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Meripa Weir’s Testimony in Support of Maua Faleauto’s Award Of The Doctor of Philosophy by
the Social Justice University.


Maua Faleauto was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) in Indigenous Studies by the
Social Justice University on the 9 of January 2020. I supported the nomination of Maua Faleauto

when I was approached by Professor Pei Eric George. I thank God that Maua has been recognised
officially for his activism and advocacy of the rights of Samoans to their customary lands. In
honouring Maua’s relentless service to the people of Samoa over the past fourteen years and
continuing, I submit my own statement of testimony in honour of this outstanding hardworking
researcher and fearless Samoan of the Twenty-First Century. Congratulations Maua! My prayer is
that future Samoans, living or yet born, will find in your writings, radio podcasts, YOU tube videos
and other forms of communications that you utilise, an appreciation of a record of their ancestors’
fight for their lands in a neo-colonial era where internal colonialism coupled with a modern
colonisation is practised.

Samoa - My Place of Birth.

The most specific organisation I am affiliated with in relation to Maua Faleauto’s activism and
relentless service to the people of Samoa is the Samoan Society of Samoans living in and outside
of their Pacific Island nation called Samoa. In the early 1970’s, my late father, Reverend Vavae Toma
(1915 – 2004), explained to an anthropologist on fieldwork in Samoa from U.S.A. that there are
three forms of government that influence the lives of the people in Samoan Society. First, the
traditional government, characterised by the Matai System (chiefly system) where chiefs appointed
by their aiga potopoto (extended family) serve the aiga potopoto at village and district levels. Both
institutions in action are the implementers of the Fa’aSamoa (the Samoan way of life that sustains
customs and traditions, including being custodians of their customary lands and customary roots or
fa’asinomaga). The second form of government is the collective Church, made up of mainstream
denominations being the London Missionary Society (L.M.S.) brought to Samoa by missionaries from
Europe in 1830, known today as the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (C.C.C.S.) or the
Ekalesia Fa’apotopotoga Kerisiano Samoa ( E.F.K.S), the Methodist Church, Roman Catholic Church,
the Latter Day Saints (L.D.S.) and numerous other churches that entered Samoa during the 19th,
20th and 21st centuries. Before the arrival of the European Christian Missionaries, Samoans
worshipped many forms of gods as well as their traditional god Tagaloalagi featured in many
Samoan legends. The third form of government is the Westminster and constitutional democratic
type of government established when Western Samoa achieved independence as a sovereign nation
in 1962. Later in 1990 ‘Western’ was dropped and the sovereign state became the’ Independent
State of Samoa’. I was the translator when the American anthropologist visited and interviewed my
parents. When my father passed in 2004, Samoa was preparing for her 42 Independence

Anniversary and the political party in government was the Human Rights Protection Party (H.R.P.P.)
under the leadership of Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr Sailele Malielegaoi. The HRPP at this stage had
been the ruling political regime since 1982. At the 2016 general elections, the HRPP government was
returned with a majority and without an Opposition in Samoa’s parliament. The next general
election( every five years) in Samoa is due to be held in 2021. The mode of voting is universal
suffrage introduced in the 1990s after over twenty years of voting using a matai franchise that
caused the splitting of matai titles for elections. To be a Member of Samoa’s Parliament, one must

hold a Matai title. There are fifty seats in Samoa’s Parliament; five are reserved for women. I
personally would prefer 50 per cent of the seats to be held by women.

Maua Faleauto and the Organisation for Samoans called ’ Samoa Solidarity International Group’

In August 2018, an association of Samoans (local and overseas) known as Samoa Solidarity
International Group (SSIG) filed a legal challenge against the H.R.P.P. government over the
introduction of controversial legislation, the Land Titles Registration Act 2008 (L.T.R.A.2008) claimed
by S.S.I.G. to be unconstitutional, which introduced a foreign land tenure system that alienates the
rights of Samoans to their customary lands. S.S.I.G. wants the legislation repealed and the customary
lands returned to their Samoan owners that include the sulis (descendants) of aiga potopoto
(extended family) regardless of where they reside, as predetermined by their Fa’aSamoa. The legal
challenge is ongoing as of this month, January 2020. I agree and support the repeal of the LTRA2008
as the main mission of the SSIG. Maua Faleauto was one of the founders of SSIG and he wrote on a
Facebook post on 18/10/2018:-

