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Global Climate Change and Agriculture:

An Economic Perspective
Richard M. Adams
Climate change and related global concerns The above numbers take on economic sig-
dominate the current environmental agenda, nificance because such climatic changes are

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as evidenced by the recent wave of articles, expected to lead to changes in systems and
symposia, workshops, and other scientific and processes that influence human welfare. Ex-
lay forums dealing with this issue. While most amples include sea level rise caused by partial
atmospheric scientists agree that a climate melting of polar ice caps, alterations in re-
change "signal" has yet to be detected, con- gional hydrological balances, changes in
cern over potential climate change arising natural and managed ecosystems (e.g., ag-
from increasing concentrations of carbon riculture and forestry) and a range of second-
dioxide (C02 ) , methane (Ca), chlorofluoro- ary effects, such as effects on fish and wildlife
carbons (CFCs) and other "greenhouse" populations (Smith and Tirpak). Implications
gases is motivating substantial funding in- for human welfare have been drawn largely
creases for such research. Climate change is by natural/physical scientists and engineers.
thus likely to be a major research and policy Thus, the role of human adaptations, either to
issue well into the next decade. slow the rate of CO2 buildup or mitigate any
Scientific interest in climate change is not a resultant effects, has not been a central feature
recent phenomenon; research on the relation- of most of these estimates. As the "limits to
ship between CO2 , climate, and man dates growth" controversy of the early 1970s dem-
back at least to 1895 (Kellog). Despite sub- onstrates, failure to account for the role of
stantial uncertainties in our understanding of price mechanisms and other social incentives
climate change cause and effects, a scientific in altering human behavior can often result in
consensus has emerged about some aspects of misleading predictions about paths of resource
this phenomenon: CO2 and other trace gases use (Meadows et al.).
are increasing, and these increases will at Prompted by increasing calls for U.S. and
some point alter the world's climate (Schnei- international action to address climate
der, Rosenzweig 1989, Smith and Tirpak, Na- change, policy makers are focusing on strate-
tional Academy of Sciences). As reported by gies to both abate the buildup of greenhouse
Rosenzweig (this issue), forecasts of climate gases and to plan for climatic change (Lashof
change from general circulation models and Tirpak). Most strategies include long-term
(GCMs) indicate that a doubling of atmo- reductions in fossil-fuel consumption, with at-
spheric CO2 will increase global average tendant costs. Several questions then seem
temperature from 1.5 to 4.5 degrees celsius relevant in current discussions. For example,
COC), as well as alter precipitation amounts and among the problems faced by mankind, does
frequency. climate change warrant this current attention
(and research expenditures)? Are the costs of
slowing a CO2 buildup justified by the benefits
(of avoided damages)? Is there even a role for
economic analysis in view of the long time
Richard M. Adams is a professor, Department of Agricultural and horizons and the associated uncertainties in
Resource Economics, Oregon State University.
Technical Paper No. 8%6 of the Oregon Agricultural Experi- critical natural and physical science data?
ment Station. The objective of this paper is to provide an
The research described in this article has been funded in part by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through a cooperative
economic perspective on these questions, in-
agreement (CR-811965-01) with Oregon State University. It has cluding (a) an overview of contemporary eco-
not been subjected to the agency's peer and administrative review nomic thinking on some central research is-
and no official endorsement should be inferred.
The helpful comments of Emery Castle on an earlier draft of this sues surrounding climate change, and (b) an
manuscript are particularly appreciated. assessment of whether economic adjustments

Copyright 1989 American Agricultural Economics Association

Adams Climate Change and Agriculture 1273

are likely to soften or offset the negative ef- Reilly), others on conceptual issues and prob-
fects suggested by current research. The dis- lems in capturing agricultural supply response
cussion draws heavily upon a sizable and to changes in climate (Ausbell, Sonka and
growing economic literature on global climate Lamb, Smith, Crosson). Together, these stud-
change. Largely qualitative in nature, these ies provide useful insights into the types of
inquiries ably present key economic dimen- questions to be addressed and the likely out-
sions of climate change. come (direction) of specific causes and effects.
The empirical focus is on agriculture and Economic perspective on several dimensions
related resource use. Climate change effects of the climate change phenomenon are sum-
are given numerical weight with updated evi- marized below.
dence from a recent economic analysis of U. S.

