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Subject: News

Bulletin from Greg Hands M.P. #303 Date: Friday, 1 July 2011 12:34:08 United Kingdom Time From: To: Greg Hands M.P.

In this edition:

Issue 303 Friday 1 st July 2011

Greg Hands M.P.s Diary Website of the Week: District Line Consultation Labour refuse to back campaign to stop Super Sewer threat Photo news: Wandsworth Bridge Road Summer Fair Hands urges Fulham residents to speak up for extra Wimbledon Branch trains Hands joins campaigners in Downing Street to save Royal Brompton Photo news: Queens Club Gardens Summer Garden Party Greg Hands MP speech on the anniversary of the birth of Solidarity in Poland Photo news: Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Civic Service 2011 K&C Council partners with Bloomsbury to promote library use Photo news: Redcliffe Ward Summer Garden Party K&C Leader elected as chairman of the Local Government Association Hands in Parliament: Hands on escalating cost of Super Sewer Hands in Parliament: PM agrees with Hands on Euro stress tests Hands in the papers: Hope for Royal Brompton campaigners Hands in the papers: F1 chiefs girl must revise 56m house makeover branded botox architecture How to contact Greg Hands M.P.

Since the last edition, Greg:

Handed in a petition at 10, Downing Street, with campaigners, calling for child surgery at the Royal Brompton Hospital (Chelsea) to be spared, currently threatened by an internal NHS review. See photo and press report below. Addressed a celebration of the work of the Polish Solidarity trade union, and its key role in ending Communist rule in Poland. For photo and Gregs speech, see below. Attended the 175th anniversary celebrations of St Johns Walham Green CE Primary School, with mass led by the Bishop of London, Rt Hon Rt Rev Richard Chartres, including a presentation to retiring Headmistress Pauline Morazgalska. Attended the Kensington & Chelsea civic service at St Mary Abbot Church, Knesington, with new mayor Cllr Julie Mills. With the Mayor, Cllr Frances Stainton, opened the Wandsworth Bridge Road summer fair. (see photo). Attended the summer fete of Lady Margaret School, Parsons Green. Attended a Redcliffe Ward Conservatives event in Chelsea, with guest speaker Justine Greening MP. Took questions from representatives of the Hammersmith & Fulham Borough Youth Forum at a meeting in Hammersmith Town Hall. Attended the Hurlingham Clubs summer garden party as a guest of the Chairman. Welcomed Bill Browder, founder of Hermitage Capital, to the House of Commons. Bill is spearheading the campaign to seek justice for murdered Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky. Attended the Sulivan School summer fete, Fulham. Was joined for a day by Russian MP Grigory Fandeev, through the John Smith Memorial Trust. Greg is a patron of the Trust, which was set up in memory of former Labour leader, and brings up-and-coming politicians and other leaders from the ex-USSR to Britain to learn about our democratic system. Attended the summer garden party of the Queens Club Gardens Residents Association, W14. Met representatives of Goldman Sachs in Parliament to discuss issues surrounding EU regulation of financial services. Met the new headmaster of the ARK Conway Primary Academy, Damian McBeath. The new school will open in Shepherds Bush in September. Attended the St Johns Walham Green CE School summer fair. Ran a surgery for residents of Chelsea and Fulham at Fulham Town Hall. Gregs surgeries are generally every Monday, at either Fulham Town Hall or Peter Jones, Sloane Square. To make an appointment, call 020 7219 5448 or reply to this bulletin.

Website of the Week:

District Line Consultation

The consultation website for improvements to the Wimbledon Branch of the District Line. For extra rush hour trains, make sure you have your say here before 15 th July 2011.