“ We see that LTRA was used to register as much land as possible in Samoa Land Corp. Ltd., the
private company. This includes WESTEC and all land not occupied including the inner core of Savaii
and Upolu – measure amounts of Samoa perhaps 50% as well as public trust lands dishonestly
withheld. “

In other words, Maua Faleauto’s call to Samoans reveals a Samoan Society experiencing tension
under the three forms of government as described by my late father. In fact, by January 2019, the
EFKS had also filed a court challenge against the HRPP government, because the new tax policy of
the HRPP government was directing all pastors of churches to pay taxes to the government. The
EFKS pastors have been exempted from paying taxes since 1830. In fact, as Maua Faleauto’s
persistent activism to wake up Samoans reveal, both the traditional government and the Church
were and are being dictated to by the HRPP Westminster constitutional democratic government
under the leadership of Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr Sailele Malielegaoi. Maua Faleauto’s writings
also reveal that ”secrecy” characterises the norm of the HRPP political practice. As Maua Faleauto
says in a post on Facebook 14 October 2019 where he lists the reasons why the customary lands
were taken. Maua Faleauto says: “... Future generations will ask how so much of Samoa’s customary
land was taken from the Alga of Samoa so quickly between 2008 – 2020...” “secrecy” was on top of
his list.

My Brief Background.

I was 13 years old when Western Samoa celebrated her independence in 1962. I witnessed and
experienced living under the three forms of governance as described by my late father. My marriage
to a non-Samoan landed myself and young family in Australia in 1979 where I have been residing
and still reside and experience the sense of belonging by birth to my extended family in the Samoan
villages of Sato’alepai, Sapapali’i, Fasito’outa, Moata’a, Vaivasetai and Vaivaseuta. Before retiring
from 40 years of Nursing, I completed a BA degree in Government (University of Queensland 1999)
and an MA degree in International Relations (Deakin University 2009). My ongoing interest and
curiosity about my country of birth, and a deep connection and knowledge about my heritage
learned from my parents, family, and Samoan Society, drove my continuing search for knowledge
and understanding and hence became familiar with the writings of numerous Samoan academics
and scholars; only a few are mentioned that I regularly refer to; They are:- Tuiatua Dr Tupua

Tamasese Efi (a Former Head of State, former Prime Minister of Samoa, and former Leader in
Opposition government), Professor Albert Wendt, Dr Meleisea Malama, Professor Asofou So’o, the
late Asiata Dr Saleimoa Vaai, Dr Iati Iati, Dr Morgan Tuimaleali’ifano, the late Rev Dr Lalomilo Kamu,
Rev. Dr Upolu Luma Vaai, Dr Tamasailau Sualii Sauni, the late Aiono Dr Fanaafi Maiai Le Tagaloa and
many others. Over the last decade and several years to the present, Maua Faleauto (now Dr Maua
Faleauto) joined my academic resources with his legal expertise and extensive writings on the land
issue in Samoa As I volunteered to translate in the Samoan language for Maua, I came to know
Maua Faleauto’s work and ongoing service for Samoa since early 2009. Please refer APPENDIX 1 for
the list of topics of Maua Faleauto’s writings that I translated, and APPENDIX 2 for other authors
work sent to me by Maua Faleauto for Samoan translation.

Maua Faleauto’s activism for Samoa before 2008.

