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Appendix 1

Parameter stretching as suggested

by the linear dispersion relations

AI.I Ion acoustic waves in an unmagnetized

plasma, Qc = 0
From (5.1.14), dropping the subscripts, for small k,fcy» k±,


Qi(cot-kx) = gHfc

Without loss of generality we can take k^ = £*k'^k± = spkf± to obtain

e i(-k,;£i[x-f]-k;«Py'-i[k || '3-fc 1 '2k || '- e2 1 ,-2 ]e 3/2^

This suggests p = 1 and a new choice of coordinates,

ensuring that the new frequency will depend on k\\ and k'L. The following operator relations are

dx = s+dedt = s3/2dx - e% dy = sda. (Al.l)

We expect the dependent variables to take the form
n = 1 + sPnn(1) + .••


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If we concentrate on curl free velocities, v becomes derivable from a potential i//. In view of (A 1.1),

P± = P\\ + i
To lowest order, meaningful equations can only be obtained if

A. = P* = Pn> (A1.2)
and they will be

Thus p || will generate all other p's. This, however, demands a decision on our part. We decree that
in the next order, nonlinearity, v^v^x, be competitive with dispersion, v^xxx9 giving

2Pn + i = Pn +3/2,
or p|| = 1. We have thus obtained the entire expansion of Section 5.2 by invoking just one
nonlinear argument (the rest followed from considering long-wave, linear modes).

AI.2 Magnetized plasmas, Qc > 0

The dispersion relation (5.1.13) is, for small /c, without the subscripts,

k2 k2
~ 1 + k2 + kin;2 ~
co^kn-^kl+knklii + Q;2ii).
The wave is now proportional to (/cy ~ e^/c'||, /cx = e^/cj:

where z has been taken to be cyclic. This suggests r = \ and

£ = e*(x - 0

dx = 8^^, 5 t = s3/2dx - £±d4, dy = s%.

For dependent variables we now take

n = 1 + 8rnn(1) + •••
a) + ...
= £ iii; (1) +

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348 Appendix 1

We again obtain (A1.2) and r^ will once more yield all other powers from the lowest order
equations (5.1.7)-(5.1.9). The result is
ry = r|| + 1 and rz = r^ + \.
These values can also be found from drift velocity relations known to plasma physicists.
The value of rz can be found by considering the so-called E A B drift along z, with
E = - V0:

and so rz = r^ + \ = r^ + \.
We now find ry from the polarization drift which is EQ~ 2 in our units and is along y
vy=- d%^;\
In view of (A1.3), lowest order dt introduces 8*, thus
+ +
ry = U i 2 = r\\ + ]
Again, balancing of nonlinearity and dispersion is the only nonlinear argument involved. It yields
r,, = 1.

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