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Leadership and change management

Case study 1

(Jamie oliver: The naked manager)

Presented To: Miss: TSUNGI Presented By: Tahseen Ahmed LC/EP/L-PAK/1287-TA

Being a case study presented in part requirement for PGD (BM) at the

Date of Presentation 07-04-2011

Q. No:-1 Using mintzbergs classification, analyze the roles played by the Jamie oliver as a manager in the fifteen enterprise.

Jamie Olivers passion and vision transformed a bunch of unemployed kids into an efficient, organized team, capable of running a first-class London restaurant, Fifteen. Jamie is a apparently natural leader. And anyone who takes on a leadership role can learn a lot from watching him in action. Part of the new two-part Jamies kitchen training series, Fifteen Lessons on Leadership demonstrates that leadership is an activity and not a position. Leaders and potential leaders will identify with Jamies honesty and openness. The case covers five key learning points backed up by real examples from Jamies journey: Leader/Lead the way Jamie shows how a good leader makes sure everyone is clear about what is expected of them. He also has a clear vision of where he wants the project to go and can communicate this in a way everyone can understand. Liaison/Show them how Jamie is a highly visible leader who sets a great example to his team. He knows that when it comes to leadership, actions speak louder than words. He demonstrates how a good leader is prepared to tackle the unpleasant tasks as well as the pleasant ones. Believe in them Jamie shows total belief in his team. His positive approach to coaching, always looking for things to praise, really pays off. Even when his team mess up, he gives them the message that they can and will get it right. He is not afraid to delegate. Disturbance handler Jamie shows enormous responsibility throughout the project, personally, professionally and financially. He understands that if things go wrong, he and no one else will carry the can. His honesty in sharing how this affects him will strike a chord with all leaders. Learn and adapt/figurehead Jamie learns continually throughout the work he analysis. He learns about himself and about his team, discovering which techniques of leadership work best for each team member. If one way of tackling a problem doesnt work, he tries another. The Benefit

Real life example of classic team development in action Positive role model to inspire Will improve skills of both new and existing leaders Pressurized role reflects real life Energetic style

Q. No:-2 critically evaluate the idea that manager can be regarded as theory X, Theory Y, which is Jamie oliver? Find evidence from the case to support your views. Theory X

Theory X assumes that the average person:

Dislikes work and attempts to avoid it. Has no ambition, wants no responsibility, and would rather follow than lead. Is self-centered and therefore does not care about organizational goals. Resists change. Is gullible and not particularly intelligent.

Essentially, Theory X assumes that people work only for money and security. Theory Y The higher-level needs of esteem and self-actualization are continuing needs in that they are never completely satisfied. As such, it is these higher-level needs through which employees can best be motivated. Theory Y makes the following general assumptions:

Work can be as natural as play and rest. People will be self-directed to meet their work objectives if they are committed to them. People will be committed to their objectives if rewards are in place that address higher needs such as self-fulfillment. Under these conditions, people will seek responsibility. Most people can handle responsibility because creativity and ingenuity are common in the population.

Jamie oliver belongs to theory y because the things that comes under the head of theory Y are followed by Jamie. His working just like leader and play in his natural way, he is self motivated and encourage to his employees and trainees to work by having your goal in front of you. The camping example is very good when he gave the task to everybody and make them engaged in their work and was personally checking them that how they are working. And he make them help and where he find that the situation cant be controlled by the trainee take his real part in action and try to make them perfect.

Q. No:-3 carryout analysis of the manager in the case using the frame work provided in figure 12.4 Basic managerial philosophies and points for view: The culture of management

Recognition and credit Fair and equitable treatment Emphasis on end results Staff and customer satisfaction Positive action on an individual basis Involvement and availability Consideration respect and trust

It is the philosophies that arguably are likely to make for the successful management of people, and lead to both improved work performance and more contented staff. The culture of the organization: By studying this case jamie oliver: the naked manager. We come to know that what type and style of the culture of management in this case. Organization have a cooperative and social culture. The events of the series however show very clearly in a managerial role, and some of the incidents illustrate significant managerial skill. some of his trainees are what would generally be classed as difficult staff; they are unskilled, at times some of them are seriously demotivated and disruptive, and none of them has had successful experience of holding down a permanent job. What are the key component of jamie olivers managerial approach to the trainees. Consideration respect and trust They have the environment of trust and respect and follow the rule that if you expected that you got respect from other you should need to respect them and have the belonging with each other and trust . Jamie oliver most of time give them offer to take part with him. He makes it clear that trust and respect have to run both ways; he bestows considerable trust upon the employees in return he asks that they trust his judgement and do what they want. Recognition and credit This case analysis shows that Jamie oliver in company, he encourage the students individually and make them to respect each other for instance by makinng sure that they all greet each other at the start of service and goodbye at the end of service. Involvement and availability Jamie oliver involved if the behaviour of the students is unacceptable then he does not hesitate to tell them so; nevertheless his emphasis is always on their behaviour, and what they need to do differently in the future in order to meet the required standards. one of the technically better students is eventuallly