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agriculture. In addition, associated resource
linkages, such as water supply and environ- The Rate of CO 2 Buildup
mental quality, are briefly reviewed. Such
quantitative information can suggest the de- Future increases in greenhouse gases will be
gree of urgency associated with implementing largely the result of man's activities. Econom-
CO2 control policies. ics, thus, has something to say about two is-
sues here: (a) the rate of atmospheric CO2
buildup and (b) the ultimate level of CO2 pro-
The Economics of Climate Change duced by that buildup. Over the past several
decades, CO2 emissions have increased about
Is there a role for economics in current climate 4% per year, while atmospheric CO2 has been
change research? Some argue the need to un- increasing at the rate of 1% to 2% per year.
derstand natural or physical processes before This has led some to expect a doubling of CO2
performing economic analyses. Even econo- within fifty years; however, fossil-fuel con-
mists question whether the standard-benefit sumption (and emissions) in developed coun-
cost analysis (BCA) framework is adequate for tries will be influenced by relative energy
this task. Despite problems in applying BCA prices, income, and other feedback mecha-
to such long-term phenomenon as climate nisms (Edmonds and Reilly; Drennen and
change, there is clearly a role for economics in Chapman). The role of the price mechanism
climate change debates, if only in introducing was demonstrated in the 1970s, when rising
the notion of what Boulding refers to as "the real-energy prices triggered conservation and
value of unseen alternatives." Even in the ab- substitute-fuels research. While economists
sence of data with which to measure correctly are not enthusiastic about command and

the costs of various policy alternatives, eco- control" regulatory policies, the prospect of
nomics provides a useful perspective in terms international agreements, such as the recent
of recognizing opportunity costs and framing Montreal Protocol on CFCs, may also provide
policy questions, thus giving guidance to the social incentives to alter consumption pat-
natural and physical scientists in data col- terns. Conversely, fossil-fuel development
lection. It is notable that some nonecono- and use is important in meeting industrializa-
mists also take this position (see, for example, tion goals in some planned and developing
Land and Schneider; Rind, Rosenzweig, and economies, such as China. Biogeochemical
Rosenzweig). Further, as evidenced by a sub- forces, such as the capacity of oceans to ab-
stantialliterature on the value of information, sorb additional CO2 , are also important. The
economic analysis of environmental change importance of economic and social incentives
need not await the resolution of all natural or on emissions is demonstrated in economic
physical science uncertainties (e.g., Adams, analyses that suggest a likely decline in CO2
Crocker, and Katz). emissions, at least temporarily, from current
While relatively few economists have partic- levels. The effect would be to push any dou-
ipated in climate change effects research, the bling of atmospheric CO2 to 2075 or later
literature contains numerous economic analy- (Reilly and Edmonds).
ses on global climate change in general and on At some point, CO2 will cease to increase.
agricultural effects and related resource issues The most commonly assumed scenario in cur-
in particular. Some focus on forecasting emis- rent policy analyses is the eventual doubling of
sions and atmospheric concentrations of CO2 atmospheric CO2 levels, from about 330 ppm
(e.g., Nordhaus and Yohe, Edmonds and to 660 ppm. Economists have challenged the
1274 December 1989 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

choice of a particular CO2 increase, inquiring Can agriculture adjust rapidly enough to
if other levels are equally likely and of greater deal with climate change? If the past is any
policy relevance (Edmonds and Reilly, Cros- indicator, agriculture has shown the ability to
son). For example, a CO2 level of 800 ppm respond to price signals or other incentives.
would be of greater concern than 400 ppm For example, the development and application
because it is unlikely that the effects (i.e., of irrigation technology has dramatically al-
damage function) of climate change will be tered the structure of agriculture since World
linear over policy-relevent ranges. Analyses of War II. Similarly, the use of hybrid com, the
the sensitivity of CO2 emissions to economic spread of soybean production, and the trans-
assumptions suggest the need to consider al- formation from animal to mechanical power
ternative atmospheric CO2 levels in future re- occurred within time frames substantially