Labour refuse to back campaign to stop Super Sewer threat Conservatives continue fight for residents

Greg Hands M.P. with Cllr Steve Hamilton supporting RATS, the Fulham campaign against the Super Sewer. In an extraordinary move this week, Labour Party Councillors in Hammersmith & Fulham refused to vote in favour of challenging Thames Water's proposals to turn Sands End into an eight year construction site. Whilst Conservative Sands End Councillors delivered speeches attacking Thames Water's proposed use of Carnwath Road as a decade long construction site, as well as pointing out the flaws in the scheme that will not solve problems of overflows or local flooding, Labour politicians seemed to act as spokesmen for Thames Water. Not only did they ask the council to support the 'Super Sewer' project in principle, to the shock of Sands End residents in the public gallery they then refused to vote to back the Conservative Administration in fighting Thames Water's plans. You can read Sands End Councillor Steve Hamilton's speech to the Council here and Cllr Ali de Lisle's here. Whilst Labour are playing politics, Greg Hands M.P. has been busy standing up for Sands End residents. This week he questioned Environment Minister Richard Benyon in the House of Commons on the ever rising cost of the Thames Tideway Tunnel scheme. Currently estimated to be 3.6 billion, the 'Super Sewer' will cost every Thames Water bill payer 65 a year. Greg was assured that the cost of any scheme to meet the European Union's instructions to Britain on the treatment of waste water was at the forefront of discussions with Thames Water. Greg, along with Hammersmith & Fulham Conservative Council has absolutely opposed to Carnwath Road being used as a construction site for Thames Water's scheme and are backing local residents action group RATS (Residents Against Thames Sewer). If you haven't already signed their petition to save Carnwath Road and the Sands End area, you can do so here:

Photo news:

Wandsworth Bridge Road Summer Fair

Greg Hands M.P. with H&F Mayor Cllr Frances Stainton, opening the Wandsworth Bridge Road summer fair.

Hands urges Fulham residents to speak up for extra Wimbledon Branch trains
As reported in this bulletin in April, Transport for London are proposing to make the morning commute for Fulham residents easier, with five extra trains on the Wimbledon Branch. The extra trains will be a welcome relief for Wimbledon Branch users, who will also see increased reliability of services, with 24 per cent more capacity on the line through the withdrawal of the underused Olympia to Earls Court service, which many commuters have tagged 'the ghost train'. The Olympia service, which accounts for 10 per cent of trains coming into Earls Court but carries only about 0.5 per cent of passengers going though the station, will still operate during the weekend and additional services will be put on if there is a major event at Olympia exhibition centre on a weekday. Richard Parry, London Underground director, said: "The District line is one of the busiest lines on the Tube network, used by over 700,000 people each day. The new timetable would provide significant reliability improvements for the whole line and in particular major benefits to customers who use the Wimbledon branch during the morning." The District line is set to be completely upgraded with new airconditioned trains from 2013 and a new signalling system goes live from 2018. In order to hears from consultation before 15 th ensure these changes come about it is vital that TfL Fulham residents in favour of the extra trains. The has been extended and you can have your say here July.

Hands joins campaigners in Downing Street to save Royal Brompton

Greg Hands M.P. with campaigners in Downing Street handing in a 35,000 strong petition to save childrens heart surgery at the Royal Brompton. Greg Hands M.P. joined children and parents who have experienced the care of the Royal Brompton in Downing Street last week to present a 35,000 strong petition to save children's heart surgery at the hospital. As the petition was handed in, Health Minister Simon Burns indicated that the Government would be taking a more flexible approach, giving hope to the campaign to keep services at the Royal Brompton. Simon Burns said: "The consultation literature specifically asks consultees for their views on how many centres it is best to have in London, two or three. "If they agree that two is optimal, they are asked to state which two they prefer, including the Royal Brompton. "Although the Royal Brompton has not been included in any of the four proposed scenarios for child surgery units, people who are taking part in the consultation process can argue its case. "The review remains flexible and open-minded as to the final number, and is happy to listen to all options." Greg said: "Royal Brompton is recognised as a centre of excellence that has pioneered many life-saving techniques. "I have been overwhelmed by the concerns raised by parents and families who cannot understand why NHS managers are proposing to destroy a world class service that has transformed many thousands of lives. "I hope that they will listen to people's concerns now." The Safe and Sustainable review consultation closes on July 1, after which a decision on the unit will be made.

