QEx ðx; yÞ  Cf r vvx ðx; yÞ (7.1)
2. Numerical simulation 2 4

The separator used in this study consists in two PMMA plates 1 pD2
may ðx; yÞ ¼ QEy ðx; yÞ  Cf r vvy ðx; yÞ þ mg (7.2)
suspended in a rectangular tower of same material (Fig. 1). Each 2 4
plate carries an aluminum electrode connected to a DC high-
voltage supply, to generate the electric field zone in which the The equation of motion described by the equation system is
separation takes place. The inclination of the plates with respect to solved using a finite difference method:
the vertical plane is adjustable.
vnþ1 ¼ vn þ an $Dt
The charged particles are introduced into the electric field zone (8)
pnþ1 ¼ pn þ vnþ1 $Dt
through a funnel. The movement of the particles in this zone can be
characterized by the equation: where an, vn and pn respectively represent the vectors acceleration,
velocity and position at the time n·Dt.
d!v X! Fig. 3 shows typical trajectories plotted by the simulation pro-
m ¼ F (1) gram. In a first series of simulations, the trajectory of a particle is
calculated for fixed values of the charge/mass ratio (Fig. 3a): 10 nC/
where m and ! v represent respectively the mass and velocity of the g; 7.5 nC/g; 5 nC/g; 2.5 nC/g. The obtained results show that
particle and F is the sum of the forces acting on the moving increasing the ratio Q/m causes an increase in the horizontal
particle. deflection of the particle with respect to the symmetry axis of the
At every moment, the charged particles are subjected to an separator. The particle having a charge per mass ratio 10 nC/g
electrostatic force due to the action of the electric field in the inter- collides with the electrode of the installation at the point (x, y) ¼ (-
electrode zone. The distribution of the electric potential U in this 0.142 m, 0.742 m). The horizontal deflection of the particles
area is given by the Laplace equation: equals 0.206 m for 7.5 nC/g; 0.139 m for 5 nC/g and 0.069 m for
2.5 nC/g. In this simulation the maximum value of the horizontal
deflection is obtained with charge/mass ratios of the order of
v2 U v2 U v2 U
þ 2 þ 2 ¼0 (2) 7.5 nC/g. To avoid particle-electrode collisions, the charge should be
vx2 vy vz
less than this value that can be predicted by numerical simulation.
The intensity E of the electrostatic field in the separation zone The results of the calculation of particles trajectories for
can then be calculated from: different values of potential difference DU applied to the electrodes
(20 kV; 40 kV and 60 kV), are given in Fig. 3b. They show that the
increase of the potential difference DU causes an increase of the
E ¼ VU (3)
particles deviation with respect to the symmetry axis of the
In this study, the solution of (2) is obtained using software installation. The deviation varies from 0.046 m for DU ¼ 20 kV,
specialized in solving partial differential equations by the finite to 0.137 m for DU ¼ 60 kV.
element method (COMSOL). The results of calculations made by An increase of the potential difference DU is desired to obtain a
this method are shown in Fig. 2. good separation. However, an excessive increase of DU in the
During their movements in the electrostatic separation zone, presence of particles characterized by a high Q/m ratio may cause
the charged particles are subjected to the force of gravity, electro- collisions between particles and electrode that affect the quality of
static force and the friction force with the air. the product recovered at separator outlet. It should be noted also
The gravity force applied to a particle of mass m is: that excessive increase of DU may cause air breakdown in the inter

Please cite this article in press as: H. Labair, et al., Study of charged particles trajectories in free-fall electrostatic separators, Journal of
Electrostatics (2017),
H. Labair et al. / Journal of Electrostatics xxx (2017) 1e5 3

Fig. 2. Electrostatic field map and equipotential lines in (a): the median vertical plan of the separator; (b): horizontal plane at the upper end of the electrodes; (c): horizontal plane
at the lower end of the electrodes (electrode inclination angle: a ¼ 7 ).