It was in my researching for more understanding of the LTRA 2008 that I discovered the New
Zealand based activist and advocate, former lawyer, Maua Faleauto, who had established
connections with Samoans online and was discussing Samoan issues online before the threat of the
LTRA2008 surfaced. I read many of Faleauto’s articles in Samoan newspapers specifically the Samoa
Observer, and on his Facebook blog - responding to HRPP government policy on issues affecting
peoples’ rights. Maua Faleauto was quick to see the need for Samoans to know their rights according
to the Constitution of Samoa. A Facebook group was formed by Maua to inform about the Samoa
Constitution and the relevance to Samoans. Faleauto’s brilliant legal mind gained from many years
of experience as a barrister/ legal counsel was obvious in many of his writings. Faleauto posted his
writings on Facebook groups where the readers were Samoans and non-Samoans, living abroad as
well as in Samoa. Two popular Facebook groups that Maua Faleauto posted his writings and still
do, today (January 2020) are the’ Palemene o Samoa’ (P.O.S.) and’ Samoa Speaks’ (SS). Later, Maua
created and administered many more Facebook groups to disseminate information thus
implementing his mission for Samoa. I also discovered one of the early online forums created and
administered by Maua, or the “Talofa lava” forum. I recognize many Samoans on that forum
discussing a variety of issues on Samoa. When the LTRA 2008 surfaced on Facebook forums, Maua
Faleauto joined in discussions, and it was from his regular posts on these forums that I came to learn
from his writings. I know that Facebook is looked upon as a source of “fake” news but according to
Maua Faleauto and I agree, “ Facebook Groups can be compared to a va’a Samoa (a Samoan
canoe), or transport that carries you from one place to the other ... and for Samoans well versed
with their Fa’aSamoa, an internal concept, communications on Facebook or their va’a Samoa carries
them from one place to the other.” (Faleauto’s post on Facebook 16/09/2017 recaptured

Maua Faleauto’s activism from 2008 to 2019.

As Maua Faleauto’s Samoan translator, I witnessed daily writings by Maua Faleauto which he
distributed online to the Samoan diaspora and to Samoans in Samoa via social media and
newspapers in Samoa and outside of Samoa. Maua Faleauto’s writings were informative of the
controversial legislation(LTRA2008) passed in parliament in 2008 without the consent of the
landowners via a referendum according to s109 of the Constitution of Samoa. Maua Faleauto’s
writings online are responsible for raising the consciousness of many Samoans about the
controversial LTRA2008. As a result, more and more Samoans are informed and many became
patriots themselves and named their source of knowledge as Maua Faleauto. At the same time,

there are many visible defenders of the HRPP Government of Prime Minister Dr Tuilaepa Sailele
Malielegaoi. But the silence of many more Samoans on the land issue and the LTRA2008 was and is a
factor that Maua Faleauto’s persistence with his mission took into consideration. As Faleauto points
out himself in his Mission (Facebook post to Political Justice Group 26 March 2018), “... My focus is
on defending Samoa, the land of our ancestors. You can tear away at me and tell the world what a
terrible person I am. You can refer to Original Sin and call me corrupt if you want. All that I know is
that I heard the call from our ancestors to save our land and so for more than ten years I have
struggled every day to use the talents God gave me to resist the evil theft of our customary land by
the Human Rights Protection Party and the Asian Development Bank....” - The more the HRPP
government via their leader continues to claim that the customary lands of the Samoans are not
affected by the LTRA2008, the more Maua Faleauto advances his activism on Facebook - on his
Radio podcasts Voice of Samoa, on radio in New Zealand and Australia as he accepted invitations to
be interviewed and answer questions from the Samoan public. I attended a meeting of Samoans
held in Brisbane in late 2017, where Maua Faleauto was the guest speaker via teleconference. Maua
Faleauto’s activism was further demonstrated clearly when in February 2018, he attended a 3 - Day
Conference in Auckland hosted by the Auckland University. In front of an audience of academics,
from the university community (Samoans and non-Samoans), legal senior experts, and invited guest
speakers from the Samoan Government and Samoan Civil Society, including the Former Head of
State of Samoa, Maua Faleauto delivered an “off the cuff” speech that motivated the Former Head
of State Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi to admit that he was forced to sign the LTRA2008 after refusing
three times to assent to the Bill. The admission by the Former Head of State had come at a time
when many Samoans themselves had put the blame squarely on the Former Head of State and were
in the dark as to why the Former Head of State did not follow his orders as per the constitution of
Samoa. Maua’s activism at the Auckland conference will surely be noted by future generations as
they seek to find the actions of activists in support of Samoa’s customary landowners.

Maua Faleauto’s Support and Contributions to the Samoa Solidarity International Group (SSIG).