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search (Reilly et al.). shorter than that of climate change used in
current discussions.
The Effect of CO2 on Climate
Although aggregate production may not be
Whatever the ultimate level of atmospheric an issue, the distribution of climate effects is
CO2 , climate changes are expected. Forecast- important. Regional agricultural gainers and
ing these changes in climate is an imprecise losers (both globally and nationally) are likely,
science (Schneider; Rosenzweig, this issue). given the regional differences in precipitation
While economists cannot assess the reliability in the GCMs that imply altered water balances
of such forecasts (other than to question the and agricultural comparative advantage. In
CO2 values used to perturb the models), there terms of other effects, sea level rise would also
is concern over the critical role of these pre- have distributional consequences. For exam-
dictions in economic analyses (Dudek, Adams ple, rises of one or more meters could have
et al., Crosson). As discussed subsequently, serious consequences for some poorer nations
the differences in regional precipitation pre- with sizable coastal zones, such as Indonesia
dictions across GCMs is particularly unset- or Bangladesh, but only moderate effects on
tling. Further, it has been suggested that in- some coastal communities in the United
creases in atmospheric CO2 will increase States.
rainfall variability. Resolution of differences in Other dimensions of equity are involved
expected regional rainfall amounts and dis- with climate change. Specifically, given the
tribution, including frequency of extreme long time frame of climate change, intergenera-
events such as drought, is needed, as the tional issues are unavoidable. Indeed, climate
hydrological implications of these forecasts is change may be the nexus between the welfare
critical to almost all "effects" research. of present and future generations, as fossil-
fuel combustion today implies foregone oppor-
The Effect of Climate Change on Human tunities for future generations. Conversely,
Welfare-Gainers and Losers subsequent generations typically benefit (in
the form of higher material standards of living)
Although climate changes from CO2 increases from current investments in technology, capi-
are likely, it is not evident that these changes tal stocks, and other infrastructure. Of special
will be uniformly bad in terms of human wel- importance is the future stock of environmen-
fare. For example, the conclusion of most tal (nonmaterial) wealth and growth of knowl-
economic (and plant science) commentators is edge concerning the value of that stock. The
that aggregate agricultural production (both in relative importance of nonmarketed public
the U.S. and world wide) is unlikely to be goods and other environmental commodities
seriously impaired by a global warming of the has typically increased with income, yet such
magnitudes predicted by some of the GCMs. commodities are expected to be under in-
Projections based on world food production creased pressure with climate change.
and population trends indicate that agricul-
tural productivity appears capable of meeting
demand in the presence of modest global Some Recent Quantitative Evidence from
warming (Crosson). Plant scientists believe U.S. Agriculture
that for some regions, the CO2 "fertilizer ef-
feet" may actually increase agricultural pro- Quantitative analyses are useful to test the
ductivity over what it would be in the absence importance of qualitative assertions, as well as
of climate change (Peart et al.). to establish the significance of an effect. In-
Adams Climate Change and Agriculture 1275

formation on the prospective economic costs under rainfed conditions and year-to-year
of climate change and the sensitivity of those variability of irrigated yields is also lower.
estimates to specific data uncertainties can as- When the fertilizer effects of increased CO2
sist in the planning process and also serve to are simulated along with climate change, yield
inform the public as to the potential magnitude reductions are mitigated and, in some cases,
of the problem. increase over the baseline (for GISS). In all
Several analyses have estimated the eco- scenarios, crop yields in northern latitudes are
nomic costs (damages) to agriculture from affected less than more southerly areas of the
climate change (d' Arge, Kokoski and Smith, United States.
Dudek, Adams et al.). The procedures, geo-
graphical coverage, climate change assump- Crop Water Use and Regional Water