Fig. 3. Trajectories of particles for different: (a) Q/m ratio, (b) potential difference DU, and (c): friction coefficient between the particles and air Cf (a ¼ 7 ; d1 ¼ 0.1 m; Q/m ¼ 5 nC/g;
rp ¼ 2 mm; r ¼ 1100 kg/m3; (x0,y0) ¼ (0,0) m; (vy0, vx0) ¼ (0,0) m/s; Cf ¼ 0; DU ¼ 60 kV).

electrode space. obtained by measuring the total mass of ten particles randomly
Fig. 3c represents the results of trajectories calculations for selected divided by ten. The database values are then classified in
different values of the friction coefficient between the particles and 0.02 g intervals, the first class including the particles mass between
air: Cf ¼ 1/50, Cf ¼ 1/100 and Cf ¼ 0. Simulation results show that 0.01 g and 0.03 g.
the increase in the friction coefficient causes an increase in the The tribocharging of the particles is performed in a worm-type
deflection of the particles. device (Fig. 5). The particles are continuously fed to the device and
get charged due to the impacts they have with the metallic worm.
The tribocharging process is controlled by adjusting the rotation
3. Experimental study
speed of the worm and the inclination angle of the tube with
respect to the horizontal. The charged particles are then introduced
In all experiments carried out in this work, the mixture to be
into the free-fall separator. After separation, the charge per mass Q/
separated is composed of 50 g of ABS and 50 g of PVC. The distri-
m was measured and the average particle radius was estimated for
butions of the particle mass of the two products are shown in Fig. 4,
each collector cell.
obtained from a database of 100 measured values. Each value,
The specific charge Q/m of the particles is measured by using a
which represents an estimate of the mass of a single particle, was

Please cite this article in press as: H. Labair, et al., Study of charged particles trajectories in free-fall electrostatic separators, Journal of
Electrostatics (2017),
4 H. Labair et al. / Journal of Electrostatics xxx (2017) 1e5

Faraday pail connected to an electrometer and a high resolution

(0.001 g) scale. The results for a potential difference DU ¼ 60 kV and
an inclination of the electrodes with respect to the vertical a ¼ 7
are summarized in Table 1.
In this experience the majority of particles are recovered in the
extreme cells of the collector (Fig. 6). The gravity centers of posi-
tively and negatively charged products are located respectively at
xp ¼ 14.11 cm and xn ¼ 12.82 cm (positions measured relative to
the symmetry axis of the installation).
The values of charge/mass ratio of the product recovered in each
cell of the collector are displayed in Fig. 5b. The product recovered
in the vicinity of the central symmetry plane of the separator has a
very low charge/mass ratio as compared with that in the extreme
cells of the collector. On the other hand, the charge/mass ratio of
the positively charged product is higher than that of the negatively
charged product.
To facilitate the interpretation of the experimental results, an
image processing program was written that calculates the radius
of the circle having the area equal to the orthogonal projection
of the particle shape on a plane. The program was used to
analyze the size of the particles recovered in each cell of the
collector. Fig. 7 shows the distribution of the particle size in cells
{2; 6; 11}. It point out that the electrostatic separation of plastic
mixtures in a free-fall separator is based on the nature of the
materials of the mixture (ABS dominance in the cell 2; PVC
dominance in the cell 11, a balanced mixture in the cells 6) and
the particle size of each product. The particles recovered in the
Fig. 4. Distribution of particle mass for (a): ABS; (b) PVC.

Fig. 5. Worm-type tribocharging device.

Table 1
Charge Mass and charge/Mass of particles recovered in cells product collector
{1e12}; DU ¼ 60 kV a ¼ 7 ; «-» empty cell.

Cell N Xc (m) Q (109C) M (103 kg) Q/m (106C/kg)

1 e e e e
2 0.18 106.27 20.98 5.13
3 0.14 43.96 9.33 4.59
4 0.10 32.85 6.78 5.10
5 0.06 11.63 3.53 3.03
6 0.02 3.63 2.38 1.55
7 0.02 3.18 2.55 0.78
8 0.06 9.62 3.65 2.66
9 0.10 21.78 8.98 2.28
10 0.14 27.46 8.45 3.22
11 0.18 51.00 14.58 3.36
Fig. 6. (a): Total weight of the product in the collector cells and (b): Charge/Mass ratio
12 e e e e
measured in each cell.

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Electrostatics (2017),
H. Labair et al. / Journal of Electrostatics xxx (2017) 1e5 5

Fig. 7. Radius of the particles recovered in the cells 2, 6 and 11.

distance ranging between 6 and 18 cm relative to the symmetry

axis of the installation (depending on the nature and the size of the
The simulation results also show that the deviation of weakly
charged particles can be improved by increasing either the elec-
trostatic field intensity or the height of the separator.


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Please cite this article in press as: H. Labair, et al., Study of charged particles trajectories in free-fall electrostatic separators, Journal of
Electrostatics (2017),

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