In December 2017, almost ten (10) years after the controversial LTRA2008 was passed by the HRPP
Parliament, the founders of the Samoa International Group(S.S.I.G.) and supporters marched
through the town of Apia declaring that the LTRA 2008 was alienating the traditional rights of
Samoan landowners and their descendants. Later in the following year 2018, another peaceful
march was held in Savaii, prompting the attention of more Samoans to their land issue. As one of
the founders of Samoa Solidarity International Group (S.S.I.G.), Maua Faleauto himself became
global President of SSIG for a short time but he resigned to be free to continue his activism, as his
mission is to reach all Samoans as well as those under the umbrella of Samoa International
Solidarity Group (SSIG). After the executives of SSIG appointed the Sapolu Law Firm of Samoa, to
represent SSIG in their Court Challenge, the executives also made a positive decision to include
Maua Faleauto on their legal team of lawyers. It was a positive decision in that I believe Maua’s role
in informing and educating Samoans about the intricacies of court processes (as part of his personal
mission) was indeed very useful to many of us, non-lawyers. Samoans under the SSIG banner, want
the Land Titles Registration Act 2008 (LTRA2008) repealed. This is the main reason for the SSIG legal
challenge against the HRPP Government filed in August 2018. As a member of my extended families
in Samoa, I support the repeal of the LTRA2008. I also saw (as an independent patriot and SSIG
supporter) that the LTRA 2008 was causing the alienation of the rights of Samoans to their
customary lands as confirmed by one of the judges of the Supreme Court of Samoa in her “Lefaga
Decision” of 4 December 2018 (distributed widely to Facebook forums in both English and Samoan

by Maua Faleauto). As there is yet no clear outcome of the SSIG court case to date ( January
2020), Maua Faleauto’s continued Facebook postings and writings, as well as radio podcasts (145

episodes by December 2019 on Maua Faleauto’s’ Voice of Samoa’), are helpful for Samoans wanting
to be more informed and are hungry for updates on the SSIG court case but Maua Faleauto’s
writings challenge Samoans posing questions as to whether a court battle is the answer to the land
issue or could it be the ability of Samoans to organise and bring themselves together on an even
larger scale, to claim their courts, their customary lands, or their parliament from the one-party
State and foreign allies? Maua Faleauto’s legal mind provides Samoans with ongoing explanations
of the intricacies of court processes and decisions as in his explanation of the ‘ratio
decidendi’(reasoning) of the Supreme Court Judge’s Decision on the Lefaga Case delivered on the 4 th

of December 2018 ( Faleauto’s Facebook post 30 January 2019). “...They said leasing does not
alienate, now their very own Judge says that it does...” We, non-lawyers - need many more
explanations as to how and why decisions in court are made.

Maua Faleauto Supports All patriots and Acknowledges Their Work.

It is no secret that Maua Faleauto’s mission for Samoa includes providing support and
encouragement to Samoans who freely share their views on the changing situation in Samoan
society, or giving examples of how the HRPP government is not performing as a constitutional
democratic Westminster government as it was meant to be since Samoa’s Independence as a
sovereign nation in 1962. All patriots and their work are acknowledged by Maua Faleauto on his
radio podcast ‘Voice of Samoa’ (145 episodes to December 2019). Two of these patriots are on
remand in Samoa’s correctional system and treated as political prisoners awaiting court cases and
release to their respective families. One of the two patriots travelled to Samoa to attend his
mother’s funeral from overseas, was captured, and almost did not make it to his mother’s funeral,
and is still locked up awaiting the result of his ongoing court case. Another patriot, who claimed his
knowledge and understanding was achieved reading Faleauto’s writings, was motivated enough to
conduct his own protest when officials from Samoa visited his overseas State. This patriot was
arrested on a visit to Samoa but he managed to win his court case and returned to his overseas
home. From my own observations, there are more patriots residing in Samoa, witnessing many
changes that are undemocratic. Some are not silenced by HRPP and their leader’s fear tactics, others
remain silent. Maua Faleauto acknowledges the contributions by many patriots - in his writings or on
his Voice of Samoa radio podcasts. In 1994, the first Auditor-General and Controller for the
Independent State of Samoa, released his report to the Samoa Parliament which identified
corruption at the highest level of the HRPP government. The Constitution of Samoa prescribed a “for
life” term for the Auditor General and Controller’s position, but a Constitutional amendment and a
Commission of Inquiry investigation resulted in a three-year contract and Cabinet appointed
position, which was turned down by the incumbent. Transparency International later acknowledged
the honest intentions and attempts by the incumbent to correct undemocratic practices by the
government. Maua Faleauto refers regularly to and shares this Transparency International story to
inform Samoans around the world. In 2014, a group of four Matai (Samoan Chiefs) complained to
the Asia Development Bank (ADB) about the lack of consultation with the Samoan landowners in the
implementation of their agreed-to- plan with the HRPP government of Samoa. In the end, because
the four Matai would not back down, and Maua Faleauto followed closely the Matai’s case -
Samoans learn from Maua’s Facebook posts related to the Matai’s /complainants ADB case. He
revealed a more truthful outcome than expected:-