Photo news:

Queens Club Gardens Summer Garden Party

Greg Hands M.P. with Mrs Erika Lang and Cllr Harry Phibbs at the Queen's Club Gardens Residents Association garden party.

Greg Hands MP speech on the anniversary of the birth of Solidarity in Poland

London, 27 th June 2011

Greg Hands M.P. addressing the Conservative Friends of Poland to celebrate the success of Solidarity, the ground-breaking independent trade union, which helped bring an end to Communism in Eastern Europe. Your Excellency, ladies and gentlemen, The first of my 10 visits to Poland was in 1985. I was on a train from East Berlin to Warsaw, and the change at the border wasnt only to swap the Mitropa wagon for a WARS wagon. It was also the change in peoples spirit. Both countries had oppressive regimes, but thanks to Solidarity and the incredible spirit of the Polish people, one couldnt help but notice the change in peoples vivacity. Truth be told, however, in 1985, nobody knew if Solidarity was, by then, simply an event in the past. We all know and we can all today give thanks that it was a big part of the future as well. When Solidarity was born, I was a teenager, and was spellbound by the events. It was part of my own political awakening. I had a Solidarnosc poster at university. It is an amazing story, which has been told just now by the Ambassador so eloquently, who lived it in Gdansk. I wont repeat it, but I will try to draw out three lasting ramifications of Solidarity. First, it was a worker-led revolution. This was, of course, contrary to the Marxist ideology that gripped the Soviet Empire, and, indeed, some people in the West. According to Marx and Engels, the workers were supposed to be on the other side, not rebelling against Communism. Second, and in a similar vein, was the vital role played by the Church and by Pope John Paul II. Again, under Marxist thinking, the Church was supposed to be part of the establishment, not the coleaders of a workers revolt. And third, we must always recognise the role of world figures like Michael Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan in the ending of the Cold War. However, Solidarity predated both of them. We must never forget that the end of the Cold War was also brought about from home-grown grassroots movements like Solidarity and Charta 77. So, Solidarity was a bottom-up, popular workers revolt, with church support precisely the opposite of what Marxist doctrine told us should be the case! I will also pay tribute at this point to my former Hammersmith constituent Giles Hart, who led the Polish Solidarity Campaign here in the UK, and who was to die tragically in the 7 th July London bombings in 2005, a victim of a different kind of tyranny. But today is not just about looking back. We should also celebrate the contribution of todays Poles in the UK. I have said this before, and I will say it again, that the Poles are Britains most-popular ever set of immigrants, and I have never, in London at least, heard a bad word said about them. UK Polish links could hardly be stronger. We work closely together in NATO, the EU and in Afghanistan. We in the Conservative Party have particularly strong links. Nor is it just links at the top. When I first visited in the 1980s there were two flights a day between London and Warsaw. Now 10 Polish cities have scheduled air links to the UK. So I look forward to the Polish presidency of the EU. I am sure that we have many items of common interest just as we did 30 years ago!

Photo news:

Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Civic Service 2011

Greg Hands M.P. at the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Civic Service, with from left to right: Dr Charles Tannock M.E.P., Mayor Cllr Julie Mills, Deputy Mayor Cllr Elizabeth Rutherford, Leader of the Council Cllr Sir Merrick Cockell and Sir Malcolm Rifkind M.P.