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tions, and data bases used in each study differ, Availability
hence the numbers are not strictly compara-
ble. For this discussion, some revised results In addition to altering crop yields, changes in
are used from a preliminary analysis of climate temperature and precipitation affect crop
change effects on U.S. agriculture (Adams water requirements for irrigation. In a depar-
et al.). General findings are evaluated in the ture from Adams et al., changes in crop water
context of the qualitative implications dis- requirements are obtained from the CERES
cussed above. Details of the study, including crop simulations. Specifically, crop evapo-
important assumptions and limitations, are transpiration under alternative climate and
presented in Adams et al. CO2 levels is used to develop crop irrigation
requirements for com, wheat, and soybeans.
Procedure and Crop Yield Data Depending on crop and region, water require-
ments are expected to increase substantially.
Representative regional changes in crop water
The climate change forecasts used here are
from the NASA/Goddard Institute of Space use for irrigated crops are provided in table 2.
Science (GISS) model and the Princeton Climate change will influence snow pack,
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory groundwater recharge, stream flow, and other
(GFDL) model and reflect a doubling of at- factors involved with water supply. This, in
mospheric CO2 (Rosenzweig, this issue). tum, will affect available irrigation water (both
These forecasts reflect changes in regional ground and surface sources). Changes in
temperature and rainfall from historical cli- ground and surface water availability are esti-
mate data for the period 1951-80. Crop simu- mated using a hydrologic mass-balance ap-
lation models are then used to project the ef- proach that reflects the interactions of evap-
fects of such climatic changes on yields of oration, rainfall, and temperature forecasts
irrigated and rainfed cultivars of wheat, com, from the GCMs. For example, if a region cur-
and soybeans (Rosenzweig, Peart et al.). Two rently has greater rainfall than evaporation,
sets of crop yield projections are generated for the same percentage increase in evaporation
each GCM; one set reflects changes in climatic and precipitation could increase the differen-
conditions only, the second includes climate tial, suggesting a potential increase in runoff.
changes and the effects of increased concen-
trations of CO2 on photosynthesis and water The Economic Model
use efficiency, i.e., a CO2 "fertilizer effect."
Representative yield projections for rainfed The final step involves adjustments in the pa-
com and soybeans are presented in table 1. rameters of an economic model of the U. S.
The average yield change projected across agricultural sector to reflect the physical ef-
wheat, com, and soybeans in a region was fects of climate change described above. As
assumed to equal the yield sensitivity of other described elsewhere, the model simulates the
crops in that region (cotton, hay, other grains). effects of changes in agricultural demand, re-
As is evident from the table, the forecast cli- source usage, or resource availability in terms
mate conditions suggest reduced yields, with of agricultural prices, quantities produced,
projected yield reductions under GISS climate consumers' and producers' welfare, exports,
projections for rainfed crops being substan- imports, and food processing (Cheng and
tially less than reductions under GFDL. Yield McCarl). Included are production, processing,
reductions are much less under irrigation than domestic consumption, imports, exports, and
1276 December 1989 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

T~ble 1. Projected Regional Dryland Crop Yield Changes for Corn and Soybeans, with and
without CO2 Growth Effects (% change in yield)

GISS Model GDFL Model

Com Soybeans Com Soybeans

Region w/o CO2 w/C02 w/o CO2 w/C02 w/o CO2 w/C02 w/o CO2 w/C02

Lake States -2.2 42.0 -35.7 42.0 -56.8 -12.7 -54.1 7.8
Com Belt -24.1 15.3 -26.8 35.2 -51.4 -12.3 -55.8 -3.7
Northern Plains -31.4 20.0 -26.0 44.2 -71.5 -19.2 -55.8 1.4
Southeast -70.9 -2.1 -42.6 9.7 -66.1 2.1 -72.4 -22.2