suspended from the course after aggressive and violent behaviour at college this cannot be in an already potentially dangerous working environment. Fair and equitable treatment Jamie oliver carries out a disciplinary interview which is in effect a final warning for another two of the trainees who have been absenting themselves without reason from both college and kitchens where they have been doing their practical experience placement. his langauage is colourful but in essence he spells out the problem, explains how it affects all concerned and kames very clear what they need to do next, he also explains why it caused a problem, and tells them what to do to remedy the situations. Positive action on an individual basis jamie oliver puttng the individuals together for training and watch them carefully during preparation, coaching individuals in the application of simple techniques they are learning at the college but which they forget under pressure which knife to use for vegetables, how to shave parmeasan, not to waste egg whites, even how to boil water efficiently to cook pasta to time. he supervises with growing horror as service continues and many of the trainees fail to cope, but at the same time observing and praising those who are doing well or who ask for the help they need to get things right. Emphasis on end results jamie oliver is enthusiastic cockney lad made good; and at a boyish 28 when the series was shot, not perhaps the stereotypical manager. the events of the series, however show him very clearly in managerial role, and some of the incidents illustrate significant managerial skill. some of his trainees are what would generally be classed as difficult staff; they are unskilled, at times some of them are seriously demotivated and disruptive, and none of them has had successful experience of holding down a permanant job. Staff and customer satisfaction jamie olivers staff and customers satisfaction is covered by his approach as he attempts to observe and assess the abilities of staff, jamie oliver is professional chef at the heart of the enterprise and his name, reputation ans style of cooking would provide the basis of the business. his contributions to the design of the overall training programme which was in part soponsored by the uk government under the new deal initiative, he also get the british public weaned off erady meals ans fast food through his ministry of food, his approach to motivation for 15 young people to work in his new london rastaurant which lively satisfaction to the staff and customers.

Q. No:-4 assess the Jamie oliver approach to human resource management activities such as recruitment and selection, training and appraisal, and disciplinary measure? Approach to human resource management activities jamie oliver emphasises the importance of knowing exactly where things come from, and building long term relationships with growers and suppliers who share his values. He use to work with the people have no know how though out about the raw ingredients, on field visits to suppliers, farms and markets in order to communicate this vision. He has an equally clear goal, and one which is much harder to reach, of helping unemployed and unskilled people to launch themselves into a career as well know and repetitive chef. Recruitment and selection This case study show that the initial fifteen trainee recruited by Jamie was friendly project because when he got that were attracted large numbers of applicants; but the selection process could not be based on more usual criteria such as knowledge, skills or experience since the whole purpose of the project was to offer opportunities for training to young people without these things. instead, the selectors had gauge potential and trainability. Training and appraisals jamie oliver and assessors were concerned to see how observant the candidates were, and also to watch the degree to which they took control of the process and reacted to the way the food was cooking. As they were doing, often prompting them to remember the details of the process. The final selection was made on the basis of their approach to work as much as on the quality of the finished dish. Having recruited the trainees, jamie oliver participated in the training process. He do his level best to shape them to the needs of his particular style and the standards which would be necessary in the restaurant. He also took the group to spend a week camping where they got to know about the business of livestock farming and observe firsthand how to evaluate the quality of meat. Disciplinary measures jamie oliver does not let this empathy blind him to their faults and failings, or prevent him from dealing quickly and firmly with poor standards of breaches of discipline. He trust upon the employees; in return he ask that they trust his judgement and do what he wants. He try to making sure that they all greet each other at the start of service and at the time of closing. Q. No:-5 using evidence from the case explain weather you considered his approach to the management of human resources as unitary or pluralistic? Jamie oliver using the pluralistic approach for the human resource management because the way he was using in recruitment and during the training to keep in consideration that what the degree got by his trainee and what is the field of his interest and how to come to know that they are doing right and to make them train from the initial level and the motivation level of to promote the employees and to encourage them and give them some benefit when they need in shape of finance and in shape of regards shows that he used pluralistic approach in his management.

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