K&C Council partners with Bloomsbury to promote library use

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Bloomsbury Publishing Plc announced plans (Tuesday 28 June) to form a working partnership designed to promote reading and to encourage people to visit and use their local libraries. Council librarians will use their knowledge of the public's reading interests to work with the Bloomsbury team to design a series of events that will run throughout the year. The first event will be a major initiative focussed on London schools this September. This will be open to teachers and children attending any school in Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster or Hammersmith & Fulham. Librarians hope the event will encourage children to visit libraries regularly. This will be followed by a spring festival in early 2012 for which Bloomsbury will supply a wide range of authors from across their list. The festival events will be open to all and events will be held in libraries across the borough. Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, Cabinet Member for Libraries said: "Our libraries are highly valued by our residents but we don't want to rest on our laurels and want to do all we can to continue to encourage a culture of reading by getting more people to visit libraries to discuss books with their authors or listen to readings. We hope our partnership with Bloomsbury will help promote libraries and foster a love of reading." Nigel Newton, Bloomsbury Chief Executive, said: "Bloomsbury's partnership with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea arises from a call I made at a recent Reading Agency event for publishers to use their access to authors to create more library based events to bring books alive in the community. We are very keen to support UK Public Libraries. In particular, we look forward to working with the Royal Borough on this exciting partnership and we will look for others too."

Photo news:

Redcliffe Ward Summer Garden Party

Greg Hands M.P. with Cllr Frances Taylor, Cllr Marie-Therese Rossi, Justine Greening M.P. and Cllr Charles Williams at the Redcliffe Ward Conservatives summer garden party.

K&C Leader elected as chairman of the Local Government Association

Sir Merrick Cockell has been elected as Chairman of the LGA, winning a decisive victory over his rival candidate, David Parsons, the current leader of Leicestershire County Council. Sir Merrick took some 60 per cent of the votes cast by the electorate, which is made up of Conservative councillors. He takes up his new post this week. It's not the first time Sir Merrick has worn two municipal hats: between 2006 and 2010 he was chairman of London Councils, which is the association for the London boroughs. "I'm pleased and honoured to have been elected," said Sir Merrick. "Local government needs a strong voice right now and I hope a reformed LGA will be able to provide it."

Hands in Parliament:

Hands on escalating cost of Super Sewer

Thursday 30 th June 2011

Greg Hands (Chelsea and Fulham) (Con): Thames Waters chief executive said last week that the previous costing of 3.6 billion for the Thames tideway tunnel was simply an indicative 2008 price that would inevitably increase. The Minister will know that under the existing pricing, Thames Water bill payers throughout the region will each have to pay 65 per annum in perpetuity for the tunnel. Will he assure me and 142 other Members of this House that our constituents will get value for money for this project? The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Richard Benyon): I canand I am one of them. I can assure my hon. Friend that my constituents and his are absolutely in our minds. We meet weekly with officials from Ofwat and Thames Water, the issue will be discussed at the DEFRA supervisory board this afternoon and I shall meet the London boroughs and the Greater London authority next week to discuss the project. I can assure my hon. Friend that its price is foremost in our minds.

Hands in Parliament:

PM agrees with Hands on Euro stress tests

Monday 27 th June 2011 Greg Hands (Chelsea and Fulham) (Con): Does the Prime Minister agree that in the event of any breakdown in the eurozone, in assessing the potential banking liabilities in this country and abroad, by far and away the best thing we can do is ensure that there is, first, transparency in the banking system and, secondly, a proper set of stress tests in place so that we know what the potential liability for UK banks might be in future? The Prime Minister: I think my hon. Friend is entirely right. The Governor of the Bank of England spoke powerfully about this and has set out what the liabilities of British banks are in terms of Greece. We need the stress tests to be transparent, and we then need them to be acted on by making sure that those banks that need to build up their reserves do so. One of the things I wanted to secure at the European Council was to ensure that the conclusions were very tough on this, because at the same time as they are operating these stress tests and arguing for more capital to go into the banks, some European powers are trying to water down the Basel requirements. It seems to me to be completely illogical to try, on the one hand, to strengthen a banking system to withstand pressure in the eurozone, and then to start weakening it on the other. I am thankful that the conclusions are pretty clear on that point.