“... Can the ADB made up of 67 countries continue to hide behind China and continue to smile and
lie at our faces while stealing our customary lands and making small donations to keep the simple-
minded happy? DOC R 60-16 SAM – Eligibility Report 19 August, clearly states that both the ADB

and HRPP government working together acted without consulting the people of Samoa to damage
the land rights of the traditional customary landowners. In a properly functioning Democracy, those
laws would be reversed and the public crimes against the people punished...”( Maua Faleauto’s
Facebook post to the Political Justice Group titled ‘Justice for Sogi’ – 19 November 2019)

Maua Faleauto’s Activism Independent Of The Samoa Solidarity International Group(SSIG).

When Maua Faleauto’s posts on Facebook became very critical of the SSIG’s court case it was a clear
sign that he was not going to be bogged down waiting to be informed on the usual order of things
on the SSIG legal team. Maua Faleauto had a mission to achieve and could see many obstacles
preventing the SSIG court case from achieving repeal of the LTRA2008. In his Facebook post to the
forum Political Justice on 23 November 2019, Maua writes:-

“... Samoa’s career judges and lawyers have their own loyalties and need to examine their souls and
ask why they are standing aside and betray the people of Samoa. Recently in court [one of the court
judges] held that the Former Head of State and the ADB have immunity from prosecution in Samoa.
No evidence was called by Samoa’s legal team challenging the LTRA2008 to establish the principle
that immunities can only apply if the public official or organisation acted properly and within the
scope of their powers. They could have tabled DOC R 60 – 16 SAM – Eligibility Report 19 August
before the court. After all it is a public document and its findings an admission by ADB of bad and
dishonest behaviour. This is a tort or public crime called ‘abuse of public office’. As the LTRA2008
was forced upon the people without our consent, the P.M. Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Dr Malie Le Gaoi and the
Former Head of State, Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi, and other public officials, should rightly be
prosecuted for this public crime...”

I believe that Maua Faleauto’s astute legal mind is an asset to all Samoans who want the truth.
Maua’s mission is to help Samoans learn about the truth in order to save their customary lands. In a
recent radio podcast on his new 2020, Maua Faleauto’s answer to a question
from a keen Samoan really wanting Samoans to do something is that “They must be angry enough”
and I think I do agree with Maua Faleauto. We are yet to see Samoans angry enough to occupy the
PM’s office, their courts, their government officials/ MP’s offices, their parliament or even their
village councils meeting place. In Maua Faleauto’s words, - “...only when the people themselves
crowd the courts or their parliament, occupy the offices of the defendants, will there be real change
...” ( Maua Faleauto Facebook post 28 April 2018)


Looking around the world, where independent investigative journalism is able to function
effectively in the pursuit of the truth, effecting the restoration of democratic principles, and the
human rights of people in the face of corrupt leaders and gross lack of accountability and
transparency in political governance, it is obvious that indigenous peoples and their communities are
forced out of their homelands and are deprived of their natural resources by their corrupt leaders
working hand- in- hand with foreign investors and foreign banks. In their protests, they are killed as
a result. Their courage despite being denied their human rights and being threatened - are the most
admirable and honourable gift to advance human societies in today’s global world characterised by

conflicts between the powers that be (1percent) and the rest of society (99 per cent). Fortunately
in modern societies there exist legally trained patriots, activists or whistle-blowers, who can help
indigenous communities to fight their cases. I believe that Maua Faleauto is such an activist and he
deserves the recognition awarded him on the 9 of January 2020. God bless Dr Maua Faleauto.

APPENDIX 1 - List of Maua Faleauto’s Topics of his Writings sent to me for translation.