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Delta -32.0 -0.5 -68.0 -12.5 --59.0 13.2 -79.7 -35.7
Southern Plains 14.1 28.7 -45.4 3.1 -20.5 -8.3 -68.2 -31.6
Source: Rosenzweig; Peart et at.

input procurement activities, working from a analysis suggests some widely divergent ef-
set of budgets (both irrigated and rainfed pro- fects. Table 3 captures some of these differ-
duction) for forty-two crop and livestock ences in the form of Fisher price and quantity
commodities. For production purposes, the indices and total economic surplus changes for
U.S. is disaggregated into sixty-four geograph- each analysis. Depending on one's risk prefer-
ical subregions. Each region possesses differ- ences, the results could suggest distinctly dif-
ent endowments of land, labor, and water, as ferent policy responses. It is thus useful to
well as crop yields. The input of particular explore the plausibility of each analysis.
importance in this assessment is water, which Although it is not possible to assign prob-
is disaggregated into surface and groundwater abilities to individual GCM forecasts, plant
sources. Surface water is available for a con- scientists generally believe that those analyses
stant price, but the amount of groundwater is which incorporate CO2 fertilizer effects with
provided according to a supply schedule climate change are the mos1t plausible. These
where increasing amounts of water are avail- two analyses (GISS + FE and GFDL + FE),
able for higher prices. give rise to somewhat different expectations
Adjustments in modeled crop yields, irri- regarding U.S. food production capacity. For
gated crop water requirements and irrigation example, under GFDL + FE, annual crop
water availability are made according to each production would be about 80% of the base
climate change scenario. Separate model solu- case, with a corresponding increase in com-
tions are then generated under these adjust- modity prices of about 300/0. This translates
ments and compared to a base case or "no into an annualized economic surplus loss of
climate change" scenario. A major issue is the about $10.5 billion (1982). Conversely, the
treatment of technological change, resource GISS combined analysis shows an increase in
availability, and product demand. Given that a total food production of about 10%, with an
doubling of atmospheric CO2 levels is pro- overall food price reduction. This leads to a
jected to take fifty years or longer, projecting net gain in welfare of approximately $9.9 bil-
future yields (in the absence of climate lion.
change) and commodity demands is a specula- In view of the diffuse priors associated with
tive exercise. Consequently, 1981-83 eco- the GCM forecasts, the economic conse-
nomic and agronomic conditions are used to quences of the GFDL seem particularly rele-
provide a consistent set of baseline data for vant for policy discussion. Specifically, does a
the analysis. Alternative demand (based on reduction in aggregate food production of the
population growth) and technology scenarios amount portrayed under GFDL threaten
are examined to partially explore the sensitiv- domestic food security? Some perspective can
ity of the assessment to some types of dy- be gained by looking at historical U.S. produc-
namic adjustments. tion. Specifically, for the period 1950-55, the
U.S. per capita production of these commod-
Results ities was actually less than what it would be
after the changes in yields and water availabil-
Given the range of climate forecasts used ity implied by either GFDL case under a
here, it is not surprising that the economic doubling of CO2 , Substantial reductions occur
Adams Climate Change and Agriculture 1277

Table 2. Average Change in Water Use for Irrigated Crops (% change)


Without CO2 Growth Effects With CO2 Growth Effects

Southeast 34 169 25 162

Delta 31 76 28 70
Com Belt 11 70 -5 5
Lake States 17 50 -15 38
Southern Plains 22 40 12 3
Source: Rosenzweig; Peart et al.