Hands in the papers:

Hope for Royal Brompton campaigners

Emma Heseltine, London Informer Monday 27 th June 2011 Campaigners hoping to save children's heart surgery at the Royal Brompton have been given a glimmer of hope by the government. On Friday, as they took a petition carrying 35,000 signatures to Downing Street, health minister Simon Burns said that the review of cardiac centres for youngsters would take a 'flexible approach,' despite already signalling that the unit at the Chelsea hospital would face the axe. A panel of PCTs had proposed, as part of the Safe and Sustainable Review, that only two of three units should stay open in London Great Ormond Street and the Evelina at St Thomas'. But Mr Burns told MPs in parliament: "The consultation literature specifically asks consultees for their views on how many centres it is best to have in London, two or three. "If they agree that two is optimal, they are asked to state which two they prefer, including the Royal Brompton. "Although the Royal Brompton has not been included in any of the four proposed scenarios for child surgery units, people who are taking part in the consultation process can argue its case. "The review remains flexible and open-minded as to the final number, and is happy to listen to all options." His comments came as parents and children who had used the world renowned unit, marched on Downing Street to try and save the threatened services. Trudy Nickels, from the Brompton Fountain, a charity supporting the hospital, said: "Children's heart surgery is highly complex and requires specialist expertise. "The Royal Brompton is a world class centre and its expert doctors have saved and transformed the lives of thousands of children. "Parents like me can testify to the excellence of its care. We can't begin to understand why NHS managers would want to remove this service and risk seriously undermining the availability of quality care for vulnerable children in London." Children and parents who have experienced the care of the hospital first-hand took the petition to 10 Downing Street, along with Greg Hands, MP for Chelsea, who added: "Royal Brompton is recognised as a centre of excellence that has pioneered many life-saving techniques. "I have been overwhelmed by the concerns raised by parents and families who cannot understand why NHS managers are proposing to destroy a world class service that has transformed many thousands of lives. "I hope that they will listen to people's concerns now." The Safe and Sustainable review consultation closes on July 1, after which a decision on the unit will be made.

Hands in the papers:

F1 chiefs girl must revise 56m house makeover branded botox architecture
Evening Standard Wednesday 29 th June 2011 Petra Ecclestone has been forced to rethink the design plans for her 56million Chelsea house after residents expressed their outrage at what they described as a Botox architectural makeover. The 22-year-old daughter of Formula 1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone has now withdrawn a planning application to demolish Sloane Lodge, a 19th-century property in her grounds, and then rebuild it. The 6,892 sqft building is next to Sloane House, her Grade II-listed Georgian mansion in one of Londons most expensive streets. The Chelsea Society described the work on the lodge as extensive and unwarranted and said the rebuild would create an ultra-modern interior behind faades of bland Botox neo-Georgian architecture. Miss Ecclestones planning consultants, Adrian Salt and Pang, said they were receiving guidance from the local authority on any new design. The original plan submitted said that the lodge needed to be demolished to allow trucks and construction equipment to access the property. Planning permission was given in 2009 for a major basement and sub-basement excavation for a swimming pool and gym complex, with space for a games and media room and underground parking. The original intention was then to rebuild Sloane Lodge in the same style apart from the front portico, which was to be redesigned. The withdrawal followed conversations with planners about the extent of demolition and what was likely to be required in terms of restoration in order to win planning permission. Part of the lodge will still be demolished under the original 2009 permission. Greg Hands, MP for Chelsea and Fulham and a vice-president of the Chelsea Society, said: I know that basement excavations can be very divisive in this area. Although Sloane Lodge is not listed, the council has applied the same architectural standards to it. Sloane House and Sloane Lodge are thought to have been built between 1793 and 1805. Miss Ecclestone intends to move into Sloane House with her fianc James Stunt, 28, who she will marry in August. It was bought for her by her father from Sir Anthony Bamford, the JCB tycoon, last year.

5 ways to contact Greg Hands M.P.:

By Phone: By email: By post: In person: 020 7219 5448 Greg Hands M.P. House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Greg Hands M.P.s weekly surgery

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