1. Middlemania: Where to from here? Tulouna ‘Oe Tumua...Mamalu mai ‘Oulua Tama a le
Manu’a. ( Acknowledging or saluting particular traditional powers of historical Samoa).
2. I want All Samoans To Know That Our Constitution Is Our Supreme Law In Samoa.
3. Will Samoa Resist Conquest or Fall Like The Aborigines, The Apache and The Maori?
4. Unquestioning Obedience Creates A Race of Slaves.
5. Look Back To Our Ancestors Who Loved and Owned The Land.
6. In Every Family There Are Children of Different Heights and Of Different Strengths.
7. Once The Land Is Gone.... Sayonara.
8. The Human Rights Protection Party Are Being Manipulated as Easily as They Manipulate
9. No More Mr Nice Guy.
10. Political Scandal In Samoa 2008 – 2012.
11. Modern Samoa: A Hell On Earth.
12. Why We Criticize Our Government.
13. Unacceptable Social Engineering.
14. Remember the HRPP Constitution Of 1984?
15. Why Are Poor Countries Poor?
16. Small Words And Evasive Silence.
17. Accept No Government Unless It Will Feed All Its Citizens.
18. Born Free Not Into Slavery – A Declaration Of Independence.
19. Two Visions For Samoa: Life or Death?
20. The Unholy Alliance of Church & State of Samoa.
21. Arrow To The Heart.
22. Understanding Why The Land Titles Registration Act 2008 is Unlawful, Unconstitutional And
In Breach of The Human Rights of Aiga as Families and Individuals.
23. How Section 32 of The Land Titles Act 2008 Steals The Customary Land From All Aiga
Members Alive And Gives To The HRPP Government and Why the HRPP and ADB Won’t Talk
About It At All.
24. The Python and The Ox.
25. O le PALEMIA OLP – Who is she/he?
26. Manifesto of the Constitutional Aiga Party of Samoa.
27. A.G. Admits Customary Land Leases Under Legal Threat by Freehold Land Laws.
28. Maua’s Response to Su’a Hellene Wallwork – 100% Wrong to Say, “ No Customary Land Has
Been Lost as A Direct Result of LTRA2008.”
29. My Personal Mission and Vision for Samoa For All Samoans To Know.
30. I asked The Ancestors.
31. Don’t Listen To Maua Faleauto.
32. I asked The Unborn.
33. Desiderius Erasmus (1460 – 1536).
34. John Salisbury.
35. It works Like This.
36. Bossy Thieving HRPP Robots.
37. Samoa’s P.M. an Evil Man.

38. Pass Me Your Whip Brown Jesus.

39. Savali Newspaper said that I have an Axe to Grind.
40. When Two Cultures Meet the Choice Genocide or Partnership?
41. Stealing From Samoans using Foreign Laws and Financial Planning.
42. On a Lawless Frontier.
43. Under the Mat.
44. Samoa In A Storm.
45. When the Land Is Gone.
46. Hidden Wealth Stinks And We Can All Smell It.
47. Look Back To Our Ancestors Who Loved And Owned This Land.
48. Hear Me O I.M.F.
49. If theft by Corruption Is Okay Then Why Isn’t Robbery By Arms Okay?
50. Is It Acceptable To Samoans That a Few Samoans Own All The Land And Traditional
Resources Of Our People?
51. Humpty Dumpty , mother Goose and Alice on Wonderland.
52. Is it safe to Disagree Publicly With Dictator Tuilaepa?
53. Is It Too Much To Ask For A Belly For Every Person Every Day In Our beloved Country?
54. Is it Time To Stand Up for Our Birth rights?
55. The Declaration of Samoan Rights Notified To UN and The Head of State of Samoa.
56. Thanks To The P.M. for His Kind Invitation.
57. Notice to Parliament By The People of Samoa Connected Globally as Samoa Solidarity
International Group (SSIG) Presented Today 19 Day December 2017.

58. Can a Court Battle Protect Our Customary Lands or Is It a Waste of Time ?

APPENDIX 2 - List of Documents Authored By Others Sent To Me By Maua Faleauto for Samoan
Translation. ( Disseminated on Line by Maua).

1. Elora Raymond - Indigenous Rights and The Breach of Customary Land Rights by the Human
Rights Protection Party (HRPP. (published in Samoa Observer 29 October 2013).
2. Supreme Court Samoa: Judge Tuala Warren Decision on the Lefaga Case – delivered 4 th

December 2018.
3. Several Articles published in Samoa Times in English and translated in to Samoan as
requested by Maua.
4. U.N. 2007 Declaration Of The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples.

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