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in exports in both cases, but the true trade yields under the predicted climate conditions,
implications are not addressed here, given that model solutions show an increase in irrigated
changes in agricultural production in the rest acreage; however, for most regions, the crop
of the world are ignored. Sensitivity analyses models imply sharp increases in irrigation re-
of population and technological change did not quirements (because of increased crop evapo-
dramatically alter the results (allowing for transpiration), placing greater pressure on sur-
technology in the form of increased yields face and ground water sources. The rise in
offsets more of these climate effects, whereas commodity prices in some analyses (GFDL)
increased demand exacerbates the losses). increases the feasibility of overdrafting of
Most qualitative evidence indicates poten- groundwater, even in the face of rising pump-
tial gainers and losers, as regional comparative ing costs. The GeMs, however, provide little
advantage changes in response to regional confidence in the area of regional precipitation
changes in climate. The empirical analyses and runoff (either surface or deep percola-
bears this out (within the constraints imposed tion). Hence the sustainability of an increase
by a spatial equilibrium model). Specifically, in irrigated acreage is uncertain.
acreage is reduced in regions in the more In addition to linkages between water sup-
southerly latitudes, such as the Southeast or ply and agriculture, climate change affects
Delta, while some expansion is observed in other physical and biological resources. Soil
the Great Lakes and Northern Plains. These erosion from expansion of agriculture in
shifts are driven by the yield forecasts and northern regions may increase (Rosenzweig).
resource (water) availability associated with Water quality may also be affected by in-
each climate change scenario. Shifts in acre- creased irrigation. Fish and wildlife resources
age imply gains and losses across rural com- are expected to be dramatically altered by cli-
munities in the United States. mate change, even in the absence of structural
As expected, potential adverse etfects of changes in agriculture (Breckenridge et al.).
climate change are partially mitigated by input With increasing demand for water (from ag-
and output adjustments. One mitigation pro- riculture or other uses) fishery habitat in many
cedure is irrigation. Because crops grown regions is likely to be reduced. Unlike agricul-
under irrigation maintain or even increase tural effects, the natural science evidence for

Table 3. Economic Surplus and Fisher Price and Quantity Indices for Climate Change Scenarios
(Base = 1.00)
Livestock Change in
Field Crops" Commodities" Economic
Quantity ($ billion)
Climate Model Price ----~. __ . _ - - - -Price

GISS 1.18 .90 1.02 .99 -6.5

GISS + FE .82 1.10 .84 1.06 +9.9
GFDL 2.09 .61 1.35 .88 -35.9
GFDL + FE 1.28 .81 1.07 .98 -10.5

a Field crops include com, wheat, soybeans, sorghum, cotton, oats, hay (alfalfa and grass hays), and silage.
b Livestock commodities include milk products, beef, pork, and poultry.
1278 December 1989 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

North America indicates few wildlife gains such as sea level rise. Finally, potential ir-
(the few identified gains are to some polar reversibility of some effects, such as losses in
breeding bird species). Globally, wildlife pop- biodiversity and the uncertainties in current
ulations will be influenced by shifts in habitat scientific understanding of the climate change
and the property rights that exist in those new phenomenon imply adoption of Ciriacy-
environs (Batie and Shugart). While these Wantrup's "safe minimum standard" ap-
wildlife assessments are speculative, it is proach with respect to ultimate CO2 levels.
doubtful that technology or other human adap- Given uncertainties about where and when
tations will have much good news in the way climate change will occur and what the effects
of mitigation for natural ecological conse- may be, reduction in greenhouse gas emis-
quences. Perhaps rising real income or rising sions over the next few decades is insurance to

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prices for wildlife-based recreation will gener- buy additional time to resolve these issues
ate investments in wildlife habitat, but the evi- and, hence, determine what constitutes a
dence of the last decade on many migratory "safe" level. A reduction in CO2 emissions
and fugitive species is not encouraging. also represents a reasonable concession to the
welfare of future generations, whose interests
are likely to be circumscribed by climate
Policy Implications: A Need for CO2 change.

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